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Russia Withdraws From UN Deconfliction System On Syria Because Some Of Its Facilities Are Used By Terrorists

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Russia Withdraws From UN Deconfliction System On Syria Because Some Of Its Facilities Are Used By Terrorists

FILE IMAGE: Russian Military Police service members are in Syria

TASS reports (source):

Russia has decided to quit the United Nations system of humanitarian deconfliction in Syria because some of this system’s facilities were used by terrorists, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said on Monday at a meeting of the UN Security Council.

UN Under-Secretary General Mark Lowcock told the meeting that Russia had withdrawn from the humanitarian deconfliction mechanism on June 23.

“This mechanism operated on a voluntary basis and was not fixed by any Security Council resolutions or other legally binding documents,” Nebenzya said. “Our probes repeatedly demonstrated that some of the deconfliction facilities were actually used as terrorists’ headquarters, so they could not be granted a humanitarian status.”

Russia rules out any possibility of strikes at civilian facilities in Syria, despite its quitting the United Nations deconfliction mechanism, Vasily Nebenzya vowed.

“We suggest that from now on the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs settle the issue of deconfliction directly with the Syrian authorities. It would be right,” he said. “Russia will stay committed to its liabilities under the international humanitarian law. We have repeatedly stressed that Russia’s aerospace forces use an efficient target verification system, which excludes any possibility of attacks on civilians facilities.”

The Russian diplomat recalled that the United Nations had launched an investigation in July 2019 because of presumable violations within the humanitarian deconfliction mechanism. “The probe results have confirmed the mechanism’s drawbacks,” Nebenzya noted, adding that the Russian Defense Ministry was conducting its own investigation to check the conclusions of the UN commission. “It will derive its own conclusions and we will share them with you,” he added.

Russia Withdraws From UN Deconfliction System On Syria Because Some Of Its Facilities Are Used By Terrorists

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Jimmy Jim


Black Waters

It’s some kind of obsession in the U.S using gas to kill people?

Lone Ranger

They learned from their masters… Operation Paperclip…


Zip it fool.


Jews are a plague on humanity.


Only took since 2015 for Russia to realise that the UN is in many instances used as a cover for terrorists and proxies to advance their machinations.

Raptar Driver

Putin is like a 4D chess player, or so I’m told. Perhaps war and chess are not exactly the same thing?

Lone Ranger

And that was known for years. Russia was too patient.

Raptar Driver

It wasn’t patience, Putin is controlled.

Lone Ranger

By whom? How did he manage to save Syria than? And Crimea..?


Molotov not controlled by Gitler but had to interact… Same WITH HATO and Putin.

Lone Ranger

Thats a different story. Russia had to win some time.

Fog of War

Putin’s job wasn’t to save Syria, his job was to make sure the Jihadis didn’t get powerful enough to win and possibly turn on Israhell or other ZioAmerican puppets. His other function was to make sure Syria didn’t achieve victory , as that would go against his master’s plans.

Lone Ranger

But Syria has basically won. 80% of Syria is under govt control and increasing. By saving Syria Putin blocked not only the Greater Israel Plan but a major war against Iran too…

Fog of War

Its too early to make that claim.


And what is that plan please?

Jim Allen

But, please tell us. Who is Putin’s master ? Enquiring minds want to know…


Putin gave syria s300.. But block them from using it against natanyahus.. Attacking airforce.. And now Erdogans too… Yet syria is a russia souveran allied nation for over 50 years! Putin masters are thos people that make him take such decision.. That is even anti.. Russia

