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MARCH 2025

Russian Aerospace Forces Successfully Conducted Training Launch Of Kinzhal Hypersonic Missile

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The Russian state-run news agency TASS reports (source):

A MiG-31 interceptor jet made a training launch of a Kinzhal aeroballistic hypersonic missile and the missile hit a target on the test range, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday.

“A MiG-31 fighter crew of the Russian Aerospace Forces made a training launch of a hypersonic missile of the Kinzhal high-precision air missile system in the predetermined area,” the ministry said.

The MiG-31 departed from an airfield in the Southern Military District within the framework of a testing air alert. “The launch was normal; the hypersonic missile hit the preset target on the test site,” the ministry added.

“Performance characteristics and time indicators of the Kinzhal high-precision airborne missile system were confirmed during the hypersonic missile launch,” the ministry said.

Crews of the Kinzhal air system comprising a MiG-31 interceptor jet and an advanced hypersonic missile made 250 flights from the beginning of 2018, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday.

“Crews of the air system on the testing air alert sorties completed over 250 flights year-to-date under the combat training plan. The air staff has been trained in full scope day and night in various weather conditions,” the ministry said.

The Kinzhal system is intended for destruction of surface and waterborne targets. The Kinzhal system was developed based on the MiG-31 upgraded interceptor jet. It is equipped with high-precision aeroballistic missiles supporting strikes at a range over 2,000 km without entering the enemy’s air defense zone.

The system has no counterparts across the globe owing to high flight performance characteristic of the MiG-31 fighter jet and the hypersonic missile with a small radar signature and high maneuverability.

The first air unit equipped with the Kinzhal system started test air alert flights to master fundamentals of its combat use since December 1 of the last year.

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Bjorn Metaal

There are always four fucking idiots screaming for attention I will name them: Garca some kind of half Russian not the worst moving on. Dutchnnational a stupid fucking Kurd from the Netherlands. Richard M probably a guy living in a cave with internet. And finally the who named him self after a tank how stupid can you be? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b4997b63b44df27c6d1320e66e88db8cf36dfa6c29f7e0523a4df0dee8c13c5b.jpg

Maxime St-Jacques Canada

Ha Richard M someone is seeing clearsight over you. Richard is Quebecois and arsh hole with getting rid of mother and grandmothers to its kitchen freezer. They (around me) target the ennemy. Everyone of who’m is related to me might be targeted as the Hell’s Angels ennemies be welcomed off their imperialism tie with US crap.

Maxime St-Jacques Canada

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e58af915b05297be3c5a7459a9795b2df143eb2cf30ae393f9a2fd0e48b65494.jpg L’ordre sempiternel (sage) par chaisnes (avec notre captivité) viendra tourner par Ordre consequent What I believe is when propaganda will end, propaganders will move on by humiliation. Even Hell’s Angels are little little babies with no power without their endlessly need of hunger and being hungry. They are hungry only they said in 2016 at my city which is border around of bicycles and Harley Davidson. Richard, a bucher, has one..!.

Tudor Miron

And now we’re blessed with this light of reason, Bjorn Metaal! The wisest, may I ask – how this gem of knowledge that you posted above is related to live demonstration of weapon system that transforms US naval groups into huge waste of money? What did you want to say when posting an image of Putin and an image of nice looking dog? (Btw dogs are here to teach us the meaning of unconditional love).

Bjorn Metaal

I wanted a good laugh I hoped some of the guys I mentioned would reply but it didn’t happen. And about the dog I found it on the Internet and I thought to myself what would happen if I post in a pro Russian comment section nothing.


He Upvotes his own Messages, what else can you say about this Stupid Idiot.


Hey don’t forget that fat fag @bjornmetaal:disqus – not just a fucking, screaming idiot, but a brainless, shiteating, cocksukcing imbecile hiding behind fake account with 20 comments, and posting retarded pics of his bitch mother (on the right).


The range of this missile means that a Mig could launch a strike on London without ever leaving Russia, the missile would strike London less than 10 minutes later.

However, it’s the atomic powered missiles that impress me, a truly massive breakthrough in propulsion.


This weapon is the clear evidence, Russia broke the INF Treaty.

andy l

Russia had no choice but to develop new missile tech since the US withdrew from the ABM treaty in 2002 & surrounded their country with scores of missile defence systems (which by the way can quickly be turned into offensive ones), Hypersonic missiles at a fraction of the cost can now render obsolete forward carrier groups & bases.


