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MARCH 2025

Russian Army Destroyed First ARTHUR Counter-Battery Radar Of Kiev Forces (Video)

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Russian Army Destroyed First ARTHUR Counter-Battery Radar Of Kiev Forces (Video)

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The Russian military has destroyed an ARTHUR counter-battery radar of Kiev forces within the special military operation zone.

On February 25, video footage documenting the destruction of the advanced radar surfaced online. The radar was reportedly deployed on the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic. It’s still unclear how exactly the radar was destroyed, although footage suggests that it was targeted with artillery.

The ARTHUR radar was developed by the Swedish company Ericsson in cooperation with the armed forces of Norway and Sweden.

A few months after the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, the United Kingdom delivered an unknown number of ARTHUR Mod B radars. This version is in service with the British Army under the name MAMBA [mobile artillery monitoring battlefield asset].

The upgraded ARTHUR Mod B radar can locate howitzers at 20–25 kilometers and 120 mm mortars at 35–40 kilometers with a circular probable error of 0.35% of range. MAMBA was reportedly successfully used by the British Army in Iraq and Afghanistan, with an availability of 90%.

Ukraine received dozens of Western-made counter-battery radars from its allies over the past year. Some of these radars have been already destroyed, damaged or even captured by the Russian military.

The West’s attempts to boost the fire power of Kiev forces remain largely unsuccessful. The Russian artillery continues to dominate the special military operation zone.


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Die Grünen sind Kriegstreiber

Scandinavians have chosen to be in the wrong side of history , once again. Norwegians sided with Hitler. Finns sided with the Nazis too, but when the Allied forces started to win, the coward changed the sides. BTW Russia should destroy the Norwegian-Pollack pipeline. But not now. Sabotage it when it’s ready. Tit for tat for NS1 and NS2.

Last edited 2 years ago by Die Grünen sind Kriegstreiber
jens holm

Well we actually are on Our side.

We tryed to be neutral in WW1 as well as WW2. That WAS our side.

Finns was forced to find friends by the Russians attacks.

Most likely You have used the real history for making cicarettes, cigarsor rubels all the wau to west of DDR and to Turkey.

Holly war against the fascist horde

well, you sided with Hitler actually. As for today, Not neutral at all. Just ‘nother small chihuahua US slave with no self respect


“Finns was forced to find friends by the Russians attacks.” … Just today I talked to somebody, usually left activist, who explained me exactly the same about the nazis in Ukraine: “because of all the Russian threats against the Ukraine , people there became nazis , to fight more effectively.” And the west would support these people , because they have the same enemy as we have: the Russians. I can imagine , in some months we will pray to Adolf Hitler , because he also fought the Russians. I will be not surprised at all. It happens something crazy to our brains. Actually there are no limits for the stupidity. Refugees in Europe , climate change , Greta Thunberg, corona with all the lockdowns and now Ukraine … it seems too much for the homo sapiens (sapiens) , we can’t copy with.


Yes we can cope. Do you really think those pro-satanic subhumans and demons incarnated are better than true men? If they were better, they would establish their talmudic-zionist world order centuries ago. If they were better and more capable, do you think they would use their favourite tool as their main power: deception and lies. When in Baghavadgita Arjuna was desperate as he sees his friends, relatives and comrades serving demons, he was told by Krishna that they themselves chosen this destiny, to be on the wrong side and to be defeated, so, Arjuna head up, stick to your guns and show them no mercy. Therefore, Darius, know your enemies and show them no mercy whether they are your relatives, friends, colleagues as if you fail to act against them, they will prevail and will establish true satanic order in which there would be no place for men. All out of their sheere stupidity and conformism.


You must let them make choice of their own and to feel the heat of the consequences of their choice, as you will too of your choices.


all jens homos are nazi cowards zero morality


Les homos sont malades. Il faut intégrer ces populations dans des secteurs psychiatrique afin de réinitialiser tant que faire se peut leurs penchants anxiogène. Il faut absolument protéger nos enfants de leurs présences délétères.

