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MARCH 2025

Russia Warns US And Its Allies Against “New Dangerous Steps” In Syria

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Russia Warns US And Its Allies  Against "New Dangerous Steps" In Syria

FILE IMAGE: AFP 2018 / Mohamed al-Bakour

Russia has officially warned the US and its allies against “new dangerous steps” in Syria amid the growing concern that Washington may employ force against the internationally-recognized government of the war-torn country following a staged chemical attack in Idlib province.

“We warn the US and its allies against new dangerous steps,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stated in response to the question about the development of the situation surrounding the Syrian “chemical dossier,” according to the minstry’s website.

“Despite the fact that the OPCW has repeatedly confirmed the complete destruction of Syria’s military chemical potential under international control, a row of accusations and threats were again brought down to Damascus in connection with its supposed intention to use chemical agents in the province of Idlib.”

On September 11, the UN Security Council held a meeting on the situation in Syria following the Russian-Iranian-Turkish summit in Tehran. During the meeting, the Russian representative Vasily Nebenzya called on the US-led bloc to reveal publicy its plans for Syria and stated that terrorists must not be allowed to hold civilians hostage in the Syrian province of Idlib.

“Terrorists must not be shielded because they all are one way or another linked to Al-Qaeda (outlawed in Russia) – the group we all started to fight after the Nine Eleven attacks,” Nebenzya said.

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Ole Johansen

Got to say I feel a bit insane waiting for this as if its entertainment. Because I think the Russians are better prepared and so is Syria. I think e’m zioniggers will get it. Not that the launch platforms will be taken out, but rather that the Jewnited States, Jewnited Kingdom and infiltrated Freemasonic France, will look like fools by Wednesday, or at least by the end of the week.

If the zio-crazies does what they aim at doing, its going to be a bit like “round 3” in a boxing match, whereas one part is a bully and the other defensive. A good or great defense, will wear out the other part, using “rope a dope”.

The end of this week will belong to the sane part of the world, but mostly Russia and Syria, not to forget Iran.

Lets hope the assholes fires what they got and that its just a big failure as missiles are intercepted or somewhat taken out. That VICTORY is the worst that can happen to the nations attacking.

Loosing face in this game is like being a looser.

Promitheas Apollonious

Yes well that be a pathetic way of answering this time because is so many missiles you can destroy. And this time the targets will not be empty buildings, or the desert. the other times the game was not all but lost for them now it is and is either do or lose everything as syria is the beginning of the domino effect for them.

Next is Libya – Yemen – Iraq. All is needed is show them the way is done right against the globalist now they know. All they need is little help and I think soon they get it.

Tudor Miron

I have to say that last time targets was not only empy buildings and desert. Those are what they managed to hit but lots of missiles were aimed at airbases and majority of those was intercepted.


The hits last time were targets without dedicated anti-air defenses. As Syrian air defense is not organized to cover the whole country, but designated important areas or facilities, the targets hit were not on that designated protection list.


So you think the US wasn’t really trying last time? I think that they think, they have the Russian defenses worked out and their third attack will succeed. I hope Russia has more ways of disabling American missiles, that have yet to be revealed.


So far Russia did not enable their full EW potential. If Krazukha 4 is enabled it would be hard for any attacker to get a target assigned electronically. If in addition Borisoglebsk 2 would allow to take out any GPS signal in a region and the satteite communication. If also Murmansk system is activated and used, all radio based communication in an radius of up to 5000 km could be located and jammed. The more secret systems are not yet even discussed, but are known to have even greater capabilities, which so far were briefly observed to be tested in Ukrain, Georgia and Syria. Let’s see if the US will risk total exposure.

hope springs eternal.

Thank you sir. Heartening to know of these systems. I was clueless.

Promitheas Apollonious

I think they over estimate their abilities and underestimated Russia’s abilities and it back fired on them. But I learned never to underestimate an enemy, especially if the choice for them, is do, or die.

Logistically if they are serious starting a war with russia, the best logistic place to start it is ME- Mediterranean -Balkans. Even as moronic as they are nato must understand the basics.


WWI was about Germany getting oil supplies from Iraq, outside of the FUKUS monopoly. WWII the major battles were about access to the oil fields in the ME and Russia.

Nothing has changed, it’s still about FUKUS maintaining its monopoly on oil.


I hope you are correct. FUKUS need a reality check at home and abroad.

Ray Douglas

The provocations will continue unless Russia retaliates and punishes the US in a meaningful way.


