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Russian Aircraft Producer To Deliver First Batch Of Sukhoi-57 Fighter Jets In 2019

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Russian Aircraft Producer To Deliver First Batch Of Sukhoi-57 Fighter Jets In 2019

Sukhoi-57 jet © Sergei Bobylev/TASS

Originally appeared at TASS

The United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) plans to deliver the first batch of fifth generation jets Sukhoi-57 for the Aerospace Force in 2019, UAC CEO Yuri Slusar said on the sidelines of the Russian Investment Forum on Thursday.

“We have a contract for delivery starting from 2019,” he said in reply to a question.

The Sukhoi-57 jet performed its first flight in 2010. On December 5, 2017 it flew on a new engine. At the moment it is equipped by the first stage engine 117S. The new power plant has no name yet. For now it is referred to as “second stage engine.”

Research and development on the Sukhoi-57 project is to be completed in 2019. The first batch will consist of twelve planes.

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You can call me Al

I don’t want to be rude, but “The United Aircraft Corporation (UAC)”; should get the overtime in and bring the delivery forward…… the US is failing, left, right and centre and that means they are becoming more and more dangerous.


It is not problem of manufacturing – some tasks at finalizing of project are still ongoing and everything need its time ….. If it will be possible then deliveries will be futher, but be realistic ;)

Eskandar Black

I think the point is that Russia is in desperate need of some air supremacy fighters.


Not really they are defensive in their military posture so once they have the S400 and S500 they would deminish the air power of any aggressor. Taking Russia would have to be done on the ground and that would never happen, Europe and the USA would burn before that can be accomplished

Eskandar Black

Russia is unable currently to field a fifth-generation fighter. the ground-based missiles defenses is a different conversation for another time.


But isnt that what this whole article is about. Fielding one in 2019

Eskandar Black

yes, the article is addressing a Russian weakness with a promise of a 2019 solution.


You’re a fucking idiot…. one year away from completing a 1.5 decade development project and you reckon Russia is “incapable” of fielding a 5G fighter….

I suppose in 2004 the USAF was “unable currently to field a fifth-generation fighter” cuz the F-22 IOC was still 1 year away?…



Eskandar Black

Scaathor, there is no need for us to interact further. If you do not understand my comment, you are the idiot.


Actually he was right.

Eskandar Black

you can just click the up arrow and save some electricity, numbnuts


I did. Thanks for showing your true colors.


Thats true, but Russia is able to supress foreign fifth-generation fighters if it will be necessary – the US havnt that ability yet (and dont have it in few next years)


The old fifth generation furphy. The USA creates a standard that exactly matches its planes, and then states that that is the standard that all others must aspire to?

There is a video on youtube that shows a French Rafale taking out Americas best of the best, the F22.

Eskandar Black

the value of fifth generation fighter is a different matter, but just like when it comes to cock size, bigger is better, when it comes to jets, newer is generally also better.


Exactly, Russia has modern planes, whilst the US is still using the same planes it used to invade Vietnam.


bullshit x 2


S500 is still in development


I know but the article is talking about 2019 and by then I’m sure Russia would have them deployed since they were supposed to be deployed in 2016. So I’m guessing they are just about ready. Don’t you think?


I think there is possible to deploy first maybe with second batery of them in 2019 – we will see :)


Russia have air supremacy fighters and have enough of them – there is no need to haste with procurement of unfinished peace of scrap – better to wait a little for precise and fully complete ones ;)


USAF has 14 000 planes, RuAF 4 000. Supermacy no way, superiority also not.


Quantity much – majority are F-16’s, F-15’s etc designed in 1970’s.


Russians older. Russia is on 2 continents. It has not enogh planes to cover the country.


Which aircraft designs are older exactly?


We’re arguing with an extinct dinosaur… with an IQ below 20,


America is on 5 continents, and wants the whole world. Standard rule of thumb is an invader needs a force 10 times more powerful than the defender to ensure victory. As Russia is the defender, it doesn’t need as many troops or weapons as the USA.


Russia has large territory. To cover and be able to fight on both continents if needed, should have 2 000 000 army with perfect equipment. Several hundred airplanes is nothing. If you want win a war, you must be able to put the battlefield on soil of enemy. If this enemy is on other continent, then so. Russia was never able to do this. Therefore always was destroyed the russian economy. I think, you believe in this bulshit, that for defense is needed less weapons, but it is not so.


They have enough weapons to stop the only threat, the USA, that’s all they need. Russia doesn’t want to rule the whole planet like the American psycho’s.


Can you imagine the response if the US of Assholes tried to bring a hot war to Russian soil or air? The US would lose it’s power grid, water supplies and possibly shoreline.


The US first invaded Russia in 1918, it was defeated then, and would be defeated today. I think the current American plan to invade Russia is a sort of do or die attempt. Those that rule the USA would rather die in a blaze of glory, than not rule the world.


