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Russia, Turkey, France And Germany Will Hold Meeting On Syria In October

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Russia, Turkey, France And Germany Will Hold Meeting On Syria In October

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The leaders of Russia, Turkey, France and Germany will hold a meeting in the Turkish capital of Ankara to discuss several matters related to the Syrian crisis, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told reporters upon his return from New York, on September 28.

“We will hold a four-party summit in Istanbul, which will involve Turkey, Russia, Germany and France. Preliminary talks on this issue have already taken place, now a date needs to be fixed,” the Russian news agency TASS quoted Erdogan as saying.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel revealed that the four countries are working to hold the meeting during October and told reporters that the situation in Syria, especially in the governorate of Idlib, is still unstable.

“We are in favor of a four-way meeting with the presidents of Turkey, Russia and France and myself because the situation [in Syria] is still fragile,” Merkel said according the New Indian Express.

Last week, Russia and Turkey reached a deconfliction agreement on Idlib. If implemented, the agreement can prevent a military operation in this region. However, key radical groups on the ground are yet to accept the agreement.

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Turkey exists, because it is protected by the USA. Once the USA is gone, Turkey and Israel will disappear. All the problems in the ME, and in most of the world can be eliminated, by eliminating the USA. The good news is Trump is doing a lot of the work.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO most of the problems be it war, or organized crime can be eliminated by eliminating the jews…. the usa is just a jew slave country like 90% of the other jew slave countires. the jews are satanic….and i quote from the jewish “holy” book the TALMUD “all non jews are GOJIM” “all non jewish women are whores” and thats exactly how they behave


Guy, it’s a little more complicated than that, where are you going to put all that millions of Oghuz? If you want to eliminate them, well, it’s the WW3 and last, there will be stones and stiks, but no humans to drop them.

Brother Ma

Fuck the Oghuz.They are foreign invaders. Shot and used as fertilizer!


France and Germany are getting involved in the Syrian peace process to counterbalance the US/Israeli axis that wants somehow to be represented in the final Syrian solution.


are u on LSD???????? france and germany are jew stooge nations…germany still occupied and france has a rothshild agent as president with macron…..the last non jewish stooge in europe was the great general De Gaulle..and what did he do to piss them satanic jews off sooooooooooooo bad… 1. he gave algeria independence which pissed them satanic jews off really big time 2. HE LEFT NATO…..the minute De Gaulle died, france came back into NATO ps. they tried to assasinate him 23 times….the movie with bruce willis and richard gere , where willis plays a proffesional assasin is based on that episode, only hollywood rewrote the original. another thing u dont know , is that DeGaulle was well aware of who is trying to kill him, thus he banned an interesting “company” in france,belgium,switzerland, namely PERMINDEX.That company then moved to italy.The chairman of that “company” in italy was EYEOPENER 4 u now……CLAY SHAW!!!!! Thats how jim garrison came to that mans name, and thus charged him in the usa. The head of the “team” was a man named Louis Mortimer Bloomfield who died 1984 in jerusalem, he was the head of DIVISION 5 of the FBI.Just imagine a dual british/israeli citizen beiingthe head of an operatiional command (division 5) of the FBI. i could go on and on.

learn history first…read read read


My statement was based on present day geopolical realities, where Trump is doing away with the old world order (Jewish), Germany and France are counteracting US moves. I know history going back to 2500 BC, and no…..jews were not responsible for the fall of the Greek or Roman Empire and subsequent empires until 19th century.


But they are responsible for the last crusade: They are saying that they have their home in the home of others. If I was them, and I would had another home, I would return there. They are jews, so they khow how to calculate.

Brother Ma

Intersting re Clay Shaw. Bravo . I did not know that. Tell us more. In bits and pieces.


The same way how they went about Korean peace agreement or unification without any Korean involved.


Russia, Iran and Turkey have the inside position, they will make it happen regardless of the axis of evil tries. Germany and France in view of US bullying are trying to be more assertive and seek participation in the process. They bring nothing to the table yet.


As and Jesus, Syria is for the Syrians, good night for both.

Brother Ma

Exactly! Where are the Syrians? Disgusting!

Brother Ma

No . I think France and Germany are US and Israeli stooges sent there to be proxy for USISRAEL.


France and Germany have nothing to offer yet, regardless if they are US and Israeli stooges or they are acting to thwart US bullying. Time will tell, if France and Germany have nothing to offer, their presence will be meaningless.

Tommy Jensen

France and Germany offer usury loans to Assad to build up Syria after they destroyed it.

AM Hants

Only one nation, out of the four, is legally in Syria. One provides the CWs, plus, missiles, that rain down. The other wishes to supply missiles, then you have Turkey, not knowing who they are batting for, from one day to another. However, no doubt Germany, plus, France, expect the rebuild contracts? Despite funding the White Helmets.

Brother Ma

No country that helped bomb Syria should be allowed to get any contracts. If i I was Syria i would give contracts to little island nations in the Caribbean rather than FUKUS. Most contracts to a Iran,russia and china. Definitely not Turkey as punishment and contracts to little countries as an example to America of punishment!


It appears that they forgot to invite Syria to the meeting about Syria. Very strange.


Don’t bother, Idlib is going to be liberated. I hope that the bones of Erdogan will not be mixed with the bones of Enver Pasha, but it’s Erdogan problem

Tommy Jensen

Not only Syria, but Iran, Lebanon, Jordan, Kurdistan hit by Russia/US occupation of Syria were also not invited.

Russia is selling the last Syrian land pieces to Germany, France and Turkey.


I agree that the listed countries belong in this, and all other meetings. The Germans and French do not. If the Russians are colluding to divide up the Syrian land, it is a crime.

Elmarie Muller

France, Germany and Erdogan terrorists support has been exposed. Now their want to eyelid the world as of their care. On the other hand their have provided chemical weapons and reinforce both USA and illegal terrorists bases.Just the fact that Israel time of illegal attacks are dying out Nato terrorists stooges wants to appear as time killing and be allowed by Putin to control illegal deconfliction areas just as their involved them self in Ukraine issues. Erdogan plan is to control Idlib for his oil pipeline issues which he bribe Putin with.No more coalition or meeting without legitimace Damascus government presence.Because all the de-escalation zone are use to empower terrorist and attack Syrian sovereign Damascus soldiers.Have any of this Nato member countries stop USA when their all stage false chemical attacks and attack Syrian Forces . no more agreements or meetings without Damascus involvement.

Elmarie Muller

Russia is not Damascus representative in any illegal meetings. Russia was call and allowed to help attack Damascus against France, Germany, USA, Canada and British illegal invasion and creation of their Nato terrorists.Why is the not moderate terrorist and rebels in Nato countries.


This meeting apparentely is without USA. However, remember that Turkey, France and Germany are USA vassals.

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