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Russian Army Targeted Logistics Of Kiev Forces, Repelled More Attacks (Videos)

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Russian Army Targeted Logistics Of Kiev Forces, Repelled More Attacks (Videos)

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The Russian military destroyed an oil refinery and fuel storage facilities which were supplying Kiev forces in the Donbass region, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on June 28.

In a statement, the ministry said that the strikes, which were carried out with high-precision weapons, were successful without providing any further details.

The ministry also reported a new wave of failed attacks by Kiev forces in the South Donetsk, Zaporozhye and Donetsk sectors.

In the Donetsk direction, the Russian Yug Group of Forces repelled five attacks close to Artyomovsk, Pervomayskoye, Petrovskoye and Vesyoloye. Moreover, Operational-Tactical and Army aviation, artillery, and heavy flamethrower systems have neutralized over 240 Ukrainian troops, two armored fighting vehicles, two pickup trucks, and one Polish-made Krab self-propelled artillery system.

Meanwhile in the South Donetsk direction, close to Vremevka salient, the Russian Vostok Group of Forces repelled two attacks by motorized infantry companies near Staromayorskoye.

In Zaporozhye direction, Russian forces launched air, missile and artillery strikes against gatherings of Kiev forces near Orekhov, Malaya Tokmachka, Novodanilovka and Yablonevoye. In addition, the actions of one Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group were disrupted close to Marfopol.

Ukrainian losses in this direction amounted to 235 Ukrainian servicemen, two tanks, three armored fighting vehicles, two motor vehicles, as well as D-20 and Msta-B howitzers, according to the ministry.

The situation in other directions, according to the statement of the Russian MoD:

In Kupyansk direction, the attacks, launched by Ground-Attack and Army aviation, and artillery of the Zapad Group of Forces, have resulted in the neutralization of enemy manpower and hardware near Sinkovka and Kislovka, Timkovka (Kharkov region) and Novosyolovskoye (Lugansk People’s Republic).

One Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group has been eliminated near Timkovka (Kharkov region). The enemy losses were over 30 Ukrainian servicemen, as well as three motor vehicles.

In Krasny Liman direction, the competent and well-coordinated actions of the Tsentr Group of Forces have repelled two enemy attacks close to Kuzmino (Lugansk People’s Republic) and Grigorovka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Operational-Tactical Aviation and artillery have hit units of the enemy 21st, 42nd, 63rd and 67th mechanized brigades, and the 15th Regiment of the National Guard of Ukraine close to Chervonaya Dibrova, Nevskoye (Lugansk People’s Republic), and Yampolovka, Terny and Grigorovka (Donetsk People’s Republic). The activities of two Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups have been disrupted near Serebryansky forestry.

The enemy losses were 115 Ukrainian servicemen, two armored fighting vehicles, three pickup trucks, one Grad multiple-launch rocket systems, one Akatsiya self-propelled artillery system, and one D-30 howitzer.

In Kherson direction, the skilful actions by Russian troops and artillery eliminated an enemy sabotage and reconnaissance unit attempting to land and entrench itself on the northern part of Antonovsky Island.

The enemy losses were up to 50 Ukrainian servicemen, three motor vehicles, as well as Msta-B, D-20, and D-30 howitzer.

Operational-Tactical and Army aviation, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have neutralized 93 AFU artillery units at their firing positions, manpower and hardware in 134 areas.

One temporary command post of the 56th AFU Motorised Infantry Brigade has been hit close to Kramatorsk (Donetsk People’s Republic). The battalion command and observation posts of the AFU 63rd Mechanised Brigade and the enemy 10th Mountain Assault Brigade have been hit close to Predtecheno and Vesyoloye (Donetsk People’s Republic). 1 missile and ammunition depot of the AFU 47th Artillery Brigade has been destroyed near Novopavlovka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Air defense systems have intercepted 3 Storm Shadow long-range cruise missiles and 6 HIMARS multiple-launch rocket system projectiles. In addition, 8 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles have been destroyed close to Opytnoye (Donetsk People’s Republic), Karmazinovka, Privolye, Ploshchanka, Oborotnovka (Lugansk People’s Republic), Balochki and Peremozhnoye (Zaporozhye region).

