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Russia Vows To Support Legitimate Government Of Venezuela

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Russia Vows To Support Legitimate Government Of Venezuela

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On January 29, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russia would do everything in its power to support the legitimate government of Venezuela. He added that the country’s opposition is highly influenced by foreign forces and has been prohibited from contacting the government.

“The United States and its closest allies are creating the most serious obstacles to the possibility of international assistance in resolving the crisis in Venezuela”, Lavrov stressed.

Lavrov also noted that the calls for open intervention in Venezuela were surging in the US when addressing the recent news about National Security Adviser John Bolton holding a note with the words “5,000 troops to Colombia”.

“The US, unfortunately, has experience in such illegitimate handling of other’s money. Such freezing was applied at one time to Iraq, Libya, Iran, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Panama. In most cases, this freezing essentially resulted in the confiscation of assets from another government. The British authorities are doing the same thing now by arresting, and in fact confiscating, the gold reserves of Venezuela, which are stored in London”, Lavrov stated commenting on the “cynical sanctions”, imposed by the US on the Venezuelan petroleum company PDVSA.

Lavrov pointed out that Washington’s action shall lead to the deterioration of the international financial system, based on the US dollar, and also provoke a conflict in Venezuela. Lavrov recalled that US companies operating in Venezuela had been excluded from the sanctions regime, highlighting that Washignton wants to overthrow the government and also gain profits in Venezuela.


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Prince Teutonic

And China is quiet again. More wussy then Switzerland…


Chinese policy seems to be to let Russia do all the dirty legwork……… and once the dust has settled to finally come in and snatch up all the lucrative contracts.

Prince Teutonic

I wonder if Russia gets something in return?


It’s obvious what your role is here “prince” lols…

Tommy Jensen

A trumpet butt to blow in.

Tudor Miron

Very few realize that China is planned to replace US as the next world hegemon by the same powers that created US. China does look good when compared to outrageous US but in the end it will be even worse for humanity. I’m not saying that it will be good keeping US in its current ugly role but people should see what is actually going on.

Prince Teutonic

Exactly! I hope Russia has also a plan against this agenda…


raussia has a plenty of plans. but nothing more. :)

Xoli Xoli

It is true Chinese are taking all tenders through Huawei in Africa.Chinese loans got requirement to African governments give our Chinese companies first priorities by getting all tenders or we are not going to release the money.Chinese tender runners give African leaders and ministers huge money in millions to secure loans.First Chinese loot the money with apparent damage equipment to China and then ministers follow by flying out to get their shares.That is why new developing shithall Black rule African countries become bankrupt and blame non existing white people.Corrupt African leaders have made black rule African countries Chinese feasting grounds.If African leader fly to China their are going to borrow lots of money and bring it back and steal it again blame non existing white man.

Rafique Rabhi

What a total bs.. China is investing in Africa with ports, bridges and other infra structures. White man invests in africa are labotarium diseases weapons and divide. Then they leave with recourses to sell in the consumerbin called western society

Xoli Xoli

I want you to do indebtedness analysis by visiting African countries and sea were the material and labourers comes from and you will be shock and spare me from my shit

Tommy Jensen

AI + Globalism. Bolchevismo and Nazism multiplied into one Totalitarian system.

Tudor Miron

Global chipped work camp.



Rorshilds clan just criticzes China, beacuse no jew can enter the chinese financial sector.

Xoli Xoli

Very very true thumbs up.

Sylvain Jeuland



You posted that 3 seconds before I was going to do it. :D

Sylvain Jeuland

Hehe :D


Sadly the US doesn’t give a crap. They will destroy the countries infrastructure, suck out every last resource and leave. Your welcome. Responsible does not apply. Any Questions? Please see just about any other country we have destroyed in Latin America. There are many.

John Whitehot

strange that you perceive as wimps those that stay quiet.

at some point during adulthood, most people realize that the dog which barks the louder is the weakest and the most frightened.

Prince Teutonic

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing…”

Promitheas Apollonious

and parrots to repeat it, believing that make them sound intelligent.

