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MARCH 2025

Russian Aerospace Forces Used Stealth Cruise Missiles In Recent Attack On Odessa (Videos)

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Russian Aerospace Forces Used Stealth Cruise Missiles In Recent Attack On Odessa (Videos)

Kh-101 mounted on pylons. Photo: Russia MoD.

The Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) have used Kh-101 stealth cruise missiles in their recent strike on military airfields in Ukraine’s Odessa oblast.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the pinpoint missiles strike, which took place on the morning of May 7, destroyed equipment and systems of the Ukrainian Air Force, including a number of drones.

Ukrainian sources shared several videos showing Kh-101 cruise missiles heading towards their targets in Odessa. At least four missiles were reportedly used in the strike.

The Kh-101, which was developed by MKB Raduga, is an air-launched cruise missile with a stealth design. The missile is said to has a a maximum range of 4500–5500 kilometers and a variable flight profile at altitudes ranging from 30 – 70 meters to 6000 meters with a cruising speed of 190–200 meters per second and a maximum speed of 250–270 meters per second.

The missile is reportedly armed with a 400–450 kg conventional warhead. A nuclear armed version of the missile dubbed the Kh-102 was also developed.

The Kh-101 is guided by a GLONASS-aided INS [inertial navigation system]. The precision-guided missile, which is reportedly re-targetable, can be also equipped with a radar or optical seeker for terminal guidance.

The stealth missile can be launched from the Tu-160 strategic bomber as well as from the Tu-95MS and Tu-95MSM cruise missiles carriers.

The VKS has been using the Kh-101 and several other types of air-launched cruise missiles to strike high-value military targets of Kiev forces since the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.

The Kh-101 unique stealth design makes it the perfect weapon to strike high-value targets in well-protected areas from a stand-off distance with pinpoint accuracy.


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The world owes President Putin and the Russian people a debt of gratitude for their efforts in eradicating the scourge of fahclsm and nahtzism where-ever it rears it’s ugly head.

First germany, and now 75 years later …. in uKRAPistan !

God bless you President Putin and the people you lead !


Hanged Moskal


Hanged Hohol





It’s giving me a woody !

Putin biches tears taste like heaven

Hey Moron look at those ruskies roasting at snake island, every day they try to evacuate they get raosted again, rinse & repeat, those ruskies are so dumb. Have a look, on this one you can see “the already destroyed since 3 months UAF air force” having a little fun also


Pamfil Military Academy

You imbecile brain retard nazi arsehole take that news which in military terms are extremely important, and not Snake island barren useless location:

1. Popasnaya is full under russian control after 2 month of war. 2. Nizhnee also full control of russians; here a little fun: after arrival of chechens from Mariupol the ukropizdan hohol filthy shit just let down arms and run for a life somewhere back. Those chechens are awesome. Where russian tried 1 month to pass Nizhnee, chechens take it in less than a week. Explanation for Ze fag universal cretins and morons: THOSE 2 DEFENSE points were the best strongpoints of ukrops in north-east Donbass. The second line of long-prepared defense were about 20-30 km back and not so well fortified. Also Popasnaya are the HIGH GROUND mother there for a radius of 60-70km. Have 270 meter elevation an dominate all surroundings, even the 30 km distance KRAMATORSK second line. So, NOW it is 1 million times more easy to direct ALL artillery for kilometers and kilometers. It is possible to bomb the second line of defenses without approaching them. The second phase of Donbass cauldron started YESTERDAY: 7.V.2022 when Popasnaya fell. That’s real deal on military assets you psycho homo wanker, not some 2 km s.q. Snake island rock, syphilitic fuck.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

You just spam the same thing on every post, don’t you?

Putin biches tears taste like heaven

Hey Moron look at those ruskies roasting at snake island, every day they try to evacuate they get raosted again, rinse & repeat, those ruskies are so dumb. Have a look, on this one you can see “the already destroyed since 3 months UAF air force” having a little fun also


Tears of anti-Russian bitches taste like heaven

Moron, why did you decide that there was someone on the island.


Old, but good. Seems like 2014 or 15 year with chocolate furer in ukroreich.


