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MARCH 2025

Russian Army Destroyed Two More Hangars Housing US-Supplied M777 Howitzers In Donetsk  

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Russian Army Destroyed Two More Hangars Housing US-Supplied M777 Howitzers In Donetsk  

Ukrainian service members firing a M777 howitzer on an unspecified front in the Donbass region. Source: the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

The Russian military had destroyed hangars housing US-supplied M777 155 mm howitzers near the settlement of Kostantinovka in the Donetsk, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on July 10.

“Over the past day tactical aviation, the rocket and artillery forces struck 17 Ukrainian command posts, four platoons of Grad MLRS and, in the area of Konstantinovka, two hangars concealing US-made M777 howitzers that were used to shell Donetsk residential districts,” Russian MoD Spokesman Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov said in his daily briefing. “Also struck were artillery positions in 42 areas as well as Ukrainian troops and equipment in 143 areas”.

The M777 towed howitzer has a maximum rate of fire of seven rounds per minute with a range of up to 40 kilometers when firing Excalibur precision-guided rounds. The US, Canada and Australia have supplied Kiev forces with more than 100 howitzers of this type since April.

So far, Ukraine has been supplied with hundreds of thousands of 155 mm artillery rounds. This number includes more than a thousand Excalibur rounds.

The Russian military has already destroyed many of Ukraine’s new-acquired M777 howitzers. Just a day earlier, a missile strike destroyed a hangar near the settlement of Chasiv Yar in Donetsk where several howitzers of this type were stored.

Despite Western efforts to boost the first power of Kiev forces, the artillery of the Russian military and its allies is still dominating the battlefield.

Western military support to Ukraine will not likely end time soon as it is only meant to prolong the war on the hope of thwarting Russia’s special military operation in the country.


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Keep up the good work 👏

NATO is laughing at you

Russians are só stupid that hey got it in Chernobayevka for the 30th time. More rhan 15 sénior officials got whacked. Hilarious 🤣🤣😂🤣🤣


poor loser NATO slave 🤣

Nigel Maund

You’ve been reported to INTERPOL.

hunter bidé lab pork !

KaBum !!!!! please dont send more junk Greta is F uP and the globalists lgbts are dying of climate change in the Anus !!!!


Destroying a few of comedian toys is not enough to deter the AFU from slaughtering innocent civilians in a purely civilian enclave, an official declaration of Kiev as terrorist state is sufficient to justify the incineration of Kiev leadership.

Hans raus

Another claim with m777 and no proof? pics or didnt happend ! Russian propaganda want to hide fact that himars destroy their ammo depots every single day then russian side create such a kind of fake story with m777 :D good luck russobots.

,, Russian source confirms huge losses from yesterday’s HIMARS attacks on Russian positions and acknowledges that Russian air defence is helpless against HIMARS. ”

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans raus

Pics or it didn’t happen. Or is it like allways rules do not apply to you only to others?

Ed Theman

I bet if this was Ukraine making the claim against Russia, you would believe it without pictures.


US has been killing million of innocent people s in the middle east lol.

ramsy tranny priest

now that your tranny conversion complete see father fluffer for confession—-you can say 10 hail williams to repent for your lgbt sodomy by tranny Sawyer


Excellent news!! Bring it on you dumb, brainwashed Ukro-Nazi supporing psychopaths. That is your tax money going up in smoke, as going against Russia was a horrible mistake on your part… :D

NATO is laughing at you

Russians are só stupid that hey got it in Chernobayevka for the 30th time. More rhan 15 sénior officials got whacked. Hilarious 🤣🤣😂🤣🤣

Hans raus

HIMArS at work just in last 24 hours:

,,At least 11 missile strikes on Russian positions by Ukrainian HIMARS last night: Mariupol, Alchevsk, Shakhtarsk, Kirovske, Khartsyzk, Chystiakove, Zuhres, Prydorozhnje, Ilovaisk, Kalina Mine and Leninsky district in Donetsk City.”

not good news for russianbots

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans raus

Any proof of this?


