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MARCH 2025

Russia To Take Measures To Increase Syrian Air Defense Capabilities

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Russia To Take Measures To Increase Syrian Air Defense Capabilities

© Valeriy Melnikov / Sputnik

Moscow will implement measures to increase the effectiveness of the Syrian air defense system, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov said on Friday.

“A number of measures aimed at strengthening and improving the effectiveness of the Syrian air defense system will be implemented in the near future in order to protect the vital parts of the Syrian infrastructure,” Konashenkov said, commenting on the US missile strike against the ash Shayrat military airfield located near the Syrian city of Homs.

Konashenkov added that Russian air defense units in Syria are on duty round-the-clock.

“The Russian air defense system in the Syrian Arab Republic is aimed at protecting certain facilities and objects. The S-400, S-300 surface-to-air missile systems and the Pantsir-S1… complex provide solid protection to the Russian bases from the air.”

He once again emphasized that there are two groups of the Russian defense systes in the area:

  • S-400 and Pantsir systems protect the Russian air group at the Hmeymim airbase;
  • S-300 and Pantsir systems protect the Russian naval facility in Tartus.

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These systems are completely ineffective against a saturation attack.


59 tomahawks could be considered as saturation attack but it seems that US naval shoud send 148 of thouse in order to russian air defence deal with 59 of them.


They are not launched all at once, but over time. So this was not a saturation attack. The S400 should have dealt with it.

Diego Castellanos

What is the true potential of S-400? Until now, april 7th 2017, none.

John Whitehot

another know-it-all in for some bitching about.

John Whitehot

wrong. Pantsir + S300MV and / or S-400 have higher chances against saturation attacks than any other system. The reason – because they can engage several targets at the same moment and with the lowest reaction times in general (real numbers are classified but it’s still a given). Add to those the Syrian Pantsyr, the Syrian air defence network (obviously they have been helped much in all areas). Not considering that SU-30 and 35 can effectively engage cruise missiles, having look down/shoot down radars and weapons.


But the number of tubes is limited. What is the reload time? Probably pretty slow.


Perhaps the Russians will make sure that they’ve got a lot more missiles in Syria, just in case the first attack was a diversion to deplete the stock.

John Whitehot

i haven’t seen any source claiming that a single round was fired.

John Whitehot

afaik, the systems are very modular, every battery can be configured in several different ways depending on possible threats, geographic features and other requirements. So the number of ready tubes and reloads can vary. As for the reload times, I don’t think it is published, but it is likely in the order of a few minutes if reloader vehicles are deployed with the battery.

Bill Wilson

It’s nearly impossible to shoot down a cruise missile that’s hugging the terrain.


Not if you have modern radar sitting on high points, or look down radar from the air is best. But then again it depends on the terrain. No doubt they where picked up on radar within seconds of launch from ships, and then went to ground hugging mode. S300 and S400 can be used within a radar network system. But Russia chose not to respond with these (no threat to Russian bases, only to some old Syrian Migs way down south). Trump has his victory over the liberal MSM !


Oh… NOW ur gonna turn on your anti-aircraft missile systems…


Diego Castellanos

To me, russian S300 and s400 are like winged unicorns that only exist in some childish minds


Same as the Tomahawks… what is the reason to waste money if they are not going to target. By the way, the airstrip is working today. Good day.


I see a lot of hype. Precious little results.

John Whitehot

old SA-6 Gainful (2K12 Kub) system from the mid 60ies is credited with 50+ kills of US, Israeli and other countries planes. But not let me distract you from the CNN bulletins.


Should have done this from the beginning tho!

Solomon Krupacek


Terence Silvestre Jr.

You are very right. Pure words from Russia According to Reuters: ” Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesman, told reporters the U.S. strikes had been conducted to help rebel groups fighting Assad. When asked whether Russia had deactivated its own anti-missile defense systems in Syria before the missile strike, Peskov declined to comment. ” http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-russia-putin-idUSKBN1790NU

John Whitehot

no journalist in a lucid state of mind would ask if “russia deactivated its antimissile defence before the strike”. What the fuck does that even mean? That Russia should turn its missiles off because the US launched cruises?

