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MARCH 2025

Russian Artillery Hit Ukrainian US-Made Counter-Battery Radar (Video)

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Russian Artillery Hit Ukrainian US-Made Counter-Battery Radar (Video)

An AN/TPQ-36 Firefinder Radar in Serbia, 1996. By the US Air Force. Source: http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/systems/dvic595.htm

A radar that was supplied by the US to the Ukrainian military to help it detect artillery positions in Donbass was hit by a Russian artillery strike.

On March 20, footage of the damaged radar, a US-made AN/TPQ-36, in an unspecified location in Ukraine emerged online. The footage shows a several Russian artillery shells landing  just a few meters away from the radar.

The AN/TPQ-36 is an artillery, rocket and mortar locating radar. The system electronically, scans the horizon over a 90° sector several times a second, intercepting and automatically tracking hostile projectiles, then computing back along the trajectory to the origin.

The X-band radar has a maximum range of24 kilometers with effective range of 18 kilometers for artillery shells and 24 kilometers for rockets.

Starting from 2014, the US supplied Ukraine with 13 AN/TPQ-36 radars to support its war efforts in the Donbass region.

The US also donated at least 20 AN/TPQ-48 counter-battery radars to the Ukrainian military. The remains of one such system were captured by armed forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic just a few days ago.

The Russian artillery have inflicted some heavy losses on Ukrainian forces since the beginning of the special military operation in the country. The counter-battery radar systems supplied by the US failed to give the Ukrainian artillery any real advantage in the battlefield.


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There will be more radar and other advanced anti artillery systems flowing from Europe into Ukraine. The NATO countries have huge military stockpiles accumulated over many many years. Any category of equipment one could think about exists in the NATO combined arsenal. And they have every reason to put them to good use and deliver them to Ukrainian warriors, who are currently the best in the world. The Russians with their antiquated Soviet armoured units will be no match for advanced NATO armour opening rockets. The harder the Russians try the more they will die. Once the lose several hundred thousand of their soldiers and their military capability will be reduced to nothingness, China, Kazahstan and even Mongolia are going to just walk in and take the vast undefended and unpopulated lands of Eastern Russia. The federation has an immense border to defend and at the moment, realistically they have nothing to defend it with as 99% of the Russian military is focused on the war in Ukraine. How does the Russian population feel about putin leaving the entire country undefended to pursue a senseless, costly and unwinnable war in eastern Ukraine?

John Tosh

One now understands your reason for doing this. Psychological warfare….You want Russia to give up when they are so close to winning…

Lol… Wet dreams.

The outcome will be ugly for you.

Last edited 2 years ago by John Tosh

They can send anything they want. It doesn’t look like ukrainians have any clue at all how to use it.


copium – the post You can seethe, you can kvetch, but NATO only has junkware of which the purpose is to just embezzle and launder money. The best airplane the US has is the f-15 from 1972.


There will be more radar and other advanced anti artillery systems flowing from Russia into Ukraine. The CSTO countries have huge military stockpiles accumulated over many many years. Any category of equipment one could think about exists in the CSTO combined arsenal. And they have every reason to put them to good use and deliver them to Donbas warriors, who are currently the best in the world. The Ukrobot with their antiquated Soviet armoured units will be no match for advanced CSTO armour opening rockets. The harder the Ukrobots try the more they will die. Once the lose several hundred thousand of their soldiers and their military capability will be reduced to nothingness, China, Kazahstan and even Mongolia are going to just walk in and take the vast undefended and unpopulated lands of Eastern Ukraine The hohol empire has an immense border to defend and at the moment, realistically they have nothing to defend it with as 99% of the Ukrobot military is focused on the war in east Ukraine. How does the Ukrobot population feel about zellerboy leaving the entire country undefended to pursue a senseless, costly and unwinnable war in eastern Ukraine? I fixed myself 🙏 Praise bandera