HIMARS is piece of shit ,you and your allies already lost the war no way to prevent it ,if you looking for good weapons ask for sarmat, kalibr ,iskander prolonging the war is senseless ,it cost only the live of ukraina

Last edited 2 years ago by Inquisition
Ed Theman

I believe that Russia will change tactics and how they store ammunition now that Ukraine have these weapons.

Right now the Russian depots are easy targets because HIMARS was never a threat, now they will change their strategy, just like they have since the start of the war.

If you remember, the Turkish Drones were destroying Russian equipment in the first few days until Russia adapted and they were not a threat anymore.

But you are right, its easy pickings right now because they had months to know where these depots were and can easily hit them with the HIMARS. They just simply bring the HIMARS to within 80KM of the target and fire.

However, going forward these easy picking depots will be much harder to hit as Russia will not store weapons so easily and will change locations where the weapons are stored and spread out the storage of the weapons.

SO Ukraine will lose in the end of course, and Russia is not going to store weapons so easily anymore also.

The dude

Russia got storage depots spanning 11 time zones

Moshe Dayan

Oh yes they have been targeting all kinds of cities: but no military targets. They are killing civilians with those weapons you ignorant POS. There’s videos upon videos showing the EVIDENCE on telegram. Why don’t you ask around about people who have been jabbed and are dying or very sick. They intend to use the military on Americans as food shortages are created on purpose. Quit watching television news and prepare for a future with no food, gasoline or essentials for living. All courtesy of your Freemasons in the WEF.


Do you have evidence of this?


Call Himars what it is … a poor imitation of Russian rocket artillery system with a smaller loadout and overly complicated loading system. The 300km missile was supposed to be a response to the Tochka and since then the Russians deployed the 500KM range Iskander and now were waiting for the the new 500km range US missile which is due in 2024. Russia still has Ukraine and NATO vastly outranged and outnumbered with artillery systems. NATO artillery sometimes outranges a similar Russian piece on paper however on a systems level Russia can pump more ordinance downrange at longer ranges than NATO or Ukraine can.


Himars have a very good mobility, is very small for what it does and rockets are extremely accurate ( 1m error radius at 70 KM say producer). Surprise is the maximum radius of 85 km, much long than into technical sheet. Even at 85 km, precision of 2-or 3 meter radius error is enough to strike any ammo depot in this range – a depot is larger than 6m diameter. Wait for Russia to capture one, or to destroy them with high priority. I not understand why they not use planes, drones or satelites for tracking and bombing HIMARS launchers when they fire or into midday when they are into depot. And South Front, please NOT delete this comment again.

NATO is laughing at you

Cope hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Nigel Maund

That’s pretty dumb comment!

Peter Jennings

The Ukranky’s have no air support. Game over. Murdering fellow Ukrainians to please the US and its nato poodles isn’t going to change the game.

Nigel Maund

Those human losses are only going to get worse! This is population eugenics through suicidal war!


BLOW the weapons up BEFORE they get to Ukraine, on Polish soil, in their airports or in the AIR. That would save a lot of lives. And Russia tell Ukraine that you did it for them and the Donbass regions And Russia and even to benefit the Western taxpayers having to pay the bill. Striking weapons coming into Ukraine that will be used against Russia forces and civilians is warranted.

Max Schmidt

This is what I and many people here in the forum is asking the RF to do asap. Neutralize the threat before they even become a threat to Russian lives. Why the RF does not try to do it, a mystery for me.

Peter Jennings

Zelensky’s cocaine pile usually lasts longer than US/nato weapons in Ukraine

Hans raus

Sad truth russobots, himars makes difference

,,And let’s think about the strategic picture…

This kind of incredibly accurate, virtually unstoppable long range firepower makes a Russian strategy of “digging in and annexing” occupied territory virtually impossible. It fundamentally changes the strategic calculation. ”

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans raus
penis hans social worker

Russian victory has created another psychotic break; our clinic recommends rectum repair before you double your work at lgbt brothel

Hans raus

russian victory ? :D COPE


Pure propaganda for us garbage ,once a time the american tehnology was not bad , but the Times are over


Major Brands Industrial equipment like Fluke, Agilent (Keysight) LeCroy, Tektronix they all are suppliers of us Government/ army ,actually beaten by Chinese the same goes for german Brands like Gossen Metrawatt,Siemens and many others

Hans raus

fake news, no proof or pics?. Pics or didnt happen !

penis holmo social worker

oral ingestion human sperm has improved your ability to accept more sodomy

Nigel Maund

Verschwinde, du hast keine Ahnung, wovon du redest!


