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MARCH 2025

Russian Artillery Boats Spotted On Patrol Near Mariupol Port (Photos)

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Russian Artillery Boats Spotted On Patrol Near Mariupol Port (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.

The Russian Navy has deployed at least two Project 1204 Shmel armored artillery boats from the Caspian Flotilla in the Black Sea, off the shores of Mariupol city.

On June 2, photos showing the two Shmel boats conducting a patrol near the port of Mariupol surfaced online. The hull numbers on both boats were covered.

Russian Artillery Boats Spotted On Patrol Near Mariupol Port (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.

Russian Artillery Boats Spotted On Patrol Near Mariupol Port (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.

The Shmel boat is armed with a D-56TS 76mm rifled anti-tank gun, a 2M-3M dual 25 mm naval machine gun, a BM-14-17 140 multiple rocket launcher and can carry up to four naval mines. Moreover, the crew are usually armed with two man-portable air-defense systems.

The Soviet-built boats, which has a displacement of 77,4 tons, has a cruising range of 320 miles at 10 knots and a top speed of 24 knots.

Russian Artillery Boats Spotted On Patrol Near Mariupol Port (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.

Russian Artillery Boats Spotted On Patrol Near Mariupol Port (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.

Mariupol was one of the main targets of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine. The Russian military and the armed forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) imposed full control of the city and its strategic port on April 21, expelling Azov nationalists to the nearby Azovstal steel plant. The nationalists surrendered on May 20 after a tight siege.

The Shmel armored artillery boats were apparently deployed in the Black Sea to guard Mariupol port, which recently resumed operations as a part of the DPR.


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Shmel’s great! Hope the Ukies like it too.


Low profile good for anti-ship missiles….hope drones won’t get em.


The Russian have the number of the TB-2 at this point. Ukranian operated drones will not be affective again until the new US drones get there with the hellfire.


The US agreed to supply the Gray Eagle but it just a huge and slow drone not designed for combat. It is designed for assassinating civilians in uncontested airspace, but this is what they are sending to Ukraine. This like a big obvious propeller-driven aeroplane. It will be immediately seen on radar and shot down inside Ukrainian territory.


yeah .. civilians … after buffalos and indians US now needs more targets


They had drones back then

Last edited 2 years ago by Dirt

Hopefully they’ll shoot then down as fast as they send them up.


Correct, but I personally doubt they will ever receive any drones of that kind. Russia has air superiority and almost all drones are shot down during their first use. Ukies can’t operate those drones anyway. US operators would be seen as US aggression.

So far US is/has been too afraid to face Russia directly. They know very well Russia is capable to strike at them at any time with little to almost no retaliation. Iran has already showed that the US is afraid of any real adversary and won’t do anything to escalate once they get their ass handed to them. US never had a working AD system to intercept ICBMs. Titanic wasn’t supposed to sink. They had not enough life-boats because of this. The rest is well known history.


They won’t get any drones from US. US is slowly realizing their defeat and are looking for a exit strategy now. Everything else is just for show and nothing else but a bluff.

hans raus

18 x HIMARS are on the way to ukraine….hooah Russobots will cry

,,Russian propaganda went into a frenzy after the US announced it would provide Ukraine with HIMARS missile systems. Not a single weapon delivery up to date has caused such a hysteric reaction from Russian propaganda as news about HIMARS did. Russians are truly worried. ”


Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

And you still lost to the Taliban. Silly burger. Did Israel give you dogs permission to give these away?

Vlad the Imposter

We’re all worried.

You should be too unless you’re an idiot or an idiot troll who has access to a bunker. Biden publically stated yesterday that those MLRS weren’t going to have missiles capable of reaching Russian territory and today it’s reported they are.

That means the Russians … who now have their road mobile missiles and subs deployed … are likely to be attacked by a US proxy using a weapon directly supplied by the USA. This is an act of war and POTUS either isn’t in charge or lies to the Russians faces and can’t be trusted.

This is turning seriously dangerous.

