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Russia, Turkey In Talks To Establish “Security Zone” For Civilians Within Greater Idlib

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Russia and Turkey are in talks to establish a “security zone” within Syria’s Greater Idlib to allow civilians to take shelter during the winter, Turkey’s Defense Minister revealed on January 15.

“We are in talks with the Russians on establishing a secure zone, where the people can spend the winter period,” Reuters quoted Hulusi Akar as saying.

The Turkish minister claimed that most civilians in Greater Idlib don’t want to go to government-controlled areas, citing this as a reason for establishing the “security zone.”

Earlier this week, the Syrian military established three humanitarian routes around Greater Idlib in coordination with Russia. The step followed a new ceasefire agreement on the region.

Russia, Turkey In Talks To Establish “Security Zone” For Civilians Within Greater Idlib

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

So far, only a few dozen families have managed to leave Greater Idlib through the routes, due to harassment by terrorist groups there, as pro-government sources claim.

Now, the ceasefire appears to be collapsing. Terrorist groups in Greater Idlib, led by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), have violated the ceasefire several times. Syrian and Russian warplanes resumed their operations in the region in response.

The establishment of a “Security zone” within Greater Idlib could help secure the civilians in the region while allowing the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) to resume its military operation there with much more freedom.

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Zionism = EVIL

It is time for Russia, SAA and Iran to finish off the headchoppers in Syria so that the moron Erdogan has a face saving mechanism to send them to die in Libya. A definite win-win for all.

King Cliff

Turkey could have the security zone for the cicivili in they own territory,it will not be in Iblib or Syria.


Thats not how it works, look at Afrin, Ras Al ayn, Tel Abyad, El Bab etc….. There is for sure an agreement which parts Turkey will keep as a bufferzone and which parts will fall under SA. SA will not get all of Idlip, I guess they will get whole area including M5 Highway.




If Erdocunt pulls out his puppet head choppers entire Idlib will be save zone with peace

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“The establishment of a “Security zone” within Greater Idlib could help secure the civilians in the region while allowing the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) to resume its military operation there with much more freedom.”

LOL, didn’t we have nearly the same arrangement just before those 12,000 ill equipped HTS fighters beat 45,000+ well equipped Turkish backed opposition fighters, which allowed HTS to wrest control over more than 60% of Idlib. And then when the SAA attacked HTS the moderate opposition came straight back to the areas HTS kicked them out of and helped HTS repel the SAA advances.

The security zone would make the civilians lives even more hazardous long term, they have to put up with the Jihadist for longer, but it also protects the Jihadists who pose as the moderate opposition, yesterday they were terrorists and today their moderate opposition, depending on what it is Erdogan wants them to be.

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