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MARCH 2025

Russia Withdraws Half Of Its Warplanes From Syria

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Russia Withdraws Half Of Its Warplanes From Syria

© Sputnik/ Ramil Sitdikov

On April 26, Chief of the Main Operational Directorate Col. Gen. Sergei Rudskoi announced at a press conference of the Russian Defense Ministry that Russia had withdrawn half of its warplanes from the Hmeymim Airbase near the Syrian town of Jableh.

Rudskoi said that the number of Russian warplanes in Hmeymim between November 10, 2016 and January 10, 2017 did not exceed 35 fighters, 80 UAVs.

Rudskoi added that the Russian Aerospace Forces has carried out four times more airstrikes than the US-led coalition against terrorist targets in Syria.

He also confirmed that the withdrawal of some warplanes comes after the decreasing of the number of terrorists in Syria.

“The number of terrorist units has decreased, which allowed us to withdraw almost half of the aircraft based at the Hemeymim airbase,” Rudskoi said, according to the Russian state-run news agency Sputnik.

Rudskoi insisted that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has managed to fully recapture Palmyra and the nearby areas and to secure it thanks to air support from the Russian Aerospace Forces.

“In a month and a half, the [Syrian] government forces <…> completely destroyed a Daesh terror group, advanced more than 60 kilometers and established complete control over Palmyra. The terrorists suffered serious damage.”

The general added that Russia had deployed a multi-level control system in Syria that control the entire Syrian airspace from the Hmeymim airbase.

It’s worth to remember that Russia deployed four Su-34 fighter bombers to the Hmeymim airbase last Sunday, raising the number of such bombers in Syria to 11. Along with 12 Su-24, 4 Su-35, 4 Su-30 and 4 Su-25, Moscow had a total of 35 warplanes of various types deployed in Syria. This number is identical to the number provided by the Russian general staff.

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Sergio González

So now, the half of the original half is left? This is the third or fourth time they withdraw half their force. I guess you can’t afford to have your planes abroad for too much time in a decaying economy. I hope the SyAAF is able to carry on.


Considering that the Russian economy has been positive for the past three quarters, and is accelerating, just exactly what decaying economy are you referring to?

Valery Grigoryev

Actually there isn’t any additional cost for the Russian atrcrafts’ being in Syria instead of Russia. No payments for Chmeymim are demanded.

Jonathan Cohen

Dry climates prevent rust, but sand might cause wear.

Valery Grigoryev

Yes. Especially for helics.


The previous times were a disappointment as they signified a hesitancy on the part of the Russians and a possible signal that Assad was dispensible in their minds. This time the Russian move is consistent with claims of damage to ISIS.

Still, ISIS is far from dead so why not refocus Russian efforts rather than diminish them? Perhaps the next most important objective in their minds is countering a US no-fly zone for which their air defense network is sufficient. Why leave possible targets sitting out on the tarmac?

That sounds crazy but John Bolton was just on FoxBN saying it’s time to reunify Korea and if the NKs don’t like it that is “just too bad.”

It’s a great time for the mentally ill. These days no one notices their mental problems. They look normal compared to the “leadership” now.

Jonathan Cohen

Who cares what Bolton says, he has no real job. Russia might need modern types to defend NK but could still hit ISIS with hundreds of SU-25s, not just 4. They have nobody else to bomb that is half as bad as ISIS; certainly not pro-abortion rights Latvians or Ukrainians, or even mediocre South Koreans, who allow abortion to protect health.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

What will be the real purpose of such an announcement from Russia? In the midst of a military conflict, such an announcement would only benefit and ennobling the enemy and their sponsors, I believe. Anyway it will be wiser to wait and see what will happen next.

Aleks Black

The purpose is to announce to the world, but mainly the united states, that Russians are scattered all over syria, and attacking the place can have unforeseen consequences.


