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Russian And Syrian Warplanes Carried Out More Than 100 Airstrikes On Terrorist Positions In Last 24 Hours (Videos)

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Russian and Syrian warplanes carried out more than 100 airstrikes on terrorist positions in northwestern Syria over the past 24 hours, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on May 2.

According to the pro-opposition monitoring group, the airstrikes covered more than 30 villages and towns, mainly in the southern Idlib countryside and the northern Hama countryside.

Earlier, terrorists stationed in the demilitarized zone around Idlib launched 35 rockets at the Russian Hmeimim airbase on the Syrian coast killing a civilian and injuring many others. Civilian areas in northern Hama and in the city of Aleppo were also shelled.

The Russian Aerospace Forces and the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) resumed their aerial operations over Idlib last week in response to a series of attacks on the Hmeimim airbase.

Syrian pro-government sources are claiming that these airstrikes are a part of the ongoing perpetrations for a large-scale military operation around Idlib. However, local observers believe that the Russia is still committed to the demilitarized zone agreement with Turkey.

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Xoli Xoli

Target Erdogans terrorists which attack SAA


Lira is on fire right now

Prince Teutonic

Expecting Turkey launching it’s operation against Kurds soon…

Real Anti-Racist Action

All the Israeli air firepower on earth never scared Lebanese militia. All the Russian air firepower on earth never scared any militia on earth. Russian air campaigns never even fazed the Taliban in the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. And Russia’s air campaign does nothing to scare any away today. If Russia is trying to eliminate someone, then you have to clime out of your rabbit holes and cockpits and go confront them face to face.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

except Hezbollah ONLY operates underground. So I guess you could say Israeli Air power scares them pretty good lol. and I don’t blame FSA rebels for not being scared of Russian airpower, it’s a joke plain and simple. A single Israeli Figher Squadron can decimate the entire Russian Airforce in a dog fight :) They did in Operation Rimon 1970 lol!

Domenic Patrone

These terrorists are trying to create a corridor which is relatively stable to Turkish forces can occupy land there when the moment arrives. They won’t as Russia is well aware of their intent now.

Toronto Tonto

Russia gassing more hospitals and schools for his buddy Assad .

Hasbara Hunter

Do you mean Russia is gassing hospitals & schools? I always thought the British White Helmets & their Headchopping Buddies were doing that….

Guibus Guib

tonto means stupid in spanish. What a good name you found for yourself.

Toronto Tonto

Thanks gu gube

Lena Jones



30 shekels.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

1 shekel still has more value than the Iranian, Syria, Iraqi, Lebanese CURRENCIES COMBINED LOL! OWNED

Lena Jones

One hezbollah precision missile and tel aviv will be worth a shekel lol!


Are you false because you are tonto or are you a fool tonto? Or are you simply moron? Trudeau sells $ 12 billion in arms to the Saudi squad to massacre the people of Yemen, and do you still come out with Assad gas and white terrorist helmets? All bullshit of the Mossad and MI6 for the idiots who believe it.


“we are speeding up training of ISIL forces” Barack Obama “Obama and Hillary founded ISIL” Donald Trump

Any questions?

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

USA should protect the freedom fighters and rebels of Idlib Enough is enough USA needs to act with their 2 carrier fleets, time to put some Tomahawks and F-18s to use against butcher assad’s military

Rhodium 10

USA and Israel have launched around 400 cruise missile along these years of Syrian war…and nothing happened…minimal damage!…Irak was destroyed during first days of desert storm as consecuence of 320 cruise missile attack!..Syrian air defense work well in spite of bad qualification of SAA operators!

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

Yea all these attacks happened over a 3-6 year span. The Gulf War happened all at once, same as the Invasion of Iraq 2003. If US really wanted to, they can start lobbing hundreds of tomahawk missiles and start striking with their 200+ F-18s in the Mediterranean right now… they’d topple Assad and completely destroy his air defense/air force in less than a week :)

Rhodium 10

The last time US Navy aircraft attacked Syrian air defense…they lost 2 jets…one A6 and one A7…one pilot killed and one captured!…later reverendo Jesse jackson went to Damascus to liberate him…

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

nice fantasy

Rhodium 10

put your glasses and read the paper…

Tudor Miron

Is it really time to sink 2 carrier fleets? What did they do to you (those fleets) that you wish them dead?

