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MARCH 2025

Russian And Syrian Forces Prepare For Expansion On Eastern Bank Of Euphrates River

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Russian And Syrian Forces Prepare For Expansion On Eastern Bank Of Euphrates River

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On August 26th, reports surfaced suggesting that the Russian Army, together with the Syrian Arab Army, are preparing to expand their area of control to the eastern bank of the Euphrates River.

The Russian military, together with the Syrian army, have built a temporary bridge across the Euphrates River in the province of Deir ez-Zor, the head of the ferry, Nikolai Glukhov told RIA.

He added that the location of the river crossing in the province was chosen taking into account the depth and strength of the current.

“More than four and a half meters (depth) – this is a critical water level. That is, the pontoon may not stay on the water’s edge, it can simply be carried away or flooded,” said Glukhov.

The bridge was deployed in cooperation between the Russian and Syrian armies who gained extensive experience during the operation.

“Our Russian comrades are very demanding. They have a work plan, and we stick to it, even if it seems to us that we can do everything,” said Ibrahim al-Amam, a participant in the construction of the crossing, lieutenant of the engineering service of the Syrian army.

After the crossing was established, the passage of military equipment under a smoke screen began.

In parallel with the established permanent ferry on the Euphrates, there is also a temporary ferry. It is necessary during the rainy season, when the water level in the river may rise above critical.

Ferry drivers are trained by Russian specialists using equipment that was also brought from Russia.

“We don’t have much experience so far, but we have good teachers from Russia. The ferry is simple and reliable, you can rely on it in difficult times for crossing. The most difficult thing is to transport tanks – they are very heavy. Almost at the limit of the capabilities. But I have already performed such tasks,” Ferry driver Abdel Qari Hani told reporters.

In addition to military equipment, civilian vehicles, for example, trucks with trailers, also pass through the temporary crossing.

There is an alternative route, but for those engaged in cargo transportation it is longer.

“I deliver various goods and travel here several times a day. There is another bridge down the river, it was built by the Iranians – mainly for their own needs. But it is much smaller, it is more difficult to ride on it. And you have to pay for it, for me – expensive,” said truck driver Khalid Dauth.

All equipment – military and civilian – is carefully checked before entering a ferry or crossing. The Euphrates River flows through the territory of three states, its total length is about 2.7 thousand kilometers.

It would appear that the time has come for the Russian Army and the Syrian Arab Army to begin clearing out the area which is reportedly a sort of breeding ground for ISIS militants.


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Very good news!

Lone Ranger

Most excellent. CIA trolls and hasbarats will cry and rage :)

Lone Ranger

Glory to Syria, the SAA, Russia and Iran.

Zionism = EVIL

Russian military drivers are pretty good at ramming the Americunt arseholes off the roads also :)

Lone Ranger

Indeed. And their Tiger is also better :)

Zionism = EVIL

Americunt vehicles are shit, like the old joke, Have you driven a Ford lately :)

Not Indian Paul

My Ford has the mighty Barra engine. Look it up?

Zionism = EVIL

If you say so Paul :)

Not Indian Paul

Still a piece of crap compared to my Lexus though.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Not since 1995, and I still remember the poxy thing leaking rain into the boot ffs.


Paris to dakar r+d + positive results also helps too:


The fun now begins; the Arab tribes are revolting and have given the US coalition and SDF 1 month to get out and now that the Russians and Syrians with their other allies are going east the invaders will either put up a fight or leave.

Zionism = EVIL

Hezbollah on the Northern Palestine border with latest Iranian Misagh 2 Manpad.



They also now have version 3, since 2017 AFAIK. Hope they find their way to Idlib frontline.

Zionism = EVIL

As I mentioned a week ago, Iran alone has moved in over 100,000 militias into the region and the liberation of Eastern Euphrates from the Americunt arseholes and the headchopper terrorists in now a top priority, while Russians literally run the cunts off the road by bumping their shitty MRAPS :)

Lone Ranger

Final Victory is very close. Thank God.


Esp. after Battle of the Boo. Boos!

Zionism = EVIL


Newly acquired Chinese QW-1M Vanguard man-portable air-defense system being manufactured in Iran and Syria.

Zionism = EVIL

Every PMU and Hezbollah unit now has several Russian or Iranian manpads. That is the reason Zionist and Americunt strikes have stopped.