In total, 444 airplanes, 240 helicopters, 4,812 unmanned aerial vehicles, 426 air defense missile systems, 10,395 tanks and other armored fighting vehicles, 1,132 fighting vehicles equipped with MLRS, 5,254 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 11,256 special military motor vehicles have been destroyed during the special military operation.

The Russian MoD also released videos documenting recent operations by Ka-52 attack helicopters, D-20 towed 152 mm howitzers and the UR-77 mine clearing system.

Kiev forces have been launching attacks as a part of their so-called spring counteroffensive for more than three weeks. Despite sustaining heavy human and material losses, they are yet to make any meaningful gains. The forces are still situated kilometers away from the first line of defense of the Russian military.


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North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

“why did the neonazi mercenary cross the road?” well, easy: to order a pizza… with extra ketchup 🤣


why dont the ukranians have advanced mine clearing systems? i would have thought that would have been a priority? opening up massive corridors for advance? instead it appears they prefer the more human approach to mine clearance. that would make me hopping mad!!


there is no longer any planning or strategy behind this carnage just the insane push from the warmongers in washington to throw more and more men and equipment into this meatgrinder. to finally get their justification to start the “big one”. and i really, really hope that there are some sane people left in the west that take the nukes away from those maniacs in time.


well, you should be happy to know that “they” hoisted themselves on their own petards by faking “nukes” ab initio. never existed. just a big grift, graft, and scam. read akio nakatani’s work (at archive dot org in full pdf form for free since overlord bezos expunged it from amawhore) and “the 5 trillion dollar cold war hoax” by eustace mullins.

it’s all conventional, baby! and who has the best conventional forces currently?


russia destroys them effectively. and when ukraine gets new mine clearing equipment then it’s more or less only a matter of time before it is destroyed. and the ones that hasn’t been destroyed are to few to make an impact on the battlefield. the amount of engineering equipment ukraine would need isn’t available and they also need a lot more engineering troops. and to protect the equipment they need lot of air-defense that also is not available and trained crew to operate them.

Peter Jennings

hopping it ultimately what these ukrainian soldiers end up having to do.


according to the ukrainian defense ministery, the foreign trained troops are not yet deployed. read, nato troops not yet deployed, delayed in kramartorsk hotel.


“brett wilkins mar 24, 2019 common dreams killing for credibility: a look back at the 1999 nato air war on serbia from 1992 to 1995, the pentagon flew thousands of al-qaeda mujahideen, often accompanied by us special forces, from central asia to europe to reinforce bosnian muslims as they fought serbs to gain their independence from the federal republic of yugoslavia.”

Chris Gr

that’s right, but back then ukraine supported serbia and iran supported bosnia.


ukrainian’s hired mercs are changing their minds, they see what is happening, uikrainian officers throwing grenades into a hutch to kill soldiers who seek cover instead of jumping into instant death. these nazis are bat shit crazy desperate to get that next 5 billion or 10 billion, one question, just how is zelensky still alive ?


that ukrainian defense ministery lied, foreign trained troop are already in the battlefield getting slaughtered. in reality, nato by extension usa is losing so badly they continue lying to their own people claiming victories via their mainstream media.


today they killed 11 more civilians in kiev including two 14 year old twin sisters , the russian people have to put an end to this demented regime , war criminals who are going to be expelled from the last square meter of ukrainian territory


how did that occur that two 14 yr old girls got kllled in kiev? ?

Peter Jennings

perhaps lylo is lying. maybe they should just be a lylo.


thats ok so, because as we can hear on the clips filmed right after, some of the wounded are joung men perfectly speaking english, andx 4sure they are not there on vacation.

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