Having a secondary airfield , does provide an option . As so much blood , time and energy has been spent on Palmyra , it could be a good choice , It is far enough away from both Turkey and Israel to allow for reaction time . The other benefit being its proximity to Deir Essor , which will soon need “extra” protection .


I think Shayrat airbase is the best secondary airbase for Russia. It has been cleaned up after the cruise missile strike. This is not a joke.

Jonathan Cohen

Wouldn’t dispersal to the Syrian interior be an advance rather than a “withdrawal”????

Aleks Black

They are withdrawing from an airbase in the north, to avoid being possibly destroyed. Or maybe Russia is swapping them out for more advanced birds.

Otto Heinrich Wehmann

Calm down sr syrian air force receives 10 SU-24M2 ‘FENCER-D’ attack aircraft from russia


And the psycological factor in some months they come back with many more…keep NATO-Wahhabists recruiting and paying the terrorists.


“receives 10 SU-24M2” The last I thing I read Russia denied this Arabian story. I am not worried, new aircraft groups will rotate back into Syria.

Aleks Black

The more I read about it, the more the move seems to be related by Turkish Aggression in the North. There seems to be a possibility of an imminent Turkish Invasion, which would explain why the Russians moved some of their planes, so they can not be destroyed in a single attack so close to Turkey.


You may have a point. The last pix I saw of Hmeymim airbase, most of the aircraft looked vulnerable, not that many hard shelters for them. The situation up north seems to be heating up. AMN reports 4 Turkish tanks taken out along the border (payback). Hopefully YPG and SDF are well supplied with ATGM’s. Looks like US and Russia are now the mediators between them. Hopefully Erdogan has not gone mad.

Jonathan Cohen

Trump needs to keep his ATGMs farther south. we don’t want this conflict.

Jonathan Cohen

Russian pilots are better than Syrian, and in the longer term less likely to bomb YPJ defenders of abortion rights. So donated Syrian planes are no substitute for Russian.

Álvaro Sarmento

Perhaps to rotate crew and airplanes.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

But why make it public domain? It should be something that has to do, and that it matters only to them and to their allies and to no one else, as usual in any military conventional military conflict.

Aleks Black

The wording is critical here. The Russians are moving the jets from Hmeymim AFB to other bases in Syria. Numerous explanations are not obvious and a few that are. First, to deal with well dug in jihadists in civilian areas in the NW, the government will use Su-34, precision bombing jets, and you don’t need as many because of short flight times. Second, there is an element of defending the Syrians here. Third, there are multiple fronts in Syria and to make the best use of close air support aircraft like su-25 and several others jets, they are moving to positions near the prospective fronts, in the south, Homs province, Palmyra, and eastern Aleppo. There is also a possibility of looming confrontation with Turkey, which may require Russian aircraft not to be destroyed simultaneously on one base.


That would make more sense but the general did say “withdrawal.” That is not the same as “reposition.”

Aleks Black

Anything is possible. Unless Russia left totally, it wouldn’t make sense to pull the planes out, except to make room for other planes, use these planes more effectively in different spots. This entire thing reminds me of the first year I studied Pushkin in Cambridge University. The professor, who spoke no Russian, insisted to debate the meaning of specifics words used. Unless the translation/word usage is deliberate, it is difficult to draw conclusions from the words used in the translation.

Solomon Krupacek

so, then american are right, that the russian MoD lies… hm …

Aleks Black

I dont see how you conclude that. The latest intelligence seem to indicate that Turkey is going to attack Northern Syria. Relocating the bulk of Russian force is the natural move to keep it from being destroyed in a first strike move by turkey if Russia decides to protect Syria from Turkish aggression. I am hoping the situation escalates into the toppling of Erdogan government, for world peace purposes.