I explain you one little thing: In Russia are huge areas which is not necessary to cover by airplanes, because there is almost nothing – and Russians know that unlike you ;) It is impossible to conquer Russia without huge transports of everything which will be soooooo vulnerable against attacks and destruction of whole armys as we see in history ….. In other case territory of USA is different and operations there will be much less complicated if someone like to conquer it – there then will be only one problem and that will be civilian population – but if anyone can bend to their side then there is no major obstacles ……. And US goverment makes lot of steps how to show their idiocy to their people ….. And to whole world


US is at all world at their proxy bases :P


Firsty 14k planes is a gross exaggeration..and secondly where are they? Not on Russia’s borders…. so Russia has a huge advantage in escalation potential in any European theater where they are fighting a defensive war.

Any attempt by the US to flood the Euro theatre with that much firepower is a clear signal for a full-scale attack, and the Russians would simply mobilise (and announce) their tactical nukes. Not even inbred Muricanz are stoopid enuff to attack under those circumstances.


Yes the US has lots of very old planes, most date from the 1970’s, that’s when the American decline began. Most people don’t realize that most of America’s iconic war planes were designed by German engineers who were taken into slavery by the USA at the end of WWII. (operation paperclip) That is why the US stopped building quality military planes and rockets in the 1970’s, all those German engineers, finally found freedom in death. Even the B2 bomber is a copy of a Horten 229, that Germany built in 1944.

Don’t take my word for it check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_active_United_States_military_aircraft And look at the dates the aircraft were introduced.


First, what you mean, were design in 70ties. But inbetween all of them were modernized. For example all F-15´s got brand new engine. From another manufacturer.

I dont know, why do you think, that usa is in decline. All the time there was their superiority against soviet/russian weapons. Syria is nice example, this country got always top soviet technique. And look at Bekaa valley. Within 4 hours destroyed everything. IL repeatedly destroyed syrian AD, syrian planes. Thes got also syrian Mig-25s.

B2 is sure nor copy. There are some forms, which are optimal for flight. This form, the rhomboid found as optimal already the ancient chinese, playing with kites. German and american (also another countries in field of drones) only used this ancient observation.

If you check this list


you see, russians are largely behind americans.

The migs never were adequate challengers of F15/16/18. New sukhoys maybe, but russia has less then 200. This is nuting with such long border. Russia has nothing against f-22, now comes the f-35, which is really good, despite roumors. Do you think, Israel would change its planes for shit? Israels existence is depending on their air supermacy. Do not be fool, guys. USA will have 3-4000 of f-35. Do you think, 195 su30/35 is enough?

Second thing. Yankee pilots fly 10x more then russians. Lot of them are in Navy, marine. You saw, russians were not able to normally run the plains on Kuznetsov. The navy and marine pilots are one class better then the normal pilots. Russia has no similar category.

Yanks have lot of combat experiences. Russians not. Syria is nothing, because the enemy has no real AD and has zero planes. In combat americans overkill russians. This is the reason, why soviets and russians alwyas embarrassingly took care not begin fights with yanks.

Summa summarum: yanks have several times more planes, navy/marine pilots. The pilots fly 10x more, usa recruits always large amount of new pilots for more planes. In result yanks have 30 000 experienced pilots in reserve. This yankee revolving system in their army is overwhelming. Within two eeks the can mobilize several million professional, experienced soldiers. Russia can only dream about such things.


I think you mixed up too many things here. The US or Israel never encountered modern Russian planes piloted by experienced pilots. But Israel did encounter British planes with British trained Pilots and these pilots performed well. When the British in the Falklands engaged with superior French planes but badly trained Argentinian pilots the British scored.

The shock for the US came in 1989 when they finally got to fly against german Mig-29 and realised that this plane is way more capable than the ever thought and actually outperforming their fighters. Su-27 was designed to outperform F-15 and did so from the beginning on. When Russian pilots challenged US Pilots to do a training fight against them they always refused, probably for a good reason. It’s not the pilots choice anyway, people higher up decide on this.

Israel has no other choice than to buy US planes because they are basically paid by the US government. If Israel would buy it’s weapons elsewhere the US would cut financial support.

US Pilots might fly more but the whole western armies changed into a camel bombing force, they are not used to encounter an equal opponent anymore and training is widely focused on ground attack. When the Russian intervention in Syria started the whole western world was in pure shock how much they achieved with so few planes.

About mobilisation: there Russia is in the clear advantage, they still have the Sowjet times Standars. Back then a whole base had to be combat ready in 30 minutes. That was why many people in the western world thought that the Georgia Conflict back in 2008 was planed by russia because they couldn’t imagine mobilising so many troops in such little time. You clearly overestimate US performance, it looks good on paper but reality is a different thing and since Korea they never had to fight a equal force. After Vietnam they only bombed countries that were basically defenceless. Meanwhile Russia learned some hard lessons and did reorganise it’s whole armed forces, took them over a decade but now it pays off. US will have to do the same or the’ll fall behind if they haven’t already.

