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MARCH 2025

Russian Aerospace Forces Wipe Out Militants’ UAV Assembly Workshop In Syria

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Russian Aerospace Forces Wipe Out Militants’ UAV Assembly Workshop In Syria


On September 4, two Russian Sukhoi-34 warplanes on Tuesday destroyed a workshop of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) in the province of Idlib where the militants were making armed unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and kept explosives in store, according to a statement of Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov. He added that a Sukhoi-35S warplane also eliminated a warehouse of portable anti-aircraft missiles.

“The strikes were dealt away from populated areas against terrorists’ hangars where the drones were kept and also against confirmed areas where attack drones were launched for terrorist attacks against the Russian airbase Khmeimim and communities in Aleppo and Hama provinces,” Konashenkov told media on September 5.

A total of four warplanes was employed by the Russian Aerospace Forces.

Konashenkov added that over the past month 47 UAVs launched by militants have been eliminated near Russia’s Khmeimim Air Base in Syria.

It should be noted that on September 4 multiple reports were released by pro-militant media outlets and media activists that the Russian Aerospace Forces had struck civilian targets in southern Idlib.

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Nigel Maund

We all know that the US Deep State, UK Deep State, Israel (the Controller) and European Vassal States such as France and Germany all support Daesh and HTS and crave a chemical weapons attack in Syria as an excuse to bomb the SAA and SAAF bases, as their proxies are about to be destroyed once and for all, and their “Great Game” in the Middle East will lie in tatters. Their “ISIS” Mercenaries and the “White Helmet’ sham NGO have been behind every single chemical “False Flag” attack since the war commenced in Syria 7 years ago. The funny thing is they think we believe their controlled propaganda arm, the lying, duplicitous and thoroughly crooked Mainstream Media. Well sorry boys! ……….Think again!

Promitheas Apollonious

israel it is a controlled colony of NWO and if you think of it expendable, as the one who will more than likely be totally destroyed, in case of an all out war within ME. So how you figure israel is the one who controls? Think again. The rest I kind of agree with you.


May be they (israhell and its masters) do not see themselves as expendable but excepional. May be they still believe and wait for a turn of events and have not yet given up their plans. Psycopaths do not recognise reality.

Promitheas Apollonious

k lets use common sense and you are israel now. Would you behave like someone with suicidal tendencies as israel actions show, or you try something different that in case of war you dont get eliminated from the map.

Knowing reality on the ground based on common sense, that is the future of israel in what they so hard push to happen. Tell me since when a controller is also the one who is the first one to go?


‘Common sense ‘ is sadly lacking in most Western politicians these days and they must all believe they are invulnerable to any reality that does not accord with their fantasy I think .

Promitheas Apollonious

politicians are not the ones who make strategic global decisions they are ground control and obey orders. See how contradicting among themselves are and how they turn against each other, but all follow the same exact policy. Like someone is forcing them to do it. That someone (group) is where not only the politicians get their running papers.


Yes, and for those of who are interested enough to look at many news outlets of many countries it is revealing that their public statements and press releases all seem to be from a universal script with key words etc.


top of the pyramid….


I get your point and follow your logic. Fair enough. But …. they know their nuclear potential that has kept them save and sound for decades. They expect people to bend over, back off or shut up. It does not cross their minds that one day the whole world is going to say “enough!” They don’t see it coming, Promtheas. They have forgotten 2006, they have their nukes, constant supply of mercs. For them, Syria is not lost yet. They will stir a bloody conflct somwhere else, be it in the Balkans, Ukraine, anywhere. The show goes on. Their Iron Dome will protect them from the sling shots.

Promitheas Apollonious

iron dome is like at best 15% effective been generous. Even if they manage a first hit still israel will become a black hole. So nuclear does not save them and are the first ones to know this.


Of course. They sure know that the nuclear cloud might go the wrong direction. What I find exceptional is their state of mind. It really looks suicidal. Unless… they have something that we don’t know about. Unless they underestimate us, the people.

