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MARCH 2025

Russia Will Build “Arctic Monster”

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Russia Will Build “Arctic Monster”

The new giant ground effect vehicle will be used for transpolar operations and supplying polar stations, Russian Izvestiya reports.

Russian military commissioned a superheavy transport ground effect vehicle, which will be able to touch down on both land and water. The vehicle’s size will be comparable to the Caspian Sea Monster. The vehicle is planned to be used in the Pacific Ocean and the Arctic for rescue operations and transporting cargo to remote bases.

According to some experts, vehicles like this can be an “ideal fit” for airborne assault forces, as they’re much faster than ships and are hard to detect by radar, with mines and torpedoes being ineffective against them.

Russian Navy reported, that the ground effect vehicle development development prototype is included in the 2018-2025 weapons development program. The prototype is being developed by Alekseyev Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau.  The working title of the vehicle is “Spasatel” (The Rescuer). The prototype will weigh 600 tonnes, and will be 93 meters long with the wingspan of 71 m. The superheavy design was set on because these vehicles can handle unsafe sea.

The miniature “Spasatel” model was tested in the airflow laboratory at the Zhukovsky Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute. The full-fledged experimental prototype is planned to be built in 2022-2023, with the tests slated to be fully done by 2025.

The vehicle should be able to touch down on both land and water, unlike the previous Soviet ground effect vehicles which had been able to only land on water. It’s planned to be able to transport 500 people. It’s maximum speed is estimated to be 500 km/h.

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Solomon Krupacek

you forgot say the direction


The direction…

Under your skin, crawling, scratching… Making you itching… and you continue bit*ing…

PS. Nobody likes you like I do. I’m bored, say something.

Solomon Krupacek

Nobody likes you like I do :)))

i murmur, but i am happy, that russians killed 20 000 moslem terrorists in syria. this was excellent work.

off: i suggest to you to try the train moscow-vladivostok. real perfect experience. beautiful country. go in 2nd class. then you are nornmal comfort, and meet people.


Thanks, Solomon, I hope to visit Russia next summer, and I’ll remember your suggestion.

Solomon Krupacek






Good that you’re happy, but if they were devout Muslims they couldn’t be terrorists. Any way, good riddance.

I’m not overly fond of trains. One time I was unfortunate enough to board a train in India. Lots of chickens and rats and even a passenger brought a friggin’ goat with him. I learnt the hard way to love every inch of my own country after that trip.

Solomon Krupacek

:))))) oll right, but there is difference between russia and india. this transsiberian railroad is beautiful.






I know, but I’m scarred for life about the trains.

Thank you for the info. I hope life let’s me to do that.


Why can’t you just call them terrorists?

Solomon Krupacek

u r right

Solomon Krupacek

did you heard about Noam?


No. The guy seems to be lost and hasn’t call me for some time. On Monday his wife called and told they had a fight over the intuition of their second daughter. Poor woman was sobbing the whole time.


Forward, Solomon, forward !!! Avante !!!!!!!

Solomon Krupacek



Thanks to this kind of “flying boat” design, we’ll probably have sci-fi tier flying battleships and carriers by 2100 and it is awesome


Yea, in cartoons and comics.

Read a bit about displacement of big ships, and compare the numbers. The thing that battleships have been obsolete since WWII is not even relevant in that case.


Hey man let a guy dream lol



Well, cartoons and comics cover the dreaming part, but that doesn’t mean one should expect Space Battleship Yamato or similar things. There is a fantasy aircraft carrying ekranoplan that fooled a bunch of people into thinking it was a real project: ennty.com/soviet-ekranoplan-aircraft-carrier/ englishrussia.com/2015/10/23/awesome-soviet-ekranoplan-aircraft-carrier-project/



Solomon Krupacek

old shit

Valery Grigoryev

with modern engines it’s not a shit. the only limitation: rather low limit of ocean waves height during the operation. while over the ice surface it’s ok.

Solomon Krupacek

i remeber this plane from my childhood :D sovietskaya tyechnika, or something similar monthly youth technical newspaperwas, and in that was desribed this plane. as i read later, not only the engines were the problem. personally i think, not such hydroplan is the good way for russians. there is lack of big trasnsporter planes. 500 pieces can be leased immediately in the world. russians should develope the biggest antonov. that would be good way for them.

Daniel Rich

Childhood? You were the first Ukrainian test-tube baby…

Message sponsored by ‘Shiny Chernobyl Fuel Rods.’

Solomon Krupacek

dont make stanup humorist

Valery Grigoryev

I agree as regards to the lack of big trasnsporter planes. But Initially, ekranoplans were designed as an assault mean against US aircraft carriers. While two problems were not solved: 1. Too much fuel consumption. 2. Lack of operating conditions in open seas due to waves height (not more than 4-5 points of the Bofort scale sea swell. Then the other direction of development were chosen – assault submarines (like Kursk), and ekranoplan R&D were stopped. While now, with more economical engines, it’s not a bad idea to use ekranoplans in Arctic. Big advantage is that airstrips are not needed.

Solomon Krupacek

An that time they had sense. But today the defence system is so advanced, that ekranoplan lost the role. Better is develope hypersonic missiles agains carriers. What do you think?

Valery Grigoryev

Yes, I agree. And it’s being done currently. And as to ekranoplans – their role has to be transportation. Especially through hard-to-reach areas.


Which works.

Solomon Krupacek

not really, garga


OK. I blindly accept whatever you say.

Solomon Krupacek

you find enough data about these planes on internet. it has reason, why stopped them in ussr


I did a little research a few years ago, before Iran started the production of it’s small flying patrol boats.

The old cccp concept is awesome. The weakness was they needed a calm sea to operate. If they solve this, it will be even more important than Russia’s huge fleet of icebreakers.

Eskandar Black

I am not sure about the viability of this project. The idea that these vehicles cant be hit by missiles is delusional. The question is, should a dozen be constructed to give Russia the ability to drop a division of troops anywhere any time or is it too expensive


Who mentioned missiles? The article mentioned mines and torpedoes being ineffective against it. .

Eskandar Black

Fair points, yet missiles are still a real and present danger.

Mahmoud Larfi

They should build the Ekranoplan in Somalia, give job for a grand project to people that have been forced to meanless wars and piracy. Africa for the future of all, please validate this post ! We believe in Mr Putin. Please Volodia be quick for the world ; we are the youth, you are the elder we want to be your heirs. P.S: if you want us to to fill mother Russia’s heart we will come from every corner of the world.

Mahmoud Larfi

This is the anthem of the union : https://youtu.be/GK2GUxOnjDQ even the tsar would have had it adopted if we didn’t kill him.

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