Prince Teutonic

You are equally brainwashed as those humburger lovers, you just represent the opposite side…

Promitheas Apollonious

stop taking your self as the base and think all are as defective as you are.


“prince” lols… FTW man! (not)


Nah. What you are (likely) ‘referring’ to is still connected to these matters/geopolitical dynamics.

Promitheas Apollonious

No kid I represent my side, but been a follower of the one or other idiot that impressed you I am sure you can not fathom what I am saying.


Timing is everything. Ask the Russians. They won in Syria by going backwards.

Tudor Miron

Russians didn’t actually go backwards – it was doing things according to plan and actual situation on the ground.


Yawn the f out “prince” lols…

John Whitehot

doing and talking are different things.

Xoli Xoli

Like evil Erdogan who destroys Syria while Goodman Putin preach about implementation of de escalation agrement and keep on warning Israel without actions.Thumbs up.

viktor ziv

No need for defetism here. Just role back in time, how many oposition groups were involved, and how many are involved now? What was situation six Years ago, and what situation do You see now? Do You think that if something is not published never happened?Truth needs time to come up. As for Erdogan, he is the president of Turks, his job is to do everything in favour of Turkish people. Once situation in Syria is stabilized, troops will be returned home. As for IDF, their actions are merely preservation of the face. You can fly and bomb, but without foot, Your actions are hopeless. Keep in mind, Russians will not fight the foot war for someone else. Why should they? SAA has obligation to do so, and considering experience SAA has now, IDF will keep foot in base. As Ho Chi Minh stated, we don’t want to win the war today, tomorrow, in a month or so, but we want war to go longer, to bleed enemy, so that the enemy looses will to fight. Syria has many enemies that are bleeding now. And once those are bleeded enough, geopolitical balance will be shaped for foreseeable future.

Tommy Jensen

You are right. It was and is a difficult task. We just have a little impatience ;-).

Tudor Miron

I would like ask you to clarify your position for my understanding – does it mean that in this situation Russia is the “weakest and the most frightened”? Regarding China, do you expect some serious actions from their side to help preserve that little sovereignity that Venesuels has?

John Whitehot

“I would like ask you to clarify your position for my understanding – does it mean that in this situation Russia is the “weakest and the most frightened”? ”

no, it was in regard to the phrase on “China being silent, hence weak”

it’s also owed to the large number of “users” criticizing allies of Syria for not starting global conflicts because of zionist provocations.

in general – an appeal to moderation in diplomatic language, as opposed to the chestbeating, barking, warmongering tones utilized by zio-jihadist countries.

“Regarding China, do you expect some serious actions from their side to help preserve that little sovereignity that Venesuels has?”

Whatever actions China and the rest of the debt-free world will take, they will most likely be infused in the final outcome of the matter, for what we as public may perceive.

If the US backed coup fails, things will probably slowly die out in medias – there is not much value in humiliating America and their handlers too much; leaving them a quiet way out is preferrable.

From what I heard so far, China (and Russia) has not backed down, and the ball lays in the other court.

Tudor Miron

Thank you.


You mean Russia is more weak and frightened because she barks at USA instead of being quiet like mighty China?


You should apply that comment to the American people. Its unbelievable how they suck down the government propaganda after all the BS I’ve seen over the last 50 yrs. Eventually all the sheep are going to get punched in the face and they won’t know what happened to them.

Carne João Pasta

Well said!

Tommy Jensen

China is just neutral. Earning a little buck from everybody to pay their rice and noodle bill. Whats wrong with that?


The Chinese are not quiet they strongly oppose USA attempts to overthrow the legitimate government of Venezuela, bear in mind China have massive investment in Venezuela therefore can never stay quiet…


China has 70 BILLIONS investment !

And Venezuela will be one of MANY countries where they have been screwed by US-Western putsch for their money ! Africa & Asia are full of examples!

Tommy Jensen

Being neutral and twitter opposing US attempts, dont make anybody´s day. Sorry guys. We need a man we can tell our troubles to. https://youtu.be/lM1hH1S1KeA


Watch your big mouth!