Jim Allen

It’s called strategy. Balance, there’s a lot of Russian citizens living in Israel, anything aggressive towards Israel brings US military running. Given US, Israel, and The City of London want war, and no one else does it’s about balance. It’s not just Syria, and just exactly what is S-300 going to be used for ? Israel is scared shit less of the S-300 system, it has no analog, and it’s overkill for what’s going on now. Yes IDF does its stupid little attacks, so what ? Syrian air defense forces, shoot down most everything incoming, and what does get through doesn’t do much damage. The reason Syrian air defense forces, don’t shoot down IDF planes is they’re launching missiles directly over the villages at the Lebanese border. Syria fears a shot down F-16 crashing into the villages, and so won’t fire on the planes at that location. SADF didn’t hesitate to launch missiles at IDF planes the night the Russian Il was shot down, killing the crew. That was S-200 missile intended for IDF F-16, and was locked on. Until the F-16 pilot slid in under the the big planes radar signature. The missile automatically switched to the bigger target. IDF pilot knew this, and it was the only way he wasn’t going to be shot down. The Il was landing, and had no chance to evade. IDF lied about where their attack was going to be, and notice given minutes prior. Breaking BiBi’s word, and pissing MoD Shoigu off big. That S-300 is the response to IDF blunder, it’s delivery was delayed by an agreement between Putin, and Bibi, but not without Assad’s knowledge, and consent. This is the latest S-300 version, and it’s no ordinary export model S-300. MoD Shoigu sent along a piece of “Not For Export” technology. You see the “S” systems are made to be integrated, from S-1 Panstir through S-400, and soon S-500. Russia is the only one with integrated systems. Until now. Keep in mind Syria is doing fine with what they’re using, and all it’s hardware has the latest upgrades. S-200 may be an older system age wise, but it’s upgrades keep it current as if it was built yesterday. S-300 isn’t needed in action, so why show the enemy what it’s performance characteristics are ? Right now it’s best job is intimidating Israel, and it is. Along with the S-33, and S-400 systems defending the Russian airbase. When the time comes there will be no hesitation. Putin answers to the Russian people. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Hezbollah, are all allied, and all allied with Russia. These leaders are smart enough to have Russia lead, as Russia enjoys the best intelligence services in the world, currently, has a proven General Staff, and President that leads from the front. Russia is debt free, doesn’t answer to The City of London, dropped it’s Central Bank, and declared Jacob Rothschild and George Soros persona non grata in Russia. Issued an arrest warrant for Soros. Since SAA already whupped US Coalition once, and W III hasn’t gone hot, SAA is more than halfway to whuppin’ US Coalition again, I’d say things are just fine. Russia has other things to consider, other allies, it’s own situation, the Donbass, Ukraine, Venezuela, Cuba, The City of London, that’s tried to assassinate him three times, wants Russia destroyed, and Iran too. Russia is dead set against the Globalist New World Order agenda. Sit down shut up, and watch. There’s some other news channels as good as SF, that cover this, if you can get them. Press TV, Vesti, Russia insider, Most probably Syrian news is good. Assad is as honest as Putin, as is Rouhani, Nasrallah, and recently Iraq. Each source covers just enough other aspects of the whole picture to get a decent view of what’s going on. Just don’t be playing checkers, Putin’s playing chess.


Russia stoped isis. Terrorist from toppling the government of its century long allies Syria.. But.. But refuse to finish the job.. By allowing erdogan to annex parts of syria.. And natanyahu to ceaseless pummel and rain bombs at it pleases!.. If syria were to be american ally.. USA wont allow any of such synarios..

Lone Ranger

You forget that Russia only has 2% of its military in Syria while Israel and Turkey is right at the door… SAA controls majority of Syria now.

Raptar Driver

Buy the world government. Is Syria saved? Is the Ukraine? No of course not these, are permanent scars on Russia that will bleed it to death. That is/was the purpose, you guys need to open your eyes.

Lone Ranger

Nah, Syria is pretty much won. Crimea is safe. Russian Forex reserves are increasing. U.S. Empire is crumbling. Its not 1989, and Russia isnt commie, and isnt run by a traitor like Gorbatchev. Most the heavy lifting in Syria is done by the SAA and Iran. Russia only has around 3% of its armed forces stationed there.

Raptar Driver

I don’t think the war in Syria is Over by a long shot. Crimea is safe but what about the rest of little Russia? Now it is a NATO forward base. As I see it Russia Is in a weaker position. Don’t hold your breath for the US to crumble I know it seems that way but it ain’t happening anytime soon.

