Russian servicemembers are in Syria
Russia will not allow the United States as well as any other foreign power to limit an area of operations of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in Syria’s Deir Ezzor province, Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov announced on September 29.
Syromolotov added that the Russian military has informed the United States about the area of the SAA operation against ISIS and will not tolerate US attempts to slow down the liquidation of terrorists in Syria.
The diplomat emphasized that the situation when some power that operates in Syria without any legitimate right attempts to limit government forces efforts to liberate their country from the terrorism is nonsense.
He also described the US-led coalition’s air campaign as questionable saying that it has led to a full-scale humanitarian crisis in Raqqah city.
Americans are scummy cretins.
Yes, they indeed are! U$A is a ROGUE, Pro-terrorist state!
A few of us are trying to communicate with the powers that be, as best we can, that the games need to stop. It is not easy. But, I do understand your feeling, those of others and we will not stop our efforts to enlighten our fellow citizens, no matter how much both sides hate us. The tragedies are piling up. Many have no idea as to what is being done in their name. I wish well to you Richard.
Voting for the Zionist imbecile Trump. Yeah, sure, brilliant reform.
ooooooooooooh, a Hillary fan huh!! Pulled your covers!! :)
Just kidding. You didn´t get what I was trying to convey. It´s all good.
Sorry Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov, but why did you inform an illegal invasion and occupation force about the whereabouts of the democratically elected and sole legitimate Syrian government troop area of operation? It’s not the illegal US invader’s business where Syrian troops operate on their own soveregn territory.
Valid point you make Deo.
Don’t be naive. With technology/satellites they have in space, Americans can see anything they want in Syria.
Seeing anything in Syria they can, or anywhere , but that does not bestow the right to be there , or command there .
Does anyone understand that we are closer to WW III than ever?
Where are the people to demand peace, demonstrating on the streets? Nowhere to be seen, it’s not even a topic at all. Well, when it is too late the people will ask how it was possible that it came that far, the answer is very simple, because all of us just let it happen.
You could organize a rally in Damascus and please the US to stop their aggressions in foreign countries against the legal people there. Maybe the US will leave Syria. If not, try to organize another one in Washington D.C..
Are you on board for that? As I’m from Europe it would be difficult in these places. Lately I was at Ramstein raising awareness of the current world politics situation.
No, I am not on board for that. I only want to show that it is useless to demonstrate on the streets against the US. These times are over since over 40 years. To go to Ramstein is honorable, but useless too. Better is to change consum behaviour against US products or any other aggressor like Israel.
It is correct that, to accomplish anything, demonstrations are only one piece in the arsenal of tools to regain power to the people, removing it from the oligarchs.
But, do you just buy products of other oligarchs instead? To make it very clear, this struggle is a conflict between the filthy rich people, against the poor people, who have to give away their wealth due to suppressive ruler systems being installed by the oligarchs world wide.
And, with JFK, it was shown that it is never too late, but always a risk.
we live tough times. many westerners are more keen to man the streets to demonstrate for such issues like transvestites being able to choose which toilets they can use.
That is the fluff that western media presents as politically ‘progressive’ – and is a complex trick that allows western left to feel smug and superior about their political stance on domestic ‘social justice’ – whilst they never actually utter much about the current international relationships between the first and third worlds – that underwrites their overall first world socio-economic comfort levels. In short, these ‘progressive’ activists are operating from premise where they basically accept the Neo-Liberal economic order and its US hegemony based modern neo-colonialism and are entirely focused on supporting minority, and often very marginal, social identity based issues – that do not impact the broader economic order in any way.
very precise analysis. I would add, that in addition of the subjects you cited, the Neo-Liberals also managed to clear all those issues related to work that were central to all the left and center-left western parties in the pre-911 world.
Labor unions have been basically deleted from having a significant effect on politics, something for which “Left” parties are the most responsible as they failed to protect those unions in the relevant state institutions.
European workers now face the competition of hundreds of thousands of migrants which are willing to basically get enslaved, without rights, without contracts, without schedules, the only thing mattering for them the base pay. And in some countries, with the aggravation of those migrants being employed unlawfully and without paying taxes, weighing on welfare by using healthcare, state instruction and possibly housing.
Nowadays “left” parties have left all the narrative on work to rightist and far-rightist entities; which in turn have made the largely corporate MsM discount those arguments as “populist”.
It is not just emigrants, young Europeans are also accepting no-hours contracts and it is European companies that are profiteering from it.
of course. What I was trying to say, it’s that thanks to the migrants, the work market quality decreases for the workers.
Young europeans have to accept increasingly deplorable working conditions because migrants accept whatever enslavement they are offered.
Our fathers and grandfathers went to the streets all over europe and fought, got beaten, battered and even killed by police to give us better working conditions. Now those parties that were back then leading the struggle of the working class are now effectively giving up 50 years of work rights conquered with blood.
