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MARCH 2025

Russian Fighter Jets Reportedly Intercepted Israeli Spy Plane Near Lebanon

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Russian Fighter Jets Reportedly Intercepted Israeli Spy Plane Near Lebanon

The Eitam and Shavit of 122 Squadron during Israel’s 68th Independence Day flypast. By: Oren Rozen. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license

Russian warplanes took off from Hmeimim airbase in western Syria and intercepted an Israeli spy plane, which was escorted by several fighter jets, off the coast of Lebanon in the morning of December 30, according to Syrian pro-government activists.

Observers confirmed that a Gulfstream G550 Nahshon-Shavit signal intelligence (SIGINT) plane of the Israeli Air force (IAF) was carrying out a reconnaissance mission over the international waters off the shores of Syria and Lebanon at the morning. Furthermore, a local source in the Syrian city of Tartus told SouthFront that Russian warplanes were seen heading towards Lebanese coast.

Israel and Russia have not confirmed the encounter so far. Some experts also doubted that Russian warplanes were on their way to intercept the Israeli SIGINT plane.

This was not the first time when news about Russia intercepted Israeli warplane near Lebanon appeared online. Last May, several reports said that a Russian Su-34 warplane intercepted Israeli F-16s over northern Lebanon. Back then, local activists released a video showing the Su-30 over the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli.

The Ministry of Defense of Russia threatened to jam any unfriendly aerial object that would approach Syrian coast following the downing of the Russian Il-20 intelligence plane in September. However, it remains unknown if the Russian Aerospace Forces intercept Israeli military planes near the coast.

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Jenny Lancaster

should be shooting the fucker down!


Well sure, they could just blame ISUS for it.


That’s true and we have the many precedents of the ISAF frequently and accidentally hitting the wrong targets :)


Or they could proudly promulgate it. That’s what the world needs. A lot more “fuck you, we wont do what you say ” kind of attitude, and Russia is quite capable in this regard.

Zionism = EVIL

Russia needs to put the Zionist scummy criminals on notice that Lebanese and Syrian airspace is off limits. The Zionist cowards despite all their bravado based on Americunt taxpayers largesse are cowards and even if one of their planes is downed will stop violating Syrian airspace from Lebanon. People don’t realize how small the Zionist entity in Occupied Palestine is. Even a radar lock can shut down the whole Zionist airspace as they have only one major airport, Ben Gurion which handles 95% of their civilian traffic. Even the threat of SAMS can shut it down for good. The Zionist airspace is so small that the fcukers have to train at NATO bases in Greece and Cyprus.


If the plane is in international airspace theres nothing to intercept. Russia should be intercepting when they constantly attack Syria


By Israeli standards … they would shoot them even in international waters.

Imagine Iranian planes/drones flying near to Israeli coasts. .. they would shoot them down.

So for the Israelis… no rule apply .. They break every International rules written if that rule goes against them like US.

Tony B.

What was intercepted was the electronic intrusion of Syria from the spy plane. Let the damned Israelis guess at the whereabouts of the S-300s instead of spotting them before another chicken shit raid using civilian planes as cover.

Gregory Casey

I suspect the Russians conducted a sort of “drive-by” recon on the Israeli spy-plane just to show Israelis they were in a position to shoot the fuxxers out of the skies whenever they wished and as a warning to them that if they are to conduct any more such flights, they WILL shoot them out of the skies.


A Gulfstream G550 is certainly a nice plane, but compared with a SU-30 it’s alike a bicycle and a Ferrari…

Russians aren’t Israhlis

Gregory Casey


Zionism = EVIL

Well Russia does not need Hollywood “top guns”, its air defence systems have no equal in the world are getting better every day. After the Syrian experience Russia is now introducing the latest S-350 to support the S-300 and S-400 in medium range point defence, which is ideal for Syria. The range is estimated at about 60 kms, enough to cover from Golan to Mediterranean.

The Russian military says it will deploy the new generation of S-350 Vityaz short-to-mid range surface-to-air defense missile system next year.