NOBODY is more wussy then Switzerland!!! (unless problem concerns secrecy of some bank accounts ) :-)))))

Tudor Miron

Unrelated to article – do you realize why Switzerland is aleays quiet? I’ll give you a hint about the way western civilization is functioning in its current form: Story is written in Switzerland, film directors are in London (city) and actors are in Washington. Writing the script requires quiet place :)


I don’t think the words Maduro and legitimate can go along in the same sentence. The guy’s a thug in the best thug traditions as exemplified by Robert Mugabe. The opposition guy would be an improvement. Just because the US backs him doesn’t make him not an improvement, even a broken clock tells the right time twice a day. I understand why Russia continues to back Maduro though. Too much to lose, nothing to gain for Russia with a regime change. A fair principle.


I respectfully disagree with your view on Maduro. You might not be a leftist (socialist, communist) but you should be getting by now what neoliberalism and imperialism, the two bastard children of capitalism are doing to the world, be it Europe, Asia, Africa or America. Anyway, who are we to judge who is legitimate or not? Only Venezuela’s people can decide who their leader will be. Maduro has been following his predecessor’s steps closely. The Chavezian revolution brought prosperity in the country, as it was showing great growth until 2011, the biggest among all other nearby states if I remember well. Illiteracy was also brought to all time low levels. The financial crisis in the country can be easily traced back to two main pylons. One is the almost exclusive domination of the domestic economy by the energy sector. That led to the inability to provide for the basic needs of the people during hard times, like the last few years that we saw a huge drop in oil prices.The other and far more crucial is the stance held against the country by its neighbors and the big bully and self proclaimed leader of the Western Hemisphere and the whole world. Sanctions, regime change endeavors and again more sanctions. By principle and also proven by facts, the US always viewed Latin America as their own personal playground (Monroe Doctrine) and the whole world remained mute during the decades of terror and destruction US brought to several among these countries. Russia and other countries are starting to defy the neocons doctrine, pushing further the concept of multipolarity, outside of the boundaries of the World Island.

Tudor Miron

Very well said.

Promitheas Apollonious

obviously you have no idea what you talking about.

John Whitehot

“regime change” is something that must end.

The only regimes which need to go are those that practice “regime changing”.


You couldn’t be more mistaken……and the comments above me speak the truth.


Ok, Educate me. What has Maduro done that qualifies him as a thug? Do you also see the U.S. leadership as a thug? Do you see this Guaido guy proclaiming himself president without an election as a thug? What is your definition of thug? Maduro it the elected leader of Venezuela.


They give you insurance as well at that desk job? Curious.

Tudor Miron

Looking at Venesuelian rules and constitution Maduro is going strictly by the book. I would like to ask why exactly you blame him and why do you say that that US stooge will be better? I’m asking about facts.

Robert McMaster

And what exactly does this Russian ‘support’ amount to beyond empty words. Nothing. As usual, the Americans throw real weight around and ever-timid Russia (and China) back down, do nothing. Always running scared of the US who sees they are weak.


If true (considering that you don’t like them) their assumed (by you) impotence should make you happy and not all so worked up. If true all you saying… than why are you blabbing your big mouth and getting aggressive against them over nothing?! Be happy your US is not in danger from pesky Russkies

Maybe “Russian ‘support’ amounts” only on deliberate upsetting dorks, so don’t let them do that to you


Boy the truth really hurts you doesn’t it. What he said is true. You judge a tree by it’s fruit.


Whatever both of you thinking or saying I don’t give flying fuck. For decades already Putin has proved to be MASTER of tactics and winner of many “lost” battles when fighting against more powerful Few twats extra like you two… doesn’t change that equitation “boy” at all.


LOL. You’re funny. And ignorant.


You kill me with that label. What to say against such strong argument? Bankrupted US has been loser for very long time and only growing ever bigger loser all the time as time passes buy


Yes the U.S. is a morally and ethically bankrupt loser. But that doesn’t change the truth that the guy said about Russia. You need to step back and see the big picture.


I did And from my experience comparing the 2 ….big mouthed exhibitionist is not Putin but the,other guy in White House

If Putin is saying something you can take it to the bank! When that changes I will be all ears for your version of things

Till than…


“If Putin is saying something you can take it to the bank!” LOL. What an ignorant thing to say. You live in a Hollywood world if you believe that.


