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MARCH 2025

Russia Will Produce, Upgrade Thousands Of Tanks: Medvedev

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Russia Will Produce, Upgrade Thousands Of Tanks: Medvedev

Screengrab. Via Twitter.

Russia is planning to produce and upgrade thousands of main battle tanks, Deputy Chairman of Russia’s Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, revealed on February 9 during a visit to the Omsk transport engineering plant.

“Yesterday, as you know, our enemy was begging for planes, missiles and tanks abroad. What should we do in response? It is clear that in this case it is natural for us to increase the production of various types of weapons and military equipment, including modern tanks,” the TASS news agency quoted Medvedev as saying at a meeting during the visit.

“The production and upgrade of thousands of tanks are on the agenda,” Medvedev said, adding that this task stemmed from the state defense order and decisions made by the Russian president.

Footage from the visit to the Omsk plant showed Medvedev inspecting a deeply upgraded version of the T-80 tank, dubbed the BMV.

The T-80BMV features Relikt third generation explosive reactive armor, the Irtysh fire control system, the Sosna-U gunner’s sight, an improved 2A46M-5 125 mm gun that can fire 9K119M Refleks-M guided missile, an upgraded autoloader, and an improved gas turbine engine that generates 1,250 hp.

Medvedev also inspected a TOS-1A multiple rocket launch system, which is built around the T-72 tank chassis. The system can be armed with up to 24 unguided 220 mm thermobaric rockets with a range of six to ten kilometers.

More than 3,000 upgraded main battle tanks of different types are currently in service with the Russian military. Thousands more in storage.

Russia ramped up the production of all sorts of weapons last year in order to support the special military operation in Ukraine.

The Kiev regime is now preparing to receive loads of weapons from its Western backers, including hundreds of infantry fighting vehicles and dozens of main battle tanks. Still, Moscow will likely maintain the upper hand thanks to its ability to produce weapons on a large-scale.


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Sława Rosji! Polacy Słowianie z Wami!


First, learn some Polish, wania


Who remembers World War II? The Nazis with only 200 tanks against the Soviet Union that had 2, 000 tanks


Sounds more like an acid flashback.

Mini Tactical Hypersonic Nuke locked on Kiev

Not only that. Putin announced today that a top defense company will soon start the mass production of advanced smart drones. Aimed to trick and kill the enemy.


The Third Rome is overwhelming. There is no comparison to the banana republics (the rotten and miserable West, under the leadership of America’s evil moron masters).

Romanian whore

Russia will prevail ONLY when it will have the military capabilities of the former SSSR. That it is needed for them to scare all others who hank its extremely rich and vast country. That means Russia MUST double it’s military funds and from now on to pass on a semi-militarized industry till the ‘Great Whore of Babylon’ will be thrown into the hell.


The so famous NATO and the so famous Americans were catastrophically defeated by the brave and noble Afghan warriors. Not to mention North Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, etc. etc. that they are devil slayers. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.


US was in Afganistan 20 years and lost 2,500 men. USSR was there 9 years and lost 15,000. USSR lost more men in 2 years than the US did in 20. Let that soak in. USSR lost 6x more men in less than half the time. Keep yanking your pud Ivan


Look at the American death figures are ridiculous! They are rigged! In Vietnam there are only 58,000 dead!!!!!! In those years Kissinger missed a figure that was many, BUT MANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS A MASSACRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Russians withdrew by order of Gorbachev, winners, they had exterminated all the rats.

Ultrafart the Brave

Never mind the glaring question of WTF Amerikka was doing in Afghanistan in the first place – let’s focus on their EXIT, now THAT was entertaining and MOST INSTRUCTIVE at the same time.

And let’s not forget all those Moon missions – funny how ALL the supposed technology to do that has been “LOST” by NASA, and now it’s IMPOSSIBLE to go back to the Moon.

And let’s recall those naughty Iraqis with their “Weapons of Mass Destruction”. And all those head-chopping ISIS heroes trained, funded, armed and supported by Amerikka in Syria. And let’s cast a discerning eye on Nord Stream 2 – Amerikka couldn’t have had ANYTHING to do with THAT, could it?

Because EVERYTHING that comes out of Amerikka is so very very believable.

But you just keep counting your marbles there – Martin Armstrong says you won’t HAVE any marbles left to play with AT ALL by 2032.

John Deer

US sold Afghanistan to China which thus bought worthless US Treasury-bills, which fund the reckless invasion of 3rd worlders in to the USA. In 1989 the USSR sold to the US Afghanistan and Eastern-Germany for 800 Billion DM (denominated in USD) in switzerland.

