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Russian Army Achieved Largest Breakthrough In Avdeevka

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Russian Army Achieved Largest Breakthrough In Avdeevka

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In recent days, the Russian military achieved strategically important gains in the northern part of Avdeevka in the Donetsk People’s Republic.

On February 4, Russian forces launched two attacks on the northern outskirts of the city. The first attack took place near the Donetsk filtration station located on the north-eastern outskirts of Avdeevka. As a result of the battles, the Russian military advanced in the area around the facility, which is still under the control of the ARmed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). Russian forces broke through Ukrainian defense west of the station and advanced more than 1 kilometer deep into Ukrainian territory. As a result, the H-20 highway was cutt off. At the same time, Russian forces expanded the zone of their control north and east of the station.

However, this was not the main direction of Russian offensive in the north of Avdeevka. The attack on the north-eastern flank was mainly aimed to distract Ukrainian forces in the city.



Russian Army Achieved Largest Breakthrough In Avdeevka

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At the same time, Russian forces launched attack on the north-western outskirts of the city. The Russian strategy brought success.

As a result of heavy battles, Russian forces took full control of the residential district called Ivushka and reached the Blue Lake located on the northern outskirts of Avdeevka from the western direction. As a result of the further offensive, Russian forces took control of the field areas around the lake. As a result. the AFU were forced to retreat southward to the streets in the city.

Russian advance to the east of the Blue Lake is a strategically-important victory. This is the flooded sand quarry. On the eastern bank of it, there are the dominant heights, control of which allowed the Russian military to take fire control of a large part of Avdeevka.



The Russian offensive on the streets of Avdeevka did not stop. Over the past day alone, they advanced almost 1 km deep into Ukrainian defense on a wide front of about 4 kilometers. This is reportedly the largest Russian breakthrough during the battle for Avdeevka.

As a result, clashes reached Michurin, Sapronova and Lesi Ukrainki streets. According to the latest reports, Russian forces are about 250 meters from the railway road. Moreover, they already have less than 1 kilometer left to cut the main supply road of the Ukrainian grouping in Avdeevka, which comes from the village of Lastochkino.



Meanwhile, Russian aircraft and artillery are heavily pounding Ukrainian forces hiding in the city, as well as in the Coke and Chemical Plant, which may soon turn into another besieged fortress like Azovstal in Mariupol.


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pragmatic economist

the power of the 4 rs: renminbi, ruble, real and rupee will rule the world in 2024. play with the brics or be played. cope


gold is the best universal store of value of all times and paper fiat money backed by nothing is just paper

Boycott usa the world's bully

well fiat money is backed the taxes on the economy of the country. so when the fiat currency’s country economy is strong the fiat currency is ok. for example now if you have yuan or ruble you can buy many important things; energy, goods, etc from china and russia with it.





the rest is juice $crip

Last edited 1 year ago by Martillo
Sweet Chili Peppers

russia is backed by gold unlike the toilet paper dollar

M. Paraplu

gold is cumbersome and expensive to transport.


who really gives a shit any more?

russia is in on this zionist charade just like america, china and every other country.

you have all accepted the mark.


how would you know who is and who isn’t in “zionist” game?

Milei Vanillei

apparently you give lots of shits since you write the same crap every time under every article like this one.


the guy is right tho. we all want russia to win. unfortunately the russian zionist occupied gov doesn’t want to. they’re still not destroying ukro infrastructure. nor are they supplying their troops with needed equipment that would actually allow them to make real progress.


the progress that they do make comes at the cost of many lives and that is just the entire point.

if russia was serious they would bust out their cluster ammo, supply all their vehicles with jammers, and use tunneling machines to access the heavily fortified areas.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny
Sweet Chili Peppers

there’s a reason you are an ignorant keyboard warrior and not a military strategist.


correct i am not. but the military strategists do actually agree with these statements, as would any individual with any common sense. unless you wish to elaborate on why you think it’s advantageous to drive vehicles around until they inevitably get destroyed by a 200$ drone, when you can counter that technology effectively using a jammer?


the russians can’t progress at all, despite ukraine being low on munitions. any vehicle that drives out into the open will get destroyed by a drone that costs nothing.

some soldiers who gave up waiting for the russian mod, installed jamming technology on their tanks, and they are doing fine. russia could easily supply their army with these, but they don’t.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny

if every russian vehicle was equipped with a jamming device(overall small % of the total cost of a vehicle) then they would probably reach the dniper this week.


jamming devices emit lots of radio waves and therefore give away the vehicle presence and location.

