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MARCH 2025

Russian Aerospace Forces Launch Heavy Airstrikes On Syria’s Greater Idlib (Videos)

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Early on June 14, the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) launched a series of airstrikes on the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib.

According to pro-militant sources, warplanes, and allegedly combat drones, targeted positions and vehicles in the vicinity of the towns of al-Bara and Deir Sunbul in the al-Zawiayh Mount in the southern Idlib countryside.

Opposition activists shared videos showing some of the airstrikes on southern Idlib. The results of the airstrikes are yet to be revealed.

The VKS halted its combat operations in Greater Idlib on March 5 in accordance with a ceasefire agreement brokered by Russia and Turkey. Russian warplanes targeted the region for the first time since the beginning of the ceasefire on June 8 in response to an attack by terrorists.

The new Russian airstrikes may have targeted terrorists plotting to target Syrian or Russian forces. Another possibility is that the airstrikes targeted a senior terrorist commander.


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Icarus Tanović

GREAT! Where are those trolls, dumbs and bots that says Russia betrayed Syria, etc. Just keep it up! Russia! Dumb Wahhabis.


How come that after years of ‘heavy’ aerospace strikes that Russia boasts, the Wahhabis are still there?

Lone Ranger

New trolls from turks, cia, Mossad,…


Or Russian bombs are not that precise.

Lone Ranger

Bodycount tells otherwise…


Russian and Syrian forces still need to regularly practice. Although I would call it more of a ‘Turkey shoot’…..


That’s why Ukraine doesn’t recognize Donbas either, they need to practice


And the Donbass fires right back with great accuracy each time.


At everything that flies indiscriminately, them miners and farmers have more advanced tech than Syrian army.


lol! You must be pretty sore from losing if you come out with that garbage.


Losing what?

Swift Laggard II

Russia did and has betrayed syria in two ways. 1. allowing constant airstrikes on syria by tsionists 2. colluding with turkey to break up syria they may yet redeem themselves, but the betrayal is clear

Brother Ma

I agree and just because I do ,does not mean I am a hasbarat or a troll. I support Syria and Russia and yet I believe Putin and Russia have betrayed Syria. It may have done it for its own interests but it is still a betrayal.

Lone Ranger

Good job Comrades. CIA trolls and hasbarats will cry and rage…


Congratulates for winning the war in Syria, comrade. Veni vidi vici. That was fast, wahabbi didn’t have time to realize what hit them. The country is pacified. Putin is the chess master.

Lone Ranger

Indeed ;)


Well, actually, due to Putin’s intervention the Syrian state and its major institutions remain both intact and in governance – the foreign sponsored militants and mercenaries have no further strategic capacity to threaten Damascus – as they are contained and holed up in Idlib (where they remain under Turk/NATO sponsorship and protection).


I think ‘intact’ means exactly the oposite thing of what happened in Syria


The Syrian leadership and military remain in-situ and intact – the NATO/Gulf State’s plan was to break down both by attrition. Through the sponsorship of armed militant factions inside of Syria, and through international economic sanctions against Syrian state from outside. Syria is very damaged, after a decade of externally sponsored conflict, but it is definitely not a failed state, as was the NATO/Gulf State agenda.


The agenda was to keep the war going forever. If they really wanted to get rid of Assad they have assasinated them as they dis Soleimani. And even if they just wanted Assad to go, it’s a bit cynical to see it as a victory for Syrians. But small minds see an equivalence between leadership and country, when you say you love your country you say you love your leader.


The assumption that getting rid of Assad was some walk in the park is both deeply erroneous and fraudulent – if it was so easy, both legally and logistically, it would have been done, a-la Qaddafi. It wasn’t – and Russia was a big participant in that reality. The Syrian state remains intact – as per the internationally recognized UN borders – small and partisan minds on issue have a problem with this reality. Read ’em and weep.


So isn’t Libya ‘intact’ -1 men, by that judgement?


No – Libya has no remaining centralized state authority or centralized state institutions – NATO bombing destroyed them. But NATO failed to repeat the same exercise in Syria – Syrian SAM’s were a deterrent.


Syria has 3 entities, SAA, Kurds and Idlib


There has been no formal break up, nor complete collapse, of Syrian state and its institutions. The YPG cannot sustain their occupied territory without outside assistance, and international terrorist faction’s occupation of Idlib is equally unsustainable in long term.


Neither Lybian factions


Unfortunately it’s far from over… ZioWorld decided to turn it into ‘the long game’. Oded Yinon is a multi-generational project continued by several Rothschild generations.

Jordan is next in line for ‘annexation’ and is a key territory that requires the genocide of the arabs that live there, otherwise greater IsraHell cannot be achieved. The ZioPropaganda will say that Jordan is jewish territory because ‘J***** = Jewish… ie: Arabs have no right to live there – ie: send them to Europe.

Wayne Nicholson

2015 Obama said “Assad must go’ implying regime change policy in Syria. Putin replied “If not Assad the who?” Implying fuck you USA.

Five years later Assad’s still there and US forces are limited to ‘guarding oil wells” and playing keystone cops with Russian patrols.

Considering that Russia is a country of drunks running a gas station and the USA is the most awesome military / economic power the universe has ever known that’s a pretty embarrassing outcome.


Be asured that if USA really wanted Assad gone, they would have assasinated him long time ago, they wanted to show support to the rebels and keep the war going as long as possible and it is still ongoing. Russia rushed to defend its Latakia naval base but managed to do more however they are not eager to end that war either. Assad must need them.

Wayne Nicholson

“Be asured that if USA really wanted Assad gone, they would have assasinated him long time ago, they wanted to show support to the rebels and keep the war going as long as possible and it is still ongoing.”