Solomon Krupacek

you told, that they left hmein and flew in other airfield in syria. (which is nionsense, beacuse none of them is secured). the mod told, they left syria and will not come back. the mod pointed on that fact, thet the rest, the LESS number of planes will be enough. so,you questions the credibility of MoD. you are traitor. :)))

Aleks Black

I dont know what nonsense you are talking about. Here is my contension for the last time. The jets are relocated in Syria due to the proximity of the NW airbase to turkey and vulnerability of attack most of the jets were redistributed all over syria, for numerous reasons, including, protecting the equipment, both russian from turkish attack and syrian from american attack. I dont know what you mean by traitor as I am not a Russian nor do I have any oath to the russian MOD. I think the MOD was hinting at the fact that there is going to be problems with the Turks, no need to worry about until the Russians get to you Solomon, and by then you caliph erdogan wont be able to save you from the fire he is about to start.

Jonathan Cohen

In that context “withdrawal” could mean farther south into Syria, away from the Turkish border, not North to Russia. I sure as hell don’t want to see Turkey and Russia fight, when they agree on abortion rights. They should both be fighting anti abortion forces like ISIS, AQ, Assad, Saudis and Israel.

Aleks Black

I have a different vision of the middle east. I believe that as Sunni Spring inspired terror revolution fade, and Iran becomes a powerful regional player Israel will be persuaded to see reason and make some sort of a peace with Israel. This only makes sense since Egypt has a relationship with Syria and so does Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Assad in Syria. If Israel could remove itself from the conflict all together and be a Switzerland, that would be for the best, but if it isn’t possible, Israel should be in bed with Iran, not the Sunnis, oil is cheap.

Jonathan Cohen

With a lot of shuttle diplomacy by Russia and some Recognition by Israelis that Saudi Arabia is a total abomination, such peace might be possible; but I would prefer Rojava take everything with both US and Russian backing, and spread abortion rights from Kabul to Luanda; except Turkey which has them already.

Solomon Krupacek

aleks the blind tells: The Russians are moving the jets from Hmeymim AFB to other bases in Syria.

rudskoy tells:Russia Withdraws Half Of Its Warplanes From Syria

who of them is the bigger dog?

Aleks Black

Not sure what you mean, your turkish is quite complicated. I made the argument that it makes no sense to move the jets and that the comments about their final destination have not been made clearly, i speculated that the jets are being deployed in a way that makes sense. You are welcome to your opinion.

Solomon Krupacek

no, you wrote, the planes stay in syria. and inbetween they began to left syria…

turkush not turkish, jeesh, not jewesh, russian nit russian, englesh not english, …:PPP

Aleks Black

Yes, it is my contention that the planes are going to be redistributed within Syria. Our conversation is really repetitive. You should find a turkish friend you can talk to, so you can high five each other over islamic propaganda, and dream together about Aladin and the Brain taking over the world.

Tudor Miron

Aleks, I think thats a waste of your time talking to this NWO genius :)

Solomon Krupacek

you are flagged for stupid offense, antiidemocrat


Solomon, this is a debate not a democracy. Ask yourself, what would Stalin do?

Aleks Black

Stalin would probably do something very similar to erdogan, who is basically a Turkish, inferior Stalin.


Oh, Aleks, it’s cruel to insult Stalin in such a harsh manner. IMO Stalin was an excellent war leader while Erdogan is a megalomaniac stumbling into oblivion. Hopefully he doesn’t take Turkey with him.

Jens Holm

Ha-ha. From 1938 and up to Barbarossa he let 3 million soldiers kill, by systematic mistakes.

And when germans silently lost, their last extra troops were mainly armed with russians weapons.


Last year Putin announced a total withdraw. They were using mostly helicopters for a while


It’s very common for governments to make a political announcement out of what are often essentially logistical or practical realities. Governments and politicians are in the very business of maximizing the available mileage out of events. In this instance, the reasons are complex and varied, could be sending dual signals. One to domestic Russian audience that events and commitment are under control, whilst sending second and far more ambiguous message to international audience (read NATO) on account of the more recently installed batch of Trump advisers having fully changed US foreign policy along standard Neo Con lines. Doesn’t mean those aircraft won’t be soon back after a service job in Russia.

Jens Holm

You should have been a boyscout or killing turtles.

