The Russian military and the armed forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) continue to capture Western-supplied weapons from Kiev forces.
On May 3 and 4, Russian sources shared photos showing several US, British, French and German weapons which were recently captured from Kiev forces in the Donbass region.
The captured weapons included:
- Five US-made FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs);
- Four French-German-made MILAN ATGM launcher along with four missiles;
- Two British-made NLAW anti-tank missiles;
- Four German-made Panzerfaust 3 anti-tank weapons;
- One FIM-92 Stinger man-portable air-defense system (MANPADs).
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The captured weapons also included Ukrainian-made Stugna-P remotely-controlled ATGM launcher along with at least two missiles.
So far, the West has delivered 60,000 antitank weapons and 25,000 anti-aircraft weapons to Kyiv forces. The delivers of some of these weapons, like the Javelin ATGMs and Stinger MANPADs, began before the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.
Western-supplied weapons have failed to hinder the advance of the Russian military and the armed forces of the DPR and LPR. Despite this, the West continues to dump more weapons into the hands of Kiev forces.
Now the West is betting that supplying Kiev forces with heavy weapons, like battle tanks and howitzer, will change the course of the war.
It s coming!!!
=== Beautiful girls are waiting for you on —
Yeah ..Cum out ass
Yes, Ukraine’s defeat and surrender is coming.
Hey??? 🤣😂
Yeah, captured a few piece weapons. They sent thousands, so what’s the big deal. The worst military in the world is not gaining any grounds now. Now, the southfront will say it’s a “Tactical Pause”. Then tomorrow, the military will capture one village and the southfront will say that the “Tactical Pause” is over and the military resumed the offensive. And again the day after tomorrow, southfront claim that the army paused the offensive. And it goes on. Such a shameful military force that cannot even carry out an operation right at their border.
Even turtles would laugh at the speed of the russian military.
Lol, you are so right. Phase II starting in 2026.
EVERY DAY as they ADVANCE over Ukrops entrenched strong-point positions in Donbass the RF captures more handfuls of NATO man launched missiles. Then there are all the Ukrop bullet and shell munitions dumps as well. The DPR forces are receiving all of this.
You swallow too much aidz gimp rub66 to usa dolla,like I said you swallow too much goysperm,insolent dumb fknut!
Please please supply them to a war zone where Americans are taking part. Please
I have a better idea, supply them to Israel’s enemies.
You know what else Russian army continues? Continues to not be capable to stop tanks and heavy weapons entering into Ukraine, continues to advance 1 centimeter per day, continues to lose tanks, navy, helicopters, tanks to Ukrainian infantry, and it lost some of its best pieces in the dumbest way possible. Yeah, bla bla, Ukrainians are dying too, losing tank too, but what you don’t get is that Ukraine has whole west to pump it with infinite amounts of weapons, train its solders, and pump money too. Plus, Ukraine have millions of men ready to fight. Russia is basically where it was in february, except for Mariupol, yeah good job taking 1 city in two months.
100%?? Yupiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
And and and the ghost of kiev had an identical twin brother… There’s rumors, but it seems to be from a reliable source there are actually identical quadruplets…
Colonizers and their vassals are arming the Ukrainian Donbas and Luhansk freedom warriors and the Russian army. These weapons will be used against the mercenary army of the west and against the Ukrainian vassals. Thank you colonizers for arming people who love freedom.
Actually The Russians are the colonizers in the Ukraine. The Ukrainians ie the natives are trying to de-Colonize. The Russian Tsars encouraged immigration of ethic Russians to the area to displace the pacify the natives. This war is like if The UK decided that since they colonized India for 200 some odd years, they have the right to take back a portion of it. Or a portion of South Africa.
You miss the point gimp,its your degeneration sick faggoty liberal poofs vs the more astute russian speaketh russian peoples whom objective to regenerate,fkn drr poof!
This technology will help russian millitary to produce more effecient weapons.Thank you US.
Nah, I don’t think they need any help with that:
Much of today’s weapons industry in Russia is still the same, and look what a show they are making of it with one hand still in the pocket, basically. I always say, it’s wrong to compare numbers like military budgets, because they may just be showing bloated MIC pricing and money pits – *cough* F-35.
But of course it is always interesting to see what the other side does, and how. Maybe the Russians look at those things and say: “We can build them for a tenth of the price”. And then take another look at those military budgets.
It’s like in that wristwatch commercial which elaborated about the NASA Space Pen and ended with showing how (allegedly) the Russians solved the problem of writing in space: a pencil. :P
What’s wrong with the F35? It only cost $3.1 trillion and it won’t ever work right but Lockheed needed the money. It would be the ultimate battle the F35 vs a US Navy littoral ship. The ship would torpedo itself and the F35 would crash doing a victory flyby.
These captured weapons will provide invaluable intelligence for counter measures. US-NAYOYO military equipment isn’t built to aid their armies but to bribe their politicians and greedy oligarchs. The Russians aren’t willing to impoverish the nation in the manner of the senile Soviets. So Russia substitutes brains and hard honest work for money.
Holy fuck the amount of NATO trolls. Does NATO also have a unit for special needs people to be keyboard warriors like Israel unit, hasbra?
No, but it is so clear that Russia is incapable to win in Ukraine, that people come here for jokes.