OK tell me what did he say and he lied? I am expecting proves !! (No bad mouthing of Western MSM and bombastic anti Putin false claims! Western MSM do nothing else but telling lies against Putin every day) Find me something that officially Putin has announced, promised in the Russian media concerning foreign policy and hi didn’t do that afterwards or did opposite ?!

Trump LIES and changes his declarations almost the same day!!


He lied when he said he knew how to drive.


You mean that truck over the bridge? He didn’t say he is good truck driver didn’t he? He was driving Bush W in car and they are both still live… You must try better than that when you want to smear the best leader Russia had in centuries. Many nations would be more than happy to have leader like him. He single handedly took Russia from the total bankruptcy and restored dignity and prestige of whole nation in the world.


As with all POLITICIANS time will expose the truth. There is only one politician who I’ve ever seen who deserved any accolades and even then, time hasn’t ended yet.



^click *

Then why TF is the west in decline on pretty much every significant civilization ‘gauging’ front?

The hard evidence is there. For you and your type – it’ll happen, quick Hard and Fast as fu** (from your perspective)

loLs, w/e though Right?



Either you are stupid or you have no reading comprehension skills OR you just like to argue. Either way I see no reason in talking to you. You seem to be just looking for some way to insult. Thankfully I don’t get insulted by others ignorance. But I will say it one last time. The downfall of the U.S. does not change the FACTS about Russia and the guy was right in what he said.

Tudor Miron

I suggest that you compare Syrian map of 2014 and 2018.


Are you saying that Russia will send it’s military to Venezuela? LOL. That’s not going to happen.

Robert McMaster

incoherent. refused.


Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy!? https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FneT7lwDY-3Q%2Fmaxresdefault.jpg&f=1


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay? https://i.pinimg.com/736x/5a/58/0c/5a580c0be13bcfe9194f1c97cceecf35–sylvester-stallone-funny-art.jpg



Robert McMaster

OK. That’s pretty good.


Tell that to Syria or Cuba even, “einstein”…

Robert McMaster

When US ships cruise up to the Azov and put radar systems in Poland the US smells weakness. And the EU hesitates. Mana vs mano will Russia fold? Better to give them reason to believe Russia will stand firm.


Not really, US doesn’t smell weakness. They smell their own fear, and the anger of their masters, after they realised that the Syria adventure was a complete failure, and an expensive one at that. They are afraid so they have to threaten everywhere. Venezuela has large proven oil reserves and the global elites are determined to plunder them. It is needed to keep the stuttering economy from collapsing. They think they can “do” Venezuela because it is in their own back yard. Think Libya. They think wrong. Syria has already changed everything and no people will ever submit again to be plundered by the Wall Street vultures. The game is up, and although they will try to destroy as many things as they can they will lose in the end. Syria has changed the dynamic, Venezuela will punch a hole in the system that will drain it. Instead of helping Venezuela the elites will break their own ship by exposing their dirty game even more, and they will start tearing each other down. Even people in the US military will wake up and stand up to the satanists and they will finally be taken down to end the current world-wide slavery system. You will see.

Robert McMaster

You are right. The US is numb to their own vulnerabilities. They do understand naked fear. They are running out of room and it suels their desperate behaviour. Very good observations.

Tudor Miron

How is it going in Syria?

Robert McMaster

Fair point. But just barely. When US naval ships can bluster off Azov or build massive radars in Poland and you do nothing, the US smells weakness.


Syria Ukraine Venezuela the list is becoming long. I hope that Russia doesn’t overestimate possibility of their daily expenses (in the case things start suddenly to complicate)


Best to let my country continually destroy itself physically and morally. I have a feeling that we are going to take more casualties then our masters think. Trump promised the “Deplorables” no more war. Guess who the military is made up of? Government propaganda can only go so far. Tick Tock corrupt US government.