Chris Gr

WWII was mostly ideological. Democrats, monarchists and communists were with the allies, fascists were with the axis.


Not at all. WW2 was the same as any other war. It was about power and control of resources. Ideology is a ruse used to convince people that they have skin in the game of their elites.

Joseph Day

Exactly. It’s always resources, or pussy.

Chris Gr

It is for sure but that ideological thing really went over in WWII and Cold War because all the other wars before them like WWI were ethnic and territorial.

Kual Svinus

Norwegians did NOT side with Hitler u fool. Sweden did and does. Now Norway aswell support Nazis

Erik Nielsen

All Scandinavian countries pulled their pants down and told Hitler he could do whatever he wanted with their butt, and willingly they sent their boys to the Eastern Front (under the slogan “our children go first”) to kill Russians for Hitler and the Zionists in London.

They first tried to be “neutral” (Im neutral, sitting on the fence, pussy footing, my wife says no), to avoid any inconveniences in their lazy fat lives, but forced to take a stand they went with Hitler like happy poodles.


Éviter d’être grossier gratuitement. C’est pitoyable ! Et en plus repoussant.


Nazi “sic” soit! cela existait autrefois et à minima pour encore !!! À ce jour là Sainte Russie a comme ennemis en Ukraine des troskystes dont les donneurs d’ordres habitent aux USA et dont la maison mère se trouve à Tel-Aviv !!! Faut éviter de s’apesantir sur des clichés confortables afin d’éviter les écueils économiques !!! À droite de Biden se trouve son mentor idéologique qui se nomme Bliken!!! Juif de son état et à sa gauche le nègre de service pour faire coïncider l’idéologie ! Biden n’est qu’un clowns !!!

Chris Gr

Norwegians and Danes never were against Russians. Only the Swedes and the Finns.

Captain Hohol

Yeah, it’s sad, Norway is going to have to be punished for participating in terrorism now.


Yet anothor inflatable dummy decoy flattened.

jens holm

You must be looking in a mirroror a lake. Its not verified at all. Russian do hit something now and then. Its pure luck with their highly inaccurate artillery.

Holly war against the fascist horde

just do us all a favor and kill yourself disgusting creature


Jens died many years ago–this is ex husband


Good job. Russia🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺


as ukies crushed amerikan and colonies humiliated —the anxious hysterical feminine comments ar SF more delicious

Erik Nielsen

The Arthur radar works on 4 pcs AAA Alkaline/1,5v batteries, and was taking out by 3 Kinzhal missiles. Congratulation Russia.


NAFOMO is back!


Russia was unimportant before. Now that they can’t sell oil or gas to Europe, they may as well not even exist. They offer nothing to the developed world. Not a thing.


They are continuously selling hydrocarbons to Europe. So the Europeans are helping to pay for the destruction of the US puppet in the Ukraine. The Russians also sell a lot of hydrocarbons to China, but also to India who in turn sell the hydrocarbons to the Europeans. So Europeans pay no matter what to subsidize the Russian defence against the US proxies in the Ukraine. The US milks the Europeans on the up and down strokes. Wretched serfs in Europe whose owners have begun to crack the whip.


Russia redirected much of their oil and gas to other countries. The one thing that held back India’s developing was the lack of energy so redirecting much of Europe’s energy to India will lay the ground for India to prosper. It also means that European industry will suffer and there will be a reduction to it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Annoyed

NATO countries name their weapons after gays. Arthur sounds gay. Now they send Gaypard 1 and Gaypard 2 tanks.

Joseph Day

I particularly like MANPADS, who the fock thought that mane up. I thought they must be for bleeding hemeroids or something

Last edited 2 years ago by Joseph Day

Arthur is great equipment but things that operate close to the front will be taken out.


Another inflatable plastic decoy successfully flattened by Russkies.

Erase my post again and again...

When all the best gear doesn’t matter for spit because it’s in the hands of retard banderites trained by NATOstan yahoos who can only exist and breathe air with total air superiority… Boom goes the radar with 1 low cost anti-radiation guided artillery round.

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