The provocations are designed to get Russia to retaliate.


Russia will not react by using any of their offensive EW systems, but only the defensive ones disabling the capabilities of the attacker. In case Russia would use any of their offensive EW systems, it would mean the outbreak of WW3. Their offensive systems are capable of destroying even shielded electronics over distance. If Russia would destroy US’ Aegis capability and render the fleet air protection useless, this would be treated as an attack by US doctrine. Russia is aware of this and will not be provoked to do so, if there is other solutions still available. Nevertheless as a defensive measure after being directly attacked, it might happen.

hope springs eternal.

Will Russia accept a loss of its military personnel in Syria, quietly?

Ray Douglas

Rubbish, they are designed to intimidate them and bluff them. Its time for Russia to hit hard.

al quaida

How can you be so sure that the US is bluffing? I have a hard time believing that if Russia was to sink a US ship, that the US would be like “oh, you called our bluff, don’t we look silly? We’re going home now with our tail between our legs.” I think that the US would retaliate disproportionately, because they are psychotic. And then what does Russia do? Be like “gee, turns out they weren’t bluffing, don’t we look silly, we’re going home now with our tail between our legs.” I don’t imagine that would happen either. So the resulting tit for tat would very likely escalate into WW3. And we all die. I think Russia is well aware of this potential, and is doing their best to protect their interests without triggering a nuclear annihilation.


You lose your argument when you engage in an ad hominem attack.


I hope you are right. I fear this time they might launch a ground offensive from Al Tanf, probably supported by French troops in Manbij and Deir Ezzor, in coordination with Turkish troops in the north. This is the worse case scenario.


Russia should offer to transport all the terrorists to America, if the US is so worried about saving their lives.


The Dutch delivery of Equipment to Headchoppers Part II


English Version when it’s available…


ISIS Crushed in Al-Safa Region


Tommy Jensen

Ron Paul pretend he is innocent, but he is not. Off course he knows Al-Qaida helped Washington to make 9/11. They are invested assets and you dont let Russia kill your assets and your leverage……………………….LOL. Thats why.

Ray Douglas

There is a strong belief in certain circles that the Jews were behind the attack?? on the big buildings in NY. Who gains? Who loses


the guy who owned the 911 buildings who was a NEW owner of the buildings i might add got billions in insurence from these mass murders and coup of america in the aftermath he even sued for more and GOT billions more in damages walked away along with 300 other fake jews from this


sorry 3000 fake jews didn’t show up for work that day i think it was


what is is guilt?

Muriel Kuri

Israel, US, UK & France should repatriate these terrorists that they’ve supported throughout the long war in Syria, since they’re so concerned about their treatment. The terrorists should be sent to those countries that have supported them all these years.

Hisham Saber

Don’t worry, all the Jihadi’s Syria has captured are in the process of being re-programmed and will be sent in the direction of Israel. They are being re-weaponized and will wreak havoc on the Zionist entity.


No they won’t. A strong stable Assad regime in Syria is in Israel’s best interests. I believe that the Israelis just react to the crossed messages coming out from Washington and London. That the US is doing Israel’s bidding is a fairytale believed by too many simpletons around the World. Remember the Syrian war started during the Obama administration years, when Israel had absolutely no pull with the American government. I’ve trained Muslim Soldiers from Pakistan to Morocco, and trained Israeli Soldiers. You talk a good game, but no Muslim Military Commander really wants to go up against Israel. Hezbollah can have all the parades and new conferences it wants, it is incapable of seizing and holding territory, so as its shown over nearly 4 decades, its has a big bark, but a very small bite.

Hisham Saber

You are either delusional, into self deception / denial or here spreading Israeli disinformation and hasbara propaganda.

Look, the days of 67′ , 73′ and 82′ , when Israel got enormous help from the U.S. , Britain and France, are over.

Hezbollah, a militia, not even a national army, defeated Israel in 2000 and the embarrassing divine victory of 2006, when 4500 Hezbollah ‘ regulars ‘ ( Hezbollah at the time had its commandos and special forces stationed north of the Litani Line) held off, and effectively routed 75,000 IDF soldiers, and two armored battalions. 400 Merkava ( Chariots of God) MBT’s involved, and 44 were totally destroyed. Israel even shut down production of the Merkava after that defeat. Their flagship naval vessel was almost sunk by a cheap C-108 Anti-ship missile of Chinese manufacture. Israel’s famous Golani Brigade found itself nearly surrounded and a lot of resources were diverted from the offensive to rescue them from eminent annihilation.

