160719-N-ZZ999-112. PACIFIC OCEAN (July 19, 2016) USS Coronado (LCS 4), an Independence-variant littoral combat ship, launches the first over-the-horizon missile engagement using a Harpoon Block 1C missile. (U.S. Navy photo by Lt. Bryce Hadley/Released)
The Russian military will take “preventive measures” if the US attempted to supply anti-ship missiles to Ukraine, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the media on May 20.
Peskov was commenting on a recent report by Reuters, which revealed that the US is working to supply Kiev forces with advanced anti-ship missiles.
“You know; many weapons are being supplied to Ukraine from the West. And you know our attitude very well. There is nothing new about this,” he said. “The Russian military thoroughly monitors all these supplies and takes preventive measures.”
Reuters has quoted three US government officials and two congressional sources as saying that Washington was working to directly handover anti-ship missiles to Kiev forces, or to supply them via the US European allies.
The anti-ship missiles in question are the Harpoon made by Boeing and the Naval Strike Missile (NSM) made by Kongsberg and Raytheon Technologies.
The Harpoon is a sea-skimming anti-ship missile that is equipped with a radar altimeter and a GPS-aided inertial navigation system, or INS. For terminal guidance, the missile is equipped with an active radar seeker. When launched from surface, the missile has a range of 124 to 278 kilometers depending on the version. The missile is armed with a 221 kg penetration high-explosive blast warhead.
According to Reuters, there are several issues keeping Ukraine from receiving the Harpoon. One of the main issues is the limited availability of platforms to launch Harpoons from a ground launcher. The missile was originally designed to be launched from naval vessels or warplanes.
Two US officials told Reuters that the US is currently working on potential solutions that included pulling a launcher off of a US Navy vessel.
The NSM is an anti-ship and land-attack missile that is equipped with a radar altimeter, a GPS-aided INS system and a terrain contour matching, or TERCOM, system. The missile is equipped with an imaging infrared homing seeker with an onboard target database for terminal guidance. It has a range of more than 185 kilometers and a 125 kilogram high-explosive fragmentation warhead.
It will be easier for the US to supply the NSM to Ukraine as a costal defense system based on the missile has been already developed. The system also takes less than 14 days training to operate.
Military experts and industry executives said that the Harpoon and the NSM both cost about $1.5 million per round, according to Reuters.

140923-N-MB306-007. PACIFIC OCEAN (Sept. 23, 2014) A Kongsberg Naval Strike Missile (NSM) is launched from the littoral combat ship USS Coronado (LCS 4) during missile testing operations off the coast of Southern California. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Zachary D. Bell/Released)
US officials told Reuters that Washington wants to supply these advanced missiles to Kiev forces to help Ukraine “defeat Russia’s naval blockade”. This ill-based justification is either the result of poor military knowledge by US officials, or a well thought out propaganda stunt.
Despite being capable, these anti-ship missiles won’t be enough to simply “defeat” Russia’s naval blockade on Ukraine’s ports. The reason for that is very simple, the Russian Navy has several other means to make sure that nothing can enter Ukrainian waters without Moscow permission, from submarines and fighter jets armed with anti-ship missiles to long-range costal defense system. Not to mention the Russian military ability to carrying out precision missile strikes on Ukraine’s ports from the land, air and sea.
US military planners without a doubt understand this very well. The real purpose behind the US plan to arm Kiev forces with anti-ship missile is simply to further escalate the conflict in Ukraine and make sure that it will not end any time soon.
https: //saidit. net/s/conspiracy/comments/6jgk/the_negroes_have_now_been_liberated_from_the/
[T]he Negroes have now been liberated from the slave-owners, but they will not last because the Jews…will jump at this new little victim….[T]he Negroes are a treasure for the Jews. — Fyodor Dostoyevsky
40% of their slave owners were Jewish.
Try 80%. The majority of slave boat owners were Jewish.
ARABS they still sell slaves, the Arab Muslims do.
This real reason why Sudan had a civil war for whole of 1990’s. In past version of a single Sudanese state, it was common for the northern Arabs to routinely kidnap southern Negroes, mostly adolescents, for slavery. The southern part of Sudan eventually started to get organized and fight the north, and after decade it led to the partition of county into two states, North Sudan and South Sudan. This was good outcome for the southerners, as became far less vulnerable to raiding parties from north. That said, now that NATO has destroyed Libya, there is new supply for north African Arabs, as Libya has morphed into a vast open air slave market for transiting central Africans (would be EU immigrants) as very cheap slaves.
Most finance and insurance brokers behind leasing and covering losses of cargo ships for US slave trade were based in City of London, and you guessed it, these were mostly Ashkenazim Jew owned and run. Such facts are now deliberately hidden by slew of “fact checking websites”.
The percentage of slave owners who identified as jews was closer to 80% in the USA.
nazi moron fabrications
Dostoevsky was a product of his environment. Which was a empire being sabotaged by within from its universities media law and military by the British Government
The government that created the slave trade and grew filthy rich from selling Africans to North America and enslaving its Indian slaves to grow opium to force the Chinese to buy. England was the slave trader and drug trader of the world.
England with its bankster jews
This site routinely excuses the Jews, its commentators often protect the Jews (knowingly or unknowingly) by scapegoating Brits, etc with unsubstantiated claims.
