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Russian Air Defenses Shot Down Ukrainian-Made Armed Drone (Video, Photos)

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Russian Air Defenses Shot Down Ukrainian-Made Armed Drone (Video, Photos)

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Russian sources have shared a video and a number of photos showing the wreckage of Ukrainian-made UJ-22 “AIRBORNE” armed drone.

The drone was allegedly shot down by Russian air defenses near the city of Klintsy in Russia’s Bryansk Oblast late on March 24. These claims are yet to be confirmed by the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

The UJ-22, which was developed by the Kyiv-based SPE UKRJET, has an operational range of 100 kilometers and an endurance of seven hours. The drone can be armed with up to 20 kilograms of unguided munitions, including 82 mm mortar rounds and PG-7 warheads.

The wreckage of the drone revealed that it contains US-made components, like the SSRC-500C-11 power management unit developed by the Maryland-based Sullivan UV.

UKRJET was working to arm the UJ-22 with a loitering munition, the UJ-31 ZLYVA, before the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine. The munition, which is armed with a PG-7 warhead and equipped with an optical system, has range of 20 to 60 kilometer when launched from the UJ-22.

Kyiv forces may have attempt to use the drone to spy on Russian military positions, or even to carry out an attack on Russian territory.

The Russian military could respond to the Ukrainian attack attempt by targeting key facilities of UKRJET. The military has already targeted several Ukrainian weapon companies that provided support to Kyiv forces.


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Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

I run out of gayracktard drones and captagon. Start WWIII ASAP. We can only win if we start global thermonuclear holocaust. Your most honest most patriotic most famous most excellent most handsome president ever 😈💯🍷

Vlad the invader

After 3 dozens attempts we got your stupid drone. But stop shooting down mine, would you? I already have to replace them with planes again. Those are expensive!


I can not understand why you are not dead in Mariupol.

Vlad the invader

Because I sent stupid Schoigu! Ha!

Want to replace him anyway, but pshht, don’t tell him!


Pity, but I can’t understand you

Joe Bidens Dementia

He can’t understand himself. He’s just a psychotic imbecile on meth.

Joe Dirt

Ukraine’s Turko-BT2 drones are well over $1million each, the Russians are using lot of own Orlan class that are less than $100, 00 and designed to be no big deal if lose a few. It’s called the economics of war.

Peppe il Sicario

Are you aware that there are pics of you circulating on the net of you swallowing mule sperm? Man, what some people do for a bag of shekels.


And the last one.


Col Medvechek was “killed by his own troops deliberately”…as a “consequence of the scale of losses that had been taken by his brigade”. They added: “Indeed we believe he was run over by his own troops. -And Lieutenant General Yakov Rezantsev, 48, was killed in a strike by the Ukrainian armed forces. He was Commander of the 49th Combined Arms Army of the Southern Military District. -Around 20 of the 120-150 Russian battalion groups which were available at the start of the assault, were no longer “combat effective”


Fascinating. No source for this. Or is it the Snake Island/Ghost of Kiev source?

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

It’s not like you give a shit about those Russian soldiers. As far as you’re concerned those Russian soldiers aren’t even there. That’s exactly why Putin is now universally reviled even inside Russia.

Vlad the invader

I’m not going to say a word if true or not, morale of my soldiers already is abysmal!

You got some generals to spare, could use some!


And most homo fucker, off course, because homo sapiens is something else.

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Qwe now has decided to join the other Putin faggots. As if there weren’t enough Putin faggots around here already.


It would be better for you to carry out a nuclear strike on Ukraine as soon as possible, and at the same time you have targeted and ready to rocket at least 50 more major cities in the USA and at least 50 more in the EU, Canada and Australia. So if they are ready for the nuclear winter, let them fire their own. By conventional warfare against the capitalist scum you will be embarrassed and will soon begin to defend the cities of Russia. They want you all dead, women, children, all the way to the last Russian and take your resources. The hatred of America and the West towards the Russians is without borders. The sooner you hit, the better your chances of not being American slaves in the 21st century.


