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Russia, Turkey Agree On Fulfilling Roadmap On Syria’s Manbij: Turkish Presidential Spokesman

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Russia, Turkey Agree On Fulfilling Roadmap On Syria’s Manbij: Turkish Presidential Spokesman


Ankara and Moscow have come to terms that a roadmap on Syria’s Manbij should be implemented in line with the accords between the US and Turkey, Turkish Presidential Spokesman Ibrahim Kalin stressed.

“You should remember that the units of [Syrian President Bashar Assad] regime are located outside Manbij near Arima…We have reached an agreement with Russia that the roadmap on Manbij should be implemented in the way we had agreed on with the United States,” the spokesman told the state-run news agency Anadolu.

Earlier, the Turkish military stated that the Turkish and US military at the talks in Stuttgart in June agreed on an action plan on withdrawing the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) and affilated forces from Manbij.

In September, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed that the implementation of the roadmap was not as effective as it should be. Later he called on the YPG to leave the town. In November, the Turkish and US military started conducting joint patrols north of Manbij. According to reports, these efforts were halted after the deployment of Russian and Syrian troops in the areas north and northwest of Manbij.

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Trust, humanity, honour, civil rights, courage is a disadvantage in today politics. Nobody is realible, they all betray you, The US, Turkey, Saoeudi, Russia, Syria, Israel,Europe, Irak, Afghanistan, Iran, South Africa, just name a country, politic, religion. Take what you can, betray who you can, lie, cheat, enslave,rape, kill it isoff no importance, power is.

Tudor Miron

” betray who you can, lie, cheat, enslave,rape, kill it isoff no importance, power is.”(c) That’s the cornerstone of western civilization which brought this planet on the verge of total collapse. You are right that current political system (crowd-elitist society) is dependent of ordinary people. In other words – current situation is a reflection of level of collective awareness of us – people of this planet. To make thus crowd-elitists system sustainable it requires restricting of knowledge from the “crowd”. But times are changing very rapidly. Internet allows for alternative (to MSM) sources of information to be heard widely and information is spreading at ever increasing pace.

Brother Ma

We are the way we are in the west because we have not hung a few select politicians.


Not yet.

Brother Ma



The east, midle east of the south are certainly no beter than the west, among ordenairy people great-middle-east is even a lot more inhuman and discriminating then the wets. There is no real justice among people living in muslim countries.


You are quite right. It has to be remembered though that every time that the people start to get a glimpse of reality, they just bring in another ‘show-stopper’ and they’re off to the races again. This they excel at. This was what the Obama regime was all about…repairing the damage from BushCorp. Openness, rule of law, ending war…all the hot button topics the people in the US were tired of being violated or ignored. But he was just another puppet, but a ‘democrat’ one. When people got fed up with his lies, well out came the fire-brand Trump. His MAGA should have been seen for what it was… another slogan in the light of Homeland Security, Patriot Act and all other pseudo-patriotic fascist BS designed to limit opposition, or be labeled, OMG, un-American. But remember also that what you see as enlightenment on the internet does not necessarily translate to the general public that sucks up the sludge from the MSM… which it continues to do at alarming numbers. I hope that you are right about dissemination of information bringing change…but you also have to get the people to actually seek the truth. That will be the challenge. In the end, that might actually end up being the one thing that Trump accomplishes, to the chagrin of his backers.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Am i missing something here, or did Turkey and Russia not bother asking Syria?


This appears to be a non-statement. One might also read this as Russia agreeing on the YPG and affiliated forces (western?) leaving the area. It also says that US/Turkish patrols ceased after Russian/ SAA patrols began north and northwest of them. Also, 1500 terrorists entered Syria from Turkey w/ state assistance just recently as Turkey continues it’s games.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

They do agree, the Turks halted joint US/Turkish patrols and allowed the Russians to do it alone instead, I’m sure that made Assad a lot happier than it did Erdogan. The Turks have a way of making bad news always seem like good news, perhaps that’s how Erdogan fooled the voting public into backing him in the first place, he always makes things sound much better for him than they actually are, he’s a true master of spin.

Brother Ma

The Turks would have to be the greatest dupes after the American public. Five km in from the coast all around Turkey the veneer of Western civilisation falls off and you are back to dusty, strereotypical Jihadi filth of the Sauds and Ottomans.

Tommy Jensen

Russia and Syria should leave Northern Kurdistan to US and Turkey, because of freedom and because its better for Israel´s security. Russia agree because Israel´s security is one of Kremlin´s top priorities.

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