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MARCH 2025

Russian Bases In Syria To Be Equipped With Upgraded Control Systems

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Russian Bases In Syria To Be Equipped With Upgraded Control Systems

The Russian state-run news agency TASS reports (source):

Russian Defense Ministry is making steps to upgrade security on Russian military bases in Syria and installation of automated control instruments is one of the technical solutions it is currently working at, Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov told reporters on Wednesday.

“President Vladimir Putin issued instructions earlier [before Monday’s incident involving the Russian reconnaissance aircraft Ilyushin-20 – TASS] to step up the protection of our bases in Hmeymim and Tartus,” he said. “For instance, Kalashnikov corporation has come up with the technical solutions in the form of automated control instruments that will be installed there to build up defense of the facilities.”

“The Defense Ministry pays due attention to security issues,” Borisov said as he answered a question on the possible upgrading of Russian military’s security and safety in Syria, which Putin mentioned after the Ilyushin-20 crash. “This effort is in full swing today.”

According to earlier reports by the Defense Ministry, radio communications with the Ilyushin-20 were lost at around 23:00 hours Moscow Standard Time [20:00 hours UTC] on Monday, September 17, when the aircraft was on a mission over the Mediterranean Sea, some 35 km away from the Syrian coast.

“The label marking the Ilyushin-20 on the navigation control radars disappeared at the time when four Israeli F-16 jets were delivering strikes at Syrian facilities in Latakia Governorate,” the report said.

The ministry said later the aircraft had been downed by a Syrian antiaircraft system. Israeli pilots used the Russian plane as a shield and brought the fire from an S-200 antiaircraft missile complex on to it.

The ministry officials ruled out the situation where the Russian warplane might have remained unnoticed by the Israeli crews, as it was approaching to land from the altitude of 5 km above seawater. The official spokesman for the ministry, Gen Igor Konashenkov said the Russian side had summed up the Israeli action as a purported provocation.

Vladimir Putin said on his part the incident involving the Russian aircraft looked like a chain of tragic coincidences. He added that Russia would take measures to reinforce the security of its contingent in Syria.

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu charged Israel directly, saying all blame for the downing of the Ilyushin-20 went to the Israeli side. He promised that Moscow would not leave the situation unreciprocated.

In the meantime, the Israelis said blame for the incident should go to Syria, Iran and Hezbollah Shiite movement in Lebanon. They also offered assistance to investigation of the tragedy that took away the lives of fifteen Russian military.

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Feudalism Victory

Obviously the proportionate response to shoot down an israeli plane with a s400 next time a warplane is flying away from israeli airspace.


The zionist fascists also like to kill russians, not only palestinian childrens. It’s time to all the honest guys in Israel to go abroad, in special those who have also russian nacionality. Or they are russians or they are zionists that like to kill russians, in this case the potatoe logic it’s enough.


There are a lot of Russians in Israel. Poor Jews move to Israel, because rich British and American Jews pay them to move to Israel, would you refuse a free house?


It´s time for them to return home, if they really are russians.

AM Hants

Isn’t that the reason they are desperate to clean out Ukraine, then move in?


are you kidding? those people are trash, russian could not never count on them.


hah, they are jews, nit russians.

moreover, they left russia, are half traitors. no mercy.

Vince Dhimos

Russia and Lebanon need a security agreement allowing Russia to shoot down Israeli war planes in its air space. If that is politically undoable, then Syria can provide this agreement and Russia can supply the S-300s or S-400s.

Feudalism Victory

Youd think syria and lebanon would figure out they have the same enemy especially with hezbollah in the government.

Yet nothing not even some words to express their displeasure about israel fighting a war above them.

Pathetic really.

Concrete Mike

I would avoid using the s400, the nazi elint units have been waiting a long time to sniff these puppies out. Why give your ennemy what he wants.

Park some ships south of tartus and use their s300 on those. Do not give the nazis the elint they want.

I would even have some mig31 sniffing around to show you mean business.

Brother Ma

I am sick of these dorks hiding their weapons. If the Russians are not going to use the s 400 in syria to test them ,where will they? Will they test them at the last moment in wwIII? Maybe too late by then !

Anyway,how come we do not hear the Israeli flying their f35’s anymore? Scared they will hit a stork again? Bahahah

Concrete Mike

Nah, the ennemy want you to use s400, dont give them what they want. Simple as that.

Yes i did notice the f35 have been hiding. I thin israel used one a few weeks ago, but i got no proof. Just how syrian ad worded their statement, to me it insinuated that f35 was shot after.

There wont be a ww3 because israel/west need it but they cant justify it to the public. What we are seeing is traps the west sets for russia to fall into and give the west its cassus belli their looking for.

If russi responds, the west gets the war it wants and the justification with it. If russia does not respond, the west can play with russian emotion, chirp putin is weak russia tech is junk bla bla bla. Kind of a double whammy.

Im glad russia aint falling for such tricks, we should all be glad and thank whatever the fuck is up there, that russia aint stupid, helps us all not kill each other.

I wish well to all, even solomoncchik ;)


There is an agreement between Putin and benjanyahu that on each Syrian area liberation come and attack Syria, my army will fully support your attack.

Russian airospace forces have not shot down Israeli plane neither during approach to Latakia nor after attacking Syria. Very big question. God have exposed Putin that how much he is sincere with Syrian nation.


Russia is not an aggressor, and it is not at war with Israel. Russia is at war with the USA, because of American aggression.

Brother Ma

It does not matter! In this case israel or its allies did shoot down a Russian plane and there must be a cost. Why was Turkey punished? Is israel really so scary to the Russians? If so ,give up and go home Putin!