Solomon Krupacek

exactly for this reason i wrote my comment. and also putin told yesterday, russia does not support assad undar all conditions. that was the green light for trump.

Keith Smith

5 soldiers stayed behind to man it. they died. couldnt abandon all equipment to ISIS. it was a dirty deal sounds like

Alfredo García Gallardo

If Russia does not react, it’s own assets in Syria will be bomb in a matter of days.


Russia activated its EW system Krasukha . Only 23 of 59 missiles reached the Syrian base over 100 miles away. The Russian EW system neutralized 26 out of 59 missiles attacking a base 100 miles away. No the Russian base where Krasukha is located is not vulnerable except through nuclear attack. Thirty Tomahawks are scattered in Syria countryside. Children women and men of Iran Hezbollah Syria Russia ISIS Al Nusra are searching for intact Tomahawks for sale to highest bidder. Tomahawk system is not reliable in attack on EW system. Tomahawks are still effective on Taliban with AK 47 and without EW defense. The Tomahawk technology will soon be available for all. The search for guidance system that is not vulnerable to Krasukha will be difficult. The Tomahawks that failed were manufactured in 2014. The failure of 30 Tomahawks has will expand role of Krasukha systems. Tomahawks are not reliable against Beijing Moscow or Pyongyang.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

During the attack looking as cowardly as a scary dog with its tail between its legs. After the storm Russia comes out very brave and threatening with pure words as hollow as herself. Russia I am very disappointed in you. You did nothing to protect your Syrian ally when he needed it most. According to Reuters: ” Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesman, told reporters the U.S. strikes had been conducted to help rebel groups fighting Assad. When asked whether Russia had deactivated its own anti-missile defense systems in Syria before the missile strike, Peskov declined to comment. ” http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-russia-putin-idUSKBN1790NU

John Brown

The USA is going to lose here in Syria like they are going to lose on North Korea, the south China sea and Ukraine, no matter what the USA does . Russia can’t back down they have vital interests in Syria, the USA does not. The same in North Korea etc.If the USA does not back down it won’t matter as there will be a global nuclear exchange and we will all be dead including Israel who gives orders to the USA government as to what to do. Is getting their way worth the total destruction of all life on the planet for the USA government and its Israeli master? If it is then we are all going to die very soon.

Brad Isherwood

It’s all about having a conflict and having Managed Chaos**.. to push Israel’s Geostrategic needs. The other day…Trump was with the Platform shoe midget of Jordan. ..and doing the Ovey as he lied about Assad and chemical attack. The Midget has hosted Takfiri mercs and logistics against Syria. He’s a @ing murderer. ..just as Erdogan and Miserable House of Saud are. Trump is a Shabbos goy punk… to stroll around in Ego maniac mode with the Jordanian Midget.


Nor did they do a thing for Yugoslavia during the NATO bombing. Allowed the dismemberment of Iraq and Libya. So States know that a military alliance with Russia is worthless. During Soviet times it was much the same. When Push came to shove, Russia backed down. Still, the Syrian Army was in terrible shape when this conflict started. The fault lies with Assad on this one. Just like Gaddafi he had to have known that he was in the Yankee Jihads crosshairs. He should been better prepared.

Godfree Roberts

The targeted airport was not protected by Russian AAAM. That’s why it was chosen. The ‘attack’ was designed to cover Trump’s ass, not to do damage or kill people.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Unless the attacked airport would be away from the Syrian territory, the Russian anti-aircraft system has the ability to protect the entire Syrian territory as a whole. The anti-aircraft system do not have to be physically in a specific place to accomplish its task. Even before the American missiles entering the Syrian aerial space, they could be easily intercepted and destroyed by the Russians if they wanted to do it, but for some obscure reasons they did not do it my friend. That’s why so many unanswered questions here.

John Brown

Less then half the US missiles made it to the target and all the important equipment and men were already gone before the missiles hit, that is not doing nothing. Militarily this attack was a failure.