Aha! So, if americans will not renwe their sign under 1 treaty, ruskies thing, hey can SECRETELY break one another. Typical criminal thinking. This made also Brezhnev and destroyed USSR.

andy l

This is all the US fault had they not pulled out of the 2002 AMB treaty Russia would have no need to develop hypersonic missiles to defend themselves against these missile defences!! No not criminal thinking but pragmatic strategic thinking – just a response to anothers provocations


This is not the question of velocity, but range.

George King

Well, you are proposing an argument that was prior to the US NPR requested to allow for a nuclear strike (first strike) for a perceived non nuclear offense as in a cyber attack. I believe this was the reason for Putin’s statement and revelations of the Russian capabilities of complete dominance in the abilities to thwart all known defense systems and sink all navies and the list goes on…….

Russia has declared that the will never again allow a war inside their Commons but that it be waged on the shores and land mass of anyone who threatens nuclear or conventional war against them for any reason. By the way there is a declaration to include it’s allies and partners in this protection/s. Empire and it’s transnational criminal cabals has been check mated for all practical purposes.

If there is any saving grace to these revelations it is Russia’s intention to be used to ensure peace on planet earth with a unilateral win-win globe where Empires are not allowed to practice uni power of death, destruction in pillage and plunder at the expense of human evolution.


Breach of contract renders reciprocal responsibilities null and void.

Igor Dano

okraina did never exist. the territory is Small Russia. The language spoken is mixture of polish and rusin and russian. there is no Okrainian language. On the other hand, Okraina is full of zionazis, like you and Walzmann are.

Tudor Miron

Oops:) And what should we do about it? Did INF treaty cover sea and air lounched missiles?


Only sea

Tudor Miron

May I ask for a quote where it says that air lounched is included?


The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty) is the abbreviated name of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Elimination of Their Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles, a 1987 agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union (and later its successor states, in particular the Russian Federation). Signed in Washington, D.C. by President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on 8 December 1987, the treaty was ratified by the United States Senate on 27 May 1988 and came into force on 1 June 1988.

The INF Treaty eliminated all nuclear and conventional missiles, as well as their launchers, with ranges of 500–1,000 kilometers (310–620 mi) (short-range) and 1,000–5,500 km (620–3,420 mi) (intermediate-range). The treaty did not cover sea-launched missiles.[3] By May 1991, 2,692 missiles were eliminated, followed by 10 years of on-site verification inspections.[4]


Tudor Miron

Wikipedia is your source? OK :) I see a mention about naval launchers but I don’t see anything regarding air lounchers.


Wiki is in this case relevant, minkey. Usually you use it, too,.

Black and white is in text, that ONLY sea-launched missiles are allowed. I know, for drunken stupid ruskie is difficult is to underrstand, that thsi fact means, nothing else.

Tudor Miron

First of all, your wiki sourced text has little relevance to actual treaty. Also, it’s your special zio googles that allow you to see that “ONLY” that you mention. For your knowledge – US does have compliants regarding alleged modification of Kalibr missiles for ground launch version. They don’t have any compliants (based on INF treaty) regarding air launched Kalibr. Guess why?


жили были очень давно дедушка и бабушка…


Your hatred has fried your brain, and you cannot see the truth.


The treaty was agreed to by the Soviet Union and the United States, the Soviet Union no longer exists?


Who said they are nuclear tipped, YOU? The beauty of hypersonic weapons is the kinetic energy, they hit like a meteor, no explosive needed, just blow a carrier to pieces from the force of the impact.


independent upon were forbidden. NO PRODUCTION!


So what? US breaks all of its agreements to suit their agenda, Russia will go on and develop weapons that supersede any US weapons in capability and kill power.


But you (all ruskies and their cocksockers) cried here months ago, when MSM wrote, that ruskies broke the INF-treaty. You can break, but we break your bones. :)))


I am not a ruskie, you can break nothing, you are full of hot air. US military in another decade will be a big joke.




Hey bitch no one is interested in your zoophilic animal porn, if you love dogs anUS go back there and stay there.


US broke it first by installing vertical missile launchers all around Russia under the pretext they’d be used as anti-ballistic missile shield against – wait for it – Iran and North Korea. And when Russians correctly pointed out that those launchers can be used for launching cruise and nuclear tipped ballistic ordnance the answer was – tough luck Ivan. Well tough luck Uncle Sam (or was it Saul?) right back at you…

Igor Dano

Uncle Shlomo.