It’s all been said and confirmed. Turkey shot down a Russian aircraft, Israel did not.


Rob, make some hollydays, everybody thar work hard need it.


What do you mean?


That the zionists are going to pay very hard for every one of those 15 russian military they have assassinated.

AM Hants

Do you remember the pay back when the Russian mercenaries got hit?

East Ghouta, Syria. Report of Chinese analysts examined by Russian leading Middle East expert… https://vimeo.com/263728681


Good day Hants, https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/breaking-russia-announces-that-israel-was-to-blame-downed-il-20-plane/

AM Hants

Good day Jorge. Thanks.

Brother Ma

I hope so but i do not believe Putin will do it.


Good day Ma, Putin is not Stalin, and even Stalin had to listen the others in WWII. There are at least four guys at the head of the ruling: Putin, Medvev, Shoigu and Lavrov. By the moment thins are like that: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/breaking-russia-announces-that-israel-was-to-blame-downed-il-20-plane/


Israel attacked within miles of that S400 junk and the only casualty was a Russian plane and destroyed Syrian assets

Paper tiger Russia

No fly zone my ass, imagine puny Rissian trying to tell the US Air Force to stand down



Gary Sellars

Nah, he is cock blocked. That’s why he is so bitter.


You say that the S400 is junk, but you are obviously scared of it, because it’s all you can talk about.


You must feel embarrassed after constantly peddling the strength of the Russian military just to watch a couple of 30 year old planes fly in the face of their strongest weapons systems with 15 dead Russians being the only casulty with no retaliation

Paper tiger

Careful another shoulder fired MANPAD might take down an Su25



Russian air defense strength created a no fly zone in Syria against F22, F35 and fourth generation legacy planes, moron congressmen who are calling for US to establish a no fly zone in Syria are parroting Hillary Clinton’s idiocy, they will find out when the military tells them otherwise.

If the Israeli F16s attacked Russian installations they would have been toast, instead they interposed between the incoming S200 missile and the ELINT plane, typical of cowards who don’t fight according established combat rules.

Yes, a Igla shoulder fired missile, along with Pantsir and Tor can take out A10, Apache gunships, and C130 gunships along with the useless Tomahawk missiles and an array of low flying targets.

And for your low information status, a Suk 35 engaged a F22 while it was harassing some Suk 25’s attacking some ISIS positions, the Suk35 maneuvered and caught the F22 from behind, great shot for an IR air to air missile to dispel the F22’s invincibility.


Israel just humiliated the puny Russian Air Force with a 30 year old American plane

Nice fake stories

Here’s a real story an SU25 got shot down by a SHOULDER Fired MANPAD


Russian no fly zones don’t exist

Israel just fucked over an S400 battery only miles away from it

How embarrassing

An F22 could take 30 SU’s at the same time and win

Ricky Miller

Stupid. Now I know you’re not a serious military observer and rate your opinion accordingly. An F-22 has an internal bomb bay with eight missiles. They SOP fire them in batches of two, at least at range. This means that an F22 will be sans ammunition even after four victories. Which it won’t get since the SU-35 is the most maneuverable air superiority fighter in the world. But even if I conceded your point, the fifth Su-35 floats up and pulverizes the 22 without wasting a missile. The fight ratio at long range? Two Su35’s are lost for every F22. Medium ranges probably 1.5/1. Short Ranges below 40k? The Su35 wipes the floor with it.

Ricky Miller

And btw, those ratios only apply to air combat taking place well beyond Russia’s state borders. Over Russia’s air defense network, working with other aircraft like the Mig31, the ratios will more than flip. Probably 2.5/1 in favor of the Su-35. But, better see it quickly. The F22 is a delicate little thing. It is a temperamental and expensive plane to operate. In a sustained conflict the Russian planes are flying long after the F22 is stuck in the maintenance hanger. And the entire Su27 series are tough planes, including the Su35. They can take off from torn up runways or highways or even compact gravel. The airbase the F22 are flying from better not take any damage or even maintained and ready to go the 22’s have to wait to see the sky. Vulnerable.


Nope it’s just a much better plane

Russia is a poor nation with a GDP smaller than France

There’s no parity to this

Ricky Miller

GDP is the value of things if sold on the world market. It’s affected by currency exchanges. It also includes things like sex change operations and profit taking by major health insurers. The value of things produced in Russia for Russians compared to the USA is at a ratio of 100/39. Not the 21/1.5 as suggested by GDP. Also, the U.S. GDP is inflated by debt. Literally. The U.S. has 21Trillion in official Federal debt but tens of trillions more in unfunded social spending promises. The U.S. builds and flies those F22’s while sliding the bill over to our grandchildren. Russia pays for her stuff as she goes and has half a trillion worth of assets in a rainy day reserve fund. Come on, bring facts. You’re proving to be embarrassing to all other whitey patriot types.

Gary Sellars

Good solid facts, and the dumb seppo troll fades away like a bilious fart in a hurricane…. nicely done.

Ricky Miller

To be clear the value is 100/39 in favor of the USA. The way I used words in order might have confused that. And I ask any who take the time to read and consider my point there that most of the GDP/resource difference between the United States and Russia comes down to lifestyle and the way each population accesses housing, transportation and health care. The Russians live in tighter urban housing, share transportation and access health care without layers of greedy insurance companies and schemes. This doesn’t affect their access to education, a meaningful life or Russia’s ability to produce or use weapons for her defense.

Ricky Miller

Number of Russians employed in manufacturing? Nineteen million. The U.S.? Under twelve. Russia actually makes more stuff than we do. Steel, titanium. They make it. Nuclear icebreakers? They make them, they have them. We don’t. Nuclear reactors. They make them, home and abroad. Us? None at home a trickle abroad. Russia, now the world’s number one food exporter. Grain superpower. Rocket engines? We import them. From Russia. Who gives whom rides to space?


