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Russian Army Captures First American-Made Abrams Tank (Videos)

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Russian Army Captures First American-Made Abrams Tank (Videos)

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On April 28, the Russian military captured an American-made M1A1 SA Abrams main battle tank from Kiev for the first time.

The destroyed tank was reportedly recovered from the outskirts of the settlement of Berdychi to the northwest of Avdeevka city in the Donetsk direction.

Prominent Russian journalist Vladimir Solovyov published a video on his Telegram channel showing the tank, which weighs a little over 61 tons, being towed to the rear by two BREM-1 engineering vehicles of the Tsentr Group of Forces. A second video that surfaced online later provided a closer look at the captured tank.

The United States supplied Ukraine with 31 Abrams tanks and an unknown number of M1150 Assault Breacher Vehicles (ABV), which are built on the same chassis, over the past year. Russian sources claim that at least a third of these vehicles have already been destroyed or damaged. Earlier this week, an ABV was also captured by the Russian military.

A recent report by The Associated Press revealed that Kiev forces withdrew all Abrams tanks from the front recently as the result of the excessive use of drones by the Russian military, which made it too difficult for the tanks to operate without detection or coming under attack.

Although embarrassing for Ukraine and the U.S., the failure of the Abrams was not surprising. The tank was defeated by Soviet-era weapons in both Iraq and Yemen in the past.

The Abrams captured by the Russian military will reportedly be put on display at the military museum in Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow. Later, Russian specialists will likely study the tank to better understand its capabilities and weaknesses.


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more yankee scrap for mother russia’s museum of dead empires and anglozionazi filth. z


glory to us taxpayers

Cornish Gamehen

ouch. the pain.

Robert Flee Konjan

congratulations army of good, russian are proud of you and the world at large

Sgt. Rock

russians should not be dissapointed that it is not in working order it is very difficult even for americans to find one that is. it is well suited for a museum.


victory parade will be busy this year.

Satanic Anglo Scum!

where’s tomsawyer? 😂🤣😂


even captured enemy tanks are now big news in russia. things are looking worse for the russian nazis. the war is lost, but as long as you can show some captured weapons, the brainless ruzzian idiots will be happy 😆😆😆

Gneaus stapo

exactly. + dump ivan flatheads dont see the differenz between a disabled nato tank,with its turret still in place and surviving crew ready to go again to their own pulverised russian heroes being send as human waves. tons of evidenz of killed russian tanks/ ifv , and all the ivan propaganda can come up with,are demobilized tanks.

Last edited 10 months ago by Gneaus stapo

“exactly”, nafomo cosplay boy? you’re saying that the ukrainians have won the war? how many ukrainian ifvs lost since the 2014 us coup in kiev? how many since the beginning of the smo? the nato scrap is great pr, considering that the chintzy us empire only coughed up a few dozen 3rd gen mbt’s for their ukrainian lackeys to abandon. you know the crew of that wreck is alive and well?


he is either a nazi or a murrican cosplaying as one. no matter what ukrainians are just fuel and ammo to both of them. so ukrainians dying is not a negative to them they never intended on ukrainians to live. even in ukraine neither the galician banderists nor the jewish oligarch want the normal slavic ukrainian people to survive. they have different plans for who should live in greater galicia or new khazaria but they both do not intend for those to be slavs.

The Hooded Executioner

exactly, + united paedophiles of joe biden don’t see the difference between godly russians and the exterminated now depleted ukronazi proxies, the united paedophiles of joe biden propaganda pretending the ukronazis are winning!!! please send more paedo abrams tanks, atacams, f-16s, cause you will never send the f-35 paedophile!!! russia is shaking in its boots, bahahahahaha

Last edited 10 months ago by The Hooded Executioner
The Hooded Executioner

bahahhahahaha, the united paedophiles of joe biden are always guzzling on each other’s man juice!!!


i’m suffering a lot right now, glorious russia captured one of my most precious toys, yes toys that only work for military parades and to make profit, not for war, i need to buy diapers urgently but i have to send more money to elensky too so, i guess i’ll sit full of shit in front of my pc.


ist a weirdo kinda “loosing” when the front moves westwards day by day, since many weeks and months. lol you braindead moronic shithead, pls go and kill yourself.


bun trofeu!