Lone Ranger

I think it may happen sooner than you think. 80% of Syria is under govt control. Most the major operations are over. Few remants in the desert, clean up operations ongoing. Ukropnazis cant even defeat peasants in the east. They are dumb and weak. If Russia wanted they could be in Kiev in 72 hours. U.S. lost in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria. Libya is a tie, for now. Iran is expanding in tbe middle east and thd U.S. cant do much about it, except for terror strikes and assassinations. Houthis are also winning. Saudi economy is near collapse, they run out of men. I wouldnt worry too much, not a done deal but if nothing extraordinary happens U.S. Empire will be toast next year.

Raptar Driver

I am basically in agreement with you . I am of the mindset militarily that you end things decisively and quickly. I don’t like wars of attrition they rarely turn out well even for the victors.

Ashok Varma

Putin is either really a oligarch’s tool or just ignorant of history. His handling of Turkey and Ukraine is very poor.


Little Putin is a little Zionist.

Raptar Driver

I have considered that possibility since 2014. I still hope I’m wrong.

Traiano Welcome

Actually, that may have been a clever way of getting a list of terrorist hideouts straight from the UN itself …

Fog of War

Russia, naïve beyond believe. All UN organizations are Zio controlled.

Ashok Varma

Russia has made some very poor judgement calls in Syria, including undermining SAA and its allies from defeating the US sponsored terrorists and selling Turkey top of line S-400 systems which have now been given to US and NATO as confirmed by retired Turkish Air Force Lieutenant-General Erdogan Karakus expressing his opinion on how ill-advised such a sale is with regard to Russian air defence systems.

According to Karakus, the US rhetoric on Turkey’s use of S-400 systems is related to Washington’s desire to push Turkey and Russia against each other and Turkey will always side with US and its NATO allies. Russia has been taken for a ride, according to the general and other Turkish experts.


But NATO will not allways side with Turkey, as you can watch in Syria.

johnny rotten

Then the Nazi regime that occupies Palestine will finally become a target, well keep it up, magical Russia.

cechas vodobenikov

many international agencies are corrupted by US money—ocpw is the most famous. UN “peacekeeping ” has become farcical, ineffective, partisan—apparently for the UN neutrality equates to supporting terrorists

Assad must stay

great job russia thank you stop the terorrists please

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“The Russian diplomat recalled that the United Nations had launched an investigation in July 2019 because of presumable violations within the humanitarian deconfliction mechanism.”

That investigation started after the UN accused the Russian Air Force of targeting opposition run hospitals in Idlib and Aleppo, but that investigation went quiet after Russia and China began some serious negotiations with the UN, and instead of Russia being hung out to dry as was expected, the UN instead actually complied to Russia and China’s demands to begin halting aid deliveries to opposition held areas. The UN agreed to deliver aid to only 2 points instead of [the normal] 4 points for a 6 month period, and also agreed to end all aid deliveries to all the opposition held areas within a 12 month timeframe, which is exactly what Assad wanted. Sadly after the campaign to retake western Aleppo earlier on this year [which upset the UN big time] the UN went back on the deal they made with Russia and China [the UN was upset with Russian airstrikes] and the UN quickly reinstated all the aid deliveries they’d just agreed to end. So I suppose this new declaration from the Russians means that old UN investigation is back on the itinerary, and the UN accused the Russians of bombing hundreds of hospitals, so Russia’s pretty peeved off about the accusations [I personally only believe only 1% of the accusations], but as the old saying goes “throw enough mud and some of it will stick”, so I think Russia will be on the defensive if this is what’s happening behind the scenes, this article certainly implies it.

“This mechanism operated on a voluntary basis and was not fixed by any Security Council resolutions or other legally binding documents,” Nebenzya said. “Our probes repeatedly demonstrated that some of the deconfliction facilities were actually used as terrorists’ headquarters, so they could not be granted a humanitarian status.”

In other words, the Russians are saying they weren’t really hospitals at all, they were actually terrorist headquarters, but the UN of course will disagree and both parties will try to prove their points, and sadly for Russia that’s going to be hard, they won’t have any evidence to back their claims unless they have satellite images as proof, but the opposition will have all the evidence they need, they’ll just make it up and fake the photos. Get ready for some media shenanigans soon.

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