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MARCH 2025

Russian An-26 Transport Aircraft Crashed In Syria. 39 People Died – Updated

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UPDATE: According to a new report by the Russian Defense Ministry, 39 people died in the plane crash. Six crew members and 33 people on board, all of them military personnel.


On March 6, an An-26 transport military plane crashed near the Russian Hmeimim airbase in Syria, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

The incident took palce at 3 pm [Moscow time]. 32 people, including 6 crew members, died. According to the ministry, the incident could have been caused by a technical malfunction.

“Around 15:00, a Russian An-26 transport aircraft has crashed while coming in for landing at the Hmeimim air base,” the ministry’s statement said. “All those on board died.”

The plane hit the ground some 500 meters from the runway. The ministry added that it had not come under fire before the incident.

The investigation is underway.

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RIP. Very sad news.


This is an incident isn’t it ?

jerry hamilton

Not something that happens often.


All my condolences for these heroes

Spanker Dane

Anyone who gets into a Russian-built airplane is a hero.


Maybe, but Russia isn’t rich like America, and they are saving us all from WWIII.


Not Russia which is saving us from WW3 but Syrians and Iranians and Hezbollah.

Russia is just delaying WW3 when Russia will be weaker with no allies and an easy target.




∆∆Another one who missed the March 1st memo.

andy l

No country with a nuclear arsenal the size of Russias will be an easy target. Do you think China would just sit back if the west attacked Russia knowing full well it could be next.


Yes. China will sit back and wait. Don’t think China will sacrify for Russia.

And, I repeat for 1 billion times that USA will not attack Russia directly but by using their ennemis in borders. And, it can be that USA will simply make a “color revolution” after decades of sabotage and demonization.

AM Hants

They have been trying that scenario for over a hundred years. Now how has it worked so far?


It worked in the Ukraine.

AM Hants

Do you class the death of, according to one MP, over 100,000 people, times 9, with life changing injuries and then millions of others, that are displaced, a success. The UN are more Conservative, and go with the death of at least 10,000. I do believe it is the people of Ukraine that took the carnage from the Soros/US funded regime change in Ukraine. Then you have Georgia, and how did that colour revolution work out?


Not trying to argue with you, but despite his bad English, Serious was correct in “USA will not attack Russia directly but by using their enemis(sic) in borders” All that aside, yesterday 3/5/2018 , en.FarsNews had a piece titled “Turkish Daily Discloses Five State Plan to Disintegrate Syria”. Incredibly good article. However it seems to be beyond my skills to retrieve it, any chance you could.


Fake ID.

John Whitehot

lols, China instead will sacrify for the criminals who are running the USA.

God you’re so funny.


China left NK. So, don’t have too hope about China.

John Whitehot

“China left NK”

I didn’t hear they were together. must have missed the juiciest details on your fave tabloids.


Nope China did not leaves nor befriended NK.. but won’t let anything happen to NK due to border, region and business wise.. of those natural resources of NK..! And China don’t give a shit about anything except business.. ever wonder what happens to rohingya..? Just read what’s under Rakhine and who’s lobbying it..! And as to why Russia didn’t even say a bloody word about it..? Maybe his doing a favor for a friend I guess..! So much for his international lobbying stuffs.. hehehe..!

John Whitehot

lol, that implies that the USA as a rogue country and israels minion will last for decades, which is much more an hazardous hypothesis than the one you make.

John Whitehot


Your wishes to see the debt-free world divided are more than known.

Sadly for your employers, the only one that are dividing are western countries who one by one realize that their “lead” is actually led by the worst criminal organization in human history.

Bite on them.


They realize nothing. Most people don’t care about politics. And, when they realize, they can do shit. Meanwhile, the west terror is spreading.

John Whitehot

“They realize nothing”

given the amount of “russian meddling” bullshit in every single political article on MsM, your assertion is invalid.

“Meanwhile, the west terror is spreading”

Wonder how you measure that. You’re worse than medieval crywolves when they yelled about people with plague trying to infect others.