The britts in south Africa couldnt catch the more mobile and hiding dutch by their overwhelming forces.

Then Baden Powel forced the enemies to come to them by fortification of a large town named Mafeking and was given many troops, ammo and supply. That helped those soldiers killed a lot of attackers.

A shortter version is a turle has a shield for hide and protect, but if it take out its head, it easy chopped off.

So let ISIS come to SAA could be an imporvement in stead of finding some here and there by aircrafts.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

I can not see your point and understand anything of your answer to my previous comment. Calm down, my friend. It’s just my way of thinking and nothing else. If you have something to contribute hopefully you can be something more understandable and objective so you will be more useful to us all.

Jens Holm

I might send You a mirror for christmas or eid.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

One more time. I can not see your point and understand anything of your answer to any of my comments. Are you drinking my friend?

Solomon Krupacek

rotaion maintains the number

Bill Wilson

Or to take them to their base near the coast to have their engines replaced. Much of Syria is arid and quite dusty which takes a toll on jet turbines.


Tactical disinformation at its best. Now no one really knows what Russia is up to. Sun Tzu would be proud.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Yes now. Totally agree if it would be such a move from Russia and is quite possible of course my friend.

Valery Grigoryev

I think the same. Something new is on the move.

Charlie rad


Alo Alo

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1a937279144a701707fc6246d4cfb6e1227b0dae06230d7e4863de1df9c686b3.jpg Double dildo)))))

Solomon Krupacek

sun tzu and you, both are stupid


Solomon, old Buddy, you’ve come back…..sort of like a case of jock itch.

Solomon Krupacek

the truth is painful. i tell you something: IF stalin would follow sun tzus stupidities, the red army until roday would fight with nazis.

he did opposite, what sun tzu suggested and totally destroyed the enemy and bult ap one global power center. anti sun tzu tactics had tatars, turks, spanish, french, british, american armies.


Truth is strength; jock itch is painful. If you truly think that Stalin, and his generals disregarded the concept of Sun Tzu you are, as usual, mistaken. Sun Tzu’s dicta is absolute, and violating it leads only to defeat. The key is adapting Sun Tzu to the terrain, and the situation within the strategic environment or within the battle area. Stalin, and his generals did exactly that. The Germans disregarded Sun Tzu, in numerous ways, and were defeated.

In spite of a lifetime of American propaganda I have a positive opinion of Stalin. He was ruthless, but his motives were pure, and he saved the Soviet people from slavery in a Jewish economic system governed by the International Monetary Fund. Stalin deserves to be judged within the context of his era, and that era war brutal. I also agree with Putin in that the dissolution of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical disaster of the 20th century.

Soloman, I have no idea who you are or where you’re from, but you debate like the Russian officers who I associate with in another forum. They tend to be somewhat rude, and opinionated, but they are highly knowledgeable. You, however, seem to lack greatly in your grasp of military subjects, and appear to be in this forum primarily to insult, and annoy. Learn the subject, and present your position clearly without insults, and personal attacks. Make an effort to earn the respect of your opponent, and leave your mind open to learning from your adversary.

Please accept my apology for taunting you, but you make it so easy that it’s hard to resist. Let us reason together, and hopefully we’ll benefit from our relationship.

Solomon Krupacek

you know nothing


Even I have to admit that some people just can’t be reached. Good luck to you, Solomon.

Tudor Miron

May I ask about that other forum that you mentioned above?


Sorry it’s taken so long for me to reply. I somewhat misspoke when I said “forum”. It’s just a small group of military people that I became associated with, beginning in 1984, when I was in the G2 (intel.) section of an armored division in the US. The issue of our lack of knowledge of the T 72/84 tank came up, and I said, “Why don’t we ask them?” My Division Cdr. said, “OK Captain, ask them.” That began my awakening to the realization that the SU was not my enemy. It also put me on the radar of a number of our alphabet agencies.