Michigan Mam

@Vlad the Imposter

Yes, but things turned dangerous long before. The german NS regime warned all of us about it. But we where too stupid to listen and understand what they were talking about. Now that these last guards of mankind are gone, the jewish world government NWO/JWO is already openly talking about eradicating most of mankind. “The 4th industrial revolution” which pro-jewish Rothschild chill and WEF-leader Klaus Schwab is promoting, is just another term for finishing off 90% of mankind. Just 500 mio humans are planned to be left as slaves for the jews, the rest they want to kill. That’s the truth. So yes, it is indeed becoming ‘seriously dangerous’ not to know about these facts and allow these creatures to command whole nations.

Could we at least agree on the fact that all the persons you are talking about are eighter jews or of jewish origin ?

Because that is the point we need to focus on. Trotsky – real name Leo Bronstein, Lenin with his grandgrandfather Moses Blank (a jew), Jacob Schiff a jewish grantbanker and personal friend of Baron Rothschild ( another satanic moneyjew). So we are basically talking about a whole bunch of horrific crimes, reaching now to the current Uktraine war, where jew Zelensky(brought into power by US-jewish orchestered coup etat done by US-jewish primebitch jewess V. Nuland) is said (by the jewish medias) to be battling russian dictator Putin ( which we all know is just another jew – with his mother the jewess maiden-name born Shelomova). POTUS Trump, a chill closely related to the jewish Chabad Lubawitch sect, with his daughter – Ivanka converting to judaism – after being married to the pro-Israeli jewish Chabad Lubawitch agent Jared Kuschner. (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jared_Kushner). Biden, a senil pedophile pro-jewish marionette which has all of his several daughters married to jews and nearly 95 % of his whole cabinett consisting of jews only. Germany was led into destruction and made delivering weapons against russia by – why whom, by the jews like former chancellor Helmuth Kohl (real name Hennoch Cohn – a jew) and of course by the poland-born jewess Angela Merkel (real name Anjela Kazmierczak). Turkey, Erdogan stems from the jewish splinter-tribe called Donmeh resp. Dönmeh, a group of jews in exile, which where forced to eighter become muslim or get killed, and therefore long long years ago turned into muslims but still kept the jewish rituals. France was destroyed and flooded with migrants by the jew president N. Sarkozy, then in Sweden we have … s.o. and on.

Everywhere the leaders are jews, and marionettes of the jews (often themselves also full or at least half or quarter-jews).

So why are you all so afraid of speaking out the truth ?

It is Jews ! Plain and simple ! Do what Jesus did. Speak out this truth freely. Don t be afraid ! It is Jews, these snakes they are the enemy of man. Don t fall for their trick, which is to convince the waking up masses that indeed it is “the jewish zionists” but not “THE JEWS”. Yes, the massacres where commited by the judeo-bolshewics but not by “THE JEWS”.Yes, all the COVID lethal mRNA ratpoison injections where produced and delivered by jewish owned companies, but not by “THE JEWS”. Yes jewish families are controlling nearly 100% of the worlds central banks, but the banks are nevertheless not in the hands of “The Jews”. Yes it was democrats, but not “the Jews”, it was the communists but not “The Jews”, yes it was indeed jewish lodges and freemasonary illuminati behind this and that but not ” THE JEWS etc. etc. Guess what ? IT WAS JEWS !!! PLAIN AND SIMPLE : JEWS !!! It was not the eskimos, it also were not the spainiards or the french, it was JEWS !!! That’s these parasites, ok ? Jews that’s their name !

And who was fighting against the jews, these lying vermins and snakes ? Who was (apart from Jesus 2000 years ago) speaking that out openly against them already 80 years ago ? Fighting them whereever they were met ? Nah ? Wake up people, and stop believing in the jewish media lies regardless if from the western or the eastern side. It is BOTH lies !

Look at the real perpetrators and listen to what they admit themselves please:

Especially watch this from minute 17.35 it is in english https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZE54hIcF7Z9B/




Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Mam

The predatory parasites greatest win was causing the corporate religious clubs known as Christian churches to adopt the term judeo-Christian beliefs. There are no two religions more diametrically opposed than are Judaism and Christianity. And yet the neo-christians call themselves that. That is the Jews greatest success.

don' t worry

One of my favorite christian websites , check this latest edition. https://www.trunews.com/stream/russia-threatens-to-nuke-pentagon-if-ukraine-hits-russia-with-us-missiles


You’ve never read the Bible or the Torah right? The first four books are the same, so where does the diametric opposition arise?