Your employers created this lowly vulgarity in their populations mindset, and they will face it when time come.


Don’t understand. You are talking about some fictional facts or I don’t know.

While you are “winning”, there are more dead, more lies and more conspiracies and the west terror is spreading.

So, yes, you goal is to make people suffer while le west stupid population “realize”. XD. They realize shit. they are shit. They care about the Kardashian whores and real Madrid and Barça.

John Whitehot

“They care about the Kardashian whores and real Madrid and Barça”

certainly, I don’t dispute this. But there is a breaking point, where people has to care about its basic needs and how their “elected” representatives deprive them of them.

All the recent debacles suffered by the establishments in every electoral event in the west are indicative of a mounting displeasure with all and any person or party that has represented those establishments.

It’s a long way, but the tendency seems set.


Don’t have time to wait.

Your plan is to wait, to spread more death and terrorism and maybe after 1 million years, people will start do something. XD.

John Whitehot

my plan is to watch zionists sinking in shit while the human race evolves towards peace and justice.

your plan is that of someone who hardly reached 18 because you still haven’t a clue about time and patience in everything human.

Old zionist fucks like soros and whoever pays the trolls on this site will die knowing that whatever they did to accomplish their world domination plans failed.


Your plan is to see more people dying and suffering, more destruction caused by the globalists and their useful idiots.

John Whitehot

“Your plan is to see more people dying and suffering”

which will eventually stop when the sources of it will rot in their graves.

your plan (actually the one of those who pay you, because your only plan is to get 10 cents more) ) is to spread panic and histeria to prevent people to keep “my plan” going.


My plan is to kill the terrorists and prevent them to kill.

John Whitehot

you wouldn’t kill a mosquito because you’d be too afraid of being bitten by it.

That’s why your ass is sitting in front of a soros owned computer all day.


I can kill a mosquito because he can bite me and spread illness. Otherwise, I kill nobody.

The soros buddies are those who let the globalist plan expand and pretend to fight it. We have seen Putin with the great murder Kissinger.

John Whitehot

“We have seen Putin with the great murder Kissinger”

jewish lawyery.

And you still haven’t noticed that opportunism is playing against you.


Why does the “saver” love mass murderers ? XD.

John Whitehot

the saviour you mean.

besides, who’s gona stand up for justice and peace, the banks? the NGOs? the mossad?


Scandinavians and Greeks. But, they have no power. That’s why Putin mlust kill the terrorists instead of collaborating with USA.

John Whitehot

the greeks i like. not the scandinavians, they are generally busy discussing if transvestites should use men or women toilets, or putting gay signs on the bottom of the sea for russian submariners to see them.

but just wait until their efficient welfares crumble under the weight of millions of migrants who dont pay taxes, who sell drugs and send the money abroad and who’ll start soon about women having to wear burkas when going into specific zones.


hehehe.. damn.. You’re right about that.. lol..


Never been there i guess…..and never been in greece either hahahahaaa the immigrant problems there are WAY bigger

Tudor Miron

This Serious troll is trying old Jewish trick of accusing others of his own crime. He’s problem is that even that is out of his depth.


That’s our plans too..! btw, I don’t see any protest taking place since 2011 in UasS by those slumber zombies.. yet..!


dream on…..sociopaths that pull the strings are stronger then the mayority, unfortunatly

Tony B.

They are also a tiny minority and extremely vulnerable to the truth. This is why they are pulling out all plugs on censoring the Internet now. They are panicking. Also the reason for the stupid comments of their trolls on sites such as this.


Fake ID

Carol Davidek-Waller

Using the death 39 people to spread lies and strife? No humanity. R U a Robot?


Wow.. for this one I’m with you..! And you are right too about China.. They are opportunist.. as long as there’s business.. they’ll love you.. other than that.. You’re on ur own.. hehehe!

roger temple

What a stupid comment.