Some of the people in the group I’ve known for over 30 years, and others I’ve been corresponding with, but never met. Russian, Brits, German, Irish, one Somali, South African, etc. I have no idea who they really are, but that makes things interesting. I don’t know of any new people who’ve joined since the middle 90s, but I do know of several who’ve passed on. I’m 70, and I think the youngest member is around 55. I’m not allow to invite others to join unless I’ve known them personally for some time. It seems that there have become too many unpleasant people in the world.

Tudor Miron

Thanks for your response. That’s really refreshing to hear your opinion on Stalin and his role. We (humans) do like when someone shares our view but your description sounds like something based on actual historical facts and knowledge rather than narrative imposed from outside. Here in Russia we changed our narrative (regarding Stalin) many times – I think that you know that. The way that you conduct the discussion is such that it makes it very compelling to keep exchaning opinions with such person. Sorry for my broken English (self tought) :)

Gary Sellars

Nah, he can fck off… small minded troll haters don’t deserve your well-intentioned efforts at reasoned engagement, He simply deserves our collective contempt.

John Whitehot

Sun tzu principles are very general, in fact they are the most generic “documented” principles when it comes to warfare subjects. Of course they have their value, but fact is, that through some interpretation one can solidly state that every country, army, guerrilla or terror group has used Sun Tzu principles since basically ever.

The point is that anybody fighting a war and not applying those principles has a big chance to lose. The world’s militaries, which are mostly composed or include trained officers, don’t need to go through Sun Tzu to devise tactics.

Currently, that book is more like an interesting read for people who is totally un-versed with war, tactics and strategy, and wish to start learning something about how a war should be conducted in general.

Sadly there are also a lot of civilians working in the most disparate areas that read the book to apply its teachings to their jobs, or even worse personal lives. I think you get what kind of ppl I’m talking about and frankly, one can’t avoid facepalming when you hear “motivators”, or “life trainers” citing Sun Tzu because “you have to fight to get where you want” and that kind of shit.


That’s good summary – was given a copy years ago, and found it quite vague and general, and when compared my copy with other published copies found that various translated verses were at times quite different and comparative meanings ambivalent if not sometimes cryptic. Your right, it certainly won’t get anyone promoted at work or tell anyone how to deal with their toxic boss, lol. Maybe Machiavelli’s, The Prince, instead…

Solomon Krupacek

i think that book os not only vague, but also false.

look, each succesful strategy was encircle the enemy and destroy it. thus made stalin again and again, this was the von Schliessen plan of germans in WW1; they declined and lost it. this was the ractics on old age, middle age: encircle the cities/castle/stronghold and take it, kill all enemies. jengis khan, alexander the great, assyrians also followed this strategy.

Brad Isherwood

With Palmyra region,recent gas fields re acquired. ..others nearby. The proposed Jordan to Turk safe Zone pipeline route ** if planned for,…is scuppered. (British term and kick chairs in frustration ) : ) Syria East is next call and raise by US and Saudi. IRGC,Iranian special forces are security Shia zones in Syria…..defeating Saudi and Turk Backed Takfiri with technology,snipers,battle endurance. SAA are building up security and offensive forces. I believe Russia would provide airlift and helicopters should Syria face a crisis in the East. Hezbollah have FSA now attacking them Qualamoun mountains. ..Israel behind that.

Syria has opportunity now to build up and send forces to sectors which are increasing In activity. Der ah,/Golan IMO is Impatient Israel wanting US Air cover to grab it’s desired safe zone.

With Palmyra and Serbia forces going in,…Syria should move forces to counter Israel’s ambitions.


Exactly. We have seen endless announcements from Russia about winding down and the opposite happens. Whatever their intentions, you don’t announce it publicly. With the terrorist near complete defeat would be the time to accelerate participation, not withdrawal and give the Yankee Jihad time to reconstitute itself in the north and south.

Charlie rad

Typical disinformation strategy . Keep your enemy confused.


