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Russian Aerospace Forces Resumed Airstrikes On Greater Idlib (Photos)

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The Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) have apparently resumed their combat operations in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib.

On October 20, VKS warplanes carried out a number of airstrikes on the outskirt the town of al-Magarah in the southern Idlib countryside.

On October 21, at least three Russian airstrikes targeted the outskirt of the town of al-Rami in the exact same region.

Both al-Magarah and al-Rami are located in the al-Zawiya Mount, a series of heights controlled by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and the Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation.

Last week, 80 militants of HTS were reportedly killed when Russian warplanes bombed camps and headquarters of the terrorist group in the southwestern countryside of Idlib.

The recent increase in Russian airstrikes on Greater Idlib is a direct result of the repeated provocations of HTS and its allies.

Greater Idlib ceasefire, which was put in place on March 5, appears to be nearing its end. A new round of escalation may start soon. Any ground operation by the Syrian Arab Army and its allies in the region will likely lead to another confrontation with Turkish forces there.


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I like how this Russian ‘powerful’ reports are never backed by any videos.


What more proof do you want? Only a third of occupied Idlib is chocka block with 80,000 remaining jihadis. Assad sits on 70% of Syria today. Every month or so, some territory is reclaimed by the Syrians. These types of responses to ‘provocations’ is a great way to pummel your jihadi flyboys no?…..lol….the only reason Russia and Iran are not steam rolling thru Idlib in a day is to not pull down turdo-gan’s pants in front of everyone. Give him time so he can fuck off himself……you got that?

Johnny B. Allan

Just a bit correction 60% which means 40% is out of his hands.. The whole world fought for that fool but he didn’t gain shxxt to show for it. Russia will exit soon enough to pursue other things we will then see for how long he will survive

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Erm, Turkey itself is in economic crisis.

Johnny B. Allan

Lol. There is different type of economic crisis and honestly Turkey is not in crisis the Lira took a little deep so didn’t everyones economy due to covid but Syria’s economical crisis is real crisis. THERE IS NO BREAD we saw people running after bread truck. They are finished economically


Syria has big friends mr jihadi…..They will make sure it stays afloat.


Check the map on how big the turkish occupied Idlib zone now actually is. The DMZ that Russia has set up right on Turkish Syrian borders in the Kurdish cantons are also defacto Syrian now. The SyAA is already there. that really just leaves the SDF NE now don’t it? But lets be very clear…….once the US forces leave Iraq, which they will…maintaining those 1000 US troops at two bases in the Syrian NE becomes unviable. Iran is determined to evict the US from Iraq, come what may. It’s a matter of patience.

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

Good . Send the jihadis to “heaven” riding on explosive debris.

Johnny B. Allan

What defacto? The SDF have made an agreement with the Russians in these border areas and it’s not an SAA controlled areas but SDF. Turkey will enter these zones anytime soon.

60% nothing more or less and by the way. The Americans ain’t leaving my mann. As if Iran is fighting the US. They butchered Solemni yet they are still there.

You are calling the locals Jihadist? Lol they have every right to defend themselves and so far have done that. They overcame the impossible the whole world fought them with everything they had short of Nuclear weapon and standing tall


Dude first things first, you ain’t no johnny boy…..you are jihadi boy. Now moving on, the SDF is kordish, not Sunni Al-Qaeda Al-Nusra terrorists. So the last thing they’ll do is invite you. That’s like the KRG inviting turdo-gan in…..lol. The other thing is for you to say that the jihadis have a shot at life is just desperation, when we know they’re all now crammed into a small breeding enclave…..I wish you luck, johnny be jihadi. You’d need it.

cechas vodobenikov

Jenny changed her name to Jonny—this is another tiresome CIA provocatsia

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

Why do you gloat? Do you think the Arabs there in Afrin want Turks ruling over them? Hahah

Putin Apologist

Why would Russia “exit sometime down the road”? With decades of ties between the Russians and Syrians, a forty-nine year lease on the naval facility located in Tartus and similar arrangement for the use of the Khmeimim Air Base, well, I for one, don’t see Russia giving up its stronghold in the eastern Mediterranean anytime soon, not within the remaining lifetime of Assad.

Johnny B. Allan

Why would Russia stick around is the good question one needs to ask himself? Lets be frank this is not Russia’s war this is Syria’s war between the Syrian people and it doesn’t concern Russia. Main while Russia has a dog-fight in Ukraine not in Syria. Russia has wasted alot of resources without any gain because there is no economical benefit in Syria for them cuz they are just losing money here. Russia interest is her sovereign land and her peoples interest

Putin Apologist

The answer is Tartus. Tartus is the only Russian naval port facility located on the Mediterranean Sea. I.e. the only Russian naval base located south of the Bosporus, the narrow waterway connecting the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. The Bosporus is bordered, and therefore largely in the control of two NATO counties, Greece and Turkey. Think about it, where would Russian naval ships that happened to be in the Mediterranean go for food, fuel and ammunition should war breakout between Russia and NATO? The answer again is Tartus. So like it or not, Tartus is strategically important to Russia’s national security.