“…The Russian Defense Ministry’s commission is examining all possible versions of the crash…” http://tass.com/world/993055

Wondering if that An-26 was fitted with active jammers -cylindrical pods on either side of the lower fuselage sides- as well as chaff and I/R flares for self-defense: operating in a war zone (taking off and landing from Khmeimim Air Base) requires such basic equipment.

The aircraft of #Russia's Special Purpose Aviation Brigade that crashed today at Hmeymim is reported as an An-26 transport. RF-36162 is seen here in #Syria last September. The small fixed-wing transport contingent at the base typically comprises one An-26, one An-30, one An-72. pic.twitter.com/2cFs9uMSmf— Thomas Newdick (@CombatAir) March 6, 2018

John Whitehot

jammers unlikely, flares lilkely.

in any case thomas newdick (strange name) has reported a wrong serial number.


Thank you…………… when are you going to send me my medal ?

Ricky Miller

They were built in Ukraine. Full Stop.


A little bit more respect my friend, try not to be a complete a**hole.

Manuel Flores Escobar

and what about of ATR-72? this is a western built plane with a record of accidents!


It had rather bad icing characteristics.. mainly due to a super critical air flow design.. fixed mainly with vortex generators over the ailerons and other critical surfaces and an Icing AD.. .

Dušan Mirić

Antonov is Ukraine based company


then what about Ukrainian built? A saint?

Every mujahid martyred by the kuffar is a hero! https://youtu.be/it0NJAGQSWc

jim crowland

You are right!! specially if the plane is overloaded with chemical weapons…

Jens Holm

And if they dont have a parashute, its because they are very poor :))

Allah says in his Qur’an: O you who have believed, do not take My enemies and your enemies as allies, extending to them affection while they have disbelieved in what came to you of the truth, having driven out the Prophet and yourselves [only] because you believe in Allah, your Lord. If you have come out for jihad in My cause and seeking means to My approval, [take them not as friends]. You confide to them affection, but I am most knowing of what you have concealed and what you have declared. And whoever does it among you has certainly strayed from the soundness of the way.

John Whitehot

now you can get back at sucking that israeli dick.

Lolsss, Islam is terrorist’s religion, killing infidels is Allah’s will.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes



This is truly terrible, my thoughts and prayers are with the families of the bereaved, God Bless them all.

David Pryce

So gutted Russia is saving Syria and some luck would help RIP

Daniel Miller

I do not understand why exactly do they still use the AN-26 its a very old aircraft and last produced in the mid 80’s even the newest aircraft are over 30 years old.


During the 2nd Gulf war I flew as a contractor in and out of Baghdad in a AN-26 and was impressed by its toughness and how it handled some of the awful mud tracks that were supposed to be airstrips. I thought of it as a really tough old bird , that could be serviced ad hoc by the aircrew. The pilots put the plane thro’ some gut-wrenching acrobatics to avoid gun-fire from the ground. Generally we flew very high, out of MANPAD range, and before we reached out destination we would drop like the proverbial stone at full power and literally corkscrew in to land……………….. Nobody ever made the mistake of eating before boarding !


A typical tough Russian aircraft. A lot of these AN 26s have had cockpit upgrades and depending on the upgrade will have an added designation. EG., AN 26-100, 100A, 100B and C etc. These were designed as transporters, however, this one was obviously reconfigured to carry personnel. Probably had a modern flight deck installed which would have included, monitoring system equipped, auto-calibration + satnav systems. Not difficult for a Yankee dirt bird and there was at least one in the vicinity, which could have fiddled around with the electronic receivers and then there is a crash………..Commiserations to the families who have to bear this loss.

John Whitehot

speculations – let’s hear what the exact variant involved before jumping to any conclusion. An-26 have always been able to carry personnel – they carried paratroopers since soviet times.


Big difference between carrying paras and having it decked out to carry passengers. Since I don’t know the aircraft, I can only presume when it was built it came with seat rails, which then could be configured to meet the requirements of the day. I did walk through an A 310 which was designed as a specific transporter and while it did have seat rails, they were solely for lashing down cargo no seat stacks could ever have been fitted.