The last time the Russians announced the withdrawal of warplanes from Syria they actually did so. And then, as no surprise to anyone with more than two neurons, they had to rush back. Was it also a kind of that you call “tactical disinformation”? Or just stupidity?


At first I thought that it was an abandonment of Syria, but while watching the situation develop after the Russians left I understood their reasoning. The terrorists actually thought the Russians had gone. However, it’s only a few hours from Damascus to Russian territory, and when the Russian aerospace forces returned they returned to a target rich environment.

The terrorists, in the absence of strong Russian air assets, began to form into large battle groups in order to achieve the necessary strength ratio to attack well defended Syrian areas. When the terrorists presented large enough targets the Russians returned in force, and destroyed them.

In the present situation I don’t know if Russia is baiting the terrorists or if Russia is realigning their air assets to support Russian ground forces or both, but Russia isn’t leaving Syria until they are victorious. Russians are like that.

Jens Holm

You are right. Of course the enemy change their way of doing things rapidly and its not for sure russians has left anything. They have just updated.


Did you read RT? “Putin, Erdogan may discuss S-400 sale to Turkey in early May in Sochi – Kremlin” Another good example of “Sun Tzu would be proud” crap? Sun Tzu once said: “You are a complete idiot if you think about selling your best defense weapon to your enemy.” Well, if Sun Tzu did not say that, it’s because he believed that no one would be so stupid at that point. Unfortunately, I fear he was wrong…


I must agree that selling the S-400 to Turkey would be complete insanity. However, the key phrase here is “May discuss”.

The above said I fail to understand your obsession with finding some way to fault Sun Tzu. The advice of Sun Tzu, Clausewitz, and all other great military minds is just that, ADVICE. It’s up to the reader to apply this advice to his particular situation.


No, dear, the key phrase is “sale to Turkey”, because to just CONSIDER the possibility (the so-called “may discuss”) it is necessary to be a complete idiot.

Fault Sun Tzu? Where did you see that? I do not want or intend to “fail” Sun Tzu: I just refer to the quote you made. I do not even consider Sun Tzu, or his existence, or his “teachings” or his “advices”.


Good for you, dear. Please feel free to blunder through a life of ignorance.

Good day.


My supposed ignorance can be fought and defeated; your stupidity is atavistic… Good day.

Danko Cule

Russians did it 3 times before, they are probably moving aircrafts for scheduled rotation and repair, and new ones will supplement them. Aircrafts and helicopters are pounded by small arms fire and AA guns when in low flight, and they probably need overhaul. Earlier news said they are moving half of the planes to other airfield in Syria. And why put a stress on same aircraft’s and their engines when you can rotate them.


Is this related to Putin s recent visit with the king of Saudi Arabia? A gesture perhaps, in return for a favor?


They better be back!!! The war is not over yet!

Valery Grigoryev

It’s strange. I can not understand if it’s real intention. While may be just sime trick…

Per Karlsson

They just want to keep a low profile. They make public announcements whenever they bring planes home, but any new deployments are done without fanfare.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

In this you are quite right my friend. The Russians never announce the arrival of their new planes in Syria. Good point.

Nbah Vargus



Why did Russia withdraw half its airplanes if shortly before fresh speculations have been circulating in the media that Russia is preparing to deploy its ground forces to Syria on Assad request?

Solomon Krupacek

Russia slowly, but sure says bye bye, syria.


Not exactly

Tudor Miron

Keep dreaming Solomon :)

Solomon Krupacek

Tumor major, i have no dreams, i have plans. I am no dreamer, but realistic.


They did this in the past as well, this time the withdrawal comes after the decreasing number of terrorists in Syria. They might have moved the Su-24 and a combination of Su-30 and 35, maybe increasing the emphasis on helicopters and surface to surface missiles. Or Putin is signaling fake news to confound Trump and US interests in the area.