“Never interfere when your enemy self-destroys” Napoleon Bonaparte

Russian’s have plenty of historic reasons to read Napoleon books. Yet they must help Maduro not to fall also if they want their money back

Tommy Jensen

Before Manbij US had 5 casualties in Syria since 2013. Russia had 150 casualties hereof 2 Generals, 24 experienced military senior pilots, 14 experienced Senior Airforce men, qty of Special Forces m.m.

Americans never gets killed…………………LOL.


Russia has been granted ‘gold production’ rights, reported to be abundant.


I know that Ron thanks all the same…and Turkey contract for refinement of gold… Yeah Russians have been “granted” that right for 600 000 tons of wheat contract and other similar stuff urgently needed for Hungry Venezuela

Tommy Jensen

President Guaido just cancelled those rights on behalf of the Venezuelan people….LOL.


Yes but the list is even longer for the USA, and the Americans rely on borrowing from other countries like Japan and China. Russia has real money, gold, and although nobody will ever admit it, I think China is bankrolling Russia in these wars.

During WWII, Russia did the fighting, and the USA supplied the money, so it’s not unheard of.


True ” the list is even longer for the USA” but how exactly that makes easier or cheaper job for the Russians?! They are already over stretched as it is. With direct attack of Ukraine on Russia (with hidden help of some NATO countries) and escalating Syria, Russia would be having her hands full over the night !

You may think anything pleases you…but in the latest voting in UN General Assembly on Crimea. China have ABSTAINED from voting in support of Russia to prevent Western attack on human rights in Crimea (unlike other 43 smaller, weaker countries who had guts to support Russia) Now that is the FACT like also are the facts that China is nowhere to be seen to help Russia or anybody else… Not even in Venezuela even though they have invested 70 BILLIONS there.


Why do countries have to keep their gold reserves in London or Fort Knox? That might have been the thing to do after WW2 for safety, however, it is quite apparent that England and US are involved in thievery against countries that do not follow their diktat. Use Moscow or Peking for a secure base of storing gold and have peace of mind.


This is how it used to be world monetary order before…..and old habits die last… You don’t seriously think that any country would offer their gold for safe keeping now to U.S.-U.K. crooks? US-UK remind me on Facebook Zuckerberg words:”They trust me effing idiots!” The best safe keeping is your own bank (if there is one) or no bank at all.


Not now or for the last decade or two when US and UK debt mushroomed. National central banks that have more independence from EUBANK and the Fed can increase their gold holdings.


You make me repeat myself by being to stingy ”old habits die last”! That’s why!

For many bankers US was un-destructible shrine of adoration of their god of money Mammon. And they were the last to change despite the facts that they we INSIDERS in that world who didn’t see the forest from the TREES!

So tell me if you follow the reason in the land of desolation where reason doesn’t exist: WHY is gold not 10 000$ an ounce today (which would be its normal price) ? WHY there are still some LUNATICS who still believe that US has over 8 0000 TONS of gold in Fort Knox?

I’ll give you my take on the questions! They accept with extreme gullibility everything that is FALSE and RIGGED because they are members of FANATICAL SECT and have nothing to do with the reason! They are FUCKING INSANE !

Promitheas Apollonious

and why not, their own countries?

Why they must use foreign ground ?


The idea was to keep the gold safe in case of war in a safe sanctuary. Germany shipped 3000 tons of gold to US because they were concerned of a Russian invasion…… and on and on.


UK is much closer and wasn’t so easy for USSR invasion at all. Why not UK than and have their gold MUCH closer and still “safe”?

No that was not true reason!! The TRUE reason is that they were TOLD (ordered) by US to do so !!!

Promitheas Apollonious

The reason the countries deposited their gold in Uk and US is because they been blackmailed into doing it. what you say is the official excuse why.


Ok, US had the gold standard until 1971, then they broke the link between the dollar and gold. I have to find out when Germany deposited the gold. (I did Germany stocked on gold during their economic recovery of the 50’s and 60’s……these are some excerpts. “””It was during the Wirtschaftswunder — the economic miracle of the 1950s and 1960s — that West Germany began to stockpile large amounts of gold. The country’s export surpluses meant businesses were flush with dollars, which were swapped at the central bank — initially the Bank deutscher Länder, then, from 1957, its successor the Bundesbank — in return for Deutschmarks. Under the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates that then underpinned global finance, the Bundesbank could use the dollars to purchase gold at the rate of $35 an ounce, storing most of its holdings in the New York Fed’s underground stores on Liberty Street. In 2012, just before the move began, just over 1,500 tonnes of German gold was stored there.”””