John Whitehot

in any case the serial number matches an airplane built in 1980 and not updated.

John Whitehot

ask the americans, who still use C-130s that were made in the 1950s. And before you ask, yes, lots of herculeses have crashed.


The Russians are doing us all an enormous favour by thwarting American Imperialism in Syria. I thank you for your sacrifices on our behalf.


My God, when I saw the title my bones froze, how can this happen, damn it damn it, Rest In Peace, May God Bless you now, Condolences to the Families and friends and to the Russian Government of this tragically killed men and maybe women in this horrific accident/or not?! We should know the cause for this in fast time…


But the Kremlin retains a defence budget at the levels of..France. This was at least a 32 yrs old plane. Russian armed forces are in desperate need of modern transport planes.


You make a valid comment, but let put it to you thus, ( and reference my comment bellow during the 2nd Gulf war ), Irrespective of the age of an aircraft, if it still conforms within set safety parameters, then it is fit for purpose. New aircraft for the RuAF are on the way, the fact is , the countries current manufacturing capacity is overloaded and they cannot produce faster than they are currently doing so. The AN26 is a really tough aircraft, and if I was the Russians, I would be looking are giving it a new lease of life.

AM Hants

We are still using the spitfire, over in the UK. Because of austerity and flogging off everything else. That includes for transporting forces and equipment, again, owing to cutbacks.


I’ve worked on 727s and 737-200s older than that

John Whitehot

and planes less than 1 year old have also fell.

so what? it’s sad, but planes are subject to accidents.

zionists trying to force russophobic, anti-assad, anti-iran histeria are the real problem.


No, a lot of countries use old transport planes because they’re reliable and there isn’t much point replacing them. There are probably a lot of older C-130s still flying today.


jesus…thiss shit wont ever end? why so many Russian transport planes crash all the time? this is a massacre…is there jamming weapon been used vs those planes?


No jamming didn’t work on antiquated planes like this. I should say the clues may be on the personnel and crews involved.


Since it was reconfigured for personnel, it probably also had a flight deck upgrade which would have included a satnav.

John Whitehot


at the most it had a portable gps on its front panel.

find me a plate that says that Hmeynim has mandatory GNS approach procedure and you’ll have a discussion.

until then it’s histeria,

Ricky Miller

You mean hysteria. And you are an anti-semite and a blowhard. You are busy denying the possibility that the plane was subjected to EW navigation interference before the investigation has even started. I’m saying it’s possible. Even the Russians are saying that all possibilities are being explored. Suspicions are required at this point and conclusions premature. But do dismiss everyone and…blow on.


When the above super troll wrote “histeria”, I remembered my daughter’s kids talking about a cartoon show on tv. So, I was wondering how this omnipotent creature who trawls, sorry that should be trolls, all over SF with the only version of truth could make such a simple spelling mistake? Wiki to the rescue via Google, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histeria!. I am a Licenced A/C engineer, however, I have to admit I know very little about Russian aircraft and less again about their military aircraft except that which I read in Flight International. It is great to have such a super white hot knowledgeable person to keep us dumb-arse-fucks in our place. lol


Sorry, I am not into trivial animi. However, I’m sure the Russian Military in Hmeynim have approach protocols for all their aircraft. Otherwise how the fuck are they going to secure it?

John Whitehot


here you can see that it was a non-updated aircraft.

aviationsafety.net has reported the same info too.

“I am not into trivial animi” if you weren’t you wouldn’t be claiming a GPS approach. Or does it become trivial only when it does not suit your claim.

“Otherwise how the fuck are they going to secure it?”

secure it and approach plates are two different subjects. It’s apples and motorcycles. approach plates are related to the airport and its airspace, not the aircraft model. different approach methods are selected and normally ordered by the air controller according to several conditions.


I mean it’s flight controls is completely analog. I get that the flight instruments may have updated into digital but i doubt the pilot would crash the plane on landing approach just because their flight instruments malfunctioning. Unless of course if the landing relying on automated control of said flight instruments.