It’s Samuel, Uncle Samuel, Americans were never told, and they still don’t know the truth. A young half Jewish man by the name of Abraham Lincoln sold America to the Rothschild’s.

Ishyrion Av

INF is not about only about missiles but also about launchers. Russia denounced INF treaty in 2007 considering it doesn’t serve Russia anymore, 5 years after US withdrew from ABM treaty. ABM treaty was a balance of the INF treaty: the number of missile of short and intermediate range US and Russia has is balanced by a number of interceptors US and Russia has. When US decided it can build any number of anti-ballistic missiles, the INF became useless for Russia, because it cannot keep US in chess anymore (the purpose of the treaty). The final step to render INF useless was made by US in 2014 -2016 who placed MK-41 missile launchers (who can fire Tomahawk, both nuclear and non nuclear, 2500 km range) in ground bases in Romania and in Poland (in 2018). So no, Russia didn’t break any treaty cause it was nothing left to break when US started to cheat. Like always.

Igor Dano

US cancelled ABM. SO what? U know, what states INF? Apparently not, as you got your shekels and your script today morning, this info was not included; bot the treaty talks about land-based systems. Air launch and ship based systems are not included. Now show to me the place in the INF, which was violated by Russia. Thanks in advance.

Igor Dano

U know, what states INF? Apparently not, as you got your shekels and your script today morning, this info was not included; bot the treaty talks about land-based systems. Air launch and ship based systems are not included. Now show to me the place in the INF, which was violated by Russia. Thanks in advance.


So what, America breaks agreements all the time. Why should other countries play fair with such a duplicitous nation as the USA.

Igor Dano

Project Pluto. 1960 – 1964.

Jaime Galarza

It never worked as such. The Russians made it work.

Patricia Murrow

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President Putin is a genius president in the whole world. He supports all victims in the world that have been victimized by US and NATO brutal regimes.

In the leadership of Putin Russia reached to the level of leadership of this whole world and left US and NATO countries back in dark ages where they deserve.


Firing a missile from 2000 km away, that requires some special kind of target acquisition that’s not only dependent on plane radar in order to initiate the missile launch.


The INF Treaty only controls nuclear and conventional ground launched ballistic and cruise missiles. It does not control air and sea launched missiles. https://www.armscontrol.org/factsheets/INFtreaty


Khinzhal system is far more superior than the long range KH cruise missiles, Mig31s having refueling capability can approach carrier battle groups from many different positions and fire their missiles at Mach 10, rendering the Aegis system useless. Also they can be used in conjunction with subs firing Zircon hypersonic missile, a 1-2 punch that would defeat Aegis system easily.


Maybe WILL BE. This was test flight, so you should not use present tense.

Btw., 10 Mach will be sure not.

andy l

Anything over 3000mph will be sufficient to defeat missile defences so doesnt really matter mach 10, 8, 6. The ground based Iskander M is a hypersonic missile (6-7 mach) so clearly the tech is already here & operational. Russian has just modified this for air deployment.


Khinzhal is synonymous to a long range Iskander launched from a Mig31. ABM sites in Rumania and Poland would be dead meat for Iskanders, while carriers would be dead meat for Khinzhals. Does Iskander work? Ask the jihadis that we’re on the receiving end in Syria.


250 tests in a couple of months says that they’re gearing up to use these in combat. Probably to make sure that the Syrian government coalition’s integrated air defense system stays up and running if the Jew world order regime change cabal tries to overrun it. By neutralizing any attempts to take it down.

Cheryl Brandon

With the rise of this new HATE against Russia, Russia needs to be fully prepared. Russia has 6 borders on the West which is the fiercest pro USA pro Globalists enemies. All the armies which attacked Russia have come from the western borders 4 times. So, Russian have a right to be very fearful of these threats on their borders.


My brother is a former Air Force officer combat pilot, aerospace engineer and test pilot with underground palm print retina scan clearance about the same age as the test pilot in the video. He’s now a test pilot for a large multinational air cargo company in their maintenance department doing diagnostic work and test flying planes after repair.

I’ve talked with him about helping out with my disc craft aerospace R & D company if I can get the money in place to move ahead with the bench test prototype and technology suppression security counter measures work. Once my taxes are done in a month or two I’m planning to resume ET/ED contact and inner net R & D.

I have quite a bit of learning and shooting range work to do to get my weapons upgraded with the accessories that I bought, and study and practice with the day and night vision still picture and movie camera that I bought. I know how to embed contact still pictures on these threads, some of which I’ve already done. And I’m looking at embedding videos as well.

Brad Isherwood


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