As for “wasted alot [sic] of resources”, not at all. Russia has gained, and continues to gain, tremendous and valuable war-fighting experience in Syria. Russia has been able to test and prefect its military hardware and its tactics in Syria. Did you know Russia is constantly rotating its aircrews in and out of Syria for real war experience?

I know your concern for Russia’s money is sincere, and we appreciate it, but trust me it is money well spent.

cechas vodobenikov

more geopolitical than military or economic; Russia has made USA a minor influence in ME

Антон С

“I know your concern for Russia’s money is sincere, and we appreciate it, but trust me it is money well spent.”

And returned with profit. Using weapons in fight is the best advertising. Even Turkey bought S-400.) And thinking about Su-35 or Su-57, if F-35 deal will fail totally. As i read before, cost of the syrian campaign is the same as cost of of military drills, 0,5 billion dollars annually. We pay nothing for airbase. Need some additional money to build new buildings + transport spending for supplying ~5000 troops. It’s not large expenses.

Davide Herzog

Never saw such an ignorant , silly and liar ….” war between Syrian people “…..absolutely crazy .

Tudor Miron

That’s just another goat lover’s buddy. We’ve seen many of them here. You’ll easily recognise them for their blatant lies and utter ignorance.

cechas vodobenikov

changed your name from wohl to jihadi alley

cechas vodobenikov

Jonny wrong–both Russia, China provide vast amounts of humanitarian aid to Syria

Blue In Green

What’s your thoughts on Iran’s position regarding the current conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh region?


neutrality bro……at least for now. These two having a go at each other is not in Iran’s interests.


iran is covertly supplying armenia. they do not want a war with azerbaijan because they are preparing for one with israel but they are armenias ally

cechas vodobenikov

Iran is neutral–more azeris live in Iran than azerbijian

Kalle Sändare

Im thinking Russia will pummel them quite a big extra now as payback for N-Karabach.. All of those jihadis the turks inserted there..I dont beleive the Russians are too happy with Turkey I can even see a war on the horizon..maybe a bit farfetched..the history is there though cerainly.


The issue is face saving now for turdo-gan. He could be literally thrown out in a day with those slivers of territory up north where he’s deliberately breeding the Al-Qaeda jihadi’s. What Russia and Iran and defacto China have made it clear to him is that he’s gotta go, and he’s accepted that in principle. Like I also mentioned earlier, I believe that once the Iraqi’s evict the US by next year, the position of the US troops in the NE of Syria becomes untenable. The entire NE will then just crumble overnight with them SDF thugs melting back into the KRG republic. The sustainer for the SDF is the KRG, much more than the US.


I want video proof that they actually hit anything. It’s 2020 and Azerbaijan has more credibility than Russia. If Russia hit anything in Idlib why so shy to show us images instead of empty words?

Ishyrion Av

Because Russia doesn’t need to prove anything. Azerbaijan, on contrary, has to convince their citizens that their sons and husbands and fathers don’t die for nothing.


Russian airforce had PLENTY of videos until Putin entered negotiations with Erdogan.

cechas vodobenikov

then go to syria–truss or vietnam—one of many wars u have lost


Block him chechas…..he’s a dirty nato jihadi….fuck him


You lost USSR.

cechas vodobenikov

88% per most recent reports–the remainder divided by tucks/HTS, SDF/CIA


Chechas, I think Russia and Iran need to stop being nice. That time is long gone bro. We need to become hard now on these jihadi wahabbi terrorists. If we don’t do this now, we will pay later in much more blood and tears. Something’s need to be done, no matter how ugly……….

Captain Freedom

Then youre not gonna like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fk5GopK8PnU&lc=z23axxmiiuamwbrqk04t1aokgcokhpigvc30m0h2nsvfrk0h00410 Skip to 7:30


Of course I don’t like not seeing anything interesting. Azeris show some precision strikes and flying bodies and your video, some big bombs in plain field. Poor poor trees…

Captain Freedom

Well Russians never really cared about showing off (like muslims, americans, jews etc… do most of the time) it has upsides and downsides… But this is not about publicity, propaganda or entertaining people who sit on their fat arses all day jacking off to war footage. This is about decimating the headchoppas by carefully micro-managing this complicated geopolitical situation. I know its not as exciting as sending troops indiscriminately into the meat grinder like in Karabakh


Actually they showed lots if vids in the first part of the war and also few months ago but lastly they just drop some FAB bombs for training, to not hit a Turk by mistake and endanger economic ties.

Captain Freedom

Its the turks who need russian tourists… Russia doesn’t need Turkey for its economy, but for causing trouble inside NATO, as it seems. Its a frozen conflict now… the remaining obstacle are the occupation forces of Turkey and US. They won’t just leave over night, it’ll be slow and painful


Ok and what’s the secret behind Russia stoping to present evidence of real targets hitting.


don’t respond to him bro…..just block that cunt….he don’t belong here.

cechas vodobenikov

porky gomik believes Hollywood photoshop


Russia can’t even photoshop, the photos of your countryside show an american pig farm is cleaner.