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

lol you can try, wont succeed though. USS carriers are equipped with the MOST ADVANCED Electronic Countermeasures Systems available, capable of jamming and self destructing incoming enemy radar/IR based missiles. also RIM-174 can intercept enemy missiles. So our carriers are 100% safe. Sorry :)

Tudor Miron

Dream on.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You could go over to Syrian and help them fight Assad the butcher if you like them so much, I wonder what you’d think of your heroic rebels after you had to live with them for a few weeks, that’s if they didn’t chop your head off during an argument over something petty in the first few days. And they sell women over there in Idlib too, it’s not just Isis doing a roaring trade in slavery, maybe you should go check out the cheap deals while you’re there.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Time to liberate the Christians of Bethlehem from the evil anti-Christian oppressors. Time to launch a no fly zone over the area till Christians are free and happy from the invading forces persecuting them as Immanuel was persecuted by bigots who hate God.

Lena Jones

Anti-Gentile, terrorist-loving cunt.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

very un-lady like language coming from you :)

Lena Jones

What a stupid cunt.


” Fake Buttigieg Accuser SPEAKS: Jacob Wohl Tried to Make Me Conservative Jussie Smollett”

More information from the student who says Wohl used his name and likeness to spear Buttigieg:


You have less class than sewage scum , Wohl. Same with your sidekick , Jack Burkman. BTW , this incident should serve notice that we should consider as suspect anything and everything Burkman has ever said regarding his “investigation” of the Seth Rich murder. Clearly , telling the truth is not among his , or Wohl’s , skillsets.


Another one of Wohl’s sleazy scams :


Real Anti-Racist Action

You are doing excellent intelligence work, and yes I mean that. It takes time and effort from dedicated people to expose the layers of lies and plotted schemes to expose these types of people. Please continue such actions and post them for all to see. This type of work may seem like a simple task to some, but it is so vital.


The real intel work is done by others and I just share it , but many thanks nonetheless. It’s good to know that others find it of value.



Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

So sad seeing you all waste your time with trivial nonsense that doesn’t pertain to me in any way. Great job nonetheless!

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

Says the guy whose name is “Real Anti-Racist Action” and has a picture of ALL white people in his profile picture. Let me guess, you’re a fan of Dr. David Duke? You believe white people are the pure race and every other race is inferior, amirite?

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

none of this is true in any way… I nor Mindy Robinson NEVER tried to frame anyone in any way whatsoever. disinformation at its finest but if you insist to frame me for doing something outrageous, then be my guest. You have zero proof of your claims. Go get a real job


“I nor Mindy Robinson NEVER tried to frame anyone in any way whatsoever…”

It was a smear campaign , your stock in trade. Obviously you would have no chance to “frame” him for something he had absolutely nothing to do with.There’s plenty of evidence about the smear campaign though:




And here’s your boy Defango , backing and filling , trying to distance himself – lamely – from you and Mindy. Too late , Defango , you’re in the same sewer with Jack Burkman now , reeking of the Wohl stench :



Interesting articles. Just be aware that the troll on this page might not actually be who he says he is. If he is not, he’d love to see people falling for it. Just saying…


Doesn’t matter. If he’s a troll , he’s still a useful placeholder for posting information that exposes the “real” Wohl’s despicable behavior.


Are you braindead?

Hasbara Hunter

He is….all Hasbararats are…

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

you have no say here, go back to blood sucking you anti-semitic vampire

Hasbara Hunter

What the fuck are you talking about?! USRAHELL ALWAYS did an EXCELLENT & OUTSTANDING Job in Protecting, Financing, Recruiting, Transporting & Training Their Headchopping Mercenaries in Idlib & Elsewhere on this entire Planet…

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

give me solid evidence to support your claims, otherwise your an anti-zionist conspiracy theorist with zero legitimacy like many others on this site

Hasbara Hunter

One picture says more than a thousand words…. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e31e8273bde5a5a39ff6c9d4ed44ea5b881f54ac0955457c46247493971eed72.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2fcb6ed6ee786441d6623b76f5736d0a9c11e153a94d2e12d73bdf20b6a090b8.jpg So I send you Two…

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

yeah they confirmed that WAS NOT isis leader… nice try though

Hasbara Hunter

Ephraim Benjamin….ISIS-COMMANDER & MOSSAD-Agent in Libya… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ba614364eeb356c0bf6a0cbc4cfade623cc35ce5c5ec09211eb9981557ba10be.jpg

Real Anti-Racist Action

Zionist is a racist ideology that preaches that Goyim’s are animals to be enslaved like cattle. We stand up against your hatred bigotry and intolerance for that which is completely different then you. With one clear loud voice we proclaim that We Will Not Be Enslaved By Your Kind Any Longer! We Declare FREEDOM and Independents!


