FILE – In this file photo taken Dec. 16, 2015 and provided by the Russian Defense Ministry Press Service, Russian S-400 long-range air defense missile systems are deployed at Hemeimeem air base in Syria. (Vadim Savitsky/Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP, File)
Russian air defense forces have repelled an attack with long-range rockets at Hmeimim Air Base, on the Syrian coast, the Ministry of Defense of Russia announced late on February 10.
“At 19:45 Moscow time [16:45 GMT] on February 9, Russian air defense means repelled an attack on Hmeimim Air Base with long-range multiple launch rocket systems,” Rear Admiral Vyacheslav Sytnik, deputy-head of the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria, said during a briefing.
According to Rear Adm. Sytnik, detection systems determined that the rockets were launched from the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib.
“There are no casualties or material damage. Russian airbase Hmeimim is operating as planned,” the officer added.
Locals in the coastal town of Jableh, located right next to Hmeimim Air Base, shared on February 9 footage showing large explosions over the base.
Several terrorist groups, including al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, are active in Greater Idlib. The Turkish military maintains thousands of troops in the region. Yet, it does nothing to confront these terrorist groups.
The attack, which is a blatant violation of the ceasefire agreement in Greater Idlib, will likely be met with a fierce response from the Russian military. The response will likely come within a few days, if not hours.
Those sending that stuff are not even asked for any kind of ceasefire. They are ordered.
Its typical for things there. The ones involved there fx living there are not asked and has no choise. Burt as we see, they are normal people and make their choises.
They are Laika as space Kadets.
jens confuse stuff w her brain—was pickled w DMT….new brain on order from lemur section Copenhagen zoo
Having fake mates whom upvote themselfs as the browder/soros./lgbtq minions here who assume britain is with them,think again,The commonwealth will bury them alive as will the Commonwealth of independant states with russia,disposed their failures, short n sweet,too easy,Now The Commonwealth got india to vy for peace with china looks like no more (brown jew homosexual google soros wet dream of the gois! AOUUT!
Jens is an extremely and utterly stupid Scandinavian punk. There are some extraordinary stupid Scandinavians. Expect any kind of idiotism, laughable charlatanism from such a punk. I have experience, believe me. For example they are tottaly illiterate and stupid that punks doesn’t have a clue who was, say Marlon Brando, or what is the fig, and other idiotisms. Just ignore the punk.
Looks like you made your hasbara points to get a crack fix today. The “ones involved” are NATO’s ISIS/al-Qaeda terrorist proxies. You got yourselves up to the neck with terrorist Ziowahhabi schemes and migrations only to end up on a position where Putin is now your peer.
The Ziocorporate terrorists were forced by Russia to merely adapt their machinations to Russian interference in Syria. That’s everything there’s about it.
Russia may kill a few dozen jihadi minions in each counterstrike in Idlib or elsewhere, but the NATO/Turk terrorist Ziowahhabi hordes know Putin’s goal is to negotiate with them in terms of business and partnership so they get away with bombing Russian bases and doing it again and again.
In the Kremlin’s case, there’s some room for Ziowahhabi terrorists and jihadis permanently invading parts of Syria if that allows for more Russia-Ziocorporate West interactions and negotiations.
Why wait Russia, strike first… Northern Lebanon is becoming an Anglo-Zionist cesspit.
Oh yeah, that’s right, it would be so, but something like Hezbollah is preventing that to happen, you see.
the real sham—fake USA incompetent missiles; always intercepted amerikan idiots providing free training exercises for Russian forces
video shows s-400 missile failure. It launches and falls back to ground! What a joke. Iron Dome or David’s have proven their competence over and over again by shooting down Syrian Su-22 Su-24, tochka missiles, grad and mortars no monthly yearly basis. s-300 tor pantsir have been destroyed dozens of times by turkey and azerbaijan, what a joke
Only joke here is a prick like yourself. A guy that upvotes himself.
says the coward with weird picture profile. you is a shame to online community
Weird picture profile. That is Netanbooboo’s petard that he is forever blowing himself up with..
You know that anyone can put their mouse cursor over the upvote and up will pop who has voted up, right? If you know this, what is the point of upvoting yourself? Is it to demonstrate your stupidity? Do you think the audience may think you disagree with your own comment? Or, like a good Zionist, is it that you can’t pass up the opportunity to try and bullsh$t people? This is literally the dumbest thing anyone has done on this website.
Don’t tell him, the trolls from the U.S and satanyahu aren’t that smart it seems, let them fail big time in silence so we can identify them.
Do I know? I understand right!!?? Of course I am always right as my truth is what hurts you antisemites! DEAL WITH IT
The truth is precisely what you DON’T have, because not only do Zionists lie to the world about nearly everything, they lie to themselves just as abundantly.
You can get my upvote for more of such jokes. Just keep it up!
says the coward who hails from butcher serbia who destroy innocent muslim albanian and serb in 1995 bosnia and 1999 KOSOVO
Up voting self is a clear sign of a paid troll – and not very smart one either..
Yeah, I’d upvote him, for these lame English jokes.