Promitheas Apollonious

No they dont know or have something we dont know. People just dont seem to connect the dots and understand a simple fact about the globalists.

they consider earth as their private property as well all on it, within it and above it. For centuries they been infiltrating nations and working as a group overtaking and controlling both their economies and their politicians and governing bodies.

If they dont succeed as before to establish their dominance over every one else, they will dissolve into the mass population and re group for the next try and this been going on for millenniums, is not a new fruit.

Destroying globally the economy and causing global wars to happen is what speed up the process they prepare to take over and impose their NWO. You keep thinking that the population of israel it matters to them and that is your first mistake. 90% of them have been imported from the ex soviet union countries. The ones people call zionists or jews and that they control everything, none of them, is resident of israel.

Any way is a very long story so watch what is about to happen if it finally does and you understand what I am saying.


I am pleased to say that PEOPLE know of the globalists, they are AWARE of their plans and wait patiently for a miracle or change. As for the NWO, it looks like this is old news as there is another New world order that is taking place now in a subtle way. The unipolar globalised society is broken. As for the population of israhell…. I don’t know. One very arrogant, absolutely confident, deeply distrurbed mentality is running the show which does not care about the means to achieve its goal. After all, depopulation of Earth is on the agenda. Main goal is: make the Muslims and Christians kill each other; make the Christians kill each other, whatever dies in- between is a bonus. I wonder who will dare to eliminate the real monster and why it is not done yet.

You can call me Al


Nigel Maund

How well do you understand the power of the Jewish lobby in the US, UK and EU??? In the UK and US the lobby is funded and supported by the all powerful Rothschild clan whose assets are valued in hundreds of trillions of US$. The Rothschild;s founded modern Israel in 1912 with British Prime Minister Authur Balfour in the famous Balfour Declaration hat effectively disenfranchised the Palestinians and set the scene for the enduring tragedy that is modern day Palestine. in the US, no one dare criticise Israel which is now considered a racial crime.

Promitheas Apollonious

In my opinion, much better than you do.

Nigel Maund

Opinions are worthless without facts. So let’s see some of those and then your opinion may have some substance?

Promitheas Apollonious

If you answer one question and prove your self worthy of my time, I will present you with facts.

Tell me when England fall under the control of the zionists and who financed them.

Nigel Maund

Mayer Amschel Rothschild who established his son Nathan in the UK as part of his 5 Arrows Strategy for growing their Pan European Banking (credit) Business Empire. Now where are your facts?

Promitheas Apollonious


12th century the king of england issue a kings order deporting all jews from england. 16th century, Dutch Indian Company financed Cromwell to drop the king, revoke its order and bring them back in england in force, where they created Indian Company, city of london the bank of england and began colonizing the world using england as their strong military arm not unlike US is used since her creation.

Nigel Maund

No you’re wrong completely! Control of Great Britain came fthrough financial control by the Rothschild’s through loans made to the British Government by the Rothschild’s from 1770 onwards. See Nathan Rothschild’s comment below:


This says it all.

Promitheas Apollonious

You missing a lot of chapters from what you think you know. I spoke to you of historical fact you speaking to me of the players and what impress you. Learn history then we discuss again.

Nigel Maund

There’s an old saying and it goes like this “Never argue with an idiot because they’ll bring you down to their level and then beat your with experience” You fit this description precisely!

Promitheas Apollonious

you already shown your level both of your breeding and knowledge. As I said you missing a lot of chapters. No need to be defensive and behave like a moron kid. Just get your facts straight and start from the beginning and not the middle as you doing right now.

Carne João Pasta

Sadly there’s enough useful idiots who do believe the msm and refuse to consider that their own government are evil and corrupt to the core. It’s really depressing. I try to inform people where possible.


This is what you call precision bombing, identifying targets relatively distant from civilian areas, and delivering munitions in a precise manner to destroy the intended target. Civilians that stay imbedded or in very close proximity with terrorists will suffer the same fate as the terrorists.