Here is proof that Jews, not Europeans controlled the American Slave Trade:
Is it good for the juice? The only question a unit of tax cattle ever need to ruminate down on Rancho Goyim. If humanity didn’t have the juice it would have to invent covaid$….oh wait ….the juice already did…..just ask juice Bourla of pfiZer or juice Bancel of Moderna……onward to the global Ouch Witz.
They’re British products Why should us taxpayers have to pay englosh industrialists? Hasn’t England made enough out of Americans already?
Sounds like Russia needs to arm other countries will anti-ship missiles also.
In Syria. Why are the Americans not having problems?
The US ships aren’t easy to hit with anti-ship weapons. The ships move in groups and they have super advanced detection systems and anti-missile systems. But still its a good idea that Russia should provide Americans opponents elsewhere with the hypersonic anti-ship missiles if they have them.
“they have super advanced detection systems” that has trouble detecting a slow approaching freighter.
When does something become an act of war?
Russia will target the leadership if XYZ goes down. Does nothing.
Both sides are owned by Jews and kill gentiles in battle.
The only right message to the senders of these weapons : For every missile that hits a Russian vessel, a US/UK ship will be hit as a mirror response.
Russia is always overly polite, issuing warnings and explaining situations. Meanwhile, Jew-owned America continues to openly fuel the war with more lethal weapons. Russia is far too pliable. They must strike America hard. This nonsense has to stop. Russia, hurry up and launch an offensive. Attack!
Rat welford one of Britain largest munition depots was hit and had massive explosions on April 16 three days after the sinking of moskva. Britain covered it up as a fireworks factory near raf welford
Ukraine really needs those anti-ship missiles since the West is reluctant to go into Russias lake AKA Black see.
Russia can destroy odessa port gantry cranes and piers to prevent any export or import from there.
The best way Russia can counter that is to take Odessa and land lock Ukraine.
And now we will complain how Russia is blocking Ukrainian ports. Why can’t we control ourselves?
very simple really, Russia releases a press statement saying that ANY Russian vessel ATTACKED by one of these missiles (regardless if it hits or not but if it is fired AT a Russian vessel) will result in the nearest USA warship being sunk, it will be a trade off for every missile fired AT a Russian navy vessel then one USA warship will be targeted in turn. – Z –
That is the only way, or else the US by arming Ukraine with these will pick off a Russian ship every few months. Thing is Russia might not have the military capability to hit US ships.
I agree with you in that Russia MUST do this if they are attacked with these weapons as that IS DIRECT INVOLVEMENT by the USA, as for IF they can both Russia and China have HYPERSONIC MISSILES and CARRIER KILLER MISSILES which not only sink a CARRIER but the ENTIRE GROUP that is with it, so i don’t think Russia has to worry about IF they can do it only IF THEY WILL do it.
If Reuters is the only source, it’s probably not true.
We have the right to do that because we do it for freedom.
start sinking American ships
“US military planners without a doubt understand this very well” After watching ex US generals speak and appear on tv, I’m starting to doubt this.
blah blah blah blah..more bluster from Russia. Putin isn’t going to do anything…he’s an ineffective wimp.
US EU & UK are now fully convinced and feeling very comfortably safe as long as the attacks against Russia were neither launched nor fired from their territories given the fact of Putin’s inaction after the sinking of its flagship Moskva using the proxytute to fire the missiles within Ukraine. That inaction will certainly embolden the nazi-loving West to organise more brutal attacks using the same pattern expecting no repercussions from such atrocities. We have heard the loud barks and now eagerly awaiting for the spurred bite.
Natasha is that you?! Could be more work for you, and friends, Hunter may be in town soon ; )
More useless junk that will have no effect on the war in the Donbass.
Provide some hypersonics to anti-US militias in the ME to incinerate US military bases and warships to reciprocate the brutal activities of the monsters.
I can’t wait for the video footage of this weapon system being completely destroyed by Russia.
Reasonable commentary by the Russians. The West is grasping at straws. However, I wonder how long it will be the last option is employed – Boots on the ground? We have clear mission creep here by NATO.
US weapons proliferation in Ukraine is completely irresponsible. Stingers and now anti-ship missile to the most corrupt state in Europe, and one likely to have a military collapse in near future. Great fucking idea. Corrupt Ukrop officials will make a fast buck on way out, and international arms dealers will love these toys, because the CIA will have no choice but to pay with a blank cheques to buy them back in few years time. CIA are always reactive, not responsive, and are NEVER long term strategists.
US is using Estonia as proxy to approach Israel for anti ship missiles to sent to Ukraine. Israel has been positive in response. This is elaborate bullshit to try and hide direct US-Israeli collusion to supply advanced weapons to Ukraine. Because, Israel has an Achilles Heel in form of its warplanes attacking Syria. Russia has mostly been a non participant in Israeli-Iranian-Hezbollah supply line war in Syria, but that could change soon, in terms of lot more SAA SAM fire at Israeli warplanes over Lebanon if these Israeli anti shipping missiles go to Ukraine.
These missiles would need to be based on Ukrainian coast in Odessa region, with a concealed position capable of firing from a high coastal ridge. That dictates the geography of launch site. US gives Ukraine satellite info so any targeting would be quite quick and the missiles not be outside and visually exposed for long before launching. But, the possible coastal launch sites are quite limited, and can be searched for and struck.
Commander Peskov, what preventive measures you are talking for god sake? You should take retaliatory measures not only preventive measures after which it won’t be sunk 20 russian ships but just 5. Means retaliate in such way that somebody in war with US can sink their ships. This would help.