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Russian Airstrikes Destroyed Ukrainian Military At Avdeevka Coke and Chemical Plant. Kiev Failed To Hide The Truth

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On September 28, Russian aircraft struck the military positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the Avdeevka Coke and Chemical Plant (AKHZ) in the Donetsk People’s Republic. The Ukrainian military turned the large industrial facility into a military fortress, from where civilian areas in the Donetsk city agglomeration were constantly shelled.

The footage of the airstrikes were shared by sources of the DPR People’s Militia. According to the official report, Ukrainian “manpower was destroyed, as well as ammunition depots, fuel and lubricants depots on the territory of the enterprise.”

As a result of the strikes, large fire brok out in the area and black smoke was seen in the region for hours.

Russian Airstrikes Destroyed Ukrainian Military At Avdeevka Coke and Chemical Plant. Kiev Failed To Hide The Truth

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Russian Airstrikes Destroyed Ukrainian Military At Avdeevka Coke and Chemical Plant. Kiev Failed To Hide The Truth

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Kiev’s propaganda attempted to assure its audience that the Russian attack allegedly targeted a civilian enterprise and there was no Ukrainian military in the area. However, the reports were supported by the video from the spot, which showed a military helmet of some Ukrainian serviceman. Another Kiev’s lie was immediately revealed.


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send those nazis to hell.


tomsawyer too.


tom is a misguided soul unaware of current events having sided with a losing agenda. not making excuses but his stance is totally outside of reality.


soul is an advantage he is lusting for. wisdom/intelligence are another objects of his lust.


oh hell naw! not the precious coke! zelensky will be having withdrawals!

James Connolly

lol, there is coke and there is “coke” this is the black stuff, made from coal, not the white stuff zelensky uses. i dont think the bastard in kiev wants to put soot up his nose though i wish he would.


he will be sooted anyway.

AM Hants

bet him and his mate, over in canada, wouldn’t notice the difference. how long did trudeau disappear in india, after his plane was having problems? was it a couple of days, just before he was hosting zelinsky and the ss veteran?


fools from kiev. if the average “ukrainian” understood what they are fighting for, there would be a revolution tomorrow.

AM Hants

reminds me of what george bush senior had to say, ‘if the public knew what was being doing under their name, we would be lynched and more’.


si comincia ad intravedere qualche reazione ( dopo le tante passività sopportate alle estenuanti provocazioni nato/ucraine ) della russia. si spera che vadano avanti a snidare altre roccaforti militari camuffate, nonostante non siano vigilati ” ancora ” i confini tramite satelliti e/o droni da dove accedono gli armamenti yankee, inglesi , tedeschi e francesi !

AM Hants

russia has done one heck of a lot with regards reaction to nato/ukrainian provocations. just sadly it will never be enough for many who sit in armchairs and refuse to give them any credit. how many other nations would have been able to handle, with relative ease, what russia has managed, in around 18 months?


going to be very hard for ukropiggies not be able to use lubricants before being sent to the front lines. sand and mud doesn,t work quite as well.


boj pokračuje!!! pravda nakoniec zvíťazí. na ukrajine sú fašisti a to je dnes už úplne preukázané!!! to čo sa odohralo v kanade to jasne dokazuje. podpora a potlesk starému nacistovi priamo v kanadskom parlamente to jasne preukázali. zelenskyj ako žid vzdával poctu nacistovi? to je škandál aký nemá obdobu v dejinách. to ako by ani holokaust neexistoval!!! ako je toto vôbec možne?

AM Hants

who created the national socialists and the national communists, and bolshevik revolution? wasn’t it the city of london, 1 of 3 corporations that rule the world (vatican and washington dc). independent states, with laws and taxes, from the roman empire. jerusalem, over 2000 years ago, was an outpost of the roman empire.

AM Hants

part 2

zelinsky’s 2 mentors, $oro$ and kolomoisky. why did kolomoisky fund the azov battalion? why did $oro$ brag about the best days of his life, being a national socialist collaborator, back in 1944?

Soros iza losa.

this is what happens when you put packa kweer askenazi entrepreneurs of no skills or talent up against the more seasoned superior die hard educated harder working heterosexuals as of todays advancements,night of day difference,all the weaketh dollas,lies,insecuritys and fears in lieu culminated toward oblivion =z=

AM Hants

i find it interesting, when you look at the wef politicians of the west, and their friends and then compare them to the maturity and intelligence of the politicians of not only russia, but, brics and friends, including africa. then you look at how they have dumbed down the education system of the west, whilst the emerging nations retain traditional education, that assists critical thinking. you sure notice a difference.

AM Hants

first reading i assumed they were talking about zelinsky’s personal stores. there again i had just been reading about his mate trudeau’s plane, being held up in india, for a couple of days. where was trudeau? no doubt they had a lot too catch up on when the pair of them met up in canada, when they were hosting the ss veteran. why does the coke plant, remind me of the fortified industrial area, that was full of tunnels, that russia took out last year?

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