The Russian Defense Ministry announced the news in a statement on Saturday, saying the military had already deployed Pantsir-S and S-400 complexes in 2018 in Crimea, which rejoined Russia in a 2014 referendum.

Vityaz (Knight) is developed by Almaz-Antey Air and Space Defence Corporation.



Bonne et heureuse année!


Merci, espérons que la situation au Proche-Orient ira en s’améliorant, si vous passez par Genève, welcome, je me ferai un plaisir de vous accueillir si je ne suis pas en Extreme-Orient…


Espérons-le. Je ne savais pas que vous habitiez à Genève. J’ai fait mon doctorat à l’ETH à Zurich. Merci pour votre invitation, c’est aimable. Je lis votre commentaires au sujet de la Philippines; êtes-vous de là?


Genevois originaire de la République de Genève, ayant passé 30 ans entre Asie et Occident basé au Centre Sud des Philippines et a Genève. Un rêve devenu cauchemar de plus en plus invivable et dégénéré a la folie… Un Pays en pleine destruction et pollutions, “Triste tropiques”. Les ravages du Clergé Espagnol et NeoColonialism US y sont plus que catastrophiques. De Paradis pour la Biodiversité avec 4 récoltes par An(Mindanao), c’est devenu les “Portes de ‘Enfer”… 30% de la population ne mange pas tous les jours. La mortalité enfantine y est la meme qu’au Sahel…. Autant la Chine s’est drastiquement améliorée, autant la situation de l’Archipel Philippin s’est empirée. Les Genevois et Suisses ne se rendent pas compte de la chance qu’ils ont … Mais que dire de la “Suisse” du Moyen-Orient ! ! !

Felicitations pour votre doctorat a l’ETH, ca n’a pas du être facile, mais quelle Référence… !



Quelle triste histoire pour la RDP; vraiment. Avoir un abruti comme Président n’aide sûrement pas à réparer les dommages laissés derrière par les envahisseurs étrangers. J’ai lu qu’il vient d’admettre à sa prouesse de jeunesse: “Philippines President Duterte Says He Sexually Assaulted a Maid”. Un vrai énergumène. J’espère de tout coeur que ça s’améliore pour la RDP.

Et oui, (soupir), que dire du Paris, de la Suisse du Moyen-Orient. Un pays si beau et si riche, mais gérez par d’autres abrutis. Vous les Suisses restez quand même un example à suivre.

Merci. L’ETH était un beau challenge. Mes années en Suisse étaient toutes aussi belles.


Encore un article qui pourrait vous intéresser

Zoroastre et les Achéménides

par JPCiron

mercredi 2 janvier 2019

Thème Religions.

L’empire Achéménide est immense, et a compté 23 peuples sur son territoire. En ces temps-là, dans cette région du monde, violence et cruauté sont norme royale.

Les Achéménides, par contre, innovent grandement en mettant en avant leurs principes moraux. Ceux-ci correspondent à ceux du Zoroastrisme originel. C’est l’objet principal de cet article.


“Plusieurs exils forcés ont fait suite à la prise de la Samarie par Sargon II (vers – 722) (vers la Mésopotamie et la Médie), puis du fait des déportations des élites de Juda par Nabuchodonosor (en -597, en -587, puis encore en -581) (vers la Babylonie). A l’époque, il n’y avait pas de ”Livre” qui fasse foi pour les Israélites, tant en termes de théologie que de lois formalisées qui en découlent. Dans la Province Babylonienne de Yehud (absorbée par l’Empire Achéménide dans Eber-Nari), chaque ville suivait ses propres coutumes et croyances. Ce qui n’est guère souhaitable, ni pour la gestion unifiée des territoires de la Province, ni pour le pouvoir central Perse.