Michigan Man

Of course because the jews murdered christ. Where does the diametric opposition arise in Germany, with stupid Putler fanboys calling Poland and Germany “Nazi” today. It’s the same. Jew murdered Germany, made it be bombed to ruins, murdered the germans and now rule over zombiefied Germany and also over Poland. Both are 100% none-nazi, but are nevertheless called Nazi by stupids here.

Jews are the children of Satan, like Jesus stated. Jews hate the truth and love lying. The love warmongering. They are satanists. Whereas true Christians love the truth, hate war, and are very peaceful and diplomatic people. You see the diametric now, Loten ???

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

Can you people stop about this J”* thing? (keep this matter to yourselves). You can’t complain about Azov and other ukrunazos and them come with this BS talk same as them about the organised community. This will lead this site be hacked, banned, what ever more. This site needs to ban this kind of talk.

Michigan Man

Idiot ! You want the truth to be banned ? Only the truth will set us free, realize that. Do you even know who spoke that words !!??


Something’s in life are hard hitting, we may even like to ignore for awhile or are oblivious to, you really need to know somethings especially being a Nazi yourself, to the established facts that the only other political party allowed in Hitler Rothschild’s Nazi Germany was the Zionist Party, they both collaborated on the Jewish Problem as an actual migration problem, a hatched plan to force populate Jews from Nazi occupied Europe to an already populated Palestinian homeland, taking it as we know by brute force from Semitic Palestinians, who incidentally unlike the Ashkenazi, are in fact the original Biblical Israelites of which many over look but it’s a fact 100% and so what through time some became Christian, and many of them became Muslim in later times should tell you people of the book something eh, who had know problems whatsoever before these ZIONAZI charged in naming it’s illegal racist occupation ‘The Jewish state of Israel’, officials from both the NAZI and ZIONIST parties even met together in Palestine, to know doubt discuss the matter on the very field to be of play…

Hitler like it or not was an Imposter an agent with a Zionist Agenda 100% He was a traitor to German speaking people the ideology he adopted was never his own make believe but clearly ZIONISM rebranded as NAZISM which is what we see still employed in the Jewish state of Israel which is really the Khazarian Ashkenazi mafia state of Hell, which still is terrorising the great and grand heroic Palestinians on their indigenous homeland this is what we see now for real whilst everyone one else is crying about there small problem compared to the rightful owners of Palestine is Palestinians themselves.

Putin i don’t know him but with his arguments concerning Ukraine NAZISM NATO expansionism and all that he 100% spot on, If Putin is not aligned with the dark historical forces like Biden and Johnson etc clearly are, Russia needs Putin and team, Historically Russia made some serious bad moves on the pages of History in siding with the Vatican against Ottoman but that’s my opinion the Muslim thing will never go away and was never really the problem in the first place my opinion it the only thing that can save humanity from destroying itself but it will never destroy Islam, because Islam check it out it is the Natural order, anyway at this moment i have know reason to dislike Putin he is a true hero as is his team doing a fantastic job dealing with the whole Ukraine Nazi allied alliance problem like it isn’t really a big problem must be scary for American the Vatican Britain not in the driving seat any more eh, but really Putin needs to take pages from History whom his own nations Monarchs were wiped out by, Nicholas knew his enemy The Khazarian Ashkenazi mafia for sure and they didn’t like it that he knew and advertised it, a brilliant man the English Royals should be ashamed of themselves cousins in all, but yes the same dirty like minded devils that took out the the Czar and his family also happily took out the Ottomans, Russia knows who the enemy are say know more, but they had already overthrown the French the English a long time before and American lock stock and barrel soon to include their guns and second constitutional right without a fight or what?, Hope he doesn’t turn out to be a Stalin, what’s happening with Russians in Nazi occupied Ukraine happened before with Nazi’s in Ukraine Russia knows how to deal with NAZI’s supported by the same Zionazi’s who supported Adolf Hitler.. ww2.. but don’t believe anything i say will you, because i hate blind following myself.