The French under de Gaulle asked for gold back in exchange for their paper dollars and crashed the London Gold pool in 1968.

Promitheas Apollonious

ok this is the official version why. You need to understand one thing about germany then and now it was under occupation then and it is also now, along with the rest of the world under western control. So what the official and what the real reasons why the gold been deposited either in US or UK is not what officially is said.

Also many of the countries who did nto want to deposit their gold into US “safe“ keeping had many problems securing $ for international trade. Now this for at least 2/3rds of the globe is no longer an issue.


The French exchanged dollars for gold, the Germans could have done the same in the 60’s the fact that US was scared of a gold run is indicative of going off the gold standard in 1971. This thing about being occupied, France was occupied as well until they kicked the Americans out and wanted gold for their paper dollars. Germany could have done the same thing if they had a leader like de Gaulle, however, the realities of the Cold War was seen from a different perspective by the Germans., unlike the French.

Promitheas Apollonious

US did not went of the gold standard as US was never in charge of the international monetary system or ever was. You dont know very well what happen, by who and why and is a very long story, to explain here but nothing happened or happens, accidentally and it is based on centuries old planning and execution.

The ones who established the $ as the international trading tool, never figured that they would have a run away russia and china becoming the first economy in the globe etc. Their plans got screwed up with russia finding her footing in 8 short years and turning out to be what it is today same with china.

Reading why this r that happen on the net, does not tell you what happen just what they want you to believe it happen. The only info on the net that was real info was back in the late 80s early 90s when most of the records exchanged on BBS found also their way to the internet when it began to spread globally. Since then none of those records exist on the net.


I know as a kid what happened with De Gaulle, and US dollar was linked to gold until 1971 when Nixon broke the linkage. 30 odd dollars bought one ounce of gold, I remember that in 1969 when I was in Beirut. Eventually the dollar became the reserve currency as the petro dollar after the oil crisis of 1973. I speak from experience not by surfing the web, I surf the web to link info that people can relate to what I experienced decades ago.

Promitheas Apollonious

i been buying and selling scrap gold for more than 35 years so yes I know what you talking about. But what happen in the 70s was planned a century before just first they had to establish the banking system and the monopoly of printing the money . Any way I am not disputing what you saying that is common knowledge I was talking of the decision makers of this economic system.

many refuse to accept simple facts like US and the rest of the colonies are just that COLONIES. The games they play for human consumption is also what make people blind see simple truths and connect the dots.

Tommy Jensen

The past. More interesting is the global e-money with a Laffer logaritm, that the bankers are planning to realize within a few years while we are occupied with Manbij and Maduro.


“””US did not went of the gold standard as US was never in charge of the international monetary system or ever was”””

Are you familiar with Brenton Woods guidelines?

“””You dont know very well what happen, by who and why and is a very long story, to explain here but nothing happened or happens, accidentally and it is based on centuries old planning and execution.”””

I know you attribute to Jews the mind of God to flawlessly plan centuries past their future moves. They are a bunch of greedy numbskulls who cannot see beyond their big nose.

Promitheas Apollonious

all the gold been declared strategic metal in early 1900 when the international banks refused to pay the external debt of US 1923 if memory dont fail me. For this a martial law is been declared then that never been lifted, check it out. Also they forced all who was holding gold to give it the banks and started printing the paper gold $ then, that allegedly if you went to the bank could exchange them for gold that never happened.

In 1913 IRS is been established as well the federal bank of US, none of this two organizations are owned by US but are private organizations belonging to the globalization system and then ones behind it and since then they been collecting a debt that is impossible to be repaid……………..

Now follow this lines I given you and since you know the basics you also know who owns US and the banking system. If you have a problem finding out I can give you a chart that took a good 30 years to put together and follow it connecting the dots.