Aussi, le pouvoir Perse Achéménide finit par décider de prendre les choses en mains et d’identifier deux de ses fonctionnaires de confiance israélites, et il leur confia : à Néhémie le poste de satrape du Grand Roi Perse (avec mission de reconstruction du Temple de Jérusalem, financé par le Roi Perse), et à Esdras la mission de compilation des récits et des règles israélites en un Livre (qui deviendra la Loi de cette province Perse), puis, en cohérence, de mettre en place des juges et des magistrats. S’adressant directement à Esdras, le roi Artaxerxès I ordonne : « Celui qui n’accomplira pas strictement la loi de ton Dieu et la loi du Roi, que la sentence lui soit appliquée : soit la mort, soit le bannissement, soit une amende, soit la prison. » (15)

Le pouvoir Achéménide est certes bienveillant, mais aussi pragmatique. Car c’est bien l’Achéménide qui envoya en mission en ex-Yehud Néhémie et Esdras, mais aussi le gouverneur Zorobabel et le grand prêtre Josué, lequel devait faire appliquer la Loi dont les différents éléments auront été rassemblés par Esdras dans un seul ”Livre” ! “


A most excellent article; thank you for sharing. Aside from the rather detailed overview of the Persian religious beliefs/structure, the article very accurately brought up several un/lesser known facts: the non-existence of any Israelites and/or Jewish religious book in Canaan prior to Persia ruling the land, the financing of the construction of the temple in Jerusalem by Persia, etc. In essence, the creation of monotheism in Canaan by Persia.


Une bonne citation perspicace de Jules VERNE

« Si l’anéantissement d’une race est les dernier mot du progrès colonial, les Anglais

Peuvent se vanter d’avoir mené leur œuvre à bon terme. «


Et que c’est bien dit.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Russia just tested in his EW system deployed on ground and in the ship Yuri Ivanov( intel gathering).. radar system and signal intelligence of that gulf stream and fighterjets!


Why didn’t Syria shot them down ? Syria right now has this capability, this is really disappointed ablout Syria behavior.

Gregory Casey

They were in International Air Space and with Manbij bubbling-up into possible all-out warfare between #SAA + #YPG on one side and #Turks + #SalafistTurk wannabees on the other side, I suspect Syria doesn’t wish to draw (either) #USAF or #IAF into engagement just now.


Even in international waters , if their missiles can reach Syria, it is legit to be shot down as Israel has fired them outside Syria .

Yes, Syria should have fired their missiles at the Israelis…but I think they need Russia’s approval.

Tony B.

According to Moon of Alabama the Syrians did send a missile into Israel after that last missile attack.


That could have been why there was a new blackout somewhere in Israel where a large explosion was heard.

Andrej Kiska


sorry for the caps.


These Jew planes are probably looking at the new top of the line Syrian S-300 systems to find a way to demonstrate to humanity by getting the Syrians and Russians to fire them and have them not hit IAF planes. That not only are these systems completely worthless as a deterrent to NATO fighter jet attacks. As the resumption of IAF airstrikes on Syria is conclusively proving with every successful attack where IAF planes return safely to base. But once they launch and miss, that they’re also a failure in combat when used for the purpose that they’re designed for.

The Jews are calling the Russian’s bluff. And until Russia shows that it’s not bluffing. Russia’s reputation as a provider of quality military equipment and as a security guarantor is being severely damaged by success after success by the IAF which is flying circles around these systems and making a mockery of Russia in the process. They’re doing this on purpose. Because they want Russia destroyed or subjugated as a Jew world order parasitical host vassal to be loaded up with debt and asset stripped.

Mt view is that Russia should recognize the Jews as the primary enemies of Russia that they are and have been for hundreds of years. And get this problem corrected by stopping the IAF attacks on Syria completely. Preferably by taking down IAF planes on an as needed basis until the Jews cease and desist. Or by military diplomacy, which would be the weaker method in terms of improving Russia’s damaged reputation. Or a combination of both.


Not only does Syria have the latest, most up to date S-300s currently available, but they have a lot of them. 3 battalions of 8 launchers per battalion for 24 launchers total with 300 missiles. That’s 96 loaded tubes with reloads ready to go. Which is more than enough to handle anything that the IAF has attacked with so far. As long as they’re positioned in range of IAF attacks. Even 1 battalion is enough for a first strike to take down attacking planes.

