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Russian Army Destroyed First American ‘Assault Breacher Vehicle’ Near Avdeevka (Video)

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Russian Army Destroyed First American ‘Assault Breacher Vehicle’ Near Avdeevka (Video)

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The Russian military has destroyed an American-made M1150 Assault Breacher Vehicle (ABV) of Kiev forces for the first time.

The vehicle was damaged and abandoned by its crew to the north of the town of Avdeevka in Donetsk, which was captured by the Russian military last week. It was later destroyed in what appears to be a pinpoint strike, according to video footage posted to social media on February 22.

The ABV was specifically designed to clear pathways for troops and other vehicles through minefields and along roadside bombs and improvised explosive devices. The 72-ton, 12-meter vehicle is based on the M1 Abrams main battle tank with a 1,500 horsepower engine, but fitted only with a .50 BMG M2 machine gun and a front-mounted 4.6-meter plow, supported by metallic skis that glide on the dirt.

The vehicle is equipped with the Linear Demolition Charge System, which is made up of rockets carrying C-4 explosives up to 137 meters forward, detonating hidden explosives at a safe distance, so that troops and vehicles can pass through safely.

Kiev forces received an unknown number of ABVs, reportedly no more than six, from the United States along with some 31 M1A1 SA tanks. The deliveries began last year.

M1A1 SA tanks have been spotted more than once to the north and west of Avdeevka. However, they are yet to see combat.

Kiev forces may have sent the ABV forward to clear a pathway for an upcoming armored attack on the north of Avdeevka, led by Abrams tanks.

Upon its delivery to Ukraine, ABV was widely promoted in the mainstream media as yet another “Wunderwaffe,” a weapon system that will change everything for Kiev forces on the battlefield. The destruction of the vehicle is not surprising. However, it is for sure embarrassing for the U.S. and the Kiev regime.



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fat boy slim here

-so what are the new intel? -they have nukes that can destroy our satellites and make us blind in a question of seconds sir. -that crazy s.o.a.b. – better to cope sir.


it was needed to clear a path for an abrams tank attack lol? dear tank commanders, please check the history books what happens to tanks when your airforce is blasted from the sky: d-day, ardennes offensive and invasion of iraq. if your leaders do not return to the negotiation table today you have to overthrow this regime.


end game is near


endgame of so called “legacy weapons”. the ukraine is nothing less then a military test how old generation weapons (tanks, infantry etc.) hold against modern weapons (drones, missiles, precision guided artillery, manpads, gliding bombs …). the answer is that the legacy systems are expensive, not efficient and outdated , that’s why all the world is scrapping them in ukraine and buying modern systems.


the problem is that endgame for legacy weapons means start of a new war, with much devastating consequences. it will end with nukes on hypersonic missiles / satellites launched by ai. people will not take decisions, just orders. it is scary but inevitable and everybody knows that.


why blow it up if it was already abandoned? why not tow it to study the technology and use it if beneficial.


as i already said, the legacy weapons are inefficient, costly and outdated. nobody wants to produce $50mil minesweeping tank that can be destroyed by $10k drone.

Last edited 1 year ago by huh

legacy junk indeed. the german army cleared pathways through minefields near minsk in 1943 and breached 6 of the 10 defense lines. it cost them 50.000 kia. and 1 million reservists of the red army were waiting for them just in case. rf just puts pressure for the front to implode by itself.


excuse me it was near kursk of course. and historians sometimes wrongly state that the germans lost because more troops were needed for the italian front. eastern front was a mission impossible one way or the other. this was obvious for insiders already end of 1941 because of the losses taken storming sevastopol.


meh, capturing it is a lot of trouble and there is nothing unique about it. russia already has the good old ur-77 meteorit and the new bmr-3ma


the only unique thing is the huge profit for the banksters


“kiev forces may have sent the abv forward to clear a pathway for an upcoming armored attack on the north of avdeevka, led by abrams tanks.” when you’re grasping at straws just to do something, the correct move is to do nothing.


they tried, and as expected, it failed miserably. but to be honest, selling non-functional and obsolete military equipment to ukraine and having it scraped off by the russians is the best business i can imagine. at the expense of us and eu taxpayers, of course.

Last edited 1 year ago by huh

another “gamechanger” turned to rust


sorry but wouldn’t this american-made abv be more useful captured than destroyed?


what i don’t get is why the entry points for all these nato weapons have not been blasted to hell, every railway hub and every airport in ukraine should be under attack.


it looks because rf knows the ground attacks are going nowhere and now they can keep on neutralizing enemy combattants and the afu logistics stay busy in the rear. but rf has to be more careful about the missile attacks of course.


roads and railway don’t usually take that long to repair to functionality for military purposes. destroying a large rail hub with cluster munitions is the only thing i think would be worth it, or the gathering points for the equipment itself.


russia is conducting it’s in theater operations on the ideology of pan slavism they believe that ukrainians are “slavic brothers”

president putin himself has said that the russian military will not carpet bomb areas of ukraine in spite of the fact that ukraine has launched daylight attacks against civilians in russia itself


first, russia has been very restrained in ukraine. compare two years of war making only 10,000 civilian casualties in ukraine, out of 38mil pop, versus israel killing 30,000 civilians in tiny gaza in just few months. second, russia is fighting against the combined power of nato, who are pumping in money, weapons and mercenaries and third, despite all that russia is still winning every battle

jens holm

when many mulatto sodomize tomsawyer the humiliated homo not embarrassed

tom sawyer

everything amerikunty produce inferior to russian except lgbt stupidity ugliness

jens holm

moron humiliated by taliban sodomy confused

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