Chris Gr

Only China has the strength and the position to attack the US.

Ultrafart the Brave

That’s probably true, but the paradox is that the only reason that China might want to attack Amerikka is because Amerikka is trying so very very hard to surround and threaten China.

In the end, if China attacks Amerikka, it will be entirely because Amerikka has gone out of its way provoking China and begging to be attacked by China FOR YEARS.


At this point, the Russians are expected to be producing several hundred Modern MBTs a year for the next 10 years. This is on top of their modernization programs which are upgrading their existing fleets to extend service life of their equipment.


The US Reich has picked a fight with the wrong people this time they will find that out.


Yes, US GDP and military spending are only 12 times that of RF. Needs to be 13x or better for the lowly US to have a chance, right? smh

Psionists slaves of America

While Russia strikes Ukraine infrastructure and war production at will, the NATO Ukrainian cannon fodder is forbidden from using western weapons systems to strike back at Russian soil and its war effort. This will end very badly for Ukraine. Wouldn’t be surprised if in the end Ukrainians blame the West for edging them on to fight with their hands tied behind their back and eventually gravitate to Russia.


The upgrades happening right now are most likely based on after action recommendations from about 9-12 months ago, and will start matriculating to the field within about 6 months. Compare that with what is mostly being provided to Ukraine insufficient quantity of 30+ year old used military technology.


Oh, those brand new Abrams, Himars, GLSDBs, yea, so out of date.

Michel LeBlanc

You need 1000 tanks to do anything.

Good luck with that.


Tanks are obsolete. During ww2 a tank was taken out by a tank. Today in modern warfare ONE lightweight soldier can take out numerous tanks with proper weapons. Koronet, Fagot, Javelin… Now think if you could operate those from the air…..or robots from ground where the lightweight soldier is FAR from enemy controlling via remote control and joystick. This is an UPPER hand….


false–tanks are 1 of many features of modern war—

Lance Ripplinger

The T-80 has a gas turbine engine in it? Didn’t know it did. Is that like what the M1 Abrams uses, because it is a serious gas hog, and has to use JP8 jet fuel. I hope the T-80 doesn’t. I thought the Russians used diesel power plants in their tanks?


They do with the others, this engine is a modified helicopter engine adapted for tank use, and can be used when the temperature is down to -40, and thus can be used at the top bit of Russia. It is also lighter and faster then then their other tanks, but its fuel consumption is 750 litres for 100km/60 miles driven.

Last edited 2 years ago by Christopher

Basic T-80 and T-80BV and T-80U has gas turbine, T-80UD – diesel engine. Main type of fuel for turbine is kerosene. Both are multi-fuel and able to use diesel, low-octane gasoline, spirits (alcohol). Turbine version was produced in Omsk, diesel one – in Har’kov. Construction bureau – in Leningrad/St.Peterburg.


Why are we seeing RF T62s in Ukraine? Because RF can’t get parts to repair T72s T80s or T90s. Good luck with the supply chain.


To znamená jedno, že Rusko má dostatok zbraní a zbraňových systémov. A čo sa týka tej modernizácie, tak to je v úplnom poriadku. Rusko je jedna obrovská krajina a ako taká potrebuje obrovské množstvo bojovej techniky aby ju mohla rozmiestniť na hraniciach. Nedá sa totižto rátať iba z obmedzeným počtom a potom keď treba robiť jej presun. To by sa v reálných podmienkach nedalo.


When this is said and done, don’t stop at Lvov.

Brsj Jher

If the IMF approves the loan Russia can build some tanks othetwise…

Wayne Gabler

Field plowing?

Buford T Justice

Thermobaric rockets ? uh oh ! I’m outta here !

Tzar Tellus

What about anti javelins? If this is done properly then tanks has no real enemy…still waiting… Tanks very much

Last edited 2 years ago by Tzar Tellus
John Deer

REVERSE gears need be upgraded from only-one of 4km/h, up to 2 or 3 i.e achieving 20km/h upto 40 km/h in order to allow to reverse from mine-fields and from other ambushes, while keeping the frontal armor and gun forwards towards teh enemy. Poland and Georgia have upgraded their T-72 tanks with according reverse gears.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Even a WWII tank would be dangerous if provided with an active defense system for destroying incoming projectiles. Once reactive armor is added, it is even more of a foe.

Even an old tank is useful, in defensive lines too.

Tzar Tellus

Dont understand logic. If you do NOT have remedy for anti-tank weapons such as Javelins..WHY ON EARTH SEND IN MORE TANKS?

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