Not impressed

We invented all of the things they pretend to excel at

Nuclear power? US


Airplanes, cars

Etc etc

Just stop kiddo, you can’t win this

Ricky Miller

Enrico Fermi an Italian refugee leading a team of International Physicists invented Nuclear Power. ICBM’s were invented by both sides in the cold war using captured German rockets and scientists. And so what? Brazil excels at a game the English invented, soccer. What the rest of the world calls football. It’s your ability to sustain strength over the long run that matters. Just like this debate. You are like a dozen and a half facts behind already. This was won before you got started. Why? Because your very posture betrays you. If you were confident of your facts you’d be over on some American cheerleading website sharing U.S. Greatness to all who’d listen. But you are insecure about America’s declining position in the world and about the fact that Russia is in Syria blocking U.S. Regime change. So here you are, on Southfront tossing American Nationalist turds about stray American or Israeli missiles of limited military significance and ignoring the government progress that’s been made with Russia’s assistance. Trolling here is the way you’ve chosen to deal with that very real neocon American setback.


I’m mocking you for your delusions of Russian military power getting shattered in a humiliating fashion while you moan in pain

Ricky Miller

If I’m moaning in pain it’s because of the waste in my tax dollars being spent in Syria while our country rots here at home. Russia will be just fine. They’re not the ones losing their own country in a massive demographic upheaval where they are not even a majority population in their own land.


I agree, it’s just amusing to watch you chug Russian dick and gobble up their military myths out of a need to virtue signal about the sins of the US

Ricky Miller

There is nothing amusing in this end about interacting with you. And underestimating the military capability, determination and technologies of others is a proven recipe for overconfidence and military disaster.


But yet that’s all you ever do. Russia media articles desperately churning out fake stories about how they chased US or Israeli forces away and have them terrified and the weakness of US tech, despite them getting clobbered around in the actual combat arena

Sadly for you the reality paints a much different picture

Ricky Miller

And maybe I just like and approve of Russian SAM systems because they are and represent weapons and philosophy that run counter to building large fleets of attacking aircraft and using said aircraft to attack, bully and dominate small countries many times smaller than the USA. Being defensive weapons designed to protect means to me some kind of technology worth rooting for. And maybe I feel sad and guilty about our country’s millions of victims, who I have been unable to protect. And I reject your claim that because Russia has refrained from turning the system on and using it in anger thus far this means that it’s junk or useless even after the button is pushed and the weapon employed. You don’t know that. The missiles can attack aircraft at Mach 9. India has evaluated them and wants to buy numerous systems worth billions. Israel throws a fit every time Syria might get S300’s. It seems that the all “knowing” you is at odds with certain realities and professional opinions and your goal here is to put us down and taunt others who share affinity for a country who operates a different way and stands up for itself. Your ugly American act here in these forums perfectly mirrors the arrogance and tone of American foreign policy; rude, crude and dismissive. And mean.


And I reject your claim that an inability to deter 200 Israeli strikes, a destroyed Pantsir, dead Russians, multiple RF planes downed and 0 casualties from the US Air Force during this conflict is proof of “terrifying” indestructible Russian Air defenses

When it’s clearly overhyped convenient bullshit


That’s going to leave a mark.


Well, you should read a bit about operation paperclip and the analysis of its effect on the US. US was leaped forward in technology by 10 to 15 years because of the technology transfer they captured in Germany after the war. It was so bad, that even the German Scientist were needed as US Scientists were not able to understand the stuff they got. Under the program these Scientists from Germany were transformed into US citizens with new identities. Only a few well known faces like Wernher von Braun etc. kept their names, but were whitewashed from being Nazis. What happened with NASA successes after von Braun and his German Team vanished? What was the rocket propulsion development progressed from that state? Let me tell you: It made almost no progress and became so bad, that closed cycle rocket propulsion is something US has to buy from Russia. Now under export ban, so US will not be able to produce rockets with the same payload anymore to serve ISS.


Lol nope

The US invented the airplane and the car

You’ll probably try to claim Russia did though

lol pathetic


What was again the GDP of Vietnam and the US at the time of war? Was it Vietnam, who kicked out US, or am I wrong? Even your argumentation does not make any sense, and just reveals your intellectual disability.


Not to mention, the F-22 has no legs. Take out the refueling tankers and watch their combat persistence drop through the floor. Take out the AWACS assets and they have to use their radar in active mode, potentially exposing them.


It was hyperbole

Like the entire Russian military

An F22 wouldn’t even be spite by an Su35 before destroying it and flying safely away in supersonic cruise


White_American, intelligence wasn’t so good with you, or? What IDF flies are planes, designed and put in service 30 years ago. However, wasn’t there a constant upgrading done to employ the latest development in aviation electronics and weapons technology, not to speak about Israeli/Taytheon EW systems? Why are you pointing to the age of the initial design and hiding the state of deployed technology? Wouldn’t it make your statement an obvious lie, and you would need to admit, that Russia is superior to the available US produced weaponry. I am sorry for you, that you cannot process available intel correctly, and cage yourself in your own small world of indoctrinated believes.


You sound like a broken record, Russia allows Israel to fly over Lebanon and fire cruise missiles into Syria, Israeli F16s did so, and when Syrian air defenses fired missiles against the F16s they hid behind the Il 20 that has an a large RCA. Your statement that Israeli jets screwed S400 battery is idiotic and without any sense, since the Russians were not aiming for the F16’s.