Lone Ranger

Most excellent. Should have been done long time ago. I guess that IED that killed the Russian Lt.Colonel was the red line in the sand. U.S. thinks they can intimidate Russia or Iran. They are sadly mistaken.

Zionism = EVIL

Russian position has hardened after killing of the officers, the military, especially the GRU which is highly respected has convinced the politicians in Moscow that enough is enough, the same message was delivered by 20 senior Iranian generals as Putin watched.


Lone Ranger

Was about time. Vietnam showed how its done. Never give up never surrender. They beat the Japs, French, Americants. U.S. only understands brute force. Diplomacy or mutual respect is unknown to them.

Zionism = EVIL

I have read reports that the average Americunt cannon fodder is Syria and Iraq are very demoralized as they see the daily images of streets in their shithole failed state burning, these cunts have no will to fight and will fold as the pressure builds up.That is why the Zionist cowardly parasites are scared shitless.

Lone Ranger

Its a crumbling Empire. Those troops will be needed at home very soon. Show me another developed nation where they burn police stations and court houses, stores, cars on a daily basis for months. You cant. And they still havent realized that the shit has already hit the fan. They are totally delusional.

Zionism = EVIL

It was facade and it worked as long as there was no economic challenge as the USSR on the whole did OK, but its economic weakness undermined it. But China is different story, it is the largest and most efficient economy as well as a military power married to Russian technology and alliances with both Russia and Iran, which are big rich countries on their own, not the Warsaw Pact faggots like backstabbing Polllack shitheads, Czech and GDR faggots. The Americunts are literally fucked now.

Lone Ranger

If we look at history U.S. never really won anything against a peer enemy. They are only good at genocide and spreading PR lies. But as the saying goes they can fool some people sometimes, but not all the people all the time.

Zionism = EVIL

For 70 years their lies worked, but intelligent people saw through the bullshit. Now materialism and greed have lost their appeal and even the average dumbass brainwashed Americunt is not fooled anymore. The kids setting fire to the streets are mostly young whites who have been marginalized by the cabal banksters and ponzi scams and they are fed up. Americunts are in collapse mode.


Bill Rood

Many such whites don’t give crap about black lives. They burn black businesses and shopping areas, and set off conditions in which 8-year-old girls are shot and killed riding in their parents’ car or a 4-year-old boy shot dead in his crib.


It indeed is, It is a facade built on Hollywood lies! The same corrupt, filthy and degenerate U$ Hollywood that dictates U$ morals and culture? The same Hollywood that gives Oscars to the murderous Al-Qaeda “White Helmets” in Syria?


Jim Allen

Yeah, no shit. US Government is doing to it’s citizens the same way it’s doing the countries The City of London tells it to.


They are all that and more…And yet they still brag about being an “exceptional” country!!! Exceptional for What? For savagery, mass-murder, materialism, degeneracy, brutality and for being a mafia state???


Jim Allen

Brainwashed, Three generations worth

cechas vodobenikov

u neglected the Vietnam victory vs China in 1979…it was USSR that provided both military assistance , oil, humanitarian aid to Ho-Chi Minh. China provided little help

Zionism = EVIL

I would not call it victory, it was border skirmish and the PLA still advanced 60 kms and then withdrew as they did with India in 1962. Seriously, Vietnam would not have lasted more than a few weeks against 1.4 billlion Chinese with a land border, no matter how good the NVA was.


True indeed, Savage cunts only understand brute force, body-bags and violence and it is about time they get it.


AMEN! Lets hope for the last time..


You are certainly an optimist.. ;) I am a cynic. I hope you prove me wrong though.. ;)


Also many of the local arab population & tribal leaders are sick of the SDF control over their areas & resources if they rebel in large numbers the US has a big problem

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, people are fed up with these murdering Americunt scum, even in Iraq resistance is now coming from Sunni tribes, that is the reason the cunts abandoned the Taji base which is in a Sunni area, but the rockets and IED’s have started landing every day and on top of that the cowards fled in the middle of night..

Jim Allen

And, they are not exactly rebelling, but the tribes are taking the initiative against US Coalition.



Not Indian Paul

Good news

Lazy Gamer

wasnt the last bridge attempt bombed? They better bring s300. Also i wouldnt underestimate SDF’s attempt to betray Syria.