John Whitehot

if this is a massacre the tens of thousands dead jihadists must go beyond any definition.

if only there was a word that could signify how much you suck, i’d use it. it’s just that the whole internet isn’t enough to contain all the insults your kind deserves these days.


are you on drugs dude? wtf youre smoking? dod you ever read what i wrote?


I though Antonov didn’t exist no more after US coup in Ukraine.

John Whitehot

it aint that all the planes they built in the last 50 years dematerialized when nuland ordered ukraine to stop producing aircraft


Well, at least now we know Russian transport planes need to be upgraded. Get to work.


Rather, their systems need to be tight against CIA sabotage programs.



Ricky Miller

Two American Navy spy planes were in the vicinity off the coast. Key questions for the investigation: was the plane on autopilot and using GPS? If so where did the GPS tell the plane’s autopilot it was? It fell just short during landing, an odd circumstance. I advise you to assume malignant causes until the facts say otherwise and work backwards from there. Reasons? Vladimir Putin knows and they know that he knows that U.S. aircraft provided signals support during an insurgent drone attack several months back, and on that same airbase. A Russian rocket last year performed flawlessly in placing foreign satellites into space except that due to a GPS glitch the satellites were placed into the wrong orbit. Call me suspicious, even paranoid but facts are facts. The USA is hell bent on attacking and weakening Russia any sneaky or underhanded way they can. These twenty six brave Russian souls might be the latest victims in Washington’s endless drive to dominate everything and everyone.


Russians have GLONASS that is in competition with GPS. Plane was almost certainly using GLONASS, I wonder if they have found a way to spoof it?

John Whitehot


you zionists trying to foment hysteria among zionist fighting people.

Planes don’t only use staellites to navigate, actually satellite navigation is not approved for civilian IFR flight rules, and certainly is not for military flights approaching Hmeynim.

Ricky Miller

I don’t know about Nick but I am not now and have never been any kind of zionist. And planes do use satellite navigation. Hell, I use satellite navigation both GPS and GLONASS on my Garmin while riding my bike out in the country. Military aircraft and missiles use it as a default.


weather was perfect flying weather, 3 pm in afternoon, on sunny, non windy day. Pilot was a veteran with 3,000 hours on this aircraft alone. You needn’t a gps 500 meters from an AB to land!

This appears to have been a hydraulic system failure, and loss off control over moving surfaces. Perhaps the elevator, or slats/flaps got stuck in “descent” position, and pilot could not get them to reverse.

Graeme Rymill


See page 1-1-19 under the subheading “IFR Use of GPS”

John Whitehot

“(3) The authorization to fly instrument approaches/departures with GPS is limited to U.S. airspace.”

Did you read this part in the 1-1-19 section?

John Whitehot

(3) The authorization to fly instrument approaches/departures with GPS is limited to U.S. airspace.

did you read this part in the 1-1-19 section?

John Whitehot

(3) The authorization to fly instrument approaches/departures with GPS is limited to U.S. airspace.

did you read this part in the 1-1-19 section?

and since when Russian pilots are subjected to faa rules?

Graeme Rymill

This is what I read:

“actually satellite navigation is not approved for civilian IFR flight rules” and yet in at least one country (and I suspect many more countries) it is!!!!

John, you once said about Hmeynim air base “The base was bare land in all pics I saw so far”. Is that statement you made still true?

John Whitehot

“and yet in at least one country”

and who said i was talking about one country or another, or the entire world? or do i need to write thousands of words in order to prevent sophism on your part?

there are several authorities regulating flight rules in different parts of the world, the faa is about the US, US pilots flying abroad abide by rules set by the local authority.

I see that your interest in discussion does not go beyond trying to prove me wrong, and your results so far are absymal.

if you keep it like this when you’ll be 80 years old you’d be wandering the streets stopping people and telling them “there was that dude that saw bare land around that airbase damn”, with people giving you a pitiful look.