Israel wasn’t even able to take over border towns, let alone hold any territory. For 33 days, Hezbollah was able to dramatically bombard Israel with missiles, many very accurate which astonished the Israeli’s, and the Pentagon too. Israel had total air superiority over the entire theatre, yet could not make a slightest difference. Hezbollah used an old Soviet tactic (see Stalingrad) of ‘ hugging your enemy ‘ , by getting very close rendering air strikes ineffective, as well as not giving the Israeli air force any targets. Hezbollah, and all the forces of the axis of resistance are highly mobile, as we see in Syria, and as we saw in Iraq after 2003, when the insurgency gathered pace culminating in a disaster for U.S. forces, in that 14 out of the total 16 battalions of the U.S. Army were effectively bogged down, chasing insurgents form one area of Iraq to another. Snipers instilled terror in the U.S. ranks, and IED’s shredded armored columns. The only way the U.S. was able to extract itself from this disaster, was by announcing a ‘ surge ‘. The famous ‘surge ‘ was nothing more than a surge of billions of freshly printed dollars shipped into Iraq by Saudi intelligence and the Pentagon/CIA to pay off the Arab tribes to stop fighting them, so they could leave with some face.

Look at Afghanistan, where for 17 years the superpower, the U.S. has been fighting a rag-tag bunch of guys wearing beach sandals and bed-sheets, armed with AK-47’s, RPG’s and IED’s. Nothing to show for it. As a matter of fact, the Taliban seem to be gaining enormous amounts of ground as of late, threatening to overrun the entire country. The U.S. coalition in Afghanistan will most certainly lose at the end, because the Taliban are the Pashtun people, the worlds largest tribal society in the world, with 35 million individuals. It will be another defeat for the U.S., as was Korea, Vietnam, Iraq 2.0, and soon in Syria.

Even the invasion of ‘ super power’ Grenada in the 80’s got chaotic when a group of Cuban construction workers, working on Grenada’s International Airport, were given small arms by Grenadas hapless police and small quasi military, anyways, these Cuban’s held off an entire brigade of Marines until they ran out of ammo and a negotiated cease fire allowed the Cubans to go home, where Castro and thousands of Cubans greeted them at Havana Airport as heroes.

Now, going back to the apartheid Zionist entity occupying Palestine. They are scared shitless about Syria and its very, very close ally Iran. With Bashar in power, Iran is right on Israel’s border. And Iran runs Iraq’s Hashd Al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces, that defeated ISIS in Iraq). So the alliance is strong from Iran to Syria’s border with Israel and the occupied Golan.

The Syrian Arab Army, NDF, IRGC, Hezbollah, Hashd Al-Shaabi and auxiliaries all have 7.5 years of hardcore real-time combat experience, in desert, rural and urban environments, and have been distilled down to perhaps the best fighting forces in the world. And the IDF? Not much to say there unless you factor shooting at unarmed protesters experience. Ya, preety sad and pathetic. The IDF is mostly made up of LGBQT’s, exchange students from the U.S., and criminal Jews on the run from justice in Russia. They are a pathetic bunch and don’t stand a chance in todays wars and the ones to come. They lean on the assurance that the U.S., Britain and France will save them again, but these three stooges have no more stomach for a real serious fight in the Middle East. And all the Arab tribes of Iraq and Syria will quickly get involved should said war happen, which it will. If Israel gets suicidal and decides to go unconventional, they will be annihilated in quick, short order. You see, Israel has no strategic depth at all. It is tiny, and it will be overwhelmed and over-run, U.S. help or not. They are playing a hopeless hand.

On ‘ Liberation of Quds(Jerusalem) Day ‘, massive military drills, parades and the like are held all over the Middle East. One the very same day of thet calendar, Israel has the worlds second largest Gay (LGBQT) Parades. Now tell me, who stands a chance.

You probably trained Saudi’s didn’t you? Well, look what the threadbare Houthi’s are doing to them, despite major U.S., British and French help.

Times are changing. The U.S. , Britain and France are in the process of being evicted out of the MENA region, along with their stooge/puppet rulers, and are/will be replaced by a wiser, moral, decent, fair, honest folk – the Chinese and Russians. China’s OBR Silk Roads go through Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon. And China will make sure arms are available to the Axis of Resistance, as Russia has stepped up to the plate.

As Mr. Khamenei said a couple years ago, Israel wont be around within 25 years. He is a man of his word. I cant wait.