Every big empire ends the very same way, the US are beyond their peak already.


“First, what you mean, were design in 70ties” No I mean they first flew in the 70’s, F15 first flight 1972, F16 first flight 1974. The designs are 1960’s. As for upgrades, well you can put all sorts of bells and whistles on a VW beetle, but it will always be a VW beetle, and never an Audi Quattro.

Why do I think the US is in decline? Look at how long it has taken the US to get the F35 into the air, the design dates to 1992, first flight 2006 and another 9 years to deployment.

Technologically the US is quite primitive, GM gets all its engine management gear designed in Germany, because the US never progressed beyond the carburetor. Most American programmers are in fact Indian and Chinese. Steve Jobs wanted to manufacture Apple products in the USA, but the US workforce is simply not educated enough.


USAF also would be a long way from home. That number would be reduced very quickly in a hot war. All aircraft carriers would be destroyed in short order. Also there would be nowhere to land in Europe. Their aircraft would be useless.



14000 planes? Really? You counting that “reserves” at sandfields too? :D

Russia are not practicing offensive politics – then there is not need for huge amount of airplanes as it is in USA ….. But Russia have enough air supremancy fighters for self defend especially at his own land

Do you remember Battle of Britain where German air forces which was been much more quantitative and sometimes qualitative too was beed defeated???




Su-30 an Su-35 are very formidable warplanes – they are easily peer to peer aircraft with majority of NATO equipment – NATO pilots do not want to get close with them.


only 175 piecs. nothing power to nothing



Isn’t that about the same number of F-22’s that the USAF has?


Yup. But actual sukhoys are challengers of modernized F15/16s. Raptor has no russian challenger.



Miltary fanboys always assume its about simple things like who has the most and the best toys. As the saying goes, amateurs think tactics, professionals study logistics. It’s about the men who fly those aircraft that matters, its about the tactics that they use, its about who has the best command & control capabilities (who are hack proof I might add), its about who can marshal and supply its forces in the field the best, and its about who has the real winning strategy.

Russia has many advantages in this regard, it defends its home turf, it knows the battle field, and has the shortest lines of communication. Which means that it can quickly concentrate and move a large force to where it matters to achieve local superiority. Which is how the Chinese utterly kicked American ass in the Korean war with just light infantry. Look it up, it’s enlightening.

Having the best toys means nothing. In many ways the Allies had better toys at the start of WWII then the Germans, they had more tanks, more of everything, the British army was fully motorized. And yet the Germans beat them with a superior combat doctrine. And in the latter half of the war the Germans got beaten despite having the better gear, because the Allies now had a decent combat doctrine but above all a winning strategy, whereas the Germans were utterly clueless throughout the war on even developing one.


Su-57 will be the challanger. In the future. after 20+ years. And how many plans Russia? 50 pieces? Again 4x less.


According to your source Mig29= 120, SU27= 192, SU30= 100, SU35= 68 Unless math has changed since I went to school, that equals 480.




su27 is also old. not modern.

So, 175. + 20 in russan navy.

Eskandar Black

That is true, but the reality is that Russia is doing a lot with little.


The Russians already have Mig29’s, SU27’s, SU 30’s, and SU 35’s. The USA has F22’s, 187 of them, of which about one third are operational at any point in time. They are a fantastic plane, but like Ferrari’s, they spend most of their time in the workshop. Of course the US does have the old tried and true F15, but basing your plans to rule the skies with a 44 year old plane, is a bit silly.

Also remember that Russia is the defender, the US is the invader, so things are easier for the Russians.

Eskandar Black

you make solid points, russia has a handful of capable jets in syria. Even though they are a generation behind american counterparts, outnumbered 10 to 1. Russia needs an advantage, not shapkami zakidat.

You can call me Al

OK cheers.


When the shooting starts Russia will supply the technical details, and China will pump them out like iPhones.

However the Russian plan, is to do nothing, just let the USA destroy itself, that plan seems to be working very well.


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The “second stage engine” have only workname for now – it is Изделие 30 (Type/Model 30) ;)


Wrong. Flight tests are already underway.



I know it is in test phase (and first operational engines come few years later then first operational Su-57 with “older” engines) ….. But in text is mentioned that “new” engines havn´t name – and that wrong ;) They have name as I wrote – but it is only workname ;)


Yes, I did not understand you a bit, thought that you do not know about this.

Graeme Rymill

“In the first year, the Aerospace Force won’t get 20 or 15 [Su-57] planes. It will get only two or three and so on,” the senator

More: http://tass.com/defense/973625

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i am so excited and looking forward to seeing them in action :)))

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