The Russian military has captured two US mercenaries who were fighting in the ranks of Kiev forces near Ukraine’s Kharkiv city, The Telegraph reported on June 15.
The British outlet identified the two mercenaries as Alexander Drueke, 39, and Andy Huynh, 27. Drueke served in the US Army in Iraq whereas Huynh, a former Marine, has never been in active combat before.
An unnamed comrade of the two mercenaries told the Telegraph that they were a part of a ten-man unit that engaged in a fierce battle with a large Russian force in a town near Kharkiv on June 9. Both men went missing after the battle. Reconnaissance efforts showed no trace of the two men and the assumption that they fell into captivate was confirmed on the same day when Russian news channels on Telegram reported the capture of “two Americans” near Kharkiv.

Alexander Drueke on the left side and Andy Huynh on the right. Source: the Telegraph via Facebook\Twitter.
The State Department and the Pentagon have not yet commented on the capture and neither has the Russian Ministry of Defense.
If confirmed, Drueke and Huynh will be the first US mercenaries to be captured by the Russian military. Kiev recruited thousands of mercenaries, including many from the US, in the early days of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.
In the recent weeks, Kiev forces pushed a large bloc of foreign mercenaries into the hottest frontlines in Kharkiv and the Donbass region in a bid to support its collapsing forces. Many of these mercenaries have been already killed, including at least one former British soldier.
Russia and its allies have already warned that they will not treat foreign mercenaries as prisoners of war. As a part of this policy, British mercenaries Shaun Pinner and Aidan Aslin were sentenced to death by firing squad in the Donetsk People’s Republic earlier this month. The two mercenaries were captured in Mariupol city in April. Drueke and Huynh could face a similar sentence, if they are indeed in Russian captivity.
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Probably since Ukrainian forces have already started retaking all the surrounding settlements around Izyum and liberating them from the Putin cockroaches. They’re enchroaching them exactly where they’re trying to encircle Lysychansk. Once the phony government of the Lunga Lunga People’s Republic collapses the terrorists will have to stand trial in Kiev and face the death penalty. So give it your best shot.
lmao, it must nice to live in a fairy tales land like you do. :P Tell me, do you use some drugs to help keep the fantasy alive or are just naturally insane and indoctrinated?
It must be nice. Especially like a Disney Frozen fairy tale up there in Moscow where you follow a deranged terrorist as president.
There is only one, here that is deranged, that one is called Muhammad the false prophet, a Tel Aviv troll, from the look of it.
Stop crying, you fucking deranged crying clown.
Utter bullshit ya kike troll/goat shagger
Eat shit midget,wanker putin-son.
Talking like a real Murican, are you not?
I’m a real Murican and I have a Z sharpyed on my cap. I also believe 911 was an inside job… with Israel helping.
I surrender my job Associate in Nursingd now. I create $120 an hour in operation from home doing those simple chores on line. I make $30,000 a month operating on line 3 hours a day. I counseled you to strive. (.mn13) you will not lose anything, merely try it on the next web site and earn every day… For further details….. 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞.𝐭𝐤/
US has been killing million of innocent peoples in the Middle East lol.
you are shit – from Joe’s diapers. go wank his limp dick you dumb gay whore.
You are russian bitch from brighton beach 😀.
This is not Yamil Perez Dead. This is the British faggot.
I love big dirty animal dicks, not old guy’s dick.
Your meds , ass hole , take your meds.
I don’t like goat. I like big dog dick
Long live Ukraine!
Death penalty for the Amer terrorists please!
I’d like a public beheading please. Thanks.
Everyone fighting for il pagliaccio Zelinskyy will eventually go to heaven when they die. We need to give him all the weapons and ammo he’s asking for. 51+ billion US dollars in military aid is not enough. Slava Generalissimo Zelinskyy.
Doesn’t sound so bad. I’d rather go to heaven than have a murdering freak like Vladimir Putin sink all of Russia straight to hell.