Keep telling yourself that.
Look its Krusty the clown!
problem for you poof,you are losing on all fronts as the downvotes prove you are nothing but a degenerate brong retard thats about it,no wonder russia cruises now!
Same team Farve.
They follow the example of US-NAYOYO generals who lead from a press conference. These HINDMOST IMMORTALS are only comfortable with a gameboy. The thought of actual combat makes them mess their diapers.
Poor idiots like them do it on their own time, for free. That’s how dumbed down one can get
Yes, I was thinking that the US/UK/NATO trolls must be organised. Their talking points are the same and they often start posting immediately when South Front post a new article.
There are also a number of trolls with more than one account.
If South Front can police their valuable news site better it would encourage more civilised debate.
The issue of cloning must be addressed and a simple check on start dates would easily end the cloning scourge.
bla bla bla muahhh bla bla bla muah muah
You will find more data in those ‘comment trolls’ than in the articles themselves. Sure, some of the people here criticizing Russia are paid, you can see that because they are responding and being active 24/7, and they go into endless threads that are pointless in core. But there are other people like me, with honest and critical opinions of Russia.
It’s probably coming from inside Russia, I hear the FSB who runs the Russian troll farms in St Petersburg are preparing the Russian people for a coup.
saise the cia wankers,no the opposites true sodomised anal flogged truth assasins
Good job if they are doing that.
Give a monkey a gun and soon or later, he will suck on the barrel with his finger on the trigger.
The Clown of Kiev is no smarter than a monkey. Soon or later, he will blow his brains out, sucking on the barrel.
Meantime russia reaps from ruble backed mandatory insurance policys to all fossils. RUSSIA STOCKS URRP!
Completely artificial though…
Try to buy some then! It is an iliquid and restricted market now, ruble is now under stict government control. The banks in russia will not let you buy Dollars or Euros. Same with Moscow Stock Exchange, is only a façade they are heavy restrictions to trade and sell stocks and options,. Its a Potemkin village for fools to see.
ahh just yesterday Putin had to pay the debt in Dollars to avoid default did he told you that?
Make no mistake the economy is paying the price. Like we today make fun of Germans when they tried to fight the economic and industrial might of the US and Soviet Union, history will have a hard time to explain how russians with the economy the size of Spain, and worse an extractive economy with laughable domestic industries, thought it could take on the western world.
that won’t do a thing. ukraine is not like vietnam, afghanistan or venezuela. it is a wide open land and can be seen from far away.
Russia needs to annihilate all the rail network in Ukraine and impose a no fly zone over the whole Country.
Wow, can tell when the really sick trolls have appeared.
Disabled are the minds of the troll, who sound like Crack addicted Ukronazis. Yes.
Hand these to the Houthis or to Hezbollah. They know how to use them better than these orcrainians.
Send all these soldiers, these mercenaries, these scumbags, to Siberia where they can work for the right to live another day. Keep them there as long as they are useful. And then, years from now, they can be sold back to their rightful owners for, lets say … 400 million pounds each!
Excellent work Russia captured and now in the hands of Russian military . The Stingers are the new ones I think they home in only on aircraft that doesn’t transmit a blocking single like no blue on blue you know. But I’m sure that many have already been sold in Ukraine to the drug cartels around the world
On the 70th day of the SMO The UAF gave to me Six geese a-laying, Five golden rings, Four calling birds, Three French hens, Two turtle doves, And a partridge in a pear tree.
Needs a bit of work I know, but it could be good.
so out of 60.000 antitank and 25.000 anti-air weapons, you captured about…20 ? not much really
You are not smart…Russians capturing weapons everyday apart from the ones they destroy IN DEPOTS! They have thousands and thousands of weapons as they keep advancing and as Ukrainian soldiers surrender by the numbers. You are not following their Telegram channels. This weapons they show are some captured from a GROUP they just killed or surrendered IN A DAY. Most weapons are destroyed because they hit storage and warehouses that’s why on the videos after a hit the place has secondary explosions. Go check their videos on Telegram because Mainstream media won’t show you that and stop being ignorant.
Can’t wait to see captured nato turds still dwelling in the basements of Azovstal :) They could be a part of the parade, that is if they still can walk/breathe
Russia needs to provide these captured weapons to Iran’s proxies in Iraq and Syria so that they might use the fahclst’s own weaponry against them in those countries.
DPR and LPR Forces are getting heavily armed with NATO trophies – with a complete selection all the west’s latest in man held missiles.
russia stocks URRP
Free stuff is nice. There is a lot to get and newer stuff too? Much fun. But 90% of UKR not taken yet. 3years to go? Yummy.
Sigh still waiting for that Ukraine comeback 😂…waiting…waiting…waiting…tick tock…tick tock…tick tock… goes the clock. Another day meanders by, nothing to do but hope and die. BOOM! Another Azov Nazi that has died. Where’s that God so many talk about? Why didn’t he save Ukraines azz? Oh he couldn’t less about that loser nation run by scum. Don’t worry Zelensky’s got ya covered, he’ll phuck ya bum. 😂
BBC in London this morning reporting that a major fire has broken out at a business complex in Redditch Worcestershire England. The facilities concerned are a storage area for propane gas and oxygen cylinders .something tells me this may be the start of summer of smoke signals for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. …