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Russia Updates National Security Strategy With A Focus On “Foreign And Domestic Subversion”

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Russia Updates National Security Strategy With A Focus On "Foreign And Domestic Subversion"

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On July 3rd, Russia updated its 2015 National Security Strategy, citing concerns over foreign and domestic subversion.

The new document is moving to shield Russian citizens from outside voices and improve its influence-warfare capabilities.

The 44-page document outlines Russia’s national interests and priorities.

It stated that “actions of some countries are aimed at instigating disintegration processes in the Commonwealth of Independent States in order to destroy Russia’s ties with its traditional allies,” and claimed that “a number of states call Russia a threat and even a military adversary.”

Russia remains committed to using political and diplomatic means to resolve international and national conflicts, the document read.

At the same time, Moscow “considers it legitimate to take symmetrical and asymmetric measures” to thwart and prevent “unfriendly actions” by foreign states that “threaten the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation.”

The new document expresses concern over Western governments’ manipulation of Russian affairs. “The declaration of a ‘safe information space’ as a core national interest underscores the importance of information war to the Russian government,” said Ivana Stradner, a fellowat the American Enterprise Institute specializing in law, Eastern Europe and hybrid warfare.

“This is a continuation of the Russian government’s pathological self-victimhood. These claims, like Russia’s threats to ban Twitter this past spring, are aimed at bolstering Russian claims of ‘digital sovereignty’ through which President Vladimir Putin believes he can stave off the types of ‘color revolutions’ that have toppled other dictators in post-Soviet nations.”

That’s not necessarily new, even if it is new to this document, said Samuel Bendett, a CNA adviser who is an adjunct senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security.

“Russia sees itself as a target of persistent and ongoing information operations by the West against Russian Federation targets like the military and security organizations, along with critical infrastructure. This new national security strategy officially elevates these information and cyber threats to the level of an existential challenge to Russia’s long-term survival,” Bendett said.

The new strategy pushes for Russia to engage other countries to partner with Russia on “cybersecurity” issues according to Russia’s definition of cyber security.

“This is significant because Russia has already been using UN subcommittees to frustrate U.S. efforts to develop a cybercrime treaty,” Stradner said.

“Russia even managed to beat out the U.S. for the UN’s approval to draft a global cybercrime treaty.” She called it “part of Russia’s broader revanchist strategy to use international organizations to regain its Soviet-era prestige and power.”


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Peter Jennings

It’s the biggest threat that Russia currently faces. Western powers did it before.

Russia, and China, are the best hopes for european economies yet western gov’ts prefer to antagonise them instead of improving relations for trade. The current mob in charge in the west are ruining their economies to spite their competitors.

The British admin once attacked the German nation because their sea power was rivaling their navy. The US and nato want supremacy at any cost, be that economy or lives.

Marco Polo

The biggest threat is international jewry that rules over Russia, China and the West. It wants to demographically replace ethnic Russians, Slavs, Germans, and every other White man, woman and child with blacks and asians that are much easier for jews to exploit and control.

Marco Polo

This was all deliberately engineered by oligarchs in the West.


From “Project for a new american century” (PNAC) to “Center for a new american security”. Notice how the rhetoric has changed? From self assured ignorance led by neocon degenerates to self delusional idiocy.

Looks like the washington “beltway” degenerates are starting to understand they are on the permanent decline. It is not Russia living in a state of permanent ignorance and paranoia.

Last edited 3 years ago by block
Marco Polo

“Project for a new american century” (PNAC)”

Yet PNAC was overwhemingly jewish. You have a confirmation bias and cannot think outside of the media.

“self delusional idiocy.”

I swear your comments are fedposting directed towards Russians and 3rd worlders who have never been here, so much so they keep coming here in waves. You are delusional enough to believe most streets are comparable to Detroit and “systematic racism” exists towards non-whites, despite being systematically elevated in all areas of society.

“is not Russia living in a state of permanent ignorance and paranoia.”

Yet we know more about your part of the world than you know about ours, you only see a narrow view of how things are and fail to discover the jewish connection. You quite literally think “Atlanticists” want to conquer Russia because your media tells you so, you question nothing and do not think for yourself for you are not taught many critical thinking skills.

Marco Polo

You’re a faggot with no scruples, I have plenty of evidence proving this is all done by design. You resort to ridicule in the absence of counter-evidence to anything I’ve stated, despite all of the evidence I have sent in the past. So you are wrong and too stupid to comprehend.

All Marxist ideologies are effeminate and carried out every atrocity you think “Nazis” committed, the jewish supremacist Soviet Union experimented with gas vans in 1937.

Here is an overview of 12 Things you were not told about Adolf Hitler and National-Socialist Germany: http://historyreviewed.best/index.php/22-reasons-why-adolf-hitler-was-a-good-guy/

— 1. Hitler Broke Free from the International Banking Cartels — 2. Hitler Created a Thriving Economy with No Unemployment (in less than 4 years) — 3. Hitler Emphasized Respect for Women, Children and Strong Family Values — 4. National-Socialist Preservation of Environment and Animals — 5. Hitler Banned Experimentation on Animals (Vivisection) — 6. Hitler Funded Research into “Free Energy” Technologies — 7. German Workers Were Well-Treated — 8. Organized Industrial Production & Farming — 9. Hitler Eliminated Crime and Improved Health of Germans — 10. No Citizen Will Starve or Freeze — 11. The National-Socialist Anti-Tobacco Mission — 12. National-Socialists Created a Culture that Cherished Music

Here is an overview of 10 Reason why Hitler was one of the Good Guys:

— 1. He never wanted to kill any Jews — 2. He cared about conditions for the Jews in the work camps — 3. He had compassion for other sentient beings — 4. He tried to prevent the destruction of his fellow Europeans — 5. He cared passionately about his people and German heritage — 6. He was a humble man, from a humble background — 7. He held correspondence with Mahatma Gandhi — 8. He was a man of God — 9. He implemented cultural and social reform — 10. He stamped on usury / eliminated debt slavery

Last edited 3 years ago by Marco Polo
Marco Polo

You couldn’t prove me wrong, not even if it were a matter of life or death. You only repeat what you are incessantly told ad infinitum; no amount of facts or logic with evidence would convince you, as you think two-dimensionally in black & white: The government and media decide your thoughts and attitudes.

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