“””An F22 could take 30 SU’s at the same time and win”””

More Hollywood bravado, read about the incident that took place late 2017 when an F22 was harassing 2 Suk 25, a Suk 35 appeared and got behind the F22 for a sure kill. The frightened F22 pilot took off towards Iraq in a hurry.

If Suk 35 can do that to an F22, dealing with F35’s is like clubbing baby seals.


The let Israelis bomb their ally because they’re weak and afraid of confrontation.

Enough fairy tales, Russia can’t handle Israel let alone the US

That’s blatantly obvious now


Yea ok, your comments show the latitude of your understanding. Russia is not an ally of Israel, you are drinking the MSM kook aid, the S400 would take out all IAF planes. Let some natural calamities happen to US, and then you will find out how strong Israel is. Russia is the cat, Israel is the mouse. Russia can attack Israeli targets using hypersonic weapons, Kh101 and Kalibr cruise missiles fired from subs, surface ships and bombers, their Bastion and Iskander batteries in Syria would debilitate IAF airfields and communication nodes. Their air superiority fighters would have a turkey shoot agains the F15’s and F35’s, ……the one with fairy tales is you, unable to sum up your position with some basic true facts.


Tough talk, yet Israel spilled Russian blood and made them back down.

All you have is empty talk and propaganda

Your hypersonic fairytales are rendered ineffective by the superior electronic warfare of the American systems the Israelis employ.

The US built AD in syria are the finest in the world, the Arrow 3 missile can intercept ICBM’s, Planes, and even other missile.

This was already proven in a previous Israeli attack, which happened in the face of the Russians again(lol)

Israel shot down an S200 with the Arrow 3, destroyed a Pantsir, and smashed Syrian positions with only 1 lost plane in 20 years

The F35 would slaughter any junk Russian plane, just like every other time in history when US jets clashed with Russian made jets

All you have is rhetoric trying to make you feel better

And hypersonic weapons have existed since the 60’s dumbo

They’re called ballistic missiles which Israel has


The Russians are going to spill Judaic blood, the rest of your comments are sheer nonsense, no they worth answering.


russia did not create no fly zone. IL planes fly as they want in syrian airspace.

Ricky Miller

No they don’t. They fire missiles into Syria mostly from Lebanese airspace or from out over the ocean. Israeli planes don’t venture too close to Syria’s defenses. Coalition aircraft do not fly over government controlled areas in Syria.


they attacked aleppo from syrian space, palmra, too. yankee planes also fly west from euphrates


You listen to MSM fake news, FYO, Israeli planes fly over Lebanon and launch cruise missiles against Syrian targets. Russia did create a no fly zone by deploying anti air missile defenses and air superiority fighters in the region. F22, F35 with all their vaunted stealth capabilities have remained east of Eufrates river. That is what you call a no fly zone, when no 5th generation fighters dare to challenge the reach of the S400 defenses, and when they clumsily do, against ROE their goose is cooked.


i listen putin, my dear!


Putin is a politician, he packs an iron hand in a velvet political glove. Someone after Putin will take a tougher stand on Israel.


putin is isiot. and heavy drunker. look at his drunken face.

moreover, old, tired, thief, friend of oligarchs and enemy of poor people.

Jim Bim

Another brainwashed Russophobe enters the stage from his hole…this time a White supremacists.

Ricky Miller

I think that the S400 is far more dangerous to the USAF than you believe. Russia is reluctant to engage in widening the confrontation and I wouldn’t read anything more into than that. The great thing about weapons of war is that words like yours don’t mean much once they start going off. Weapons speak and words fall silent. For Americans like you that doesn’t mean much because war is like a game where only other people suffer. Russia knows and remembers all too well it’s real costs. Hence the more careful reluctance. Also, not noted by you? The fact that Russia taking this punch, like others, disables the narrative to Europe that Russia is the threat here. It seems to many around the World that it is America and Israel who are paddling civilization toward the abyss of major war, recklessly. There is a quiet, if expensive win in that.


It’s just another slap to the face of the Russian tough Grizzly bear narrative you’re so fond of spinning

It’s amusing watching the Israelis fly up to the face of premier Russian air defenses and laughing all the way home

Ricky Miller

But it ‘s not the premier air defense system when broken off from it’s complement pieces. It is designed to work as a part of a wider layered defense network. It is in Syria as an area denial tripwire. It has forced missile strikes to fly low, taking altitude away from the attackers and lowering the range of their weapons. The S-400 in Syria is not even at battalion strength and there are no Mig31’s operating with it. A Mig31bsm can guide S400 missiles onto low flying targets like low approach aircraft and missiles. The fact that they are not being employed with it means that Russia is not trying to control the airspace, just deny others total control and protect Russian aircraft trying to restore territory to Syria’s government. A process that has been hugely successful.



Russian fanboys have been ranting and raving about the Russian AD in Syria for years despite it being Swiss cheese

Now you’re making excuses?

The S400 and Pantsir(which has been destroyed by Israel before)

Got smacked up by a 30 year old American jet

No time for excuses now, Russia wouldn’t even fire back lol

Russian media obsesses over American weapons and tried to discredit them when in reality Russia is very weak compared to the US, especially in Syria

Ricky Miller

Until Russia begins firing them against real targets we won’t actually know. I bet the S400 will be great at what it’s designed to do. Prevent masses of American aircraft from penetrating Russia’s airspace and threatening Russia’s strategic missiles and industrial sites. And I’ll also wager you that five years from now Bashar al-Assad will still be President of Syria, all of Syria’s major cities will be in government hands and rebuilding and that the USA will quietly remove itself from the barren Al-Tanf desert region. And meanwhile the Taliban will be steadily kicking American and puppet government forces out of the fifty percent of Afghanistan that they have now, after seventeen years of AmeriWar, incorporated.


