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Glorifying Past Exploits, Russian Army Brings New Victory

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Glorifying Past Exploits, Russian Army Brings New Victory

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Glorifying Past Exploits, Russian Army Brings New Victory
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Glorifying Past Exploits, Russian Army Brings New Victory

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While the West is erasing historical memory, perverting basic human values, Moscow remains the central stronghold of human dignity and the memory of previous generations. Today, this value gap is more visible than on any other day.

Western warmongers forget the lessons of history, and today, on May 9, the Day of Victory over Nazi Germany, destroyed German equipment is again paraded in Moscow, along with tanks and heavy equipment from all over Europe and the United States. The Russian troops are again marching victoriously in honor of the great victory against the background of destroyed enemy equipment. Today the Panther tanks of Nazi Germany have been replaced by Leopards. With them in a shameful row are captured American Abrams and Bradleys, German Marders, Swedish CV90, French AMX-10RC, and so on. In Moscow, the full power of the collective West is represented by trophies from 12 countries, including France, Great Britain, Turkey, Finland, Poland, South Africa, Australia etc.

While the leaders of NATO countries declare that they are not at war against Russia, their citizens are dying on the Ukrainian battlefields, and their military equipment is burning under Russian fire. Without joining the battle, they are already shamefully losing it.

Remembering the exploits of their ancestors, Russian fighters bring new victories. The Russian army is advancing on Ukrainian frontlines.

The battle to the northwest of Avdeevka was called the Ocheretino flower, which blooms in different directions with Russian forces expanding the zones of their control.

The fighting reached the northern outskirts of Novoprokopovka, where the remnants of the Ukrainian forces retreated after the fall of their defense in Berdychi. Now exhausted, they are forced to cling to any building suffering from lack of descent defensive fortifications.

Advancing northwest of Ocheretino, Russian forces approached the outskirts of Novoalexandrovka. Finishing the mop up operations in the settlements nearby, the Russians are advancing towards Kalinovo.

The Ukrainian command is rushing to find reinforcements for transfer from other fronts.

The depleted 47th separate mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which was trained and armed by the NATO military, is no longer able to hold defense in this area. This unit became famous for the heavy losses of Western equipment during the failed Ukrainian counteroffensive, and now it is ruining the myth of the almighty US-made Abrams tanks. The first Abrams were destroyed in their very first battle near Berdychi. Unable to withstand a heavy blow, the American partners apparently ordered Kiev to withdraw the tanks. However, soon the media noticed their disappearance from the battlefield and American vehicles were again spotted in the Ocheretino area in the recent days. As a result, videos of the successful Russian strikes on Abrams tanks have again flooded the media.


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Crocus Shooting Gallery

remember when the orc idiots thought the war would be over in less than one week…?


Capitol Shooting Gallery

do you remember how the orcs idiots stood at the gates of kiev after 48 hours and the ukrozz fled kiev in droves…?



the ease with which the russians overran the failed ukrainian cia project in 2022, after eight years of us and nato puppet pouring in money, weapons, advisors and intelligence support, was astounding.


been under a rock for a decade clyde? the ukr arms increase and ‘suppliers” have been going on way longer than the smo. a decade? most cant seem to remember last week.

Last edited 10 months ago by Skillx

i’m dumb, i read that wrong! you know… the cia project goes back even longer, when ellen was on ukr tv playing the prez. for 4 years, or something.

Yuri in Sevastopol

i am totally impressed by your mixed sexual signals


literally no one ever said that..

Refugee victory

england catching refugees on the streets and sending them back to ruanda top 5 refugee trash countries

1 turkey 2 germany 3 sweden 4 england 5 ireland

Refugee victory

refugees run to ireland

jens holm

that too. why dont they change their countries.

jens holm

me 0 id ony cuntry is amerika that colonize me w used condom

amerika hilbilly

homo jens lives in nation 404–amerikunty colony

jens holm

what else to do.

Jan Malin

0:56 marder – ww2


us amerikunt hillbillies again humiliated–now i need taliban therapy


that was not a south african vehicle(mamba) its a british alvis4 the russian made a mistake.

Joseph Day

whatever, it’s scrap now

Last edited 10 months ago by Joseph Day
efihenia holmova

jensii, jensii, come back to bed, our guest johny from uganda already cumed on my pussy, come clean the sprm with your tongue darling, jensi, stop watching hunter biden porn and come here now


we amerikan hillbillies always victories when lgbt want to enter our azz

jens holm

in bank i worship money and victorious when manager priest tear my azz w peniz

amerika hilbilly

our last victory 1999 when we murdered 1 million filipinos


here used to be maps on the video page. i liked that. probably won’t stop till the blk see coast is had. a drive to the big river (keyoword?) and a wite flag frum kiev,… or this could be the next “b4lk4n k3g.” if other nations come more involved. (it lunks like dey was.) ‘my buff muscles.’ pieces are moving into position, 4 five yrs at leest. why do i have to write cryptically?


i couldn’t write in normal english because some keyword was stopping the post… absolute nonsense. shhhhh-ag ya.


lol the dictarship stalin was invaded by is little nazi friend from germany than the allies started a new war


what a senseless talk

Awtandil Ramazashvili

иосиф виссарионович сталин was the greatest hero of georgia, you history clown 🤡 = 🙈🐵🙊🙉.

Heiner Franke aus München

in der tat, die in deutschland lebenden georgier lieben josef stalin, auch wenn ich das nicht verstehe! er war doch ein ganz einfacher mann!

in fact, georgians living in germany love josef stalin, even if i do not understand this! he was a very simple man after all!

👐, 🇬🇪 🏠 🇩🇪 💌 👨📛 🇷🇺🏛, 🚥 👤 🚫 🤔 👉 ❗ 👱‍♂ 📶 🙅 👨 ⏮ 🌐 ❗

S. Adams

all of poland was divided, by two egomaniacs. using pieces of paper like the “molotov–ribbentrop pact.” charisma and/or propaganda. they were not friends. learn your history. “roosevelt confided that he “would hold hands with the devil” if necessary.”

S. Adams

after nazi defeat of france in june of 1940, roose grew wary of the nazi. diplomatic moves to improve relations with the soviets. july of 1940, negotiations… the u.s. government lifted the embargo jan. 1941. march of 1941, welles warned oumansky of a future nazi attack against the soviet union. during the congressional debate concerning the the lend-lease 1941, roosevelt blocked attempts to exclude the ussr from receiving u.s. assistance.

S. Adams

not allies with hitler, not allies with the usa. stalin was his own beast.

S. Adams

i don’t even like roosevelt. lot’s of bad things to say about him. he was a money man.

S. Adams

4 terms as prez. i am not american. but i know two is the max. “it was wartime’ they had elections thru the 90s and yugoslavia… elections during the 2000s. roosevelt was a sneaky snake. harvard boy. secret societies and all that.

Yuri in Sevastopol

today we have all cried because so many lbtq soldiers died and could not take part in the largest military lbtq parade on the red square.

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