Last edited 2 years ago by Brightlight

Just nuke Israel and they’ll get the message.

Last edited 2 years ago by Christopher

it is just an MRLS. And Ukraine could attack strategic targets in Russia but the US isn’t allowing them to, because the US doesn’t want to escalate. The US wants to just use Ukrainian infantry up against Russia, it isn’t looking for a missile war that will escalate into a nuclear bombardment


You’re right, and it’s starting look like the Syrian civil war. To join Hezbollah you must do 3 months in the Syrian war, and alternate to different cities every 2 weeks to become a full time hezbollah soldier, I think Russia is going to do the same. Each soldier gets sent into Ukraine for a period of time become battle hardened, it’s very smart and helps with the anxiety of first going to war. Most NATO soldiers now arent battle hardened, and if they go to war with a battle hardened Russia, that will tremendously tip the favour into Russia’s hands


You’re so wrong when you said the US doesn’t want to escalate. What they say and what they do are two different things. Look at their actions for the last 70 years. Their ultimate goal is to destroy Russia and they’ve been successfully bleeding/strangling Russia.

Russia doesn’t have the balls nor the will to use their ultimate weapon and they know this. Even their lapdogs aren’t afraid. So your thought of them being afraid of Russia might use nuclear weapons is irrational and retarded.


Wrong. One “red line” was crossed and you see how US and EU are coping with that reality right now. Russia will use nukes if they are seriously threatened. So far US and NATO did nothing else but give Ukies old outdated and mostly useless junk. That is why Ukies are dying by the hundreds every day now. Everything else is just a bunch of bluffs and hot air.

Everyone has underestimated Russia’s contribution to the global market. Sanctions have mostly devastated the west. All because the west has lied for decades about Russia’s real economy and overestimated their own capabilities many-fold. Reality is a b**ch. Without Russia’s contribution the west is facing breaking economies and wide spread of poverty. They will look for a quick solution now. Ukraine will have to surrender or accept any kind of a peace offering. NATO and US realized already, that they are no match for Russian army. They new for decades they are no match for Russia’s nuclear arsenal. Best AD systems and hyper-sonic weapons are reality in Russia as we speak. The west has nothing of that kind. They know very well they can be taken out at any time with little to no retaliation at all.

The world had not sides with the west. It is game over for them. China and Russia are the new world leaders. US is going down pretty quick. Just look at that whole baby formula fiasco. World leading country my ass. They can’t even supply their own people and they are only at war via proxy.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum

Awesome! Pictures of Russia patrolling areas they already have captured, big whoop.


Very shallow draft -designed for inshore use to protect troops onshore -heavily armoured. While very old they still do the job required. Its obvious Russia is saving its latest military hardware in case of a major war .

hans raus

,,Russia says Tory MP’s son involved in killing Chechen commander in Ukraine yesterday”

nice work brits, hans happy, rossobots…not :D

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

Will you be happy, when London reveived the payback ?? for 300 years of crimes ??


Oh yes!!!


I think smaller ships mounted with long distance howitzers makes good sense. In a way, you use them to invite harpoon missiles.


Os russos são ladrão, rouba trigo, e cereais da Ucrânia, ferro. Os russos estrupa crianças ucranianas. Essas crianças sequestradas levada para Rússia estão sofrendo violência extrema.


Mari, vc esta tao stupido, que vc accredita essas mentiras – ou vc quer fazer uma brincadeira ?? Eu so sabe um groupo de pessoas que fazem estes coisas .. e eles falam ingles !!!


Napoleon won until he upset them by Crowning himself telling the Cathilic Papal agent to piss off. That’s all it took. Water loo.


A “Monitor” Class Costal Boat


Their appearance can be the evidence of future plans to take lands on Dnepr’s banks, because these boats are almost useless at sea and projected to be a river tank. Though they must move to Herson to enter Dnepr.


Hehe, the Russians are seriously using up their old stock first….those gun boats are hilarious! Z


They can still kill you.

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