We already know

A Pantsir S1 was destroyed on camera

Russian claims to protect Syria with its Air defenses

Yet Syria cannot prevent any air strikes

It’s already real combat and Western weapons land with impunity while Russia utterly fails to deter the attackers again and again

They’ll just invent a fake story and everyone here will gobble it up and accept the humiliation


Ricky Miller

We already know that Russia is winning in Syria. The government of Syria endures. You can smokescreen and make fun all you want but two thirds of Syria’s territory is back in government hands as well as three fourths of the population. Song and dance and war pig all you want, it’s what American war pigs do all the time but facts are facts.


russia is not winning. win means undivided syria.

Ricky Miller

So says you. I’d say any result which leaves the bulk of Syria in government hands and pushes back regime change is a win. For Russia, maybe not for Syria. I consider China’s involvement in Korea in 1950-1953 as a win even though Korea remained divided and still does. The Peoples Liberation Army prevented U.S. led forces from taking all of Korea and setting up shop on the Yalu. Win.

Ricky Miller

And maybe Syria sees it as winning too. Consider Syria’s attackers. The world’s last God’s gift to humanity superpower. Her sidekick little mini superpower, Israel. The Gulf states. NATO core Europe. With enemies like these who needs hell? All of them pouring in weapons, money, New Toyota trucks which appeared out of nowhere in large numbers and tens of thousands of jihadist foreign fighters. Plus the occasional we hate you Western and Israeli airstrike. Russia threw in a small contingent of aircraft, SOF, military police costing less than the equivalent of $3 million u.s. A day. Iran helped organize thousands of Shia militia. And now, who has what? Syrian Arab Republic all the cities, including massive Aleppo in the far North. The coast. Borders with a friendly Iraq and Lebanon. The U.S. at Al -Tanf? Bunch of desert. Little water. Very few peoples. The SDF? Surrounded by a hostile, hating Turkey to the North. An indifferent Iraq to the East. And the Syrian government. Surrounded and landlocked despite American help. From where the government was to where they are now seems like a win, helping to provide an ascendant position in negotiations.

Brother Ma

I am still disgusted with how the main media would show those new toyota tricks and never say anything about them. Where did they come from? How did they get there? How did goatfickers pay for them? I drove my family mad with my rants! Only later when forced, did the news start to talk .I never saw any dumb dogshit sheeple citizens ask a question! Just so many sheep to be sheared! Erh!! Sometimes i really hate democracy!

Brother Ma

Yes but poor Syria must accept being cannibalised again?


no me, assad says this. and i agree with hom. je suis assad!

Gary Sellars

The retard seppo is running out of pre-prepared talking points and is showing to be the vacuous empty-head that we all know him to be. Typical US troll, full of wind and piss, but dumber than a box of rocks.

Brother Ma

Where was Pantshir destroyed?

Gary Sellars

One pantsir was wrecked after it ran out of missiles defending the airport….

Yeah. Wow. What an epic fail. Kinda like Patriots not stopping a single Scud in Iraq? (but the Pentagon insisting they had a 100% kill rate!!!)

If anyone tries to discredit the weapons systems of others it is surely the Seppo Trash Empire.

Brother Ma

Winning the battle does not mean winning the war. Us has not won a war since WWII. The average American is poor because the US has to continually prop up the countries it beat in war. See Iraq,libya and afghanistan. What is your point?


does patriot stand for stupid nowadays? get your act together and gather more knowledge before stating such nonsense.

Brother Ma

I did not know that. Are you ex -military or very well connected and /or very well -read?


Not to forget, that the system is so far in passive mode not to reveal its operational parameters. Successful counter measures can only be developed when these operational parameters are tested and confirmed. As long as an enemy is not sure about range, sensitivity, accuracy, reaction time etc. they need to operate in a worst case scenario, which has a big impact on their attack options.

AM Hants

Were you laughing when Israel took out the USS Liberty? Fully supported by the President of the US, plus his team? Only nobody was meant to survive, let, alone be rescued. What was it, 34 dead, 174 injured, whilst the US President stood back and cheared?


USS Liberty Memorial

‘…On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel. The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it. Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public. The USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died.

The Attack

After surveilling USS Liberty for more than nine hours with almost hourly aircraft overflights and radar tracking, the air and naval forces of Israel attacked our ship in international waters without warning. USS Liberty was identified as a US naval ship by Israeli reconnaissance aircraft nine hours before the attack and continuously tracked by Israeli radar and aircraft thereafter. Sailing in international waters at less than five knots, with no offensive armament, our ship was not a military threat to anyone.

The Israeli forces attacked without warning and without attempting to contact us. Thirty four Americans were killed in the attack and another 174 were wounded. The ship, a $40-million dollar state-of-the-art signals intelligence platform, was later declared unsalvageable and sold for scrap.

The Cover Up

Despite a near-universal consensus that the Israeli attack was made with full knowledge that USS Liberty was a US Navy ship, the Johnson administration began an immediate cover-up of this fact. Though administration officers continued individually to characterize the attack as deliberate, the Johnson administration never sought the prosecution of the guilty parties or otherwise attempted to seek justice for the victims. They concealed and altered evidence in their effort to downplay the attack. Though they never formally accepted the Israeli explanation that it was an accident, they never pressed for a full investigation either. They simply allowed those responsible literally to get away with murder.