Tudor Miron

Wait a minute… Who’s the author of this desinformation? Total noncense :) Let’s look at facts:

First of all MD of Russia didn’t do any breathing today. Last such event happened on 28th March http://function.mil.ru/for_media/press_conferences.htm

2nd: Rudskoy did attend today’s security forum http://eng.mil.ru/en/mcis/index.htm but he was not speaking. Shoigu did and he never said a word about reducing current number of deployed planes.

3. If one looks at the link provided in this bullsh$t article – there’s nothing about withdrawing planes from Syria.

Cmon guys? What is happening to this website? Joining MSM fake news gang?

Kim Jong

Mig 23 in the picture?

Valery Grigoryev

Su 24


Considering the rumors of Russia deploying ground troops into Syria could this move be a realignment of forces?

Pampi Ta

Can’t journalists read carefully instead of making sensasional headlines ?

Russia HAD withdrawn half of its warplanes between November 10, 2016 and January 10, 2017. It’s written for God’s sake, it’s PAST TIME.

Solomon Krupacek

and this is present time:

He also confirmed that the withdrawal of some warplanes comes after the decreasing of the number of terrorists in Syria.


Whenever, SAA stats gaining momentum, RuAF decides to withdraw. Weird

Pampi Ta

In November. It’s a journo mistake.


Oops, I just read the article. :)



1- Sputnik is famous for delivering “breaking news” that after a while prove to be untrue. 2- Even “If” that was true, the news says that “Russia Has Withdrawn Almost Half of Its Air Group From Syria’s Hmeymim Airbase”. NOTE: From “Hmeymim Airbase”, NOT from Syria. 3- So, even “if” that’s true, we are talking about a rearrangement of the jets in other airfields.

The option 3 would make sense, specially after the USA bombardment. If you disperse your jets in many regions your losses would be lower in the case of an attack.

Now you understand the point? Hope so…


And you get to understand that Hmeymim Airbase is too close from the area where USA/Turkey forces are operating.

Solomon Krupacek

look, we are not stupid. russian airbase is ONLY in Hmeymim. if remove, then also from syria.


“Currently”, it is. It doesnt mean that Russian planes cannot move elsewere in Syria. After all, whitdrawing FROM SYRIAN territory now makes no sense.


Logistics would have to be set up. About a year ago it was reported that Russian engineers went to Shayrat airbase to do some work (that’s right, the location of the Tomahawk strike! ).


I would guess ARF rotation.


I think the article is very misleading. In Nov 2016 Admiral Kuzetsov showed up with about 30 aircraft, and then withdrew in Jan 2017. The same dates that are quoted in the article. THIS WAS A 50% REDUCTION IN FIGHTER BOMBERS


the difference between Russia and US/NATO. As the war is getting closer to end, russia’s military support gets smaller to give way for the reconstruction. For US/NATO, they send more troops and destroy more.


No doubt that you listen to and belief fake media/MSM reports.


I highly doubt there is a withdrawl of russian air forces from syria. I think that they are moving planes around to make room for MORE.

Remember: Russia JUST announced that, essentially, they are sending troops to syria at the request of the syrian government… They would most certainly INCREASE RuAF presence in syria not DECREASE, in preparation for such troop movement.


“Russia sending more troops to Syria” Sources please, or is just another fake news report ?


You got google. Have fun….

John Brown

As long as the bombers stay that is what matters.


O sea, indecición total de que realmente hacer ¿ verdad ? ¿ Acaso ya destruyeron a todos los terroristas en Siria ? ¿ Por qué permitieron que los terroristas retomaran Palmyra ? ¿ Por qué no los borran del mapa en pleno desierto ? ¿ Acaso temen daños colaterales hacia los alacranes y serpientes del desierto ?


I think it is just a rotating supply management. They remove some planes and announce it, but at the same time other planes with fresh pilots are coming to Syria – without any public announcement. Syria is also a perfect combat training space for Russian pilots.

Gary Sellars

Russia indeed withdraw warplanes… and then promptly transferred them to the SAAF?

I say this in jest, but it would be nice…

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