Once the IAF starts losing planes in combat, if these unproven systems are effective. They’re unlikely to escalate right away. And NATO is unlikely to intervene for a non NATO member seeing how it’s front line fighters are vulnerable and the US is pulling out of Syria. And if the Jews do escalate. It’s going to endanger the large number of Russian personnel in theater and risk bringing the Russian equipment and air force into the fray as well.

You can call me Al

Look at the list – https://www.biblebelievers.org.au/expelled.htm

PS Judaism and Zionism are not the same, are Zionists even Jews ?.


Zionism is politics. Judaism is not.

I dont blame Jews for fascist politics, and I dont blame Americans for fascist politics.


“they are corrupted jews in my opinion.”

except your opinion is wrong, as there are just as many non Jewish Zionists as there are Jewish Zionists. All those Christian Zionist assholes in the USA for instance.

You can call me Al

Good point in your 2nd paragraph.

Happy New Year.


“by getting the Syrians and Russians to fire them and have them not hit IAF planes. ”

I would bet money that the Israeli plan is to cause a scenario where civilian passenger jets are shot down. That would create a window for FUKUS to get involved.


The whole anti Iran anti Hezbollah Israeli project is a diversion from the Jew’s campaign against Russia. The primary target is Russia’s role in the middle east supporting Israel’s adversaries against the Jew’s Yinon plan and Jew world order hegemony drive. They want Russia destroyed or subjugated. Russia should recognize this reality for what it is. The Jews aren’t Russia’s friends or partners. They’re Russia’s primary enemy on this planet.

itibi ra

The talmudites’ campaign is against the goyim – that’s the rest of us non-“jews” (ashkenazis). There is no boundary anywhere. They do as they please and have devastated the entire west, mideast and are now working on Russia and China. Their aim is as old as mankind – to take control of the planet and all the people for themselves and their perverted culture. They’re almost there. We non-“jews” have had so many laws passed against our fighting back with the truth in online forums and other communications that we can no longer organize and fight back – and that’s deliberately done by the talmudites to tie our hands and censor our minds and mouths, even our societies, cultures, morals, education, marriage and family customs and now, even our own sexuality. The “jews” are tearing our lives, our families, our morals and our cultures apart.

i wish the rest of humanity would instill the fear of the real God in them and take away all of their riches, influence and power and pass laws against what *they* do to the rest of us instead.


They won’t come to there senses. Jew tolerance is a flaw of Christianity stemming from the old testament nexus between Judaism and Christianity. 99% of Jews live in Christendom. The non Christian world almost universally rejects Judaism, as Christ did and Christians should. The planet needs to be dejudified to resolve the problem by outlawing Judaism and closing and demolishing the synagogues and yeshivas so that Jews go extinct and the planet is Jew free.

Dan Hardesty

Sort of like Hitler did with Germany, most of the Russian leaders since its creation, Britain, Spain, the Muslim religion, and even the US to an extent. So you are only against one Nation doing this? (honest question, not wanting to stir the pot)

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Picking up SIGINT from SyAD for a “bigger and better” airstrike in Syria and then sell the intel to US and Ukraine?

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

very nice, i hope they keep intercepting zionist planes


So it interfering with Russian radars no doubt. Maybe Israel needs harsher consequences to calm down and play nice?

You can call me Al

A couple of of hydrogen bombs (Thermonuclear) ?

Dan Hardesty

And Israel will launch all of theirs. How about that? POOF! There goes everything and everybody, even though they didn’t launch first.


danhardesty what


The upside is that it would rid the earth of a large portion of the Talmudic Zionist Khazarian fake Hebrews. Those remaining in the nation of London and the dual citizens in DC would just have to be located and destroyed. There’s a consistent reason they’ve been expelled from over 100 countries since 250 A.D. You might want to read the Talmud and visit the Protocols to learn something rather than continuing to make a fool of yourself. Feel free to “apologize” for the evil “chosen ones” as you wish. You bring nothing to the discussion so you are Blocked. Cheers.