Individual bullion ownership in the US was prohibited in 1933, what we are talking about is the Bretton Woods guidelines where the dollar became the world currency that was linked to gold for international deals among countries, not individuals. Yea I know who owns the FED and the banking system in the US. The Rothschilds saw the demise of the British empire at the end of the 19th century and decided to set shop in the US, as it was the ascending power worldwide, establishing the FED in 1913 in order to control the money supply and have effective control of the US from that point on.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes I was referring as to when the law to be voted was first put forth to declare precious metals as a strategic metal, therefore prohibiting the ownership by civilians unless is in the form of jewelry, or worthless paper gold bonds, just as the $ is. A worthless IOU. Of course it took bankrupting US, that since then is a bankrupted group of states that pay tribute (taxes) to their masters.

The Rothschild as well the Rockefeller the famous double R, are just the fronts of the group they represent. And the demise of the British empire happen with Cromwell 16th century when he bring the zionists back in force and they created city of london as well spread their banking system as the controlling agent all over the world.

By the way US was is and always will be a colony of the zionist same as it was india at one point and if you look at real history there was no british empire there, was british armies and navy, used to declare war to whom ever Indian Company was telling them to. Same as in the drug wars against china etc. that as is their strategy. to take over the control of countries and use them as the front for what they do, is a very old common knowledge `secret`. So if we take things into the right perspective and follow connecting the dots and not stuck on what ever any one wrote but study the action and the result of it then we understand what rally happen and by whom and why. Even if one is new to his awareness of what bring the globe to the state it is today.

Tudor Miron

Again, what happened to de Gaulle after his attempt to regain some sovereignity (thats what he was actually trying to do).


De Gaulle got France out of NATO, France rejoind NATO in full membership in 2009. Nothing sinister happened to him, he died at age 80 in 1970.

Tudor Miron

I’m asking what happened to him on 28th April of 1969. Many people forget that “color revolutions” and regime change agenda is very old.


He was defeated in a governmental reforms referendum with 53% against it and 47% for it, and he decided to resign. I do not see that as a color revolution, it was an internal matter. Color revolutions have an external power influencing events suitable to their agenda.

Tudor Miron

What was happening in France in May 1968 is a classic example of color revolution created by outside forces – that’s my opinion.


So what did the outside forces accomplish? Did France rejoin NATO after De Gaulle resignation? France tried to follow a independent path involving the development of its strategic forces ( unlike England who bought US made weaponry), France independent thinking outside of Nato’s Agenda is well known. France wanted to re live the glory of the Empire days of Napoleon and Napoleon 3rd, however they found out they could not afford it.

Tudor Miron

What they accomlished is the removal of De Gaulle and returning of France under control of anglo-zio empire. That simple. One can argue about that fact that France didn’t formally rejoin NATO right after those events but that is not significant. Main point is that after that little color revolution France never attempted such blatant anti empire moves like De Gaulle was trying to do.


Germany was and is an occupied nation, the Americans simply stole their gold, but made German politicians say it was voluntary.


Last I know the Germans got their gold back.


No not true, the US allowed Germany to have 300 tons of the 1500 tons of gold the US stole. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_repatriation

Some say the US gave Germany nothing, and Germany had to pay to buy its own gold back.

Tudor Miron

What happened to de Gaulle after he asked? :)

Tommy Jensen

De Gaulle sent a full shipload of paper dólares back to NYC and threatened to close US bases in France if US didnt exchanged them with gold. US bowed. De Gaulle is the only European leader who has ever stood up against the arrogant Americans.


de Gaulle died in 1970, so I assume you are referring to his ghost? France never got its gold, Nixon defaulted.

Tudor Miron

Yes, he did , I’m not denying it. I’m asking what happened to him soon after that brave move.


He crashed the London Gold market by exchanging paper dollars for gold.

Tudor Miron

That was the cover story :) The actual idea was that winners take everything.


I still don’t get why Venezuela kept gold in London? Why not Switzerland? What did US and UK win? In the old days of the Roman Empire, when they conquered a nation they took their gold as booty, in that case winner takes all.