Ray Douglas

And they could accidentally open the doors of the Antonov 226 and drop them in the Atlantic. Accidentally of course.


So UK and US have kept white Helmits and SHRW illegally in Syria to do fake chemical attacks and make Hollywood fake videos in war torn country. If Russia have done this then UK and US would order them to leave the areas for up coming operation. Your stay here is now illegal due to operation starwars. We cannot guaranty your safety.


There were reports a few days ago that Turkey would take them in. I don’t know what happened to that.

Mustafa Mehmet

your own thinking. you heard it from sana news channel ?


No, it was on Farsnews.

This is not the original story that I referenced but it is related:



And that British ‘lady’ who is whining there are more babies than terrorists in Idlib should accept her fair share – say a few thousand….. I’m sure Manchester will accommodate them nicely.


That’s actually what i have proposed to their cheerleaders including the Kurdish issue. If they are so concerned with their life take them the refugees with you rather than trying annihilated more or less half (I’m being generous here) of the other Syrians standing up for Bashar to allegedly save the Syrians from him. You don’t kill the villagers to save the village from tyranny. That doesn’t make any sense. As for Kurdish they want all other 9/10 of total population to vacated their lands so the 1/10 made of kurds can claim their lands ? Wait where that have happened before ? Oh yes it’s in Palestine. Yet they insists they have higher moral grounds.

Prince Teutonic

Russia should bring nuclear weapons to Syria to up the stakes…

Promitheas Apollonious

That be a very bad mistake, I dont think russians will make, such a mistake.


They may already be there.


Just ignore the Screaming of the U.S.A. Russia…it must be the Panic…no better the Total Hysteria…the Empire is Realising it is Dying and it is a painfull proces…. the U.S. Government in its Final Death Throes…how Lovely…


It says to me that they’ve run out of credible options and are resorting to the absurd, because it’s the best that they can come up with.

Promitheas Apollonious

have they ever had credible options? With them is always been make believe give the sickness then pretend they are the cure.


Thank you for correcting my mis statement. It should have said that they never had credible options and that even their thin veil of semi plausible deniability is being replaced by the absurd.

Promitheas Apollonious

I was not correcting, just adding to it.


Obviously People in Panic behave in a Hysterical Way…. Unpredictable & Irrational…. I’m waiting for that Beast to die for quite some time now… but it keeps screamin’… pretty annoying


The US, France, the UK, Israel and GCC members are all paying, arming and providing political support for the Jew world order regime change terrorists. this war would be quickly over without this support. These governments are an embarrassment and disgrace to their citizens. Many or most of whom are well aware that their tax dollars are funding state sponsored terrorism. And are the cause of the terrorism to serve political motives, most of which have to do with supporting Israel’s criminal behavior.


Let them start a War… it will be a bloody mess…there will be not only a WWIII but I bet there will be a Couple of Civil Wars too…


The Jews would love that. Because they know that once the Syrian government coalition victory is further along, that it will add considerable strength to the Palestinian protection force forming up at the UN for clearing operations against the IDF in the occupied territories. So they’d much rather that large numbers of goy die in Syria than Jews in Palestine.


I think that ZioNazis will be in the Middle of all the Chaos….in a WWIII


The drama of fake chemical attack of US and UK has badly flopped due to mismanagement. Now it is like a dead body but US and UK want to insert soul in this dead body by attacking Syria. LOL

Everybody have told to US and UK that you are losers of 21st century.


Well, there are two options in Syria. Option 1 : Russia will be talking and USA will be bombing on limited scale. This will probably delay Syria advance in IDLIB but this will hardly change anything. ISIS will be defeated and Syria territorial integrity restored sooner or later. A lot of propaganda bullshit will be created from both sides (Assad is using chemical weapons against his own people, USA is preventing civilian casualties, USA uses surgical bombardment with smart weapons – propaganda from the US side x US cruise missiles are obsolette, Russia has fantastic jamming capabilities, Russia intercepted 95% incoming missiles – Rusian propaganda) Option 2 : Russia will be talking and USA will be bombing to the point, thad red lines of Russia will be crossed and they will retaliate, for example sink some US destroyers and shoot down some US aircrafts. In this scenario situation will spiral soon out of control and WW3 will start eventually.

From my point of view, option 2 is valid because USA is led by stupid neocons like Bolton.

Prince Teutonic

I think option 2 is more probable since Russia is cornered and if she backs off again then neocons will interpret this as weakness and start with more active aggression against it’s mainland…

Riky Nik

One way or another a world wide RESET is well needed at this point.