In an ongoing effort to reveal the truth about the attack, the USS Liberty Veterans Association has filed with the Secretary of the Army in the manner prescribed by law a detailed, fully documented Report of War Crimes describing the circumstances of the attack on our ship and evidence that it was a crime under international law. In accordance with international law and treaties, the United States is obligated to investigate the allegations. So far, the United States has declined even to acknowledge that the report has been filed. The full text of the report can be found at http://www.gtr5.com/evidence/warcrimes.pdf

… http://www.gtr5.com/

Gary Sellars

Good post, and should be considered the final proof that seppos are dumber than dogshit and even less useful.

AM Hants

Thank you.

Gary Sellars

Again shit-fer-brains…. the Zios are not attacking Russian forces. Not sure why you can’t understand this, but i guess anything more than wiping yer arze is above your pay-grade.

Brother Ma

Russians did the same to headc hoppers lovingly looked after by the yanks at al tanf. So what is your point?


Last time I heard you, you were telling everybody that America defeated the Vietnamese.

Do they keep you in a cage at the Pentagon, and let you out when America loses a war?


Aren’t you the guy who ups his bravado every time Russia gets a missile up his ass?

You’re like a kid with down syndrome bragging about beating up his opponents fists with his face

Cleverson Santos

I have to agree with you… Russia is not living up to expectation… just bla bla bla… now we will take more care and one plane down then we will take more care and 100 personel died roasted by the USA, we will move with care and one huge plane with 15 soldiers gone and again we will take more care… Mr Putin has nerves of steel, we all know that if Russia really wanted to take shit to the fan Israel would be in dire situation, and even if the USA enters the scenary, Russia might lose in the long run but I am sure the America´s cost cities would disapeare from the face of Earth.

AM Hants

Not another preacher from the ‘“Siloviki” Telegram channel?

Gary Sellars

If this is sarcasm its a shockingly dysfunctional effort… what a ness.


at least he had to tell something, while you are empty and you are able to bark, nothing else!


Nothing you say makes sense, it’s just graffiti on a message board.


hahaha, yoa have a big problem, because russia shows the real face: weak dwarf

AM Hants

USS :Liberty? Now how did the President of the US react, together with his Government? Seemed more then happy with Israel, when they took out his Forces, plus, tried to blame it on Egypt. There again, nobody was meant to survive and spill the beans.

Let’s have a look at puny Russia, sorting out the US:

USS Donald Cook, 2014, 2016. USS Theodore Roosevelt, 2014, 2015.

1 hour, 24 minutes, what happens when USS Donald Cook meets Bastion?

EXCLUSIVE: The famous Russian documentary on Crimea with Putin FINALLY with SUBS… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Mw4Y9jRwCQ


John Helmer: What The USS Donald Cook and Polish Navy Were Doing Off Kaliningrad When They Were Buzzed By the Russian Air Force… https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2016/04/john-helmer-what-the-uss-donald-cook-and-polish-navy-were-doing-off-kaliningrad-when-they-were-buzzed-by-the-russian-air-force.html


Terrified US Aircraft Carrier Flees From Russian Subs To UK Safety… http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1853.htm

Russia defence budget $47 billion, decreasing. US defence budget $717 billion, increasing.


TRUE? Unconfirmed Report ”Russian Navy Has Closed The Eastern Mediterranean” (MAP)… https://www.fort-russ.com/2018/09/true-unconfirmed-report-russian-navy-has-closed-the-eastern-mediterranean-map/


U.S ADMITS, RUSSIA HAS UNSTOPPABLE HYPERSONIC WEAPONS… https://www.fort-russ.com/2018/09/u-s-admits-russia-has-unstoppable-hypersonic-weapons/


lol talk talk talk

Israel just humiliated S400 batteries with F16’s and killed 15 Russian soldiers and all you and Russia can do talk and talk about fake military strength

Paper tiger

Ricky Miller

Whatever. The fact is that no nuclear armed state has downed another nuclear armed states aircraft, not in the modern era. Anywhere, including Syria. Russian aircraft and missiles hammer American sponsored and armed pet insurgents and American surface to air batteries and aircraft do nothing. Russian aircraft fly over American personnel in Iraq and SDF areas in their way to and from Syria and U.S. forces do nothing. Russian planes have performed air strikes against Israeli sponsored insurgents including in support of Hezbollah and Israeli SAM batteries and aircraft do…nothing. The Nuclear Nine do not attack one another and this paradigm has held so far in Syria. That doesn’t make Russia’s weapons junk or somehow less effective because her authorities are involved in commonly shared restraint.


Israel just killed Russians according to MOD

So you’re wrong

There’s only one no fly zone in Syria and it’s an American one around Al Tanf

You’re butthurt because the entire image of Russia is built around a powerful military the Americans fear, when the truth is no one respects or fears Russia

It’s okay, Russian media will pump out some more fake stories later to make you feel better.

Israel probably shot the Russian plane down themselves and Russia is blaming Syria because they’re scared

Ricky Miller

So what, the MOD says. They answer to the President. Israel is adamant that they didn’t shoot at or down a Russian plane. The Russians conceded the friendly fire cause, the MOD is angry about the timing notice and vector of the Israeli attack. So still: no nuclear armed state has attacked or downed the aircraft of another. You continue to hyperbole and fail to respond to any other points or facts.


CNN also suggested the same story the Russians decided to run with

Funny how they become a reliable source when it’s convenient ;)

Gary Sellars

More like one of the Jews who infest CNN heard about from one of his relatives back in Ziostani regime or its war-criminal storm-trooper legions.

Brother Ma

You are right.

Gary Sellars

Ars these repeated posts? Like an inbred redneck child he keeps mumbling the same nonsense. Get your banjo and head out onto the fence to practise…

AM Hants

‘Talk, talk, talk’, does not obscure the facts, that 34 US sailors died, with 174 being injured, owing to Israel trying to take out the ‘USS Liberty’. Same script they used on Russia’s IL-20. RIP to all.

