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Russia To Sell 7 Mi-35, 3 Mi-17 Helicopters To Serbia (Infographics)

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Russia To Sell 7 Mi-35, 3 Mi-17 Helicopters To Serbia (Infographics)

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Russia will sell 7 Mi-35 and 3 Mi-17 helicopters to Serbia, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in his address to the nation following Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Belgrade.

“Serbia is satisfied with its military-technical cooperation with Russia. We have agreed to purchase seven Mi-35 and three Mi-17 helicopters,” the President said.

Vucic added that he was pleased with the progress of cooperation between the two states in all areas and noted that numerous agreements have been signed in almost all spheres of economic and social life.

“What is also important to us is our military cooperation, which has always been not only correct, but we are grateful for the support and assistance, and because Serbia could purchase equipment at more favourable prices,” he said.


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GREAT, will help russian industry and at the same time help defend serbia against muslim invaders

Petar Ciric

Vucic is western puppet he used Putin visit just for political points.Putin shoud not be giving Vucic any political support…


True, europe and most of the rest of the world is full of zionist puppets, sad :(

Darko Dakić

Would agree Vučić is not Car Lazar, but puppet or not, during his presidency 13 states have withdrawn recognition of Kosovo, and Serbian army has received more weapons then in last 20 years. Just to remeber about rule of democratic party and melting of 250 T-55 tanks , and destruction of another 2000 strela manpads. Serbia is in the middle of European union and has naNATO states all around us, if thing go wrong Russia can not help, would need to occupy Bulgaria to be able to do anything. So we need to play smart, even if we don` t like it.

Brother Ma

Melting of t55 and strela? BombedUseless by nato and were useless in battle against nato?

Darko Dakić

no, democrats has been real puppets of US. They have “reformed” Serbian Army with help of UK and US “experts” by melting 250 tanks, destroying 2000 manpads, about 1-2 million pieces of small arms, selling hundred of army properties to private owner, reducing Serbian army from 350 000 to 30 000 and basically rendering Serbian army useless, able maybe to take a part in some UN peace keeping missions but unable to fight a war

Brother Ma

What a disgrace! Thirty thousand! That means Nato has won every war already then . Why is Servia even acting smart with Kosovo then! Poor poor Serbs . The last proud warrior nation of Europe reduced by Americans to please Salafist cutthroats in Yugoslavia.

Darko Dakić

I see no problem about Kosova, can do nothing about it today, but as long we don`t recognize Kosovo everything is just fine. Jews had to wait for 2000 years or longer to get state Israel. And there is another thing, we can beat Albania any time, they are not a problem, problem is US…who knows tomorrow they will not be able or willing to protect them.


You are unfortunately one of many brain washed Serbs. Vučić is traitor who broke Constitution and gave up on Kosovo by his signature on “Brussels Agreement”. In Serb law that is High Treason and he will go to prison just like other 2 bastards Dacic and Nikolic who signed “Brussels Agreement”.

Darko Dakić

why don`t you candidate and do it right?


And what is “right”? Serbs had too many wars and I am not asking for another one at all. The strict minimum is to say the truth. The strict minimum is when world power U.S. forces you to sign is to say; I can not sign that document and betray my country. I step down. I can not say to the Serb people that they MUST go to EU and pay the price for that by practically renouncing Kosovo. I can not sign, ANY agreement with NATO aggressor and occupational force of Serbia. I can not declare to the Serbs that proven enemies of Serbia US & NATO are friends of Serbia. They are still aggressors and occupational force. NONE of the countries that bombed and are occupying Serbia on Kosovo can be “friends” of Serbia or declared as such. Serbia has never in decades officially declared to be occupied country against UN resolution 1244 in simple words that every Serb can understand. Also it is not forbidden here to tell the truth. That doesn’t make me arrogant the way you want to label me. All I say that anybody who betrays country (against constitution) should stand trail one day. It is proscribed in law of RS and not my personal idea. Serbia must strive to stay neutral and friendly with every country but we must make difference between true enemies and true friends. And not continue to humiliate ourselves by turning the truth up side down.

