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Russian Army Launched 17 Group Strikes, Defeated Kiev Forces In Several Directions Past Week: MoD

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Russian Army Launched 17 Group Strikes, Defeated Kiev Forces In Several Directions Past Week: MoD

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The Russian military launched 18 group strikes against targets in Ukraine over the past week, the Ministry of Defense said on June 28.

“From 22 June to 28 June 2024, the Russian Armed Forces carried out 17 group strikes with high-precision weapons and attack unmanned aerial vehicles [UAVs],” the ministry said in its weekly briefing. “Enemy energy facilities, infrastructure of military airfields, logistics centers for storing weapons delivered by Western countries to the AFU [Armed Forces of Ukraine] as well as assembly and storage facilities for attacking unmanned aerial vehicles and uncrewed boats. Temporary deployment areas of AFU troops and foreign mercenaries have also been hit.”

In the briefing, the ministry also provided a summary of Russian military actions in different directions within the special military operation past week.

The ministry said that the Sever Group of Forces continued to advance into the depths of the Ukrainian defenses and inflicted losses on three formations of the AFU, one marine brigade and three territorial defense brigades.

“The AFU losses were up to 1,560 Ukrainian troops, 12 armored fighting vehicles and 43 motor vehicles,” the ministry said, adding that “in the course of counter-battery warfare, 33 field artillery guns, including seven foreign-made howitzers, three Nota electronic warfare stations, Bukovel-AD and two United States.-made AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery radar stations were eliminated.”

The Zapad Group of Forces also improved the tactical situation in its direction and inflicted fire damage on four mechanized and two tank brigades of the AFU as well as on two territorial defense brigades, according to the ministry, which noted that six Ukrainian counter-attacks were repelled by the group.

“The AFU losses were up to 3,230 Ukrainian troops, four armored fighting vehicles, 40 motor vehicles, three Grad MLRS [Multiple Launch Rocket System] combat vehicles, 24 field artillery guns, six of them were U.S.-made,” the ministry said.

It added that “three U.S.-made AN/TPQ-50 and AN/TPQ-37 counter-battery warfare radars as well as 11 field ammunition depots” were destroyed by counter-battery fire.

The ministry also announced that the Yug Group of Forces liberated Razdolovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic and seized more advantageous lines in the same direction.

The group also launches strikes against the manpower and hardware of the three mechanized, two airmobile and two air assault brigades of the AFU, according to the ministry.

“The AFU losses were up to 4,410 Ukrainian troops, two tanks, eight armored fighting vehicles, 48 motor vehicles and 39 field artillery guns, including 11 U.S.-made M777 and M198 howitzers,” the ministry said. “In addition, seven Anklav, Bukovel electronic warfare stations and 25 field ammunition depots have been destroyed.”

Meanwhile, the Tsentr Group of Forces improved the situation along the front line and defeated four mechanized, two infantry formations of the AFU and two territorial defense brigades, the ministry said. It added that 39 Ukrainian counter-attacks have been repelled in this direction during the past week.

“The AFU losses were up to 2,950 troops, three tanks, six armored fighting vehicles, including two U.S.-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, 30 motor vehicles and 42 field artillery guns, including six U.S.-made M777 howitzers,” the ministry said.

The ministry also said that the Vostok Group of Forces improved the tactical situation and inflicted losses on two brigades of the AFU, three formations of the Territorial Defense and two National Guard brigades in its direction.

According to the ministry, AFU losses were up to “930 Ukrainian troops, six armored fighting vehicles, 36 motor vehicles and 19 field artillery guns, including six UK-made FH-70 howitzers.”

From its side, the Dnepr Group of Forces defeated over the past week two formations of the AFU and three brigades of the Ukrainian Territorial Defense, per the ministry.

“The AFU losses were up to 740 Ukrainian troops, three tanks, two armored fighting vehicles, 48 motor vehicles and 23 field artillery guns, 11 of them were foreign-made,” the ministry said. “In addition, eight Anklav, Bukovel electronic warfare stations and six ammunition depots have been destroyed.”

Also during the past week, Operational-Tactical Aviation, UAVs, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of Forces destroyed six M142 HIMARS launchers, one M270 MLRS launcher and one transport and loader vehicle together with foreign specialists who ensured their use as well as three P-18 air target detection and tracking radars, according to the ministry.

During the same period, Russian air defenses shot down two Ukrainian Air Force’s MiG-29 fighter jets, 589 UAVs, six U.S.-made ATACMS operational-tactical missiles, eight U.S.-made Patriot anti-aircraft guided missiles, one U.S.-made HARM anti-radiation missile as well as 61 U.S.-made HIMARS MLRS projectiles, Czech-made Vampire and Olkha projectiles.

In addition, a total of 56 Ukrainian servicemen surrendered to the Russian military in several directions across the front past week, according to the ministry.

“In total, 615 airplanes and 276 helicopters, 26,777 UAVs, 533 air defense missile systems, 16,446 tanks and other armored fighting vehicles, 1,357 combat vehicles equipped with MLRS, 11,020 field artillery guns and mortars as well as 23,049 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation,” the ministry concluded.

All in all, the past week was particularly bad for Ukraine. Russian group strikes inflicted heavy losses on the country, while Kiev forces failed to stop Russian ground attacks in several directions. Despite an increase in Western weapon supplies to Ukraine, the situation of Kiev forces will not likely improve.


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wise man

nazis kaputt, kiev junta kaputt


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wiser man

kiev junta kaput, nazis kaboom.


conscripts are forced to the fronts… russia hits the nationalist units blocking them, the conscripts surrender…the nationalists fall back, russians move in…rinse and repeat

The Iceman Cometh

has anyone noticed that the azov fuckheads are always the first to refuse orders to attack?


almost 14000 nazi ukro eliminated not bad russia go on


how many mig-29 aircraft can ukraine have left!!?!? if russia shot another two down 2 years into the smo?

The Iceman Cometh

they have more mig-29s in deep hangers and are waiting for more pilots to grow up.

The Iceman Cometh

kallas said she’d send some estonian pilots but when she knocked on their doors, nobody was home.

Last edited 1 day ago by The Iceman Cometh

how many? do you have some expected numbers?

tattooed amerikan hillbilly

mig purchased by dumb amerikan from nations in eastern europe and given to zelensky


purchased, ha! taken almost for free.


10-20, same number of su-24 and few su-27. they got more 29s than had in 2021 from ex-members of warsaw treaty organization, but almost all were shot down or hit at airfield, that’s why rural nazis are trying to get some f-16.

tattooed amerikan hillbilly

i have no individuality–i am primitive zombie

jens holm

moron amerikunt humiliated by russia

jens holm

3 taliban peniz–amerikan strike 3


we amerikunts so weak cannot deter houthis

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