Bill Wilson

Those “errant” missiles probably went further inland to hit ISIS positions.

John Brown

Dreamers like you amaze me. Stick with reality. If the missiles went to other places / targets the USA would say so and so would Syria. I guess in your reality Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. The USA military is in rapid decline due to massive corruption as was the Soviet military in its dying days. The F 35 and the USS Ronald Reagan prove it as they are multi- billion – trillion dollar disasters pieces of junk.


“Less than half the missiles made it to the target” Who is dreaming here? Although I wish it to be true. Still the military attack did not do much at all. But is a Trump victory against the liberal and MSM whom attack him for being friendly with Russia.

John Brown

Why do you believe what the USA says more than Syria and Russia about this, when we know the USA is lying about who did the chemical attack as there has been no investigation yet, like they lied about the chemical attack in 2014 and about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction etc.?? I can go on forever about USA lies. Do you work for CNN or Mossad? If you give no credibility to what is said on this site why are you here????? The USA military has no credibility at all 0% in anything they say unless it is investigated by a neutral 3rd party and verified


I was revering to the missile strikes. There is also a report about 44 hits against the airbase. Would prefer that all sides back up stories with some shred of evidence. If their are many Tomahawks brought down in the desert, then there should be at least 1 picture.

John Brown

They went over the sea and mountains and cruise missiles are not large they are not a 747. Good luck finding any that crashed in a war ravaged country. When they crash they will likely explode so tell me how will one tell what it was in a country strewn with war wreckage everywhere???? They have one report of one hitting a building many km away from the base.Thus far about military matters in Syria the Russian government has not lied. All the US government has done is lied so I believe Russia for now. Its a no brainer if one has any brains.

John Whitehot

on this site there’s a picture of one of the tomahawk crashed, location near Tartus, at least according to the caption.

Keith Smith

Trump did say doing things like warning ISIS of an attack on mosul 5 months before it happened is stupid and they were going to be smarter


One possible explanation for why only half the Tomahawks reached base. The Tomahawks came from 2 ships. Only one airbase as target. The path from one ship crossed within ELECTRONIC warfare protection zone of Krasukha . Either EMP or some other electronic protection zone. So the only missiles that reached target passed outside the zone from other zone.The exact location of ships launching missiles was not revealed but was over 500 km. Half missiles may have come from Persian gulf or outside Meditteranean . It was live test of https://en.wikipedia.org/wi… . The Russian Krasukha system has been deployed for one year in syria. https://southfront.org/kras… . If the path from one of ships of Tomahawks was within the range of Krasukha ….those did not make it. Like the Krasukha-2, the Krasukha-4 counters AWACS and other air borne radar systems. The Krasukha-4 has the range for effectively disrupting low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites and can cause permanent damage to targeted radio-electronic devices.[2][5] Ground based radars are also a viable target for the Krasukha-4.[1] The distance from Russian Air base defenses to attacked Syria base is over 100 km. It suggests that Krasukha was effective at 100km . This means that six to ten similar Krasukha systems could protect most of DPRK launch sites and leadership from attack. If DPRK has Krasukha systems it can block hundreds of Tomahawks within 100 km range. It is a huge proof of concept for Russian EW systems. It may have been 100% effective on Tomahawks within 100 Km . But the path from one of ships was outside 100Km zone. The US DOD was quick to allege that all Tomahawks made it to target base. It was a test of tomahawks vs electronic warfare devices at Russian facility.

gfsdyughjgd .

Russian air defence systems is capable to protect the entire Syrian territory.The point is Russia don’t use them.Obvious point Russia claim that their drone have monitor the missile attack.Now why didn’t their attack.

Albert Pike

Most likely – a deal was done, which sadly did cost Joe Average 90Mil$ on -hard worked for- tax dollars – and which included the passiveness of the Russian SS300 and SS400 systems. Everybody could take pictures of some Syrian rubble, and Donald scored some points with the neocons – and had a game of golf or two. And tomorrow is another day…

Godfree Roberts

Good point. A friend suggested that the ‘attack’ was pre-arranged (Russia was certainly warned) and that the missing missiles were brought down by ECM while some were let through deliberately. So Trump showed ‘strength’ and appeased the war party while Putin showed capability..