Zionism = EVIL

They have brought the Bavar 373 and Tor1 from Iran.

Damien C

Yeah fuck Yeah ………!!!

cechas vodobenikov

logistics are crucial…USA destroys infrastructure everywhere from Syria to Serbia—they wish to bring everything down to their own level—their own assoc of engineers grades their infrastructure D+

Jim Allen

That’s a two-way street. US Coalition is at the end of long ass lines of communications. It’s about time one country, or other disrupt that.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Hurra, the end is in sight.

Jim Allen

Don’t be like the arrogant sociopaths, and lunatics. Already they’re acting like the world is de-populated, and their Globalist New World Order is running smooth, as silk. It’s not, and resistance is growing. Globalist’s are anxious, facing multiple world powers, and their allies, while they’re destroying the military that serves them exclusively.


slow and steady is the progress towards a syria and iraq free of the yankee-twats – and then they can deal with the jews illegally occupying palestine. good riddance when the last of them has either fled or been buried and palestine returned to the rightful owners,the palestinians. the geopolitical experiment to hand palestine to the jews is on the last leg and the jews will soon be gone, for goooooood.

Jim Allen

That wasn’t a “geopolitical experiment.” That was Rothschild asking a favor of the King to serve Zionist Khazar interests. A theatre prop to create an illusion that pretend Jews are not pretend Jews. Israel will no doubt cease to exist during operations to run US Coalition, and it’s pet enemies out of the Middle East. Allowing the Zionist Khazar pretenders to leave the Middle East alive is unwise. That’s exactly the reason the world is in the position it’s in today. There were survivors when the Khazars were attacked and decimated when they were driven out of their own country, and stripped of their religion. For this behavior we’re enjoying today. Unless you’d like to see this repeat yet again, better to run down and end every last Zionist Khazar worldwide. The Headcutters are Zionist Khazars hiding in plain sight pretending to be Arab, and Muslim. The Vatican, Jesuits, anything connected to the Catholic Church, are Zionist Khazars. (they created Catholicism) The City of London, is headquarters of The Khazarian Mafia, and should be destroyed at once.

johnny rotten

Russia must be wise, it must not make the mistake of wanting to become the liberator of Syria, this honor and burden belongs in the first place to the Syrian People, otherwise the victory will be harmful, we have seen many times how this attitude on the part of the Americans has damaged the so-called liberated peoples, Russia must support the struggle of the Syrian People in every way it can, but it must not leave Syria crippled by its victory otherwise Syria will never be truly free.

Jim Allen

Russia isn’t fighting Syria’s war for Syria, that is abundantly clear. This is a worldwide problem, and the Middle East is a good place to start. Putin has exhausted anything, and everything that could possibly end this diplomatically. Russia is working within specific parameters, and it takes time to fully prepare to decisively stop the West in it’s tracks, and to leave the West unable to defend themselves. Russia knows what it’s doing, and how best to do it, making it the best choice to head up the allies that all are working in concert as one huge unit. I’m hoping this is drive will move US Coalition, and all other opposition back where it came from, and destroy the Globalists along with their genocidal agenda.


?? The US keeps bombing all bridges they build so whats different here? the kurds washed away the first pontoon bridge the Russians built by turning on the water levels and the US bombed the bridge they repaired like more than twice maybe three times. They use a ferry now to carry everything.


The US bombs Russian bridges? I doubt

Servet Köseoğlu

ingredients of desert barbecue:3 tablespoons of syrian generals,5600 pieces assadist foot soldier or 2 pieces t-90,½ cup banana s-300,2 ½ tablespoons gvozdika,t-55. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4f1b0a6c070108630884f054fca5cfd7a27207a85c0169d3a6e8896018819651.jpg




So Russia keeps Turkey happy by leaving Idlib alone and decided its time to kick SDF-butts out of Eastern Syria? Because nobody protects the SDF and they might be inclined to surrender / ally?

Jim Allen

Idlib isn’t going anywhere, the East is critical to Syria’s existence, regaining control of the resources, stopping the losses, and cutting the source of income the pet enemies use to operate on.

ziad welder

hopefully this news is true and it will be the answer for this oil theft ,not only clearing out isis but rat kurds and yanki war criminals ,but i think idlib should be taken care of fast first

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