Sweet Chili Peppers

you are an idiot


is this the latest cope strategy from the nafo guidelines? pretend like you don’t care? lol you childish clown


i just had a breaktrough in jens holms buttocks!

its great to be gay! amuuricacaa fck yeahns! 🗽🔯🐖👬🍆🍩🎉

Donald Moore

zelensky is ready to have more of his men encircled and killed all for the glory of him!


i think that he was always interested in money as any other jew. period of his “glory” was irreversibly gone anyways and he only does his agreed contract for his bosses americunts and britts.


since situation is becoming critical and ukraine does not have time for mobilization and training of the new soldiers…ukraine has plan to send most of police officers to the front and replace them on duty with “nato” police. for the moment their bosses only ask them to volunteer (enthusiasm for going to the front is very low). forced mobilization will follow.


when it comes to avdeevka from what i know they are already fighting in the streets in much larger area than indicated on this map.


padla pevnosť soledar, padla pevnosť bachmut a padne aj pevnosť avdeevka!!! ruské vojská pomaly, ale zato isto postupujú. ničia banderovských fašistov a aj ich prisluhovačov zo západu. žoldnieri zo západu nemajú na ukrajine na ružiach ustlané. čaká ich tam iba veľké utrpenie a smrť!!! svetu mier!!!

OTAN Vermin

otan the 4th reich will be defeated. otan will collapse once the big bluff article 5 is called. the kiev wehrmacht and its western wunderwaffen krap and volkssturm brigades are failing. vickie noodelmanstein will eat a poison cookie


that city should have been taken by now, russia should deploy massive forces to make sure it happens, they should have done the same with kharkiv as well so close to the russian border.

Barba Papa

it is not about taking territory so much as it is about degrading afu capabilities and killing its personnel. avdeeka is interesting to the russians because the ukrainians are dumb enough to try and hold it like bakhmut and let themselves be bled white there. the grabbing of more territory will happen once the afu have been bled white that they can no longer put up a coherent defense.


my first reaction was the same, only later i thought that it makes no sense to waist a lot of lives of soldiers. and yes civilians are killed from shelling from avdeevka, but in total rf lives are saved in this way. and as in the other comment the enemy resources are drained immensely. earlier in war they had 135.000 troops there and it was their main front. that is all over now!


yeah russia will win eventually, it’s already been decided. but how many millions of dead before that happens?


alexey poteleshchenko, the moscow-backed emergency situations minister, was among the victims of a ukrainian attack on a bakery in lysychansk, two members of the local parliament were also killed in the blast and high ranking russian officers, russia’s state-run tass news service reported, citing the luhansk authorities. 🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆


i am a homosexual that is having another manic episode. don’t mind my ramblings on here.. it’s due to all the estrogen hormones i’m on and my fentanyl addiction. just good ol’ american values. 🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸🇪🇺 = 🤡👰🏽‍♂️👰🏻‍♂️💩🤢🤮🧟‍♂️💀

No love for 1776!

didn’t stop raf from advancing.

jens holm

dumb hillbilly w 13 genders humiliated by russian superiority


bravo, cu toata puterea înainte! uraa. ue ne vrea morti. ne a pus taxe pe carbon. ne vrea saraci. cat timp veti mai amana sa faceti vizita in delta dunarii? cat timp veti mai dori sa fiti cartografiati?


the ukronazis are terrorist killers, the other majority in these warring eastern ukrainian cities are russians and russian speaking ukrainians. why in the hell would you mass murder your own if you were the russian federation? if your zionist, isrealis, us and terrorist ukrainians this is evil genocidal mind set. the train wreck has left the tracks.


nice. kill every last filthy ukrop nazi pig.

Dog Stew

no. kill every last filthy joorat, fumigate every regime they draw power from with ukrainians taking a star role in that upcoming international event.

Jonas Strandval

russian empire collapsed in 1917. soviet union (another russian empire) in 1991. it won’t surprise me at all to see putin’s 3rd reich collapsing during 2020s. you see russia is very fragile society. drinking vodka and being ineffective is in their genes.

Last edited 1 year ago by Jonas Strandval
gneupus stapo

you nazi hillbilly sniff too much glue

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