Tudor Miron

One should realize that habbits of Roman Empire are still in use despite all that nice liberal “bla bla bla” which has the only purpose – keeping sheeple quiet. I don’t know exactly when Venezuela’s gold reserves were placed in London bank so I can not give specific answer why did it happen. But in general terms it’s all the same strategy – taking hostages (people, assets, etc.). Regarding Switzerland, don’t be misled by “neutral” status :) if you know what I mean.


Russia was among the winners in ww2 and they took Everything.

Tommy Jensen

It would quickly be robbed in their own countries. So they try Western civilisation.

Promitheas Apollonious

unlike to be stolen by `western civilization`. By the way by any standards west never had a civilization, as the meaning of the word implies.


The US/UK still control the financial system, they make the rules and determine what the rest of the world can and can’t do economically.

The good news is their crime syndicate is collapsing.

Kelli Hernandez

So will Russia provide military assistance to Maduro as they did for Assad? Or is Russia just going to howl and scream until the US invades sending in its jihadi terrorists to do to the Venezuelan people what was done to the Syrian people?

Xoli Xoli

If Russia can’t protect Syria against Israel,Erdogan and USA how will their protect big Venezuela. Maybe if Putin and Lavrov comes with reconciliation centers and Astana agreement to share Venezuela oil with USA NATO and Israel.Curretly only Venezuela people with their army can protect Venezuela. Not even opportunistic China who waits storms to come down and get involved for Chinese economy benefits.


Well the first thing is you are wrong, Russia never signed up to protect Syria. Russia’s mission was to stop the American gas pipeline, and they were victorious. The USA wants to steal Venezuelan oil and gold, and it is possible for Russia to stop the theft,

If the US invades Venezuela, I’m sure Venezuela can kill enough Americans to ruin any chance of a Trump reelection. I don’t really understand what you are trying to say about China, so I won’t comment on that.

Xoli Xoli

Thanks China never participated in wars waiting for war to subside then China comes with loans and fonkong goods which only last a day or week and bit one year lasting goods.Chinese.never buy foreign material their bring their own labourers and food.


“Chinese.never buy foreign material”

So the stories in the American media that Chinese investment in the USA dropping by 92% are lies, and China never invested $40 billion a year in the US?


And this means exactly nothing except “my enemy’s enemy is my friend.”


Exactly, but the good part, is America has so many enemies that there will be an Et tu brute moment in Americas future.

Eskandar Black

This is a large, and likely costly mistake. Maduro can not be saved. The only question is how much suffering will the people of venezuela endure, and will russia alienate the people of venezuela. Russia should find a solution that involved an agreement with a new government. There is also an opportunity to leverage china out of their position. An agreement can be made with US regarding ukraine, or syria. Russia has intercontinental hypersonic weapons, there is no advantage to being in venezuela, against the wishes of its people, to support a brutal narco dictator. very foolish policy.


I bet you were saying Assad cannot be saved 10 years ago, and also calling him a dictator. You are obviously a student of Goebbels.

Eskandar Black

You would lose that bet, but you aren’t very smart.


China and Russia will not allow Venezuela to be ravaged by the thieving zionists. They have overstepped the mark,and will be made to suffer yet another humiliating defeat.


Well why the heck does Venezuela have assets in the US? Sometimes the stupidity of these foreign “leaders” is so shocking one can only conclude they deserve whatever happens to them under Darwin’s law. Venezuela entrusting its money to US would be like Iran using Israel as its banking system, lol. Idiots.


Agreed, but they are not the only ones, Germany left their gold in America, and the Americans stole it. Iran left money in the US, and they stole it. Iraq left money in the USA and they stole it. Libya tried for gold, so the US stole it.

The answer why they do it was explained by Al Capone.

You get a lot more from a kind word and a gun than from a kind word alone.(Al Capone)


There are more idiots like that than you can shake a stick at. Every country has been bullied and forced to deposit their gold in London or US. There is nothing unique about Venezuela – except they have a lot of oil, and the Federal Reserve notes are called the “petro-dollar”which needs propping up.

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