Sean Glennie

I suspect that the Russians didn’t intercept the Tomahawk missiles (only 29 out of 59 managed to hit their designated targets) because they wanted to make the Americans look bad, or at least worse than they already do. It is diplomatically helpful to the Russians for the United States to further tarnish its image of legitimacy on the international stage, further exposing itself as a banana republic controlled by a multinational deep state.

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” ~ Napoleon Bonaparte.

John Brown

Russia needs to move some Iskandar nuclear tipped missiles into Syria aimed at Israel.Once this is done there won’t be any more airstrikes of any kind against Syria on behalf of Israel by the US to protect Israel’s ISIS and Al-Qaeda (AKA: al-CIA-da) assests who are now losing. Israel can no longer conduct its own airstrikes in Syria to help ISIS and Al-Qaeda because one of its jets was shot down doing so last week. Notice the USSA did not try any airstrikes as they fear the Russian Air defenses. Also notice half of the tomahawks did not make it to the target so it appears Russia was able to test its electronic jamming systems. I bet this really scares the racist, supremacist Zionist empire. This means in a battle in Syria the USA will lose and Israel will stay out of it because not one Jewish finger nail must be broken only Goyim must die for greater Israel.


“Nuclear tipped”? Do you mean that only a little bit of the missile is dangerous and we don’t have to worry about the rest of it? I suggest you avoid US state euphemisms and avoid adjectives and adverbs in your descriptions.

chris chuba

That always bothered me too, why not just say ‘nuclear armed’ missiles.

John Brown

nuclear armed is fine the point is they can be nuclear or non nuclear.

Keith Smith

mistaken for uranium tipped bullets? ‘tank busters’

Bill Wilson

Just wait until Assad tells the Iranians and Hezbollah thanks a lot and now go home. You think they will or make excuses to hang around?


It was the Syrian Army operating an old S200 that shot down the Israeli aircraft. Apparently Russia has an agreement with Israel that allows them to bomb their “Ally” anytime they wish. Same goes with Turkey. WIth allies like this, who needs enemies right ? In all seriousness though, if Russia was serious about this war it would have been over by now. By trying to do it on the cheap it has dragged on endlessly and now the Americans have established themselves inside Syria’s borders.

I keep seeing the comments that Russia is only interested in protecting their own self-interest. If Assad gets overrun do you think Russia keeps its Naval port ? Not a chance in hell.

I think Putin has been the leader for to long. I would hope for the good of Russia that he at least not run for yet another term.

John Brown

I agree no more carrots, it is time for the nuclear stick. Russia has vital interests in Syria they can’t and won’t back down for this reason. Trump and mad dog Matis and their Jewish masters are the cowards and chicken hawks as all psychopaths are as the Chinese leader and primary ally of Russia was in Washington when they USA and Israel made this attack. Russia is not going to strike the USA when the Chinese leader is there. Jews and their puppet Trump are hiding behind the Chinese leader.

Putin’s problem is he fails to understand how stupid and brainwashed most in the West are these days. If I were Putin, if the US does it again I would nuke Diageo Garcia and demand the total and complete with draw or unconditional surrender of all USA – Israeli –Saudi forces in Syria – Ukraine and in the central Asian countries and with draw of us anti missile (really nuke first strike bases) in Poland, Romania etc. if not the boss Israel and it’s vassals like the USA and Nato and the 40 Jewish billionaires who run the Zionist empire giver orders to Trump Merkel etc.and their families will cease to exist. If Putin does not do this I don’t think any of us will live to see the end o f this year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkaWbiVp-io Those who live in the west are unfortunately now ruled by evil satanic Jews who appear to want to make hell on earth. If the people in what was once the west don’t wake up to this and do something about like removing Jews from power hell on earth is coming fast.

Keith Smith

your nuclear war simulation video is terminator….