Luke Hemmming

We will never know what has been said in private between Putin and Netanyahu in terms of the diplomatic talks they have had lately. There is an agreement between Russia and Israel inside Syria. We will never be privy to that information. Putin is not retaliating I can only speculate that he doesn’t want to escalate the situation and he remains focused on ridding Syria of ISIS and any other party opposed to the legitimate Assad presidency. The US president should take a leaf out of Putin’s book and remain focused on been a president Instead of tweeting and firing. Anyway thats his problem not anyone else’s.

Gary Sellars

They didn’t fire any S-400 as Russian bases were not targetted….

Day-um, but having parents who are siblings has really dented your intellectual horsepower… Oh well, don’t expect anything better from a Trumpian supporter.

Ricky Miller

Not noted in the report but should be noted by everyone is that what goes down in Syria from now on is less in Moscow’s hands and more on the senior officers in Russia’s forces based in Syria. In case of intruding warplanes and missiles being fired near Russia’s personnel and bases, disrespectful at best and stupidly provocative at worst, the decision what to let pass and what to prevent is likely to be taken up by commanders on site. Why? They work around these Russian personnel every day and are responsible for these men. But unlike President Putin that responsibility is more personal. Especially now. For many senior level commanders they’re way more likely after losses to take risks to protect their men. They’ll be more likely to put up with being recalled home, chewed out and retired than to allow personnel to go out and be killed in such a wasteful and stupid way. For New World Order types and Israeli’s bombing Syria I’d tread cautiously going forward. And pay attention not just to cues from the Kremlin but from downchain too.

Brother Ma

So Russian commanders will accept more deaths in the short term to achieve objectives rather than playing it safe?

Ricky Miller

No, I think just the reverse. The senior offices will be motivated to not have to return home having again allowed something like this to happen in an additional incident. Orders, or no orders, nobody wants to be that guy.

Brother Ma

Pity though. You can not win wars when always risk-averse.


You make a great point and I would agree with you in every situation, except, for what I’ve seen from Russia who has been far more disciplined than I expected. They would also expect their men to feel quite strongly about this latest incident, and perhaps reinforce the message about following orders exactly to have a better long-term outcome.


The Russian red line was crossed

Nothing happened


Ricky Miller

No, no. The Russian redlines in Syria are only two. They’ve made it clear over and over. 1) direct attack against Russian personnel. And 2) a level of force used against government led forces strong enough or a duration long enough to effect regime change. By all admissions and an Israeli apology neither of those lines were crossed. Maybe soon you’ll get the firestorm you’re literally begging for. Not this time.


15 dead Russians soldiers with Israel directly blamed by the Russian MOD isn’t a red line


Then Russia is pussy

More like a pink line

Ricky Miller

Russia is weak is what American military and intelligence officers told their Georgian counterparts in the lead up to the 2008 war. They were told: Russia won’t fight. They have poor unit communications and difficulty coordinating. Medvedev isn’t Putin. If you get to and close off the Roki tunnel it’ll likely lead to a fait accompli. Russian aircraft use mostly dumb bombs and will have to fly lower where they’ll be vulnerable. Result? Georgia started a fight, had their butt handed to them and both South Ossetia and Abkhazia are free from Georgia now. Many of the things on the goon squad Uncle Sam list were true. But also irrelevant. Just like your uninformed opinion about a country that has outlasted all takers for a thousand years, including Hitler, Hindenburg, the Ottomans, Napoleon, the Lithuanian and Polish Empires, Gustavus Adolphus and even both the Mongols and the Vikings. Enough said.


George is a tiny little country and still managed to inflict losses on Russia

They shot down at least 4 Russian planes


Ricky Miller

You confuse tactical setbacks as being equal to strategic victories. Losing men and material but gaining the objective is what it’s all about. Vietnam. The U.S. win every engagement, including Tet. And Saigon still had it’s name changed.

Gary Sellars

Using Russian supplied SAMs….

Given that Russia forces had barely begun their rearmament drive in 2008, and didn’t expect Saaki to do anything as fecking stupid as kill Russian peacekeepers in their beds in the middle of the night, then sure, they were unprepared.

All sides take losses in combat. No-one emerges 100% unscathed, but Russian ground losses where very light while the Georgians were routed.

Brother Ma

In their beds Gary? Were they mortaredor slaughtered by hand? I can’t remember start of war.

Gary Sellars

Combination of shelling and mortar attacks on their barracks in the early hours. It was a deliberate attack, not the result of stray shells, a number of peacekeepers were killed while they slept, though I’ve never been able to find out the exact numbers.

Brother Ma

Thanks .

Ricky Miller

And then, the next morning the attacking Georgians filmed themselves with cell phone cameras shooting tank rounds into apartment buildings. Brave guys.

Gary Sellars

Yup, but they weren’t so brave when the 58th Army and the 42nd Guard Motorised Rifle Division came a’calling…. The Georgian developed a sudden interest in checking that didn’t leave the water running back home, and legged it to make sure…

Ricky Miller

Yes. They earned every bit of that thumping. And if they’ve been stupid enough to host an American bioweapons lab near Tblisi, busy researching Slavic genomes and trying to tailor viruses to assault Russians, than we’re going to get to see a longer sequel soon. Televised.

Vince Dhimos

Didn’t know they had cell phones back then.

Gary Sellars

“George is a tiny little country”…

George? Who is George, and why is he a country?

Stoopid seppo halfwit, no command of the Queen’s English…

Brother Ma

Bravo! Seppos also got Erdogan to start a war with Russia and had his butt handed to him. They also got Ukraine to act tough and look what happened! Seppos turn to shit everything they touch,not like that glorious King Midas! I think they do it on purpose. They even screw over allies so that they are stronger than everyone!