There is no heaven for a failed abortion like yourself. Instead of complaining, why don’t you go to Ukraine and help God emperor Zelenskyy. Why don’t you show us how tought you are and how shitty Russian army is?
You mean your Russian army that’s using the shitty Soviet tanks from the 1960s? It’s a fucking shitty Russian army. There’s no getting around that. All the modern Russian tanks are at the landfills in Kiev. Now go get your obsolete Soviet rifle and go die for your shitty country instead of crying around here.
Achtung, nazitroll! – Shitty soviet tanks from the 60’s were all that’s needed to destroy the shitty Ukrainian army. Using their good stuff would just be a waste of resources.
Correct. Und Okraine ist kaput. Hahaha.
May ask you what tanks the AFU is using? Is it not the soviet 60s tank T-64BV? Just hang yourself already.
You sir are truly delusional, a product of msm brainwashing. Pathetic at best. Now you and muhammad can go fuck yourself.
Ukraine’s Nazi are junk, only old stuff can destroy them.
He won’t, if ever he went there, he would meet his doom in the hands of a true muslim from Chechenya. Then it would be difficult to put him back together just like for Humpty Dumpty.
It’s the other way around, freak. God has no love for Nazis, they are spewed by devils and are headed to meet their maker, Lucifer.
Bozo the crying clown, you and your terrorist Russian president are no different than the Nazi pieces of shit. Your terror methods are identical. Your shitty Russian army will be remembered as the modern day version of the Nazi army. It doesn’t matter how many hours you spend every day crying abouy Nazis like a fucking phony.
I’ll bet you have a swastika tattooed on your ass and tell your boyfriend it’s just an ancient hindu love symbol.
I had a swastika tattoo right on my ass hole. The neighbour’s German Shepherd been tearing it up. Now it doesn’t look like a swastika anymore. And no, I don’t want any human’s dick.
Go and take whatever dicks you want. Take them all.
Heaven? Haha you filthy insect belong in sewers in hell with the rest of your dead mutant family.
Just die already in your basement instead of vomiting idiotic diarrhea from your shithole mouth all day long.
Are you Yamil Perez Dead? You definitely sound as deranged as he does. I thought by now that you had already burned to death inside one of those shitty Soviet tanks from the 1960s Putin had to deploy in Ukraine.
You are Yamil Pidorez, I know its a tough pill to swallow, but you are indeed that dumb fuck.
Wow, you’re really deluded, Taking Elensky as a great general, you have no clue as to what is a real general. Certainly not a clown in high heels.
Dosvidanya Boyz.
Send their heads to the White House on 4th July.
Islamist Kadirov, a dictator Putin’s great friend, will cut off the heads of Americans with joy, dont’t worry. Just as he cuts off all those who oppose him in Russia under his absolute rule. Glory to Russia and the Islamists.
Akhmat sila!
Press-TV said more American mercenaries to be announced and Gazprom announced another gas turbine is being held in Canada so NS will be reduced to around 60 % flow.
I should have said CUT by 60 %.
They should cut it to 100% and cut out the Canadian nazilover middleman.
2 americgay terrorists 999999 km from home doing sheizen !!!? send the rest of the bodies to hunter and joe and Peidosi !!!!!! To Klaus and to Soros with a ticket f off !!!
Put them to work cleaning urinals at the Donbass Train Station (Monday-Friday) and at the Donbass Soccer Arena (weekends) for the rest of their pathetic existence.
Again. Small potatoes…
Where’s the “Beef”?
If they’re DEAD?… Be proud and put TOP of the Chain of Command and what is left of them on display!…
If they’re ALIVE?… Be proud and put the TOP of the Chain of Command on display in Moscow before a war crimes tribunal!…
Do it NOT Vlad and you will be aiding and abetting the problem since you said this ( 3 years after Maidan was forcibly taken over doing NOTHING then!?