John Brown

Yes a part of it is but the difference is that in the terminator humans survived in a real nuclear war no humans will survive the nuclear winter of January temperatures even at the equator for over 10 years along with the radiation and nuclear fallout.

Brad Isherwood

Russia is still under control of Rothschilds Central Bank. Putin has power Jewish Oligarchs all around him. Nosferatu (Netanyahu )…flies into Moscow to make sure Shabbos goy Putin Let’s Israhell clobber IRGC and Hezbollah. Zionist media and US deep state front the False Flag and make Trump Wiki History himself as Shabbos goy aswell. Trump’s debts were paid by Jewish crime cabal…No mystery the Casino money Launder is owned. I think it was some French diplomat who commented. ..”Oh ya…Israel,..that shitty Little country”. The ME is continual war and MIC profits….Gen Smedley Butler. .War is a Racket. Cui Bono…who benefits?…


When in 2011 terrorists started strikes against Syrian government. Then it was first indication of western intervention in Syria.

When US built airbaises on Syrian land then it was second indication of supporting terrorism in Syria.

When US airstriked in Deir Ezzor. This was third indication.

Jerrah airbase was forth indication and now sherrath airbase is fifth.

Now US will attack on Russian military basses and with this entire world life will finish.


All muslim countries should be united then they can fight against international terrorism.

Diego Castellanos

Yesterday, 59 tomahawks flew over the russian heads in syria and these ‘super-forces’ saw nothing… The only way to Putin to save the face is to attack the ‘moderate’ US allies inmediately and to cause heavy cassualities. I doubt Putin has the balls for this task.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

I also doubt it very much my friend.


This situation needs de-escalating, not escalating. Besides Russia and US had a Memorandum of flight safety over Syria. This missile attack was another stab in the back without warning (like Deir Ezzor air strike last September). Next one will carry no element of surprise. Russia has just cancelled the Memorandum. It is also worth considering that this inefficient and expensive attack was done for purely internal US political reasons and will not be repeated (it’s ok to hope, isn’t it?).


If it’s true that 36 of the Tomahawk missiles failed, let’s hope that the Syrians pick them up and fire them back.

Suyanto Ng

Typical Russian habits, not change since Soviet era, they gonna work-out something when they feel it needed, it may cheaper way, but unwise after anything seems too late.


Sorry my dear russian, but I do not see any protection of Syria against Israel, USA and Turkey attacks. Will you please tell me where is it ? because your S-300 and S-400 doesn’t make any good.

Keith Smith

s300 and s400 protect russian bases, this was a syrian base with s200 defenses


More S400, send 50,000 Russian Soldiers to Syria- (Daraa,Damascus,Homs,Hama,Aleppo 10,000 each), Replacing SAA´s old s200 and Airforce with new russian ones… Increase the air-attacks on HTS. Deliver s400 to Iran and friends….

Solomon Krupacek

and you will pay?


Why not… You 50% and me 50%…. Its for a good cause…


Lots of good these systems have done so far. Could they bring down a weather balloon if need be. Not buying anymore of this B.S.


One possible explanation for why only half the Tomahawks reached base. The Tomahawks came from 2 ships. Only one airbase as target. The path from one ship crossed within ELECTRONIC warfare protection zone of Krasukha . Either EMP or some other electronic protection zone. So the only missiles that reached target passed outside the zone from other zone.The exact location of ships launching missiles was not revealed but was over 500 km. Half missiles may have come from Persian gulf or outside Meditteranean . It was live test of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krasukha_EW_System . The Russian Krasukha system has been deployed for one year in syria. https://southfront.org/krasukha-4-in-syria-one-year-of-electronic-shield-over-hmeymim-airbase/ . If the path from one of ships of Tomahawks was within the range of Krasukha ….those did not make it. Like the Krasukha-2, the Krasukha-4 counters AWACS and other air borne radar systems. The Krasukha-4 has the range for effectively disrupting low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites and can cause permanent damage to targeted radio-electronic devices.[2][5] Ground based radars are also a viable target for the Krasukha-4.[1] The distance from Russian Air base defenses to attacked Syria base is over 100 km. It suggests that Krasukha was effective at 100km . This means that six to ten similar Krasukha systems could protect most of DPRK launch sites and leadership from attack. If DPRK has Krasukha systems it can block hundreds of Tomahawks within 100 km range. It is a huge proof of concept for Russian EW systems. It may have been 100% effective on Tomahawks within 100 Km . But the path from one of ships was outside 100Km zone.