Totally agree. I am a westerner but not a supporter of the current world order, it caused and continues to cause pain and suffering as well as deaths all across the globe. The notion that one single country imposes its will on the rest is totally unacceptable. I have blocked all types of pro western, pro Ukraine propaganda from all western mainstream medias and their stooges; Southfront, Tass, Xavier Moreau’s channels and oneworld.press are my only source of information.

War junkie

Unplug from MSM for a little while. You will start to think independently. You will find clarity. Then you will see the truth. US media is nothing but a massive brainwashing platform To make us subservient. US calls their media free press. Be careful.


Even christian 700 club reports the same news propaganda and don’t hold your breath about Twitter having free speech, Elon Musk supports Ukraine with starlink internet.


Musk is just a opportunistic parasite,the whole world now knows all the lies hidden are now exposed usas going bust and he pretends with his fake billions to buy into a rather cheapish platform in real commodoties platforms and try to make out he is the free speech truth saviour just like fake x in bullshit,but it wont work either because musk is 95% all hoax! Even sattelights are iffy,he uses the existing platform usa is proven liars!

And dont he just hate that the worlds most powerfull leader also has the worlds most powerfull resources too,lock,stock and all barrels to boot! Bottom line-end the fed,.they are no good nor the nwo anymore (period) wasted asia,wasted the middle east,now wasted the european continent and if thats not enough even wasted usa too! How else can it be put?

Last edited 2 years ago by DEMOCRACY IS =WARS= LITTLE BIATCH
Niall of the Nine Hostages

!&me I’m in the same boat as you and agree with everything you say. I’d go a step further and say that the clueless wealthy elites who (mis)rule the collective west are also the enemies of those of us who are unlucky to live in their domain…they have no empathy for the ordinary people. The puppet regimes that they install in USA and Europe just serve a tiny minority of the people, the ones who cause so much hardship and suffering to the rest of the world


The world owes President Putin a debt of gratitude for their efforts in eradicating any Anglo-Ameriscum puppet regime around the World but most eradication still needs to be done in Europe

Florian Geyer

Very well said, Carlo.

Slava Rossiya.


Europe needs eradication of Rusoscum


Very true

Hanged Moskal


Look at these hobos LOL

Hanged Hohol

We also took some hobos.


Last edited 2 years ago by Hanged Hohol



It’s giving me a woody !



I guess they don’t read the Twitter. Everyone there knows that Russians ran out of missiles, and ‘Elensky won the war two monts ago.

Florian Geyer



The Ministry of Defense announced the completion of the evacuation of civilians from Azovstal At the initiative of the Russian Federation, an operation was completed to evacuate civilians from the territory of the Azovstal plant in Mariupol, which was registered on May 7 with the Russian Defense Ministry.

Putin biches tears taste like heaven

Hey Moron look at those ruskies roasting at snake island, every day they try to evacuate they get raosted again, rinse & repeat, those ruskies are so dumb. Have a look, on this one you can see “the already destroyed since 3 months UAF air force” having a little fun also


Assad Defeated Zionists

I remember when those missiles were used to destroy other west supplied terrorists arms depots in ISIS controlled Syria. That was a good job.


These weapons are meaningless since your army cannot move an inch further. They are just sitting ducks.


Those missiles could destroy water purification facilities, energy substations, energy transmission lines, bridges, factories, fuel storages and weapons storages. So that Russia can make the other country going back to the stone age, if they intend to do so. Of course, Russia is payng an enoumous price for doing some of this examples. But they didnt deliver all of this destruction yet. Now it is a game of who can resist more pain and human loses before given up the fight, Russians or Ukranians. But, no, it is not meaningless, it is a total destruction of a country, if Russia ever intend to do it.

Last edited 2 years ago by André
jens holm

It seemes to be the nature for the Russians here. They only know any kind of destruction well.

We as EU and world try to make sensible build up in those collpased minus devellopment zones. Its by conntecting them to the rest of the world and a something for something.

In the Russian propaganda the economical part is not even there, even that was the reason for the Russian Empire again collpased. They are no learners.

Its the same for Belarus, caucasus and east of that.

People in my world actually has much less needed control, because we learn to control ourselves better and share the power.

In Russia tey only need one uperbrainer.