There will be more radar and other advanced artillery systems flowing from Russia into Eastern Ukraine. Russia has huge military stockpiles accumulated over many many years. Any category of equipment one could think about exists in the Russian arsenal, and they have every reason to put them to good use and at the same time, continuing to deliver captured NATO weapons to the highly motivated DPR and LPR militias, who, with a little training have shown they are able turn these armaments against their former owners with devastating effect. The Ukrainians with their antiquated Soviet armored units will be no match for advanced Russian armaments. The harder the Ukrainians try, the more they will die. Having lost more of their soldiers to these weapons, their military capability is being chipped away to nothingness. Russia and their allies will just walk in to mop up the final holdouts. Even though Russia has an immense border to defend only a fraction of the Russian military is currently deployed in the war in Ukraine. Also, the Russian population can rest easy knowing that Russia will not hesitate to use it’s nuclear deterrent should an aggressor try to take advantage of the situation. Fixed again!

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin

CIA now sells you crack pipe discounted

Arzt Injektion

Ukraine is just a testing ground at this point. Whack a mole.

Muhammad your Prophet

If Russian artillery can’t hit the Starlink satellites at low atmosphere then it’s fair to say that Putin the terrorist cockroach is officially fucked. Because all the Russian lines are open while Ukranian lines are private. It doesn’t seem like the Russians have any solution anytime soon. That’s another commander just killed today, Scooby. And five generals. The entire leadership of the crappy Russian army has been decapitated.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
John Tosh

Lol Wet dreams…. Look at Syria… how many Russians died? Syria was not Russia…. they are willing to lose more people to protect their homes. When the Russians feel they have lost… they will do something.


Last edited 2 years ago by John Tosh
Muhammad your Prophet

How many Russians died in Syria? The Russians are holed up in Latakia and letting everyone else do the fighting. They haven’t gone outside their tiny bubble ever since Iranian cockroaches killed a couple of Russian soldiers in Mayadin a few years back. Putin has always been terrified of the mullah freaks.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
John Tosh

Do you constantly spew out nonsense??? Even in the USA, the American police is at war with its own black population…

You can never have total peace in a country…. never possible.. there will always be fights as long as humans are involved. This is Syria today. Israel is like that. Even Saudi Arabia has to behead 80 or more people to keep its structure.

Putin secured what he needed from the CIA-organized terrorists in Syria… he does not need to do anything more. Assad is rebuilding his country…..

You have to know what a win looks like….Syria is a win for Russia….

Libya was a win for the USA, the African population will never forgive the USA for what it did to Libya, the country with the highest development index in Africa until the CIA bombed it back to the stone age.

Unfortunately for your Western hegemony, your days are numbered.

jens holm


Muhammad your Prophet

You were just caught lying, Scooby. Now you’re in the verbal diarrhea phase.


Stop lying fool !! There are no Ukrainian Generals left, they all escaped to Poland, and Assad is visiting UAE, to organize a Green Berets KIA in Syria, body bags return to USA (their families offered needed money)


Says the guy who gets caught lying everyday with every outrageous comment.

jens holm



all that lgbt sex 60 years ago made you senile—cia desperate


In Syria there is a war, in Ukraine it’s just a “special operation” …


According to Disney news network…


That’s a civilian satellite. If it ever proves to be a threat, it won’t be taken out without a warning. Russians usually inform you first.

Muhammad your Prophet

Really? You mean like 50 low orbit satellites? How many of those of those supersonic missiles will Putin the cockroach try to shoot at the moon?


The same number USA try to shoot (with Russian rocket engines) you fool !!

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

A couple of artillery strikes a day keeps ukropnazis away 🤗

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

Yamil Perez

Oy gevalt… We could have used to radars against Palestinian children. What a waste oy oy.

The Objective

The collapse of the Ukrainian armed forces is accelerating exponentially. Sad story really. Thankfully Im safe now


Yup. Mass surrenders happening.