Dan Hardesty

You are part of the reason the world is the way it is. I will not apologize for my Faith, and what I believe in. You can also believe in your rasicst, xenophobic, and other names that cause for an extermination of an entire race of people. I am so glad I am blocked, as now I can sleep better at night. Oh wait, I already did before I read this. Sad and pathetic little person.

Angelo Cinarelli

Shoot down that fucking Israeli jet plane. Russia must have the control of Lebanon air space. Lebanon Government must give to russia the right to shoot down any Israeli war plane flying on Lebanon air space.

Dan Hardesty

They were over International waters, so still shoot them down?


whats your point dimwit. They have been murdering Syrians, committing war crimes in Syria, and whether or not they were in international waters, they should be shot down every time they fly into another countries airspace and do murder on Muslims. Just like we Americans should be. No one is above the law.

Angelo Cinarelli

International water? Bull shit! Lebanon air space is not International air space. ISRAEL CANCER OF THIS WORLD. I hope another TITO Emperor will came soon.

Dan Hardesty

Angelo, I was going off the actual story, it said, “carrying out a reconnaissance mission over the international waters off the shores of Syria and Lebanon.” So, I guess the story was wrong. If so, then my original post was wrong on that basis. My apologies to misinterpreting what was printed to what it should have meant or said.


As soon as these Zio-rats cross into Lebanon they should be painted up and shot down…

The Lebanese cucks disgust me. Not so much as a fucking protest when the Ziostanis violate their airspace to carry out attacks on their neighbors….


Muslims are their own worst enemies, letting petty Muslim issues confuse the facts, and fighting each other for supremacy, when they are ALL getting exterminated in the middle east by the globalist asshats.

Dan Hardesty

Were they in International waters? If yes, then they can fly there all day, every day. If no, then other actions can be taken. Sorta like other Nations do.

John Whitehot

you are correct, although if the information about an intercept happening is valid, then it has been performed probably for other reason. The most likely being to visually identify an aerial target.


“. Sorta like other Nations do.”

Except for we Americans. We fly anywhere, anytime, we impose no fly zones in sovereign airspace of other nations.

Please dont pretend there is anything normal about the psychopathic ass-hats running American or Israel or NATO.

They are not just “other nations”. They are war criminal nations.


and the penicillin resistent super-bug now spreading in Gaza was or is more than likely planted by israel to speed up the slow evolving genocide, designed by israel to once and for all finish off the rightful inhabitants in palestine, a country stolen by england and then illegally transferred to the jews and the jew just can’t wait to have the palestinians eliminated for good – thus a super-bug that can’t be defeated will be help on the way!


IAF base locations: http://images.china.cn/attachement/jpg/site1000/20081229/0011110163680ac26ad30f.jpg


Syria probably has an inventory of hypersonic Russian, Iranian, and possibly Syrian missiles capable of hitting all of the IAF bases to destroy aircraft and facilities there to deter an IAF escalation if that becomes necessary.


This could be the future of IAF bases if the evil baby rapers attempt to escalate attacks on Syria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=FM22gWPUznw


“The Russian Iskander-M travels at a hypersonic speed of 2100–2600 m/s (Mach 6–7) and an altitude of 50 km. The Iskander-M weighs 4,615 kg, carries a warhead of 710–800 kg, has a range of 500 km and achieves a circular error probable (CEP) of 5–7 meters (when coupled with optical homing head; 30-70 m in autonomous application [23] ). It is rumored that during flight it can maneuver at different altitudes and trajectories and can turn at up to 20 to 30 G to evade anti-ballistic missiles”

– 9K720 Iskander –









Open source information is that Iran has hypersonic missiles up to a speed of mach 14 that the Israelis have no defense against that I’m aware of. There is almost certainly an inventory of Iranian missiles in Syria that the Syrian government coalition can use against the IDF and IAF if they attempt to escalate attacks against Syria.

The Jews will try to get the US involved if they can. But whether the US or anyone else would get involved in hostilities that the Jews initiate by unprovoked attacks against Syria is questionable. Especially if it risks a confrontation with Russia.

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