Deja(l)-Joo I seem to recall Lebon being invaded after decades long civil war, by Israel and it’s western backers…Lebon was at its weakest and still managed to not only defend itself, but also regain it’s integintegerity, physically and otherwise. You would be mistaken to assume it would be a war of defense on the part of the resistance alliance…but go ahead and assume it. Arrogance is weakness the resistance enjoys taking advantage of.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Russian Aerospace Forces and the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) resumed their aerial operations over Idlib last week in response to a series of attacks on the Hmeimim airbase. … Gee how’s that going to stop any further attacks on the airbase, it won’t, we all know what would though, a ground invasion. The Russians are reluctant to launch any sort of ground invasion, and on the other side of the token, the rebels are doing everything they can to provoke one. Does that make sense.


Gee how’s that going to stop any further attacks on the airbase.

Well the drones are made in factories by people, so you bomb the factory and kill the people.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

That’s too black and white of an answer, all I have to say to that is this. The Russians bomb the drone assembly factories [I doubt they could even manufacture toy drones in Idlib right now, leave alone combat capable drones], and destroy the factories, Then the rebel rebuild the factories and recommence building drones, then the rebels again attack the Russians, And then the Russians repeat the process again, and then the rebels repeat the process again, I could go on but I’m sure you get my drift. Wouldn’t it be much better to stop dillydallying around and let Assad just go in and clean up the lot, no more rebels in Idlib means no more drone factories in Idlib full stop, pretty simple I would’ve thought. But I know you prefer a brokered end to hostilities, a new rewritten Syrian constitution, the implementation of resolution 2254, as well as free and fair elections, but I’d prefer Assad to do what Cersi did in the GOT TV series, and it should be Assad delivering this line,THEN I CHOOSE VIOLENCE, and Putin should be playing the part of the Mountain and getting extremely violent, even though he’d probably be better suited to play the role of the many faced God, because he’s too much of a wimp to play the Mountain, and since he has more faces than a well cut diamond, the many faced God would be the perfect role for him. Putin doesn’t want to see this war end, not yet anyway, the many faced God has other plans.


It makes perfect sense, as the terrorists cannot survive without NATO assistance, and NATO are searching for a way to directly get into the Syrian conflict.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If the CW attacks didn’t work I don’t see how this could somehow provoke NATO into getting involved. I keep trying to tell everyone the war in Syria really ended back in June 2017, what’s going on now is totally different to the civil uprising that first started. Back in June 2017 all parties except for Erdogan said that Assad could stay in power, that was the Israelis, the Arab League, the US, and most of the EU block, they also gave him the green light to take back all of southern Syria, King Abdullah then forced the Southern Front Alliance [50,000 strong with heavy weapons, tanks and possible air support from the US, Israel and Jordan] to just sit back and watch their old allies HTS and the FSA be annihilated by the SAA, he also stopped two other big Arab militias he was also backing from intervening. Trump told the Kurds back in January 2018 that he wanted to pull out of Syria, and that they needed to work something out with Assad, so they sent over 50 delegations to Damascus in just the first 6 months alone, and many more afterwards. But self autonomy was always a sticking point Assad wouldn’t compromise on, but Trump wanted to get out by at least January last year, and this year he confirmed it for everyone but sadly couldn’t pull it off. Putin’s calling all the shots now, everyone needs a piece of him, he has more leverage over more players than he’s ever had now, so personally I think NATO’s the least of his problems now. And that’s basically because I think he no longer has any problems, just lots of excellent opportunities. Cheers.


All that NATO are looking for is a reason , any reason, and a devastating Russian response in Idlib could well be used as a reason.

NATO desperately need a victory. It is important NOT to give any opportunity for them to attempt to get one.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If NATO attacked Russia do you think China Iran and others would stand Idly by, I don’t, not with what’s going on geo politically concerning oil and gas pricing/security. Do you think the combined NATO, US, EU western block would be too much of a threat to Russia Iran, and China combined, they have new Hypersonic ballistic missiles, and supersonic cruise missiles that can overwhelm even the US carrier defensive systems as well as ground systems. The Russians not that long ago had the biggest war games event in history, 1,000,000 personnel with Chinese special forces involved, all training for the very scenario you’re worried about, but they sent a good message to NATO during those games. Not only did they train for limited strategic nuclear warfare, they also trained for the procedures they’d need to put in place in case of a retaliatory nuclear strike. The message I got out of that, and I think NATO did too, was, ‘we’re not scared of you, and if you attack us we’ll use our tiny nukes to wipe you out when you try, and we won’t hit the US with everything we’ve got like the doomsday predictors think and say we will, we’ll just wipe you out and wait and see what the US does, and we think they won’t lift a finger to help you when the poo hits the fan, are you willing to gamble punks’. The EU sh-t themselves. I’ve been wrong before and I’ll be wrong again, but that’s the way I see NATO and Russia’s relationship now. One thing I’d say to back my assertion/assumption is this, have any other post soviet countries been enticed to switch sides lately, and how’s Ukraine progressing lately, no more missile bases and troop deployments close to Russia either. Before the massive wargames things were different, I don’t think they are anymore. As I said before I might be wrong though, Cheers.