Lukashenko is chickening out about sending troops to Ukraine, as Belarus is not a nuclear armed country, and has no type of defensive alliance with anyone. If Belarus sends it’s entire army to Ukraine, his country will be easy picking for NATO who will bomb it’s military infrastructure to pulverized dust. Lukashenko is a big chicken, desperately trying to maintain neutrality for his country while sucking and swallowing Putinist cock every day of the week. putin’s dangerous geopolitical game will make Russia lose both Ukraine and Belarus from its sphere of influence


I should really lower my captagon intake, Im typing BS again.

hans raus

You sound like adolf in the Reichsbunker towards May 45. Steiners counterattack wont erfolg Im afraid. Go back to nap everything will be fine. Its ok, just let it go. Shhh. Good boy.


NATO has long chickened out about sending troops to Ukraine, as Russia, a nuclear armed country, has warned of the consequences. If NATO sends it’s entire army to Ukraine, the collective force will be easy picking for Russia’s strategic nuclear forces who will turn them into pulverized dust. NATO is a big chicken, desperately trying to maintain relevance in today’s multipolar world. Their dangerous geopolitical games will bathe the world in nuclear fire, making what Einstein said about how World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones become a reality. Fixed!

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin
John Tosh


The retards running things in the State Department all think this is bluffing. The Russians are bluffing.

NATO moves to Russia’s borders, sponsors an insurrection in Russia, while Biolabs with biological weapons release deadly viruses and diseases into Russia. To wipe Russia out once and for all.

President Putin begs the West for security guarantees ( knowing the USA can break such at anytime) the USA refused to provide any.

Russians are dead one way or another… but before they die… they will take out the USA.

Here are the sequence of events: 1. Washington DC will be hit. The explosion will occur several miles above the sky, the Washington dome will collapse and bury its occupant. It will be a huge graveyard.

2. Off the coast of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina, an ocean based nuclear explosion will create a Tsunami that would take out all those cities.

3. New York city will be hit with three nuclear ICBMs, not sure why New York needed 3, but the financial control the USA has will be lost overnight.

4. MOSCOW will be hit.. and destroyed. Russia will rebuild a new city called NEW MOSCOW…. it will be filled with new glass structures, modern structures with shiny glass…. it will be a future city.

THE USA WILL CEASE TO EXIST…. only a few cities and towns resembling the original 13 colonies will survive. There would be a large ground army made of multitudes of different countries who will invade from the Western part of the USA. They will tear what is left of the USA.

CIA agents, National Intelligence experts and their bosses will be tried on global TV, the world would watch CIA agents begging for their lives… crying like children…. to no avail. The USA will be a labeled a country of Cowards not because of the military, but because of the cowardly behavior of the CIA.



Public Impalement a la Vlad of Transylvania on the Washington Mall seems to be the right method of justice.


amerikants frustrated and desperate—Bashi , Saker, Macgregor all demonstrate Russia has entirely defeated pathetic ukrop/anglo nazis—the desperate comments by CIA gringo trolls delight!


Run you Bitches.

Timmy Temperance

I don’t have much to add. Just that I am very angry at the Johnson and Zelensky. The Johnson is cynically encouraging Ukraine not to negotiate a peaceful solution and Zelensky is out of his f*cking mind. He demands talks with Russia now, without making any concessions and threatening WWIII if Russia does not comply. Enough of Zelensky and his US and UK agitators. Apparently Belarus is preparing to enter Ukraine and Kiev will certainly be encircled. There is absolutely no way Ukraine can prevail, as every non-NATO person predicted from the outset. It is sad that the Ukrainian people seem destined to realise that the hard way.

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

Russia should have killed or captured him on day one, i cant stand his face or voice anymore

Peppe il Sicario

The destruction in Mariupol is intense. Saw Patrick Lancaster’s YT feed from there today as he is the first English language journalist allowed in. Looks like the Ukie cowards were hiding in the massive apartment buildings and using the residents as shields. The town or at least entire neighborhoods will have to be rebuilt from the ground up.


Another euro-lemmings tax payers money wasted even before the 1 use ! Excellent.

mike l hutchings

Russian generals are not afraid of the Elephant….they are not politicians like they are in the US and NATO…. they’ll be replaced and if history is an indicator, the Russians will build a better beast

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