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MARCH 2025

Russian And L/DNR Movements North of Volnovakha In March 12 Afternoon – March 13 Morning (Map)

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Russian And L/DNR Movements North of Volnovakha In March 12 Afternoon - March 13 Morning (Map)

The map depicts the latest gains of Russian and L/DPR units near the town of Volnovaha.

Units of the Russian Armed Forces advanced up to 14 kilometers. In the course of the offensive, control was established over the southern districts of the villages of Blagodatnoe, Vladimirovka, Pavlovka and Nikolskoe.

The mopping up of Mariupol continues. Units of the Russian Federation and the DPR move towards the center of the city.

Also on March 13, in the early morning, with the massive support of artillery and aviation, the DNR forces began their assault on Avdeevka.

Russian And L/DNR Movements North of Volnovakha In March 12 Afternoon - March 13 Morning (Map)

The LPR units, continuing their offensive, completely blockaded the village of Borovskoye and established a foothold in the northern districts of the town of Popasna.

Russian And L/DNR Movements North of Volnovakha In March 12 Afternoon - March 13 Morning (Map)

In Severodonetsk, the LPR forces blockaded the eastern and southern parts of the city.


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Pedo Andy from FcUKingham palace

Russian military is doing remarkably well and that is causing diaper rash in NATOfags and hoholassholes. SLAVA ROSSIYA!

Ashok Varma

Just saw a 10 minute video on the accurate Russian strike on a NATO terrorist base.

Russian air strikes hit a major NATO terrorism and weapons transshipment military base in western Ukraine this morning – the closest attack to NATO’s borders so far.

Until last month, US troops trained Ukrainian Nazi terrorist forces there.

This comes a day after Russia vowed to hit military aid to Ukrainian terrorist regime. It appears that the velvet glove on the Russian iron fist is coming off. JAI RUS!

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

No mercy for Azovisis and baby killers.

Wojciech Stanislaw

Many NATO people dead too, Polish ambulance bring many injury. Russia good aim and intelligence. Poland now scared, must stay out of war and send Yanki home.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Hear hear.


for better maps and explanations see vineyard at the saker in 6 months the remainder of ukropistan will be renamed nazzisouth arkansas

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

There won’t be anything left. It will be called Kiev Oblast of the Russian Federation.


Agreed. Ucraine is…….KAPUT.

Yamil Perez

The only movement the Putin cockroaches have reported the last 48 hours, right Scooby? The crappy Russian generals still alive have to do something otherwise Putin the human cockroach will have them tortured with a dildo.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez
Ashok Varma

That is rather vulgar childish desperation of losers. Russia will win against the NATO Nazi terrorists.

Yamil Perez

The Putin cockroaches talking talking about vulgar is like Putin the human cockroach talking world peace. That’s hilarious, Scooby,

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Azovisis cockroaches calling the Exterminator a cockroach. That’s rich and funny…


the men amerikants most admire dare to tell them the most extravagant lies; the men they most despise try to tell them the truth HL Menkhen


Clown https://imgur.com/a/a5tD0zm

Vlad the Impaler

Oh, shut up, you nazi subhuman. I’d tell you to go breathe some gas, but oh, wait! YOU DON’T HAVE ANY, hahaha!

Yamil Perez

Vlad the Impaler looks like he walks around with a stake impaled up his ass. What a weird name to use while talking about nazis.


yammy—expert at self insertion dildo


What “Scooby” means? I get it is a pegorative but can’t conclude what that acutally means and/or what is etimology of the term. Looking forward for explanation from either side. Thanks in advance!


He calls everyone scooby, even his nazi mother


Ok but what Scooby means?

Yamil Perez

Scooby used to come into my room, very late at night. Then I felt his warm hand all over my body. Scooby was the evil alter ego of one of my two LGBTQ daddies, I swear he was innocent! But at night he turned into Scooby! That’s why I feel very attached to demented creepy Uncle Joe and his cause.

Hostage (Raptar) Driver

It’s a cartoon talking dog.


Ruh roh, Scooby dooby doo!! I love when people use pop culture to try and blend, but it has opposite effect.


I wish my mother was a Nazi. >.>


Scooby is a cartoon character in USA that children like yammy admire


funny seeing a jew calling someone else a cockroach. you homeless cockroaches are spread all around the globe living in countries and amongst people that you don’t really belong to in any aspect. leeches off every community that welcomes you. traitors untrustworthy scum of the earth no wonder God cursed your kind. and you claim to be the chosen people. God doesn’t choose poorly and that definitely a good enough reason to discredit your claim of being a chosen people. just because the almighty and merciful God took pity on you and freed you from the humiliation you were suffering at the hands of Egyptians doesn’t mean you’re especial.

Yamil Perez

There’s always the antisemite cockroach to put the cherry on top of the vermin fest. Never fails. Right, Scooby?


Right Shaggy, not Scooby. Scooby is the dog. Shaggy is the stoner you are trying to emulate.


yamil cia bf had bad day spinning propaganda for roachnazzzi USA nation today?


There’s major news that probably warrants a special update. Russia just hit NATO training grounds inside Ukraine, killing 9 instructors and ignoring dozens of others. They also used Reddit users posting their exact location to target foreign fighters hotel, killing dozens.


The doomed NATO casualties will be explained as ‘ Training accidents or AWOL soldiers , I suppose, LOL.

Pedo Andy from FcUKingham palace

They have lost a lot of weapons too, the fires are still burning, the terrorist Nazi NATOfags deserved it


My complaint is why russian didn’t lay down more missiles, like 20 or 30 in a double tap syrian way….


Or private Jack fell from window while clean it


That is true, a large number of NATO terrorists were killed and wounded and the whole base wiped out. Russia is doing a bang up job and have to admire its tenacity and professionalism.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

More to follow 🤗 Russia is just starting to warm up.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A cruise missile a day keeps CIAisis terrorists away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and Azovisis are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A Krasnopol a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slave Rossiye 🇷🇺

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗


From the military academy: Encircle them by blitzing the NPZ settlement and thousand of nazi atheist homos will be trapped


Ať zmizí nacistický zlořádi.A podrztašky USA.

Timmy Temperance

Unverified reports that Russian tanks are in Izyum?


Yes. Intel Slava Z telegram channel ( very accurate ) reports it.

Timmy Temperance

Thanks. Some interesting info there including an interesting take on how Renaud died.

biden loves nazis

NATO Official twitter account tweeted a ohoto of ukrainuan nazis with their NAZI patches ! OOPSIE !

"R" Addison

These reports are intimate to preserving civilian life in as much as, Russian speaking people must also pertain to the historic facts of civilians moving themselves from their homes from whatever background and language they have Ukraine’s, Russia Cyrillic, as this is the most indispensable.

Putin loves Stalins cock

You forgot to I mention that the Russian terrorists just executed another foreign journalist. What’s your propaganda response to that?


As an American who has watched western media LIE to us for a couple of years about EVERYTHING the only complaint I have is why did they just take out one?

Putin Steel Balls you Micro Penis

Just a beginning!

Ken zenfeldmann

Thank you for the great info. Russian state television is blocked here in the states, even on the internet. The main stream media is so full of propaganda that there is hardly a fact in any article.

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