A ground crew member reports to pilots that their Su-30 fighter jet is ready at Hmeymim air base near Latakia, Syria, by Russia’s Defence Ministry, October 22, 2015. (Photo by Reuters/Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation)
The Russian Aerospace Forces combat operations against al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib are still ongoing.
On April 6 and 7, two waves of Russian airstrikes hit the outskirts of the town of Bsanqul in the western countryside of Idlib.
According to sources in Idlib, the April 6 airstrikes targeted a unit of HTS that was escorting a Turkish military convoy. A number of militants were killed or wounded. A pickup truck was also destroyed. The target of the April 7 airstrikes is yet to be revealed.
Several photos of the Russian airstrikes on Basnqul outskirts were shared by opposition activists as well as the White Helmets organization.
#عاجل ثلاث غارات من طيران الاحتلال الروسي على حرش بسنقول بريف ادلب إحداها بالصواريخ العنقودية مع قوع عدة إصابات بصفوف عناصر الجيش التركي أثناء مرور رتل لهم بالقرب من بسنقول لحظة تنفيذ طيران المحتل الروسي pic.twitter.com/egYZyRDNtS
— احمد الشبلي (@Ahmad_1alshble) April 6, 2021
شن الطيران الحربي الروسي، اليوم الثلاثاء 6 نيسان، أربع غارات جوية،اثنتان منها بالقنابل العنقودية، استهدفت محيط قرية بسنقول جنوبي #إدلب.
استجابت فرق #الخوذ_البيضاء خلال الربع الأول من عام 2021 لـ 323 هجوماً شنه النظام وروسيا على شمال غربي #سوريا، قتل فيها 37 شخصاً بينهم 5 أطفال. pic.twitter.com/1xr0WuK03X— الدفاع المدني السوري (@SyriaCivilDefe) April 6, 2021
قصفت الطائرات الحربية الروسية صباح اليوم بعدة غارات جوية حرش بسنقول بالقرب من مدينة اريحا جنوب إدلب.#سوريا #ادلب pic.twitter.com/51YlFEgzwt
— Mohamad Rasheed محمد رشيد (@mohmad_rasheed) April 7, 2021
جدد الطيران الحربي الروسي غاراته الجوية على ريف #إدلب الجنوبي، صباح اليوم الأربعاء 7 نيسان، مستهدفاً محيط قرية بسنقول ومحيط بلدة محمبل، ما تسبب بحالة هلع شديد لدى الأهالي، وكانت الطائرات الحربية الروسية نفذت يوم أمس 4 غارات على نفس المنطقة.#الخوذ_البيضاء pic.twitter.com/pGYuikhhJR
— الدفاع المدني السوري (@SyriaCivilDefe) April 7, 2021
The airstrikes were likely a response to recent violation of the ceasefire in Greater Idlib, which was brokered by Russia and Turkey last year.
HTS and its allies, including Turkish-backed groups, violate the ceasefire on a regular basis. The Turkish military, which maintains over 60 posts in Greater Idlib, is doing nothing to stop these provocations.
It was clear that Russia let Turkey have a piece of Idlib to use as leverage, so if they make the wrong move, a bloodbath will be arranged for the Turks there, so in the case Turkish drones are used against Novorussia
The Russians have some nasty surprise in store for the turk doggs for sure.
My question is why are the Turkish people going along with all this NATO warmongering, dont they know Turkey is next?
Yes, Russia has some nasty surprises for Turkey and its proxies.
Turks are hyperpragmatic. They don’t have real allies same as the U.S. Only vassals. They will work together with absolutely everybody if they think its in their interest. U.S., Russia, Israel, Isis, doesn’t matter.
The question is what are “their interests”. Unfortunately since Erdogan is their leader those interests have been to sponsor global terrorism and to bully neighboring countries and to eventually try and resurrect their empire of old when Balkanians and Arabs were their slaves. Also Armenians but this time they’d exterminate them fully instead of having them as slaves. These interests go against my interests of not being a slave.
I think it has to do with the education, from young age they learn it
Condolences to the fallen wahabimossad and CIAisis operators. May they rest in pieces…
LoL. Another “message”… the “in your fckin face, bitches” brand of message. Doggy & Al-Qaeda friendos gotta love Russia xD
the CIAISIS agents upset—jens,cornhole, bacon blyat, etc