Let him be. Poor guy. Nobody likes him. At least he likes himself.
Hahahahaha, guy doesn’t speak much of English language, who knows and cares who is he. He just told you that ‘you is a shame to online community”. Rofl.
russkie yiddish hebrew my native tongue! PIECE OF SHET
Where are you.. Where are you hiding … Have you gone back to school little boy.. Threw the shit but can’t handle some coming back so where are you little girl. Gutless piece of shit..
I AM HGERE YOU PIECE OF SHET DONT MAKE ME ANGRY OK ON HERE I AM PACIFIST BUT ON STREET I AM MEAN. Judo I excel throw you like a can of worms! krav maga I know!!!!
If you knew who you were talking too you would understand why I am shaking.. Yes shaking with laughter.. Get real clown.
soon u shake everytime wgen IDF bombs syria to pieces and sends mullah irgc dozens at a time to PARADISE
Still boring
like your existent?
Mossad propaganda.
mullah regime mouthpiece of crap
Truth hurts try to handle it Trollstoy ?
piece of SHET
You are…
explain teenager from europe who hate all jew!
Thanks for your introduction…
An erudite comment regarding yourself is probably the most intellectual comment you will ever make.. Is school closed because of lockdown and tired of wanking in your bedroom so come here to show everyone how clever you are.
Russia has knowingly sent dozens and dozens of thousands of Russians posing as Jews to live as “returnees” in Ziocorporate-occupied Palestine. So it’s not that Western Ziocorporate operations in the Rothschild neocolony have been compromised by Russia but how to make a deal out of it.
An IDF Zioterrorist F-16 attacking civilians is downed by an S-200 and a few months later a Russian spy plane was blown up by another S-200 friendly fire during an ISISraeli attack. Bad business for Mammon, they didn’t offer to build a joint Russia-Iran air defense architecture in Syria.
An IDF F-35 was downed over Golan heights, just when some Russian high ranking officer, not really Shoigu, was in tel Aviv, with S-200. AND after that there was that so called ‘incident’ when supposedly f-16 hide behind Tupolyev. Actually, f-16s downed it. And, Russians wait for revenge. And they’re always patient for that matter. Remember ‘Truthful promise’ in 2006? I bet you do, so you does that ship that did carnage out of Beirut, from close distance, so close that bofors can hit targets there. And what happened? Anti ship missile hit that monster in the middle of the sea. So, something like that one can expect.
ahahahahaaha…stupid piece of shit..cheap propaganda anus the ıcarus claims f-35 was downed by s-200 roflmaooo…even in arcade games that cant happen..ı can explain you that one by one but your thick skull cant perceive such info…ıcarus moronovic.
Ugly-oglu now eat some goat shit and fuck himoglu.
You go fuck erdogan, and his Emine hanum in ass.
you go fuck nasrallah smelly-shitty ass but oops probably he will fuck you….
Do me some belly dance, cockoglu, first. Aga s gonna ma harram you ahahahahahahahahahahahahah.
triggered bitch?…..tanovic ıcarus anus pegasus…zeus mucus..
Stupid paça, Fikret you are looking for public hiçmet.
I wouldn’t even wipe my ass with your filthy avatar.
The only joke is on you,if anything you never proved anything,though yet again proves no one can penetrate russian defense at russia base,unlike your girly toy boys in iraq:
hey ashtray dust stfu miserable coward child murderers have no voice here go back to your mama she made pancakes
Give 48 hours notice for non combatants to leave the capital city of Idlibistan and then demolish it like Grozny.
time to debunk fanboy crap. S-400 is not capable of defeating stealth It’s most powerful NEBO-M can only detect a F-22 or F-35 at range of 23 MILES or 37km hehe. The calculations and chart below dont liehttps://www.quora.com/How-close-can-an-F-35-fly-towards-an-operational-S-400-before-it-can-be-targeted its normal radar can’t track f35 past 14 miles!
debunk debunk you little gipsy
1. This was not S-400. 2. Germany tracked F-35 during their war games at over 150km away. 3. F-22 is better at stealth than F-35. The F-35 was made so they can sell some of their tech and make money. 4. Russia already tracked F-35s when Israel flew into lebanese airspace and continue to do so, providing real time intelligence to Syrian AD. Problem is Syrian AD is trash and it’s missiles don’t reach all the way there but Syria fired S-200 missiles at 180km towards an F-35.
And downed that one over correct me if I’m wrong, over golan heights.
F35s are overweight ,underpowered shitfights,heck even raaf had to eject,lucky not to snap he’s neck in doeing after too many failures with their helmets and other issues=BAD NEWS!
F22s are also known poison gas coffin boxes with flaps,allready id by russia an china,like the f35s id by russia and germany,which makes your cia fkfestive bullsht remain as a myth, besides your missiles are far too selow,yield much less power pek kg packed,and remain all subsonic to date,compared to supersonic and hypersonic and far more effective emp means,indeed you are a way overspect force of the century,rotted to the cotre in debts infact inferior military to 20th centurys (period) Where as russia + china both developing to toward the 22nd century,without the overbloated garbage and bullsht asociated with cias!