Yes was thinking same. Goes right to Trumps tweet about recklessly attacking Idlib. Quite certain Russia can and would provide full documentation of facts as stated.

Could the US justify killing kids on a bus with a laser guided bomb? They could maybe get Collin Powel back to give it a shot. None of the current crowd could keep a straight face.


They didn’t explain yet what they did in Falludsha/Iraq then. Why should they explain now?


As the pendulum swings back many will come to realize that blowing up a bus load of kids 10,000 miles away is not making their life one damn bit better.

As the Russian’s plainly display a professional, sane alternative that uses instead of abuses the rule of law, humanity may come round.

I think feeding into a thoroughly negative narrative, abandoning hope, plays into the Opioid epidemic, not to mention the NWO, in a very neat, convenient way. It declares the war over and already won. Boo Hoo we lost, it’s hopeless.

As I said the other day. As long as there is anyone anywhere who can clench a fist, Rothschild Zionists will feel threatened. If I got to be that last fuck’in guy so be it!

They should goddamn explain themselves because we fucking demand it!

Gary Sellars

They can explain themselves right before we drag them out to the courtyard and hang ’em high.

Bill Wilson

Bullshit. It’s called putting a propaganda spin on a successful bombing of HTS assets located in a rural area. I hope the Russians keep finding more high value targets wipe out regardless of where they’re located.

Joe Dickson

You watch 3 precision guided bombs but 60 targets were hit, the other 57 were carpet bombed.


Ask yourself where these barbarians got the technology and instructions to make their own drones (could it be DJI ) and where did they get the handheld anti-aircraft launchers. If you said from “our tax dollars” then you are correct.

Promitheas Apollonious

most of those barbarians went to your schools and trained in your own armies before they been promoted to barbarians. Have you ever think of that?

Concrete Mike

I have, it sickens me.

Promitheas Apollonious

it shouldn’t as is none of our doing and as for fault we all have that for not doing enolugh to stop it and all western countries have their share of responsibility of the shit we allowed to put us into. Now we need to deal with it.

Concrete Mike

Were so divided, its nearly impossible.

How can we stop the crimes of our overlords when we spend most of our time arguing about useless planted canards(mueller probe).

Our culture and education system is trash, self promoting trash.

When you see how united our opponents are compares to us, its discouraging.

Whats even more frustrating is that it takes so little effort to see through the smoke screen our

Promitheas Apollonious

the problem is global so if where you are located is nothing you can do then the solution will come from outside, US.

Concrete Mike

A global problem requires a global solution, i would think.

Globalization is the network of our ennemies. This network must be smashed somehow. This is how states are usurped by corporations.

A way to do this is to make oil prices soar, goal of this would be to make shipping materials around to world too expensive, thus keeping things more local.

This would benefit all except the oligarchs.

Wishful thinking i know, but i like to think differently.

Its a tough pickle indeed, glad to have someone to discuss this, wife is too busy watching ladylike….LOL

Promitheas Apollonious

yes you right but then again it always a small beginning somewhere first, before becoming global. Dont you think so?

Carne João Pasta

I want to live long enough to see the tide truly turn on the ptb and feel proud for my species.

Promitheas Apollonious

my only wish is to live until the party began after that i am not so certain it will much left for any one to want to live in it.

Brother Ma

Good Point. We did well enough with mixed economies,Welfare Capitalism and local enterprise before those carpet-bagging Globalists and Neoliberals came along! The middle class has not seen real income increase since.

Empire's Frontiers

Too, we might take the rest of our lives making a list of dead rebels and social movers.

Putting a bullet in a wily peasant is no trouble.


spot on


You are right that all western countries bare the responsibility for terrorism, but it has been the US and UK that are the prime sources of terror attacks. Until recently the British were training Rohingya insurgents in the art of terrorism in Saudi Arabia. The US of course trained terrorists for many years in Pakistan.

Brother Ma

Keep the fire raining down and do not stop till all the vermin are exterminated. I would. Foreign invaders anyway!

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

very nice :)))

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