Graeme Rymill

I am so sorry to misinterpret your always crystal clear assertions!

So it should have read:

“[Russian military] planes [landing in Syria] don’t only use staellites to navigate, actually satellite navigation is not approved for civilian IFR flight rules [in Syria], and certainly is not for military flights approaching Hmeynim [where as we all know there it is totally barren except when it rains when there is just brown grass and weeds].”

There we go! That is a lot clearer! :-)

John Whitehot

no. you should had read what i wrote without any addition.

inform yourself and you will see that commercial flights (airliners) employ GPS as a backup mean of navigation, the primary means being inertial and VHF radio.

Light aircraft (General aviation) employ more GPS in their navigation mix simply because they lack inertial equipment, it’s easy and economic to use and maintain and other reasons. In addition, they make the 99% of flights using VFR rules, in which GPS is an established method.

military flights, especially if flying in a non-peace condition and outside their national borders have even more means, doppler radar navigation for example is found on older built soviet fixed/rotary aircraft, without mentioning other kinds of encrypted proprietary radio navaids.

that said: may GPS/GLONASS or radio signal be jammed?

yes, they can be jammed as every other radio signal.

was this the cause of this particular accident?

No; and i don’t give a damn if your clique tries to put a 1% doubt that it can be the case, because the likeness is 0%, at least to anybody who is flying these particular aircraft in this scenario.

the propaganda practice of making enemies believe that “something magic” or uncontrollable is playing against them is up since prehistory.

On the other side, keep rummaging in the mud trying to catch up at any opportunity to give some points to whoever puts money un your pockets. You will see what that will do to you when it’s too late.

Goddamn, I feel like I need to shower every time I talk to you.

Graeme Rymill

“Goddamn, I feel like I need to shower every time I talk to you”

Your awareness of your own self-deception will do that to you every time!

John Whitehot

fuming heap of bullshit.

find an aviation manual, an antonov-26 procedure manual and learn how what you just stated is beyond madness.


John, I have a question, which is based a lot on conjecture, and a bit on the experiences/knowledge that came out of the episode of the “Boeing’s ‘Uninterruptible Autopilot System’, Drones & Remote Hijacking” . So the question I am asking is “Do you think it is possible for the flight controls to have been remotely hijacked” ? I can’t help but feel very suspicious, especially when one considers all that has gone on in the last few years.

John Whitehot

the answer is no.

the flight controls are mechanical devices, rods and cables connecting the control column and pedals to the control surfaces. on this plane there is no fly-by-wire either.


Thank you for your excellent insight……………..it just needed a little logical introspection and the answer is staring one in the face!

Ricky Miller

It’s not beyond madness. Or excrement. It’s an opinion based on facts, even though I may be wrong, at least in this case. Fact, two American aircraft were off the Syrian coast the day the airbase was attacked by a sophisticated swarm of drones. And today as well. I don’t know when they departed as both aircraft were tracked off Syria’s coast several hours before today’s crash but U.S. EW aircraft have made a habit lately of loitering and doing racetrack turns near Russian areas of interest, including both Syria and Crimea.

Consulting an An-26 manual would do me no good. It wouldn’t tell me if this 26 had it’s navigation suite upgraded for GPS navigation. And you don’t know that either. In World War 2 both German and British aircraft were led astray in a signals navigation war where crossing lines of transmission were used to guide aircraft to bombing coordinates and then back home again. Aircrews often bombed open areas instead of factories and dutifully followed the signal home only to be lead astray by a stronger, closer signal designed to mimic the enemies more distant one. Several German aircrews perished in the North Sea following a bogus navigation aid. This might be the twenty first century and satellites are involved but it’s not rubbish or bullshit. What it is is possible. And an investigation that answers questions about how the pilots were navigating to the runway at the time they touched down short, and what GLONASS told the plane about it’s location will in time answer if there could be an EW componet here. In the meantime I retain my right to an opinion, even in the face of your dismissive scorn.

