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MARCH 2025

Russian-Backed 5th Assault Corps Arrive In Northern Hama (Photos)

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On August 15, four brigades of the Russian-backed 5th Assault Corps arrived in the northern Hama countryside as a part of the ongoing preparations to launch a large-scale military operation against militant groups there, according to the Syrian pro-government blog Muraselon.

The pro-government outlet added that the armed groups of Assad Shield, Mahardah Forces, ISIS Hunters, Ba’ath battalions and Tribal forces, which are affiliated with the 5th Assault Corps, also arrived in northern Hama.

Russian-Backed 5th Assault Corps Arrive In Northern Hama (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By Muraselon

Russian-Backed 5th Assault Corps Arrive In Northern Hama (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By Muraselon

Russian-Backed 5th Assault Corps Arrive In Northern Hama (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By Muraselon

The 5th Assault Corps, which was formed two years ago, is a part of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and follow its general commander. However, unlike the other armed formations of the SAA, the 5th Assault Corps’ receives direct military and financial support from Russia.

Furthermore, the 5th Corps includes thousands of former Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters, who reconciled with the Damascus government recently. Most of these fighters are from northern Homs, Eastern Ghouta, Eastern Qalamun or even from southern Syria.

Over the past two year, the 5th Assault Corps participated in all the major attacks of the SAA, including the campaign against ISIS in central and eastern Syria and the military operations in Eastern Ghouta and southern Syria.

The deployment of such well-trained and equipped force in northern Hama will for sure complicate the situation for the militants there, who are panicking over the upcoming military operation of the SAA and its allies.

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Dr. Ronald Cutburth

Great to report where those former FSA fighters are after their reconciliation. They might even vote for Assad in the next election when they risk their lives in fighting along side of their SAA regulars.

Brother Ma

Haha…seems like the movie the”Dirty Dozen”.Syria has quarantined the rats from the rest of the Syrian Army. Nevertheless,the ex- head hoppers have to fight for Syria and live or die fighting. No two ways about it. Syria thus gets to use these veterans to fight against their ex-friends. If they mutiny or play games they have them all together to be machine-gunned or bombed by planes.

Now this is poetic Justice!


This southwern front writer needs to go to a disciplinary platoon, or. please, buy him a fly to Amerika. I’ve waste my time on this comment.


Explain yourself, please.


” unlike the other armed formations of the SAA”…


You’d be better off complaining about the asininity of putting “ongoing” into a sentence written in the present tense.


Oka hey, speak to me on Sioux. Your english has not great futur. You never wondered why the British have made a such strong alliance with the U.S. of North Amerika (when?)?


When you write as is everyone has read everything you wrote and understands all your little idiosyncratic nuisances pi, don’t be surprised when someone occasionally just says, please make sense or put a sock in it.


“However, unlike the other armed formations of the SAA, the 5th Assault Corps’ receives direct military and financial support from Russia.” Is this untrue, or are you just in a bad mood today? :)


I’m thinking it’s not as fun these days being a terrorist in Syria as it was say 3 years ago.


No, now it’s more like an hell


Sometimes you have fun, sometimes the fun has you.


(..The pro-government outlet added that the armed groups of Assad Shield, Mahardah Forces, ISIS Hunters, Ba’ath battalions and Tribal forces, which are affiliated with the 5th Assault Corps, also arrived in northern Hama. The 5th Assault Corps, which was formed two years ago, is a part of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and follow its general commander. However, unlike the other armed formations of the SAA, the 5th Assault Corps’ receives direct military and financial support from Russia..)

Great Units! Keep it up, Syria! The ‘Assad Shield’ will never be broken! VICTORY to Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and the SAA!


Great …but don’t count on it! If Satanyahoo calls up Pootin and instructs him to pull back and not attack ….poor Pootin …he will have not choice but to obey his master’s command!! Ever notice how free the zio terrorist jews are to attack and bomb Syrian forces under Russia’s nose and no reaction or warning from Russia?????


I wonder about the conditions on the ground that could find a decent fellow with a wife and kids doing what he doesn’t really want to in order to keep the family alive. So were they loyal FSA or just local guys who had no choice. Can someone speak from an informed perspective as mine is just guess work?