In social terms they are called “normopaths” now. A new term which different scientists came up with.
Sad and true what you wrote.
I agree. I boycott US and Israeli goods wherever possible.
Fine. Like me.
amazing what a 99% control of the media and politicians can accomplish
Yes, brain washing from the first day in school until the end of university, from that point on the MSM is more than enough to keep the domestic election cattle in line.
Schools, aren’t any different than military barracks, conscripts are drafted on a yearly basis, not any different in school. Rooms in the barracks are to the left and right, same in schools (nowadays a bit less). In every barrack or school the “recruits” have to pass certain certificates to verify that their brain washing was successful.
The one ends up as an army soldier, cannon fodder for the oligarchs power games, the other ends up as industrial soldier, assembly line cattle for the consumer war the oligarchs are waging too.
In nature it is mandatory to copy from your relatives, in schools it is forbidden to do so. Raising egoist and brainwashed idiots. If you ask people in Europe why they are not kicking out their politicians and finally make decisions in favor of the society, then you will always hear the very same canon:
“But what can I do as I’m alone.”
Whole Europe with more than 300 million people play the “Kevin alone at home” game, exceptions like Catalonia sadly only confirm the rule.
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Unfortunately you could be right. If it happens then it is the responsibilities of all concerning citizens to round up those that were responsible for false news, false reporting and propaganda to be hung from the nearest tree.
That is always the interesting thing, we always talk about the concerned citizens, thus accepting that there are non concerned citizens around who are not taking care of their responsibilities within their societies.
Make no mistake, our parents, grand parents and even their parents fought hard to get at least some social issues resolved, but that is lacking way behind of what really is possible.
Heck, even in the stone age, the people in Çatalhöyük managed to run a better society than what we are currently doing. And that was before the iron plow was invented, which alone upped farming production for several hundred percent.
It was never a matter of production capacity, whoever tells you this nonsense either way doesn’t know better, or is outright lying. Sure the people back then in average only became 32 years old, but that was more than 10,000 years ago! Does anyone know when the average age was reached again? Don’t look down, ask yourself first then take a look further down.
Yep, wrote it out to make sure you do not accidentally cheat. =) Around seventeen hundred and fifty.
You are correct. The Western Narrative of the MSM is completely controlled by the de facto Deep State and when coupled with the lack of enquiry and ignorance by the majority in the West, the general populace sees no danger of dying in a ball of fire or nuclear Winter.
Some of us do see this danger BUT I personally would not wish to live in a Zionist hell hole. The time may be near when human greed extinguishes all animal and human life from Earth.
Don’t worry, apart that we blow up earth directly, which is highly unlikely, Earth and nature will surely survive and rebuild, if necessary, even in some million years. However, with the human race that is surely a different story.
There is a saying which goes: “A tree falling makes more noise, than a forest growing.” The falling tree is the USA, who are the growing forest every informed person can quickly see that for himself.
The big issue currently is, all empires, no matter the Roman, the British or the current US empire, are most dangerous when they are falling. The German empire perfectly demonstrated it back then. With other words, we should expect the US empire trying to take some trees with it, while it is already falling down. The only question is, which “trees” will be effected.
I would imagine the trees covered in ivy ( debt) and others that have been attacked by insects ( taxes and petty regulations) will be blown away in the storms that are now getting stronger.
I must store some more popcorn for what time we have left :)
GMO foods , and pesticides are the very real threat right now . RoundUp and others like it kill the bees . Bees and humming birds are required for 80 % of all plant reproduction . Without plants , all animal life is extinguished .
Too busy looking at Facebook and taking photos of their ass for Snapchat.
Last pic will show a big yellow ball, difficult to take that selfie after being blinded right before.
We should call it asocial media, as Togo lately proofed. It switched of internet for some days with very interesting effects. Who believes, that in the internet he got away from the main stream media, didn’t understand that he now faces the main stream internet. With little thought it is easy to understand which media platforms in the internet are meant.
What do you mean?
I have been sitting here in my armchair with a Budweiser and a raised finger explaining to my pals and you guys exactly what Putin, Xi and Trump should do to stop all this bs.
Mr. Syromolozow announced to short. The militias of the kurds and their protection through the US are not included.
Russia doesn’t have a problem with the Kurds and their desire for autonomy:
If so, that would mean, that after ISIS is defeated the kurds will keep the stolen terrain or give it back for a high price: autonomy. Then Russia will have lost against the US.
The article is short and concise. The assumption is that Kurds will fight to rid the country of ISIL. While that may have been the case, it no longer applies since the USA dangled the carrot of independence. Please note that Maria was referring to Kurdish autonomy within certain regions. She’s not speaking of independence. There is a difference.
Absolutely right.