John Whitehot

it wasn’t an updated plane


scroll down to RF-92955, the serial number of the plane.

in this case it would had to involve spoofing the airplane’s altimeter which is not possible as it is a mechanical device.

in addition it appears that visibility was good enough not for the pilots to rely on satellites to see the runway.

I don’t want to appear as dismissive or scorning. but people puts too much fantasy in technical matters outside their knowledge.

WW2 pilots may well have been led astray by false radio signals, but it was a totally different era and setting, involving large swathes of ocean or unfamiliar land, or night flying, and there weren’t many navigational aids like today.

Syria isn’t that large, and visibility was good – with those conditions ppilots are able to navigate only using their compass and visual references.

Ivan Freely

Rick, maybe. I too share the same sentiment as you. It’s really sad that whenever I read something like this, my first thought was, “OK, what did those psychopaths do this time?” When I read the news of Putin losing his favorite driver, I immediately thought of Michael Hastings.

I would like to know what the conditions were when this happened.

Graeme Rymill

You said: “A Russian rocket last year performed flawlessly in placing foreign satellites into space except that due to a GPS glitch the satellites were placed into the wrong orbit.”

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said

“The failure had been caused by human error. The rocket carrying the satellites had been programmed with the wrong coordinates, he said, saying it had been given bearings for take-off from a different cosmodrome — Baikonur — which Moscow leases from Kazakhstan.”


Putin bumbled, that rossiya has etehrnally flying planes with supermicronuclear fuel. And now falls ? …

Daniel Miller

1.The AN-26 is a old workhorse transport aircraft witch was made from 1969 to 1985. 2.The aircraft mostlikely crashed due to human error. 3. You dont seem to be very aware that aircraft are subject to accsidents.


irony is my middle name


It crashed due to sheer wind, which I hear is very common around the Med sea shores. Two opposing wind gusts hit face to face, and the aircraft looses all the forward speed it had associated with the original wind. Naturally, you gun the engines and point the nose down to get up air speed, but they were at the very end of landing procedure.


My condolences to their families, friends, colleagues and country.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Surely it was a consecuence of “shear wind”..its typical in mediterranean sea when suddenly 2 wind currents collide face to face…the aircraft lose speed and the plane goes into auger…pilots always have to accelerate in the glide path before landing to avoid it!…

Pave Way IV

I wish I could give you about 10 more upvotes for the first insightful comment. Winds were 220° @10 kts gusting to 20 kts.

– Sink rate visibly increases with beginning of an aerodynamic stall around :10 mark (the wing stops lifting because there’s not enough air streaming over it). – Pilot reacts as expected by dropping nose at :11 and probably gunning the engines. Problem is gunning a turboprop doesn’t instantaneously increase thrust – it’s not like pushing on your gas pedal in your car. The engines take a few seconds before they begin to spool up, and a few more seconds to produce enough thrust to accelerate an aircraft that size so that the wing starts flying again. At :13 the starboard wing is so far into a stall that the pilot cannot keep the wings level – the ‘steering wheel’ in the cockpit does nothing no matter how far the pilot turns it. *IF* the aircraft was high enough, the expected pilot action would be to drop the nose further to get air flowing over the wings again. But at 200m it’s pointless. The engines have still not accelerated the aircraft enough to fly. The pilot and co-pilot know it’s over at this point. Ground impact at :16, way too hard for anyone to survive.

Some random thoughts:

The starboard engine appears to be running at a much different speed than the port one. It may just be a video effect, but the starboard propeller may not even be turning – too blurry to tell either way. You shouldn’t expect to see perfect synchronization of the propellers in a video, but they should be damn close. They’re not by a long shot on this An-27.

Even though turboprops spool up slowly over a few seconds, the increase in throttle should be obvious in the video. It doesn’t look like the port propeller started turning any faster when the stall began and there isn’t any obvious change in whatever the starboard engine was doing (or not). That’s unexpected.