Humanity needs discipline and the Rule of Law restored and NOT more “chao$”!…
It is reprehensible that nations today are engaged in fighting with weapons from other nations without any interests in the war, just like terrorists. If the US wants to make war, they should go to VOTE on it and do it openly instead of using proxies and other people’s nations. UK and France, the same. NATO nations are too cowardly to declare war. Make a proper declaration of war so we can vote out our MPs who vote for unjust wars. I cannot see a way to stop this without executions. Hopefully the nations where these guys are from will make sweet deals to have them exchanged. I wish the Donbass would ask for Assange and offer him, his wife and children asylum in Russia. He would be worth saving.
As an American speaking on the “health” of my Country and it’s .gov….
We were pretty much “poke it with a fork” done 21 years ago. But if this doesn’t illustrate how finished the U.$. economy truly is… than you probably adhere to the Federal Reserve and EU math skills that keep digging themselves their grave(s) that “2 + 2 = 5”, and that sound money “still” doesn’t matter!
The silence of China and India hauling away the crime scene after they made deals with $atan for what was left of America’s manufacturing ushered in it’$ death. America’s power and influence is finished… And we need pragmatic leaders that exhibit moral leadership and courage in the face of what you just cited.
I think Russia with it’s intellectual capacity and vast resources it could be that leader if they will do more to “lead by example”… The business relations with I$rael and Turkey are a case in point of it’s weakness and why Russia MUST cease and desist if it wants to be the global force for equity again on this planet, as it will NEVER happen with China or India doing the “honors”!….
Heads need to roll in all the western political circles. It’s here that the real traitors reside whilst feeding off the public purse. Things will never be right until the western countries bring their out of control political shysters and elite to heel. No more law for one for one section of society and a pass for everyone else.
Toady blaaar was awarded an order of the garter for his illegal war and genocide in Iraq. When shysters such as toady blaaar get rewards for their criminal behaviour, civil war isn’t far behind. It seems treason is committed only when one lies to the NWO establishment. The British people and their parliament have been told to go fuck themselves, whilst these shysters get rich waging war with public money.
Any mercenaries found fighting for the war criminals of the Ukro-Nazi regime should be executed on the spot.
two degenerates…. probably married to each other……
They are verry beautiful to me 💋
Well, you’re a terrorist so that’s no surprise.
senile jens —cheese and transgender beautiful
They have a child: this idiot Muhammad 😀😀😀
We don’t want them back so ……
Russia must consider death sentence for both of them.
Now they will be brought to martial court at the Donetsk People’s Republic.
Hunyh looks like a real huy.
Execute these bastards without delay.
I’m an American. Please don’t execute them. Please make them do hard labor in Siberia so they wished they were dead day, after day, after day.
Yes, but first make them clean up Mariupol.
Deal. But only in the summer. They can spend the other seasons in Siberia.
burn them alive…with Napalm specially the red neck mothafacka racist with beard
Bummer. No sympathy here. None at all. It’s not like they didn’t know that captivity was not an option.
These mercenaries knowingly agreed to fight beside Nazis. It’s a bad day for NAZI lovers.
Death by firing squad or by a bullet in the back from a Ukrainian nazi? Some choice. If these mercenaries surrendered then at least they would have some defence in a military or civil court. There would at least be a claim for clemency since they surrendered their arms rather than fight on.
It seems surrendering is the better choice here as a bullet in the back is usually final.
amerikan nazi mercs—incompetent, stupid uncivilized hyenas
What does the term “nazi” even mean at this point? Literally everybody everywhere are using this against everyone, its getting boring.
FANTASTIC GOOD NEWS, their DEATH SENTANCE IS A FORMALITY and now the excuses will flow about how they didn’t know what they were getting into BLAH BLAH BLAH, ENJOY THE FIRING SQUAD you NAZI SUPPORTING USA FILTH. Now let’s keep hunting and killing those foreign mercenaries. Long live Russia and the Donbass forces – Z –
Finally some murican meat for the firing squad. Well done Russia.
Let Zelensky hear their last confession. It should mean everything to them.