You and your degenerate desperate frantic uncool packa fascist girly on meds dont have the balls to deal let alone cope in the real world of developments where as Russia will get hard working former commy states to rebuild ukraine seens it were they whgom built it all not you degenerate eu/epp weak poofs,pfft! Don’t insult higher intellects kike,its bad omen for your eu-epp and usa dumbass!


Russia is doing to Ukraine the same as Ukraine did to Donbass population and the same actions Turkey has being doing for 5 years now against the Kurds. Turkey has cutted water from rivers denying water to the entire population that lives in northeast Syria. I am pretty sure that cutting water from rivers to an entire population of a country is called an act of genocide and that is exactly wath turkey made against Kurds and Sunni and Shia Syrians living in northeast Syria. And i am not mentioning the five years of bombardment of Syrian kurds civilians by Turkey army in northen Syria.

Chris Gr

And guess what. Iran kind of supports this Turkish attack.


ROFLMSLAOOOO —– and then you woke up, uKRAPiTrash slug !

SIDDOWN, fewI —- you embarrass yourself with your buff00nery ! !




Bugger off sephulcha,you degenetate sodomised feminised ignorant tramp!


Yugoslavia/Serbia was defeated with no land invasion in 1999. 2000 — colored coup in Belgrad. But Rus.army and allied forces is moving forward every day, we took ~15% of Kiev regime lands and now encircling few thousands ukros in Severodonetsk-Lisichansk region. Battle for Popasnaya is the part of this encircling. They prepared for 8 years, that’s why movement here is slow, but can’t stop offensive. To the end of april they lost 23 thousand troops and few time more woonded. Few hundreds every day. Not bad for “sitting duck”, ha-ha.

Michigan Man

Quote from Pamfil Military Academy (from yesterday discussion) “‘It’s like taking a mRNA corona-vaccine shot. It is made by jews only to harm and kill you.’ here I agree 110% and I have the best reasons in the world. But do every fake jew is guilty of that ? The answer is no ! So, why to anathemize all as a whole ?” Sorry to intermingle your conversation, but I think I can give the answer to your question :Situation is: See, if you have a box with lets say 100 bodycells. You know that one of the 100 bodycells is very very likely containing an absolutely deadly virus, and you also know exactly which of the 100 bodycells it is. Now you are forced to choose one of the 100 bodycells to put them into your body/blood etc. Then which one of the 100 bodycells which are offered in that box will you choose. Let me help you. Every human with a brain, will if he is forced to choose definitely not want to take that 1 cell which he knows is very very likely containing an absolute deadly virus in it. But he will simply decide for choosing one of the 99 other which are not at risk of containing that deadly virus. To make the picture clear to you, as it is a metapher to explain to you the situation. The hundred bodycells are 100 people/nations on earth. The one special body cell very very likely containing a absolute deadly virs is the cell called “JEWS”. Of course, exactly like you stated, not every jew is guilty, but you cannot figure out which on is guilty and who of them is not, because the evil ones are so crypted, always disguising themselves, playing tricked, changing their names, doing all kind of black satanic cheating to intermingle with all aspects of jewish live and controlling it by the total grip on the global money system that there is no way to be sure that one claiming to be innocent, indeed is. Therefore the cleverst thing to do is, to KICK ALL OF THEM OUT. RESP. DO NOT HAVE TO DO WITH ANY OF THEM. Resp. do not take that CELL at all. Of course it is not said, that this cell is the one containing the deadly virus, but it is very very likely. So why risk it ? No these creatures are insane, cockroaches are not allowed in the kitchen. If you have too choose betwenn having 12 ants, 12 gnat-flys or 12 cockroaches in your meal better choose none of it, but when you are forced to choose, and if you are clever, then you of course do not decide for the cockroaches, at least. And that’s the answer to your question. Or another metapher for the same thing. You know the game russian roulette. Russian roulette = The Jews as a whole. Lets say someone ask you to play some nice games. Memory, chess,football many more up to 100 games. And you have to decide which game you want to play. One of the games offered is russian roulette (=Jews). So if I am to decide which game I want to play, I can’t say which one I want (maybe chess, or football or else) but what I can clearly say is, that russian roulette is of course the one I do not want to play. So by excluding that shit immediately from the options, you have the answer. (Of course playing russian roulette doesn t mean for 100% sure, that you are going to die while playing it – but there is a really large chance that indeed you will. And that is enough for me, and every normal thinking person to not play it). And that is the same reason why every normal thinking people should be antijudaistic resp. “antisemitic”. Jews are infesting our world, they are evil. Yes not every single one of them, but the ones that are, are so dangerous and satanically evil, and have that much wealth like Rothschild, Warburg, Schiff, Gates etc. and have in additions jewish agents everywhere that if you allow one of them to get to you, you are fucked immediately. And there is no secure way to be 100% sure which one jew is deadly satanic and which one is not. (Same as in R.roulette where youi never know for sure if in the next push there is a bullet going off or not) And like you see – jews they are heinous satanic creatures so dangerous that if not fought from the very beginning, then they will grow stronger and stronger to the point when they will try to eradicate whole mankind, like they are trying to do now with their deadly mRNA poison injections. Therefore, no – better stay away FROM ALL OF THEM. Do not take the risk of allowing even one single of them (jews) to infiltrate into your system, body, state, mind, structures etc. Jews are an absolutely deadly threat to all of mankind, and we cannot effort to underestimate these satanically brute again. Look at what they just did to the world. Hundreds of mio of people injected with the deadly ratpoison, due to us being too stupid to understand that Jews themselves are viruses on two legs, camouflaging themselves as human-beings, when in fact they are demons, wicked creations and creatures and parasites from hell. And they are actually even admitting it themselves, see: https://www.bitchute.com/video/MZrcnSWq6ZFS