Promitheas Apollonious

a very serious one I agree.

Muriel Kuri

You’re right – Bolton is not too bright, but fully warmongering. He’ll lead US into a stupid decision, because Trump gives him the leeway. At the end, Trump will have to decide if he truly wants WWIII.


So far, everything is pointing to an exact replay of the previous episode in this sorry drama. Russia warns of “grave consequences”, but never quite says “you’ll lose your ships”–which anyway wouldn’t have much credibility left. The Empire tests if the threat is serious, by engaging in some prophylactic bombing via its kosher branch–nope, Russian warnings are still words only. So it looks as if we’re good to go for another White Helmets show. On the other side of the ledger, Aleppo/Ghouta/Daraa all got liberated after the Dark Throne had its fireworks show; it may even all be calibrated so that each side gets to claim some achievement and vindication.

al quaida

I don’t recall Russia ever officially threatening to sink US ships.


That is what ML said! :D

hope springs eternal.

Russian Defence Chief Gerasimov, did say we will take out the platforms that launch the missiles too. Just before the last US cruise missile strike.


Russia said, if the US targets Russian troops, Russia would sink the ship that fired the missile. The US has so far not dared to target Russian troops.

You need to pay attention to what is actually said, and not what you wish to be said.

al quaida

“In the case of a threat to the lives of our servicemen, the Russian military armed forces will take response measures against both the rockets, and the platforms from which they’re fired,” he (Valery Gerasimov) said. (According to The Guardian)


The US targeted the Wagner personnel just fine. Remind me what country those were from again–Trinidad? According to a formal accusation from the Moscow MoD, they helped ISIS target a Russian freakin’ general. Now I wasn’t there, but all reports I’ve seen indicate that the local Russian troops were indignant that payback was needed (aren’t soldiers always like that). The order to kibosh this must have come from the top–appease, appease, appease. The result is the situation we have now–which, as I conceded already above, has some positive and some extremely dangerous aspects.


Hmmm, wonder what happened to those 80-odd Russians in Deir Ez Zor some months back?


9-11 would be perfect timing for a False Flag attack, according to FUKUS doctrine. Like the False Flag bombing of Oklahoma City on the anniversary of gassing and burning children and infants to death at Waco.


This would be a good opportunity for Russia to test S-400 against US Tomahawks. This can be done without igniting WW3 since no one will die. Even the Neo-Cons will be happy since Tomahawks will be re-ordered whether they strike targets or just go bang in the sky.


What a waste of good missiles, Russia can make Tomahawks fall out of the sky without firing a shot.


russia warns, only warns and sells out syria


thats part of the agenda bro……right now they are squashing syria in a sandwich..

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

It is time for RF and allies to have a simple policy that will be understood by all, even the thick US expansionists and head-chopper lovers. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. For every Syrian, Russian, Iranian, Hezbollah and allied forces killed by FUKUS air-strikes, an equivalent number of FUKUS and US coalition forces will also be killed. Escalation should be avoided by a timely application of this ancient Abrahamic law.


all bs stories including here lol hahahaa- so there is a ceasfire right now in idlib…well maybe they can all be friends again..espeically with HTS, alqaida….love the russians…..there supposed allied nation syria gets invaded by turkey with the green light of russia/putin…turkey..let me think….ohh yeah thats the country from where 99% of ALL terrorists came through to syria…..let me think again..o yeah that country that bought the oil of ISIS for years…o yeah that country that supplied jihadi headcoppers with arms,logistics and medical supplies….well jolly me….what a wonderful world…..so russia is talking to turkey about the latest turkey idea for idlib I quote erdogan 1 day ago”we told the russians that we will evacuate HTS(alqaida..apprx. 25,000 men + families(75,000)), and let idlib area be governed and security controlled by militants that we turkey have trained”


well if thats not an eye opener…folks, then u r all lost…..russia is part of the agenda.A one world government, with jerusalem as its capital under jewish satanic leadership. ALL countries that RECOGNIZE the illegal satanic entity named israel are part of this agenda.including russia,usa,uk,china etc…. wake up and use your fucking brains u donkeys. Russia and usa are 2 sides of the same coin.Right now they are squashing syria in a sandwich u morons,

leon mc pilibin

This is all for Israhell,and their desire to contol the wealth of the ME.Israhell need payback if war breaks out,enough of this sitting on the sidelines watching the results of their handiwork,they need to get a taste of their own medicine this time,,after all isis is their baby.

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