Putin Apologist

Wow, this is bad news…. for one of Erdogan’s biggest fans that regularly posts comments on this website. He calls himself “The Objective”, and he was just telling me a few days ago how “militarily strong” Turkey was and how “Turkey and Russia deter each other in Syria”. I tried to explain to him how Russia was a “super-power”, but he persisted, saying, if “Russia sufficiently threaten Turkey”, “Turkey will build nuclear weapons”, or “in an emergency, it can get nukes from Pakistan”. Well I don’t know if Erdogan is building “nuclear weapons” or calling his friends in “Pakistan” but it sure looks like his military is packing up and leaving Syria.

Ishyrion Av

If you want video, go to netflix. Or to azeri war propaganda.


No, I want to see Russian strikes videos, or they are bombing trees and rocks for training cadets.

Ishyrion Av

Send a message to Putin, ask him nicely. Tell him you can’t sleep anymore until you see the video with the trees and rocks. I’m sure he will understand.


Is the truth always butthurting you, or is the Russian national sport?

cechas vodobenikov

nobody care what murikan obese porky ukrops want


Then it never happened.

Johnny B. Allan

80 is to far fatched. HTS didn’t claim casualities nor did other claim casualities. We would have heard if there were casualities

Servet Köseoğlu

How about publishing the losses of Saa from Hts sniper shots?Before the so-called İdlib operation Saa already lost 2 battalion soldiers-officers…


greece with have Constantinople back very soon


First, pay debt.

Svincius Savickas

Russia kills Turkish pigs domus’s babies


So do China and Iran….if the turk step over the line. Iran has had infinite patience with turkey as a good neighbor, but its on thin ice now. The hatred increases daily now……its not good, but you know who is responsible for this.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

SouthFront just won’t give up, they CONTINUALLY keep saying HTS is Al Qaeda affiliated when they’re not, in fact the exact opposite is actually the case, they’re now sworn enemies and HTS arrest and kills most Al Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood fighters/agents whenever and wherever they find them, THAT’S THE TRUTH. The only affiliation HTS has with Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood is alliances with several of the groups that belong to those terrorist/political organization, sometimes officially and sometimes not officially, but they’re very shaky alliances at best. And if that’s what SF is asserting as an affiliation with Al Qaeda, it should also be pointing out that in most other cases HTS and Al Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood are actually mortal enemies.

“Last week, 80 militants of HTS were reportedly killed when Russian warplanes bombed camps and headquarters of the terrorist group in the southwestern countryside of Idlib.”

More misinformation from SF, there were several [2 or 3] HTS commanders killed in the Russian airstrikes but the vast majority of casualties were Turkmenistan Islamic Party fighters [TIP] who are only allied to HTS and not actually members of HTS. And another well known fact is the TIP are more loyal to the Muslim Brotherhood and Erdogan, which is very interesting because HTS usually kills Muslim Brotherhood associates on sight, so in other words it’s a shaky alliance at best, the same goes for the moderate opposition group the NFL who HTS is also allied to.

“Both al-Magarah and al-Rami are located in the al-Zawiya Mount, a series of heights controlled by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and the Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation.”

The NFL and HTS are also allies despite the fact the Astana agreement designates HTS as terrorists and the NFL as moderate opposition.So if the Astana agreement was being properly adhered to the NFL couldn’t ally itself to HTS, but they do, and guess what, they must be allowed to, because if they weren’t the Russians would pull Erdogan aside and force him to either separate the NFL from the HTS alliance or disband the NFL completely, it hasn’t happened yet though. So why is the NFL still called a moderate opposition group, they’re attacking the SAA all the time and should more properly thought of as terrorists, and yet the terrorist organization HTS hasn’t directly ‘attacked’ the SAA not even once all this year. HTS hasn’t attacked the SAA all year and yet the moderate opposition groups that Astana legally protects have done nothing but attack the SAA all year, so WTF is going on with SF, why does SF keep linking HTS to all the other groups that are actually attacking the SAA, all the Al Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood Turkish backed groups like the SNA, NFL, SLF, FSA, ect. The simple truth is the moderate opposition can get away with murder in Idlib, HTS sits back and does nothing but they’re demonized, the moderate opposition kill SAA and civilians all the time and yet they’re still called moderate opposition. But only in the worlds of Astana and resolution 2254, in the real world they’d just be called terrorists, AND TREATED AS SUCH. And who does Assad keep accusing of being the biggest threat to Syrian sovereignty, is it Turkey, is it the US, is it Israel, no it isn’t, from day one he’s always named the biggest threat to Syrian sovereignty, it’s the Muslim Brotherhood, and yet Russia and Iran actually help Turkey protect the Brotherhood with that God awful Astana agreement. That agreement has special powers, it can magically turn bloodthirsty terrorists into moderate opposition with just a stroke of the pen, but sadly you can’t change them back again no matter how badly they’re acting, so the answer is just keep blaming HTS for everything and pray to God no one notices the truth, and the Astana agreement and resolution 2254 roll on completely unhindered by reality.

Антон С

Friends of Erdogan, moderate terrorists and other turkomans will cry again. Let me send a song to them – “La bomba”.


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