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man
Chris Gr

Yes but they are Illuminati and not Jews. Gates is English.


ukrapy elite would rather transform what is not returned to Russia into an amerikan ghetto than comprehend reality—soon they will import camel from saudis and employ pygmys with spears after Poland steals much of the west—only morons sleep with amerikan mongrels

jens holm

This wont stop it. Its even worse.

In wars a lot of extra money is floatingand needs make crimes go up too. The police has even bigger rpoblems and in the civile sector as well.

Countries has to debate and change minds making laws for improvements. Thats is delayed and drowned. Its also a long time proces.

You are a moron. No americans will sleep with You unless they not even has clothe in the wintertime.


On the contary you belligerant quad vaxed homos4exualisede wokey moron all laws are getting beyond truth and justice and this is why you ignorant assflogged desperate turd and your neo-liberal anarchy of todays overcomplexed 21 gender de generator traitors, have no decent strategy to face off with anny serious challenges,let alone Russia,fkn drr

Beldar Conehead

To be America’s enemy may be dangerous-but to be her ally is FATAL!”


Many of these videos are just short and silly. Three for four second video is just useless.

jens holm

Thats right. I am WHAT and then its gone.


They are too quick! Get use to it bud.


Longer video for you: youtube.com/watch?v=QnK4rRI7Bgg

jens holm

We are equal to USA they say.


Actually russian ones are faster,way way faster not just more reliable accurate yet costs null!


American cruise missiles are more accurate though

jens holm

Putin enemies are in them.



The Nazis and their enablers will die a violent death. The question is, will they take the rest of humanity with them? This war will not end until DEATH INSURANCE CALLS THE CLOWN OF KIEV.


Missiles in Lvov, may be the best footage, very cinematic. youtube.com/watch?v=QnK4rRI7Bgg

Pamfil Military Academy

If I’d be a Putin I will sigh a decree of 30 missiles per day to LVOV. Not to KIEV but to LVOV. Saying half would miss or intercepted, 15 missiles a day would make hohols to shit in their pants 15 times a day. And, without any humor, will learn ukropizdan motha fucker supporters to learn what the war is about and fuck theirs morale like shit.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy
Brockland A.T.

Wonder if the so-called Neptune anti-Ship missiles are stealthed.

Stealth paint is extremely expensive, classified stuff as are ways to hide heat signatures. However, NATO is probably partnered with Ukraine for advanced conventional weapons as well as WMDs.

Older Russian ship defenses might have trouble locking onto a stealthed anti-ship missile, especially in rough weather.

Pamfil Military Academy

With only paint you cannot erase the heat signature of a rocket, you fool.

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