The biggest thing that sticks out to me is the direction of the smoke plume. Aircraft normally land into (against) the wind, not with it. Airports will have aircraft use the appropriate runway based on the wind. It should have been landing on runway 17L, which points 170° – closest to the wind direction of 220°. The aircraft could have been landing on 35R (same runway, opposite direction), but this happened at 14:00 local and the sun appears to be reflecting off the nose. So if it was lined up on runway 17L and crashed short of it. why does the smoke plume seem to be drifting as if the wind was from 270° or 290°? I don’t have an explanation – maybe it’s just the angle the video was taken from.

https://youtu.be/V9i15MtHQ10 RIP, Russian dudes. You died doing something honorable.

Pave Way IV

Can any Russian-speakers translate the bits of conversation in the video? Thanks in advance.

John Whitehot

this is another accident, not the hmeynim one.

Pave Way IV

Damn! You’re right, John. Should have paid more attention. I’m two for two today. The video is from an An-26 crash at Balashov Airfield, Russia on 30May17.

My suspicions about the starboard engine were right, despite being wrong about the aircraft, crash, time and airfield. So I’m about as accurate as CNN.

Narrative: An Antonov 26 transport plane, operated by the Russian Air Force, was destroyed in an accident during a training flight. An engine failure was simulated as the aircraft approached Balashov Airfield. The aircraft descended below the glide-slope and impacted terrain about 150m short of the runway threshold. A fire erupted. One occupant died in the crash. The five other crew members were seriously injured.


John Whitehot

“So I’m about as accurate as CNN.”



Another British ‘spectacular’- and it’s no coincidence that Britain struck at the same time of accusing Putin of poisoning two in the UK. MI6 is now using the same tricks against Russia that it used against Germany during WW2.

And this makes THREE planes destroyed by terrorist actions that Putin LIES about, and claims were ‘accidents’ (Hitler, likewise, described British sabotage as ‘accidents’).

1) Military transport taking musicians to Aleppo to celebrate the liberation. 2) the recent passenger jet in Russia. 3) this current military transport.

then we had the Russian jet out of Egypt blown up by an altitude triggered bomb. Putin denied that was terrorism as well until he had no choice but to admit the truth- yet in that case the terrorists released video showing the plane explode on the same day. Sites like Southfront were told to pretend the video was fake.

This isn’t a cold war. This is a slow burn HOT war. How does Putin respond? He gives the greenlight to Turkey and Israel to invade Syria. And he ensures Russia votes IN FAVOUR of the West’s depraved anti-Human resolutions at the UNSC. Facts, guys- pay attention to the FACTS! Stop projecting (and Google “projecting” if you don’t know what the term means.

John Whitehot

you are a laughstock.

Ivan Freely

You left out the Russian passenger jet from Egypt. Let’s not forget the deaths of Russian diplomats and high profile people. I agree on your ‘slow burn’ comment.

Joe Dirt

Southfront = Putin’s propaganda

Farzad Tabrizi

no breaking news, no update? I don’t believe cause was mechanical! 32 military personnel are dead and huge silence!

John Whitehot

don’t believe it all you want.

facts show that trolls are being particularly active on this particular page.

how strange, it always happen when there is an article on russian casualties in Syria.

there is definitely a pattern here.

Peter Bond

You are the number one troll you joblessr retard bastard.

You have commented like a about a thousand plus times already, you must be a paid imbecile from Moscow or Tehran, you fool no one Mr. Idiot!

Brad Isherwood


Tudor Miron

Very sad news. RIP.


This resembles similar accidents where the Russians seemed to overload transports with soldiers. It may seem like a mistake, but it is probably their aim to conserve pilots and aircraft as a priority, whereas NATO tends to lose more pilots and aircraft in accidents overall, but its losses of troops in transit are more spread out over the year so they don’t grab headlines.

Tudor Miron

They don’t grab headlines because western MSM (corporate media) is careful what it feeds to people in order to make them sheeple.


Vechnaya Pamyat


Humm.. extend the runway length.. extend the area around that base anyway, by 1000 meters.

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