F35s cant even exceed 950kph without burning their fuel cells what a packa useless p00fs!
A ugly too, Cowboy Jimmy, you know the rest of that old saying.
You didn’t up-vote your own comment here, and you’ve upvoted all your other comments. Does this mean that you don’t agree with your own comment?
His sister/wife diana cumhole liked his comment, I guess that counts as well
Why is it not allowed to like ones own comment? I do it not always but sometimes, when my comment is super duper intelligent and fantastic. Which my comments are quite often.
Well, you Mr. Jensen are certainly exempt from this unwritten rule. I am sorry for any inconveniences, in no circumstance did I intend to question your ingeniously resourceful advicez. You must understand, that the peasants should not be allowed to promote their very own tomfoolery in such an insidious way. I am already looking forward to your next super duper clever consultashunz!
A normal f-35? WTF is that?
A plane parked in a garage?
the most highly advanced $150,000,000 plane in history you dumb SHET Adir upgrade for IDF has the most powerful electronic warfare even more than normal F-35 for us airforce, and even stealthier smaller on radar! SHET HED
According to mossadisis news…
Give him a break, can’t you see the trollstoy is a illiterate punk.
Thats the reason Im doing it. I want some quality troll, he is an insult to our intellect :)
I mean just look at his English, stupid idiot likes Wahhabis Al julani is a messier to him.
What response?
Putin’s going to deliver a few more S-400s to, or build another nuclear power plant for Erdogan?
Maybe send the Turks to the moon before 2023?
That’ll earn Putin a shish kebab or two. On NATO’s tab of course. In case you didn’t know, Turkey is NATO and Karabakh is NATO as well.
Thanks Putin. You want to retire in Hawaii or Guantanamo?
You are a retard,infact a great disgrace to the Commonwealth,certainly not nazi-eu-epp,where all kinds of kweer gimps like to hear utter bullsht like that,save it for suicide cia!
hello to the pathologic Russia hater how does it feel to be a stupid member of the most unhealthy ugly obese and degenerated populations of this planet the united cuntdom a island full of minions and fascist demagogy who still live in Victorian times and oppress their people with their own consent live with it stupid english cow PUTIN will eat you all for breakfast and navalny will rot in jail just like ASSANGE who is innocent but showed us the crimes of the US UK and their ZIO friends
Funny how this coincides with US combat drone activity over Idlib.
This coincidence is NOT a coincidence!
A coincidence. US was looking for WMD reported by a high level extremely reliable anonymous source.
The video doesn’t make sense to me. 1. I didn’t see any ‘large explosion’ – maybe this was afterwards 2. Didn’t look like a burning rocket motor. Looks more like an illumination flare swinging around under a parachute, especially the shadow it casts just before it hits the ground. 3. So, I’m assuming GRADs vs. something bigger unless I missed the head-choppers arming up with SCUDs. Is there any reason to think this attack might have used something bigger? And even if they used a 122mm GRAD, then they fired a single one? Seems odd, even for extra-chromosome head-choppers, but who am i to judge the mentally challenged?
The trajectory of that thing makes no sense at all. The little we can see from the smoke trace (it has a solid-fueled rocket engine it seems), it left a decent cloud closer to the surface (maybe even spiraled or maneuvered around there), then went high in altitude and then spiraled slowly down. Weird! That looks nothing like a rocket from a MLRS. Could this be a surface to air missile flying up, while maneuvering to a target? After hitting the target, the rocket engine remains spiraling down still active. There’s a cracking explosion sound at a point in the video. This can be the explosion of the missile warhead, dispersing shrapnel. This is definitely not an interception of a GRAD rocket. Possible target can be another missile (e.g., a cruise missile) or more likely a drone, an expensive one, a high-value target.
Anything is possible, but I’ve never seen a SAM maneuver in a huge spiral like that under any kind of seeker or sensor. Explosion would take out the guidance unit and steering fins, so it would not continue maneuvering in the same odd spiral it was using on its way up. Also, with the steady bright light, one would have to be looking at the back of the SAM (or incoming rocket) the entire time. What are the chances of that?
Good point. I think it’s reasonable to conclude that this video is quite likely fake, or at least shot at a different place and time, depicting a different occasion or event.
The people in Jableh saw something and took a video – they made no claims. Russia said the base was attacked but either didn’t see the video or doesn’t care to comment. I don’t think that’s unusual. SF is just putting up stuff that came from the incident. I doubt anyone is really attempting to deceive anybody. Kind of pointless – Russia needs no phoney excuses to justify baking a few HTS head-choppers in Idlib and we know the base is periodically attacked by drones or rockets. The ‘news’ part would have been if the head-choppers had used short- or medium-range ballistic missiles. Still no problem for its air defenses, but you can bet the U.S. and Israel are aware of these attacks and use every opportunity to vacuum up signals intel on Russian AD. I would expect the Russian military to do the same.
Russian junk doesnt work
The Russians always seem to fight back.. I think, the Chinese are ahead of them..