o sa ajunga si altii din balcani care au asemenea prajitor de pâine in aceeasi situatie.


nomenclatura de arme vestice folosite va usura avansul in viitor.


sa vedeti cu ce bunătate și înțelegere vor trata romanii foste animale neesentiali, deveniti extremisti si viitori partizani ai eliberarii de sub jugul fascist aceste troace ce metal. ba, era mai bine sa luati aro urile de la u s la decat prajitoare de paine. yemenul le a facut praf.


de la pasare gripa a trecut in us la laptele vandut la magazin. vacile libere la. pascut in aer liber din texas si colorado au luat gripa aviara. romanii sa se pregătească de o noua pandemie.


se pare ca pasteurizarea laptelui nu ajuta. plamanii vacii, sangele si laptele sunt pline de virus.


qpcr e cantitativ nu calitativ


nice work comrades! i wonder if this piece of yankee junk even fired its gun in combat.


somebody tell south front to stop adding more than one video on one page, the video start loading all at once causing congestion.


a striped down abrams operated by an insufficiently trained crew, don’t let it go to your heads, hubristic ones.


exactly. that is all russia has been fighting so far. and they think they are doing so well in their back yard against untrained morons with crappy outdated equipment.

Satanic Anglo Scum!

but weren’t they supposed to be game changing weapons.. 😂🤣😂


untrained morons? i thought that the armed forces of the failed ukrainian cia project had been receiving training by the finest instructors in the us and imperialist forces for ten years. security assistance group-ukraine has 25 members, who had already trained 90 000 ukrainian troops six months ago. 9000 ukrainians were trained by the big red 1 on bradleys and abrams and m109s. are they already dead?


nonsense. you can have a mechanised infantry brigade which has four mechanised infantry battalions, one armoured battalion, one fire support battalion, one engineer battalion and one communication battalion. each mechanised infantry battalion has three mechanised infantry companies, each of three platoons with each company having 13 infantry fighting vehicles; four in each platoon and one headquarters vehicle.


each armoured brigade has four armoured battalions for a total of 132 main battle tanks, one mechanised infantry battalion, one artillery battalion with 18 self-propelled guns and one air defence battalion of 18 aaa guns. each armoured battalion has three armoured companies, each of three platoons with each company having 11 main battle tanks; three in each platoon and two headquarters vehicles. a complete brigade contains 4,000 soldiers.


and if you don’t have adequate air support and air superiority— it all means nothing!


how are things in mom’s basement, dipshit? the ukrainians had 9000 men trained to use the american dinky toys and the op said the operators of the captured abrams were untrained morons. follow the bouncing ball, nafomo fan-boy.

The Hooded Executioner

come on then cowardly paedos, enter the cauldron, i dare you!!! but you will only fight against defenceless women and children!!! the united paedos of joe biden like to talk big while their proxies die crying!!!

Macron has nuke

today macron again talked in front of the media at 28nd .. and he said that france nuclear nukes like an unbrella will be send to some european countries and poland will protect europe from russia.. nukes are part of nato planning whereas the french nukes are included, france wants to keep an independent deterrent. so since the suggestion comes from macron the idea would most likely be to increase the amount of french nukes in poland

Last edited 10 months ago by Macron has nuke

nadhera ! balzam na oci.


been to both victory park and patriot park. it looks like i will need to go back again for the next new exhibition – the west in ruins. well done russia and her allies.


the usual inferior stuff from the disunited states of avarice!

Israel Shahak

a ridiculously poor design that requires a traveling fuel station to keep it in operation for any distance. a jackass design under any serious military analysis. diesel is the most economically strategic fuel source for extreme heavy equipment. but there is no logistical reason when milking the taxpayers of every dollar possible. clown show on wheels.


that will make a nice paperweight for putin’s desk. 😬


would be nice to put on the parade in moscow followed by a washing machine that defeated the multi million dollar tank or a russian soldier with a shovel that knock the tank out . ….lol


they are giving too much credit for this stuff. what they should do is show those murrican patriots how much china tech is in “their” weapons. just like ukraine loved to show all the nato tech in russian weapons and vehicles. but perhaps the russians dont want their own people to know that its basically chinese tech that kills their soldiers.


great work russian ground forces keep it up!

concerned citizen

i wouldn’t call that captured. it looks more like cleaning up the remains. that thing got obliterated.

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