Graeme always gets things wrong , Trump’s former team will continue to work silently in the background and when all hell breaks loose, these plans will be destroyed it doesn’t take much to trigger the public to become rabid. This is the downfall of the monster the Democrats created, it can be used against them.
You are right.russians getting oil pipeline built through new autonomous zone.
illegitmacy is a norm for zio satanic terrorists – they have no shame
Good for him, bad cess for the US head-chopping, heart-eating, raper godfathers.
Good. This marks the start of easing the Americans out of Syria, which will solve the Kurdish separatism canard.
They will just move into the new ” kurdistan” carved up out of iraq.gee ,these iraqis ,especially shia,must feel stupid clapping when the americans came thundering down their highways. I could tell usa was going to fuck up their country and break it into pieces.why couldnt they? Dont get me wrong,i support iraq against kurds and headchoppers .yet the chickens always come home to roost!
none of militaries
armies are not a manifestation of buddhists :)
We wait for the facts…
and who’s gonna give them to you? the mainstream media?
Not the MSM, for sure. But Claudio is right. We will see what Russia is doing when SAA crashes with Kurds, gains the upper hand and the US interferes.
USA-Israel first shot then talk…They killed a Russian general, shot down SAA aircraft, bombed Damascus,ecc.They can not talk to them…
Fair warning is a necessary first step , as a state , Syria setting up AA in DE as “John” (above) said is the follow up .
yea yea, they do a lot of bad things. but remember me when they last won a war.
Tell me when they last won a war????????
Great at wrecking countries and killing by the hundred thousand and crying like bitches whe they lose a small few of their own……… but winning wars, they don’t do that?
US won in Grenada.
I remember…….. Grenada………. 1983…….. a tiny dot in the middle of the Atlantic.
also panama
also cold war. warsaw pact destroyed, now nato members.
They didn’t win the cold war.
They accumulated trillions in national debt to “win the cold war” and sold their sons and daughters to zio banksters.
Their “victory in cold war” will result in the ultimate ruin of the US, while Russia has recently celebrated the zeroing of its national debt.
As for eastern nato members, they will fall as soon as the EU starts its own military entity. They have been made members by the US (after they promised it would never happen) for the only reason to separate Europe from Russia and try to provoke tensions among them. Once again, they failed.
yes, yure, you fasificator of histpry :D
USA won the cold war!!!
second iraq war. or serbia. or gaddafi.
true that. The term “aggression” should be used instead of “war”. But lets see what happen when they “win” wars:
iraq war = ISIS gaddafi = Millions of migrants sail to Europe. Libya is unrecoverably destroyed. serbia = Kosovo and Bosnia become favorite recruitment places for terrorists in EU.
all wars are agression
tupid john, the goal of iraqi war was to kill saddam, the goal of lybian war was to kill gaddafi. fullfilled. only russians have such wars, that permanently occupy mew areas. you are living in 18th century.
Great at wrecking countries and killing by the hundred thousand and crying like bitches whe they lose a small few of their own……… but winning wars, they don’t do that.
he meant act(ion)s
I wonder where the fuck are all those hundreds of countries at the UN. They should be protesting this american involvement every day. So many violations of international law, so many CRIMES, and nobody dares do speak up. It’s not only Israel and it’s puppet the USA that are to blame but also the spineless leaders of the world who won’t dare to speak up and act in unison.
And by the way, the security council is a joke.
how many hundres of countires in UN?
165 ?
so, only 1. neither 2 ;)
dozens is better.
btw., each country is focused on own problems. syria also does pay no attention to problems of central african republic.
you know, the selfish gene :)
All governing elites of these countries are either brainwashed,paid off,sociepathic or simply threatened to shut up.
Yeah, it reminds me of hitler and the NAZIs before WW II in the 1939 year No one spoke up, they did not come for me because I was not a blank, then not because I was not __ and finally they did come for me. NATO= NAZI just like Milosevic said, he was right, since 1999 and the war continues and the USA goes broke.. Break the banking system and they are stopped.. Thats the key
IMO, this is pretty important. It now makes more sense, what the Russian Foreign Minister was telling the American Secretary of State at the UN recently, that the US was an uninvited party in the country of Syria. These was probably a no joke discussion. I notice that since, the US Coalition has been pretty quiet about things.
Russia, having the legal right to be in Syria, assisting the Government of Syria, can do quite a lot to facilitate SAA moves. A small idea for an example is, the Russian government would not have to directly conflict with Coalition aircraft. They could just augment the setting up of the types of AA in DE, that would be absolutely deadly for anybody´s air assets. The options are many, law and time are on the side of Syria and it´s allies. Upping the anty now, would be no more than a face saving move that will utterly fail in the end. Alas, I feel it is assured that this is exactly what will take place. I wish well to all.
we will see the acts
I agree, mainly because my military was not INVITED to the party.
I hope so, and hope US leaves the region once and for all ASAP!!!