So this was their plan all along. Pour money and arms into ‘rebel groups’ for half a dozen years …. then when Damascus and Allepo are under siege and the Assad regime is on their last legs lure the Russians into a trap and allow him to save Assad so they can chase Russian patrols around the desert and guard oil wells. Simply devious!! never in a million years would I have figured that one out.

“Russia rushed to defend its Latakia naval base but managed to do more however they are not eager to end that war either. Assad must need them.”

Putin said in 2014 “if not Assad then who”? which means that there is no alternative to Assad that wouldn’t leave Syria as Somalia of the ME and Russia isn’t going to tolerate a failed terrorist state 500 mi from their border …. especially with 25,000 Chechens fighting in Syria.

It’s pretty simple ….. unlike US FP where you have 15 layers of subterfuge and lies to wade through to try and divine what they really mean all you have to do is listen to Putin statements …. it’s all spelled out in black and white.

Lone Ranger

Condolences to the fallen wahabimossad and CIAisis operators. May they rest in pieces…


God will judge them. The devil will ignore them. Pity they didn’t repent before learning the hard way.


But the 72 Virgins…! :-(

Gary Sellars

72 virgin goats (all male)…

Wahhabi scum should have read the fine print!!

Gary Sellars

May they roast in pieces.

Liberal guy

Hw many died

Lone Ranger

Still counting…

Raptar Driver

Is Russia all in? Do the Turk’s in the American still occupied more than 1⁄3 of Syria?

Lone Ranger

85% of Syria is under SAA control… It seems CIAisis and Turkisis are the ones after the crumbs…

Raptar Driver

It is approximately 60% under their control.

Lone Ranger

According to Disney news…


Russia won the war in Syria everyday but the stupid wahabbis start it again next day. They don’t understand that they lost.

Lone Ranger

Dont worry, just send enough bodybags so we can post them home to Langley and Tel Aviv ;)


Probably is time for you to go to bed

Lone Ranger

Ok mommy…

Lone Ranger

Sleep tight… Dont let the bed bugs bite…


If russia was ‘all in’ like I understand ‘all in’, it would be over by now. i mean the whole War in syria, turkey would be a pile of smoldering ashes and the USA would be on DEFCON 1

Raptar Driver

So what are they waiting for.The US to catch up on weapons tech?


i guess, like “let’s play fair here. M.A.D. is no joke you know”

Willing Conscience (The Truths

But who are they hitting with their airstrikes, it’s not the HTS terrorists the Russians are bombing, so who are the Russian’s bombing the hell out of, it’s the people Turkey actually supports, not HTS. Assad’s increasing food production in this area and he has to fully secure the whole region to do that, so I suspect the Turkish opposition is about to be pushed back a few KM’s soon. Syria’s running out of food so this is becoming an imperative now, all this fertile land shouldn’t be going to waste like it is, maybe Assad’s finally going to do something about it with Russia’s help, hopefully.

And on a side note, where have all those fake Jewish commenters that I keep calling Turkish trolls gone to, they’ve all disappeared from the SF forums lately, has that got something to do with all those Turkish government troll accounts that were closed on twitter recently, possibly. Maybe the Turkish propaganda machine is grinding through a few gears right now and having a few problems, maybe that’s why we haven’t been hearing from them lately. They were the fakest Jews I’ve ever come across ever, fancy pretending to be Jewish but then only pushing the same narrative that Erdogan and the Muslim Brotherhood do, that wasn’t very convincing at all, bye bye, LOL.

Brother Ma

Did Twitter really shut down Turk accounts?

Well all it takes is one Turk and Us commando to burn a field of ripe wheat. In fact just one incendiary mortar round . So they-SAA- better protect those fields .

Willing Conscience (The Truths

According to this report they did,


It’s not the US burning the crops, they’re actually trying to stop it, the Turks and their proxies are the ones setting the country alight, they’re trying to force the local out of their homes so the Turks can start relocating refugees to the area, this is one of Erdogan’s proposed resettlement zones.

Brother Ma

I agree with you. I lumped the Turks and Americans together for effect but you are quite right. Thanks.

cechas vodobenikov

amerikans dislike trump because he is less racist and imperialist than previous presidents—withdrawing US military by half in Afghanistan, syria, Iraq, 1/4 in Germany

Me&Myself None

Wait for for his second term you will see if he behave any differently than other past US warmongers.


Spot on! One of the best comments I have read on SF


Americans keep troops in Germany because they are racists towards German trybes

Anduin Lothar

From ’45 to end of hunamity some forces that are not German will be there, we all know why…


To stop the Russians advance, that is racism towards Russians too.

Anduin Lothar

What a sad attempt at trolling…


That was sarcasm not trolling, at least you learned what racism is.


That is not going to change much, Idlib now belongs to Turkey

Brother Ma

Nothing that hot lead and cold Steel can’t fix..


In your dreames, Syria as country is finished


Look like precision munitions…. at night…. when certain people are home drinking Mate and watching netflix… Must be difficult getting replacement leadership in Idlib at the moment!

Anthony Papagallo

Just keep killing them Vlad. Its working.

Tommy Jensen

These people also had feelings. They just wanted a normal life and money for their family and were forced into defending freedom. There was never a choice.

They just did what they were told, and then the whole world throw 10 000 bombs down in their heads, blaming them for everything.

Odysseas Angelides

It is about time. Turkey is amassing troops and supplies its proxies with modern weapons for more expansion of the occupied land of Idlib and Syria in general. Turkey’s aim is to annex North Syria as she did for Alexandretta and North Cyprus. The Russians must not trust Turkey because one day they will turn against it, in Crimea and Caucasus.

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