It does not seem practical to offer amnesty if hardcore militants will be in your forces just waiting to turncoat. Assad if nothing else seems to have very practical people around him. In any case, the whole ride the bus scenario, seems to weed out the moderates exactly like Russia/Syria has been asking F.uk.us to do for years now. It’s boiled down to the baddest of the bad. If they want to use their own families as human shields, then so be it.

I’d say it’s certainly time to send a message to would be F.uk.us accomplices, you fight against common decent people and you will die.

Hisham Saber

And don’t forget, most of the militants holed up in Idlib have been striped of their medium and large weapons/systems. They are running around with their little rifles and impoverished mortars, devices/IED’s, and maybe some VBIED’s.

The Syrian Arab Army will smash through and sweep and clear the place, leading the charge will be the Tigers and 4th Armored Division.


Maybe that separating process applies to all the Jihadis who got bussed there, but I reckon there are a lot of people in Idlib who still have not been given that choice.


Yes wonder about that too. Seems likely they would know of their nasty new neighbors. Heard they set up corridors and dropped leaflets. Also as someone else noted seems likely SAA has a pretty good handle on what is going on in Idlib. Hope so!

S Melanson

Sorry for late reply but wanted to share some thoughts. I think the SAA offering reconciliation does far more good then harm. Also, the hardcore militants will have a reputation and can be pointed out by the more moderate. Most hardcore would likely want go to Idlib rather than pretend to reconcile as they would be watched closely and be isolated and unarmed. Note the militants bused into Idlib is a humiliation and further, these guys can share their stories of getting their butts kicked by Assad and allies – not exactly morale boosting stories.

There are other benefits as well. The busing puts all these groups in one place where they can all be dealt with systematically. They also have a tendency to let rivalry get the better of them leading to infighting. Further, the bussing to Idlib I am almost certain facilitated infiltration of Syrian operatives into the Idlib region to provide intel to the SAA and perhaps a few clandestine operations.

As for giving up medium and heavy weapons, I have not seen much on whether Turkey has attempted to re-equip these terrorists. So how well armed these groups are have some question marks.


Totally agree reconciliation is preferred to raw barbarism. They get together and perhaps tell the story of SAA weakness for letting them out of the caldron. The whole time that voice in their head gently whispers, what about next time?


hahahaha…..still dont get the big picture folks….lol

Hisham Saber

And these crazed militants in Idlib have been relocated there by the Syrian government. They have been striped of medium and large weapons.

The coming offensive to take back Idlib will be rather easy, a sweep and mop type operations.

The leading spearheads will most likely be the Syrian Arab Army’s heavy-hitters. The Tiger Forces, and the 4th Armored Division. I have read in some places that Chinese Special Forces are embedded with the Tigers and 4th Division for the coming offensive.

Matew Ivanson

you are a shit supporter of Mullahs, there are 70000 defenders and 3 milions Idlib population against Iran and Assad, now is the time to stop fcking expansion Pasdaran, Basij, Assadists, Palestinian mercenaries and Nasrallah terrorists, Assad is Iranian puppet


You been smoking terrorist weed?

Before the war, idlib province was 1.5 million. Most have left since then because life under terrorist is hell. There are fewer than half million, possibly less still in idlib today and half of them will not fight for terrorists anymore.

But you can still believe in 3 million imaginary defenders if you like.

Hisham Saber

You are delusional. A weak minded person. Most likely another bitter Jew.


Go get’ em+


I wonder if there is something in the Russian toolkit that makes dangerous turncoats easier to spot for them.

Another aspect of this reconciliation, amnesty, ride the bus discussion, is how thoroughly it puts the lie to Assad attacking his own people with chemical weapons. He has his enemies surrounded. Rather easy to just bomb the place to dust. (Note); any American military campaign of the last two centuries. Kill everyone. But not only does he not kill his known enemies, he busses the combatants and their families to safety. Just so he can subsequently go in and kill Syrian civilians with chemical weapons?

Or look at it preemptively. You attack civilians in an enemy controlled area with chemical weapons. Surrounded you slowly tighten the noose, then round up all your known enemies and put them and their families on a bus to freedom. Yeah of course.

I wonder how often this bussing program is even mentioned in the MSM? Seems abundantly clear that F.uk.us and evil minions do not fear turning most of the world into enemies. It is just part of an on going project of eternal warfare which demands an endless supply of enemies. I must say they are doing a fantastic job, but at a certain point will they wake up? Instead we witness repeated doubling down.

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