By rubles lad.

fuck UK

you forgot cocaine

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Russian commander run over by his own troops. That’s one hell of a way to go. Inspiring his troops even as he got crushed to death. I wonder when they will finally do the same to Mikhail Mizintsev the white haired general faggot. The Russian soldiers can ram a dildo up his deranged faggot ass. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/newslondon/russian-colonel-e2-80-98deliberately-e2-80-99-run-over-and-killed-by-his-own-soldiers-in-ukraine/ar-AAVuLl3

Last edited 3 years ago by Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot
Vlad the invader

Ehh, leave my officers alone, we already are missing so many!


Different name, same shit. the same boring, sick retard.

Vlad the invader

You sound smart enough to join Russian Army! Need every idiot to die for me now, wanna join? You no older than 65, right?

You can choose Ukraine or Armenia to die … errhh make holiday trip!

Joe Bidens Dementia

You sound like a complete and total retard with IQ = 0


your some son of a bitch Mikhail, no wonder moral is so low, telling you underlings to cut the ears off a Private!


Last edited 3 years ago by Rasputin
Vlad the invader

Eh, desperate times need desperate measures!

As I lost so many generals already, do you have some butchers to spare?

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

It’s the only way the Russian propaganda can control their subjects. By having the white haired general stick dildos up their asses into submission.


The same deranged degenerate faggot troll keeps talking with himself while vomiting crap from his shithole mouth in his lonely, stinky basement.

What a pathetic, sad, mentally diseased imbecile…

“Western officials said on Friday” Great source, Ukrodipshit.


“The Russian military could respond to the Ukrainian attack attempt by targeting key facilities of UKRJET.”

Could? Russia is only killing their own troops by trying to be so politically correct.

If UKRJET makes military equipment then why hasn’t it been targeted already?

Political correctness has destroyed American society and is destroying russia and China. America has already won. No matter what happens, the seed has been sown.

Vlad the invader

With the attack Steiners everything will be alright again. Kiev will fall in two days!



Whoever is in charge of you really need to do a better job of assessing your English languge skills. Ukroderpsters.

Vlad the invader

Sorry, Vlad didn’t visit highschool, only heart break ridge!


he is one of Hunter Biden’s crack whores from Lvov promoted to be a monkey spam-bot for SBU


Wauw, great, thats hugh, phenomenal, enorm they shot a drone! What a soldiers, what a weapons, shooting down a drone? Never heard, exceptional, notes it in the Putin historical tales.


Boom goes the Iskander!

Vlad the invader

But Iskander is no hyper bole weapon? Who is taking care of hyper propaganda, do I really have to do everything myself in this fucked up administration in Russia?!?

Joe Bidens Dementia

Get off the drugs stupid monkey, they’re rotting your brain… oh wait – you have none 😒


BayraKoKtar already depleted. We switched on the last remaining assets, analog electronic flying shit to reach Moscow military conscription center where 1.3 million russians apply for volunteering to kill the banderist nazi infection. Sorry, we only managed to cross 20 miles, send more……..here some russian pioneers take us as sling target practice.


40 comments and at least 20-25 are by the SAME psychopathic and incredibly stupid troll degenerate…

Desperate, sad old homo completely lost his mind in his lonely basement and now talks with himself in delirium repeating the same mindless drivel on an endless loop.

He doesn’t want to admit to himself that he’s really just a worthless cretin with nothing intelligent or interesting to say, and nobody really listening in any case. He’s deeply pathetic and thoroughly insignificant.

Last edited 3 years ago by Antitrol

dunno why SF allow that crazy maniac to use this site instead of therapy. half of comments on every thread here are that dumb freak or jens holm

The maharaja

I would guess they are here to drive people away. They could not take the site down but they keep trying to stop people from posting with this BS!


Sons of a fish, buy rubles.


Buy rubles, or rocks, dollars and euros don’t worth nothing.


illiterate crack head in Escondido


toorky drones all destroyed…ukrops only have imbecile troll propaganda to defend their fragile egos

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