My own opinion is that the US needs to suffer first from war within mainland USA. as without this or a civil war, the good people of the US will not have the ability to oust the Zionists that now control the US.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I agree with that statement wholeheartedly, and to be honest I thought they were already in the midst of a civil war, Trump certainly has a lot of US citizens up in arms and revolting. But we also need one here in Australia too, we’re nearly as bad as the US is.


Australia has for decades been a Hand Maiden to the US. In reality , Australia’s future lies with China’s ascendancy as a creator of prosperity.

Australia though is in the vice of debt slavery that its Zionist rulers power base depends on in my opinion.

Australia needs fair trade to prosper, NOT the US F35.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Several decades ago it was looking like Australia was heading in that direction under Labour governments, but I’m afraid there’s been a pull in the other direction for the last 5 or 6 years, now we have an anti Chinese sentiment building, and US support is higher than ever [politically]. After Australia’s involvement in the Iraq invasion, due to the false narrative of ‘weapons of mass destruction’, the Australian political establishment vowed in mass to never be swayed by US political interest ever again, that lasted about 1 day, since then they’ve happily followed the the US mantra of ‘Assad is a butcher’ ‘Assad uses CW against his own people’ ‘China is a security threat to Australia’.

Yes household debt has gone through the roof in Australia, and it may be the Zionist world bankers are making a killing here, but I’m more concerned with their infiltration of the media and political establishment. Not many Journalists in Australia have Jewish sounding names, or look remotely like the classic ethnic Semite [more European looking], so most of us here in Australia don’t recognize just how intrusive they’ve become in our political and media institutions, but they have.

I especially agree with your last statement but I’ll add this, look at how my Australian Government treated East Timor [Timor Leste], in a trade dispute over shared resources. We were the richest country in the region and they were officially the poorest, and yet our government spied on the negotiations with listening devices, and then made the information available to the Australian commercial enterprise that was involved, we haven’t set a good precedence for free and fair trade so far.


” Yes household debt has gone through the roof in Australia”.

That is true of all so called democracies I think. Citizens who rely on government benefits are chained to government policy, and citizens who have household debt with few assets are also beholden to government policy.

Both groups realise that a reduction of benifit entitlement criteria, or an increase in interest rates will severely impact their living standards.

Couple that with ever increasing laws that have large fines for petty offences, and we have a de facto ‘soft police state’. So called Hate Crime being the current cudgel of the times.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“So called Hate Crime being the current cudgel of the times”. With this one innocuous simple little tool the New World Order has nearly taken over the whole world.


I agree. It is though an age old concept that is best illustrated by the tyranny of religions against competing religions.

‘Hate Crime’ charges have always been used to silence dissent, and as you rightly say, in todays linked up world, the result has been that the religion of ‘Corporate Dominance’ is now a Pan Global cult of the super rich.

The super rich will squabble amongst themselves as they have always done, but the goal of all of them is to subjugate the masses by only creating the ability of the masses to improve their living standards with ever increasing debt. Even those citizens who eschew personal debt are forced to pay government debts via taxes on all that they need to live.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I see another agenda shaping our world now, it’s no longer just the rich and powerful squabbling to retain their hold on power and wealth, Ideology is what the New World Order is all about now, and just like Islamic Isis, money is no longer the prime motivating factor, indoctorization to the cause is what it’s all about now, fanatics do more for the cause than any greedy merc ever could. Alexander the great was motivated by the desire for fame, not wealth and power, they were just the side benefits, Julius Caesar was the same, I look at teenagers nowadays and wonder of money motivates them as much as fame does, I’m not so sure.


Good point.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

Normal Nose :-) Yakov Wohlstein’s Nose :====)

Black Waters

It looks like the U.S it’s losing control in all fronts… Nice.

John Whitehot

there is not a single Russian plane in the videos. All the depicted bombings are done by Syrian L-39s and Mi-8 helis.


I wonder how many Israelis got snuffed in the bombing?


Not enough, Sinbad :)

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

L-39 still used tactically? I did not know that.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

yea especially by butcher assad

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