Russian domination produces anxiety PTSD for nazi LGBT

Hostage (Raptar) Driver

These cannons are already scrap, outdated. The Russians are merely returning them to their normal state.


Not only outdated but it has also a very bad Performance


You can like Russians or not ,it doesent matter what anybody say here , the Russia are the strongest military power on World nobody can change the facts, the civilians in donbas are suffering enough Terror by ukraina ,is time to change the game


You basically summed it up in one sentence. I will also add that now Russia does not have to prove anything to anybody or tread lightly anymore. After years of sanctions against Russia for fictitious accusations by the west the gloves are off and Russia can do whatever it has to do to protect its Russian speaking citizens in Ukraine. As an American I would like to see the entire nation of Ukraine completely liberated and reabsorbed into the Russian Federation where it belongs. Some people just cannot accept reality even if it is smacking them right in the face. Russia has emerged as the world’s most powerful military and has shattered the old world order. When Putin said Russia was just getting started he was not messing around. Russia just revealed its brand new nuclear armed submarine, the biggest in the world. Meanwhile the U.S. is testing hypersonic missiles and every test is a failure.


I don’t think M777 are self-propelled. They are towed


Belittling Russia is a mistake. In 4 months Russia learned many lessons in a high intensity war. And it’s a formidable force.

Hans raus

Nice time, hans happy, russobots…not ^^ tonight again russian nazis will taste HIMARS.

,, Kherson-Locals report of Russians screaming from under the rubble.

Now they can feel the pain of the Ukrainian people. FOR BUCHA ”

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans raus
hans lgbt social worker

ukraine bf leave you after only 1 week of sodomizing you with his lgbt amerikan friends Leroy and Otis—make appt at clinic for rectum repair surgery


Russian objectives achieved—now new objectives—obliterate nazi infrastructure, impoverish weaken amerikant/anglos…liberate more nazi territory

Ricky Rocky

Pics or it never happened


I’ll pay you as my sex slave for a week just to stop your sexual spamming activity for awhile. Deal?


m777 are not self propelled

Assad Defeated Zionists

KABOOM more Ukrainian useless toy artillery just went up in smoke.


M777 is not self-propelled. It is towed by a truck. Easy target for counter artillery.


Stupid question, perhaps, but how did this stuff get into Donetzk to begin with? I thought Donetzk was already completely liberated?


South Front reports that Ukrainian weapons and ammunition is destroyed. On the same day Om TV reports that a Russian depot was destroyed in Kershon. …… who is left ? who is making all that noise on the battle-field, and with what ?

If the Ukrainian Army is just about demolished, why the Expeditionary Force is not in Lemberg ? If the Expeditionary Force is more than decimated and out of cannon-balls, why the Ukrainian Army is not in Rostov ?

How many of the conscripted residents of Donetsk country and Luhansk country have died so far ? Who will populate these two kingdoms after the liberation is done ?


Since russia is allready the devil in the eyes of the world why not go with it.

Poisen Polititians who make these descitions. Blow up productions facilities in europe und us which build this stuff.

Use terrorists to sink the ships delivering them. Shoot down the planes or use electrononic warfare against the avacs flying around ukraine and the black sea. Push a old russian satelite in the trajectory of us or european spy satelites or release debris with a missile. Do this in plausible deniability.

Start beeing creative is you are fighting a power who can print infinite money to by infinite weapons and pay infinite numbers of mercenarys. Or do not fight them and just bend the knee like every one else. The is no limited warfare just like there is no limited pregnancy.

Tommy Jensen

Destruction of US private property is a criminal act to be and will be punished by the FBI after the penal code. Its International criminality

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