Darko Dakić

I really don` t know how much you understand about a geography, but in this case it is most important. Take a look at the map of Europe, first basic one, just geographic location, then a politic one. You will see ( i hope you understand basics about geography, Serbia is not Siberia and it is also not part of Asia, also not in South America…would be actually great) location of Serbia is in the middle of EU and Nato, like a island in the middle of the ocean. Now try to imagine some Russian republic, in the same situation, let us say Tomska Oblast, would just love to make a alliance wit US…what can US do if Russia decide to stop all transport, all energy flow to and across Tomska oblast, no planes, no trains, no food, they buy nothing and they sell nothing. Give me a solution and change change my world…please

Darko Dakić

What I am trying to say, no hard feelings at all….the world is changing…wait and drink a tee. Just don¨t recognize Kosovo and is all good. Tomorrow is another day, to fight and to die. I really don`t think Alekasadar will try to push Kosovo recognition without referendum, thru parlament or other way…and that is already enough. He can`t do more, if he does it I will wait for him on the street and kill him with my hunting rifle…just like another 500 000 Serbs would do, you have my word on it. he would not be just politicaly dead, but very, very really dead…and no fame at all…like Vuk Branković :) I don`t think he is so stupid, he would love to join Pašić, Pupin, Mihailo Obrenović…but for sure not Vuk Branković in a history books.


Thanks for geography lesson I’m from Mars. “Tomska oblast” doesn’t have to give away her heart and her soul to become part of CRAP terrorist state called U.S. ! And neither Serbia has to do that to become part of E.U.! NOT for that price! So if we are in Europe and if they really want us they can’t ask for Serbia without Serbs! They can NOT demand what history, justice and UN resolution DENIES TO THEM as our right! Because even by UN resolution Kosovo is SERBIA ! And if we have to have NATO troupes in Belgrade only because we do not want to renounce what is SACRED for us, what is CRADLE of Serbia …than let them come to Belgrade to occupy country even publicly ! Serbia is already occupied by them long time ago anyways! Few NATO soldiers on every street and local traitors walking in public with our occupiers would not change much! At least our economy would start to grow on prostitution business ( for now we are only MORAL PROSTITUTES and for free! )

But NATO and EU doesn’t want that occupation to become public, they hate it to be seen . They don’t want it to become visible… who was TRUE enemy of Serbia from the start!

They don’t want to be occupiers because they are afraid that Serbs might start shooting at them… So they have found their BITCH Vucic who pretends to be patriot and defender of Serbs and Vucic has found other MORAL PROSTITUTES… So here we are pissing on the blood and bones of our ancestor who died for freedom of our country and all that for NOTHING not even guarantee that Serbia will become member of terrorist EU! I am ashamed to be a Serb !!!

Prince Teutonic

Why is Russia asking a full price for these helicopters? After all Serbia is Russia’s closest ally in the Balkans and in the eastern Europe? Also with selling this weapons to Serbia, Russia is defying full dominance of NATO criminals weapons selling monopoly it this part of Europe…


So what if “Russia is defying full dominance of NATO criminals weapons” No risque for Russia in all that… much more fuss from U.S. for Serbia though.

Russia has given away 6 MIG-29’s 50 T-72 tanks and 50 BMP’s (I think) for FREE ! So they also have right to sell some new equipment to Serbia as well don’t you think?

“Serbia is Russia’s maybe “closest” but not true “allay” at all. In the hearts of majority of the Serb people YES Russia & Putin are the “closest”! In reality there are NO documents of alliance signed between Belgrade pro Western PUPPET government and Moscow…


You talk like it was all Vučić merit which is NOT ! You compare him with even bigger traitors to wash his betrayal ! Vučić has signed “Brussels Agreement” against Serb Constitution by giving away Serb territory Kosovo !!. And by that Constitution he is guilty for High Treason and must go on trail and put in prison! He has signed contracts with NATO giving up totally sovereignty of Serbia to Serb enemies also. Today NATO can go through Serbia any time and place they want and stay where they want in Serbia And on top they are not under Serb jurisdiction so if they kill somebody they can’t be put on trail in Serbia!

That is called OCCUPATION just like German occupation 1945 !


He doesn’t “support” Vucic but Serbs and Serbia can’t you understand that ?!

He can’t say to Vucic; Fuck off Vucic I came to visit Serb people only and not you! Vucic even as unofficial traitor….. he NOW represents Serb nation and must be given respect with DIPLOMATIC courtesy that is PROTOCOL.

Bigaess Wangmane

They also need the S-300PMU2 and Pantsir-S systems, just in case NATO decides to bomb them…. again.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

No need to if NATO uses “stealth” planes ??

Brother Ma

But will Russia allow Servia to use them against Nato planes or will they plead not allowed to give away information! Israel just attacked Damascus again just now!


iran is not serbia

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