John Mason

Good theory Shhh but the radar can track the missiles course, elevation, speed and duration, its trajectory and from that it can work out where it will land. Russia had a fair idea that most of them are off course so nothing was done to impede them. Russia was then able to lodge a formal complaint to the UNSC and knowing that nothing will be done but it gave Russia the excuse to increase Syrian defense/offense capabilities and introduce a type of no fly zone.


Prior to this attack Tomahawk had 97 percent reliability to reach target. Since 50 percent did not arrive at target. Ten times the number would be required to assure with 90 percent probability that target would be destroyed. Even worse if 90 percent within 100 kilometers of Krasukha did not reach target then Tomahawk is worthless against EW defenses. In real nuclear war EMP storm is so great that most systems are totally unreliable. An illusion of successful attack of Tomahawks against Moscow or Beijing or Pyongyang is a myth. Pyongyang will use EMP and EW to defeat precision strikes and ABM. Conventional weapons systems are not effective in nuclear war.

John Mason

You do know your stuff which is commendable. In a fighter cockpit we are protected against EMP and we also have a computerized display showing projectile flight pattern whether it is guided or not. Those missing 36 missiles has the US very concerned because they would have been mapped to the target with coordinates set. So what happened is very worrying to them. I suspect that the Russian managed to interfere electronically that caused the missiles to alter their course and shut down the detonation system. Clever from the Russians stating that they don’t know where they are but you can place a safe bet that they do and have retrieved them. A psychological war, keep the yanks guessing.


Yes . The idea that they do not detonate if off coarse would be attractive to protect civilians. Would they have self destruct mechanism?Reverse engineering or cloning them might be possible. The reputation of Tomahawks has been very adversely affected. The US might target Taliban just to show they still work in non EW environment. Cruise missiles are large part of US conventional arsenal. Other “guided missile systems ” and electronic guided ordinance may also be in effective. Too bad the maker of Krasukha is not available for sale. In USA its stock would rise. The failure of cruise missiles makes Pyongyang cruise missile strike less likely. Major countries will invest very heavily in EW in future.

John Mason

can’t go into too much of any details but the Tomahawk is a good, reliable missile. US has them deployed in Romania and soon in Poland and they can be either conventional or nuclear. What the Russians did to those 36 is similar to what they did to the USS Cook, not once but twice. The other point of interest is the missiles that hit the target, 23 of them, the damage was minimal, basically a scratch on the airfield. They should have done much more damage so I suspect that most of them didn’t detonate.


In USA they have Easter Egg hunt. In Syria they have Tomahawk hunt where Hezbollah Syrian Army Russia Iran Al CIADA and ISIS search countryside for 30 tomahawks lost in Syria that did not reach target. There is a prize for those who find intact Tomahawks.


Russia is strong but its not that strong. Thank god for the world that the Russians are not willing to go all in for Syria. Starting a major war that would kill hundreds of thousands if not millions of Russians for Syrias sake is not what I would call good leadership. I would venture to guess the vast majority of Russians would agree. The US president is supposed to protect The US and its interest not attack other nations on morale grounds, defend it citizens and only its. Today its said US forces are killing to protect Syrians? Well outside their mandate. I would say we can consider ourselves lucky Russia has yet to put millions of Russians at risk for this. That being said the US continues to show that its rules will be followed its wishes carried out through the threat of force. At some point Russia will be facing situations where its people are under direct threat and by then the president will have been set. The rules clearly known and Russia will have no choice. I had wished my country would have had made a change but it does not seem to be the case.

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