Brother Ma

Yep! The colour of your sweet flaps.


Unfortunate collateral damage, just like all the American instructors killed by Russian bombs in Syria.

Ricky Miller

Come on now, no one is supposed to know about those. More than a dozen, unofficial count but maybe two more in the past few days. The government doesn’t own up to these losses because the American electorate has been clear that we don’t want to be involved in Syria’s civil war. In 2013 the Congress abandoned a vote authorizing the use of force in Syria after a public outcry. Trump was elected saying no to involvement in Syria, even to the point of ridicule. So losses stay hidden. And democracy made a mockery of.

Brother Ma

Well the surveillance plane was a direct attack! Syria did not shoot that plane down and proved it.

AM Hants

Love this video. Some nations do not need to brag, just get down to work.

East Ghouta, Syria. Report of Chinese analysts examined by Russian leading Middle East expert… https://vimeo.com/263728681

Vince Dhimos

If what Satanovsky reports (based on a Chinese report) is true, then there has been a hot war and there may be more hot wars, in Syria between US poxies and Russian proxies, and US spec ops have been targeted and killed in Douma. http://www.newsilkstrategies.com/news–analysis/confirmation-that-us-uk-special-ops-are-in-syria-some-captured

AM Hants

Must admit, Satanovsky reports do interest me. Reminds me, of this image, from a while ago, commenting on some of the terrorists/mercenaries/special forces, putting their lippy and frocks, trying to escape.


Brother Ma

I support Putin yet I can see there is some whitewashing going on. Why did the Russian Ministry say it was the syrian anti aircraft guns so quickly ? Syrian gov has given data showing it did NOT shoot down the Russian surveillance plane! So it was israel planes or french and israeli boats behind them or someone in line of sight of russian plane behind the aircraft guns? FUKUS commando team -on the ground inSyria -with rocket launcher? There is a coverup going on andRussian for what ever reasons is going along with it!

Unless Russia has a knockout blow it is keeping secret from us , i reckon it is a big mistake to Russian credibility worldwide.


The fact remains that it was an Israeli tactic to draw the missile from SAA which accidentally took out the Russian plane. The only whitewashing going on is who is to blame, which is only to be expected from Israel.

As for Russian credibility, they have long held the podium position of who to trust the most based on facts revealed later.

Brother Ma

I agree with all you have said apart from SAA shot down the plane. No..the latest news is that the Syrians have proven to Putin that they did not shoot down the plane accidentally or not. So …who shot the plane down?


No, they haven’t.

Ricky Miller

The Syrians have all but admitted to it. President Assad even commented that he hopes this doesn’t effect Syrian and Russian cooperation going forward. Also, senior Israeli Air Force officers are flying to Russia today bringing the radar records of their part in the attack including their targeting information. The Syrians fire off huge salvos of these older missiles trying to defend their airspace.


Exactly right! Brother Ma creating whitewash yet again.

Brother Ma

No sorry Ricky. I believed the same as you did. However ,a certain reputable russian news website popular in the world and attacked by the Americans etc says that the latest info is that Syria disavows and has given info to Russia. It does now seem that infact FUKUS shot it down after all.

The plane had friend or foe anyway so highly unlikely that s200 wpould shoot it down .

Vince Dhimos

Which site?


Well I believe the Russian Defense Minister accused Israel of being a large factor in what happened. So Israel drew fire and it accidentally hit the Russian aircraft, right?

Brother Ma

I do agree with you now. Breaking news is now that Russia does not give friend or foe codes to foreign export sales so Syria did not have Russian plane codes! Yet syria preaented evidence it says means it did not shoot down the plane!

What a balls -up! So Syria could have shot down the Russian plane! So is this a circus? How stupid is Russia to go to war in Syria and let Syria shoot down its plane so easily?

Something does not smell right. I reckon there is a coverup. If this is true, then israel does not have to fool the s200 or bait it,the Syrians could shoot down ANY russian plane,if the pilot or s200 operator is a retard!!

I dont believe it,someone is lying here and I reckon it is Russia. I reckon,Fuckus shot down the plane and Russia is covering it up.


Sounds like your inventing a conspiracy out of thin-air. Just stick to the facts and lets wait and see what happens.


It wasn’t an Israeli missile that hit the aircraft, so no red line was crossed.


True, it was not Israeli missile, it was missile from French vessel. Oh, I forgot. Officially they stated, that IL20 was shot down by Syrian S200. CNN told us so so it must be thruth, LOL. Red line was apparently crossed BUT they were able to orchestrate false flag with Syrian S200 so nobody can be sure what really happened. As for as me, I believe that all that FUKUS wanted is Russian attack on French vessel as a pretext for WW3. They needed some NATO member to be “attacked”. Remember, that West starts any big war only after false “pretext” to justify it. That’s why Putin reacted so weak. But anyway, it is Putin’s personal responsibility that S300 were not delivered in Syria and it is Putin’s responsibility, that Israel can freely attack Syria and violate Libanon’s airspace. Putin is a liar and 15 dead crew are result of his actions.


Absolute tosh.

Vince Dhimos

The US and Israel likely coordinated the attack by the 4 Israeli warplanes, and your theory that some major exchanges of fire were sought may be correct. After all, Congressional elections are coming up and at the same time, impeachment looms. Likewise, the DMZ deal with Turkey squeezes out the US in Syria. So Trump has every reason to want a flare-up in Syria at this time. And the non-Trump Deep State knows that the “Christian” Zios would think a fallout between Israel and Russia is the end times attack on Israel predicted in Ezekiel. That would be sure to turn a lot of them against Russia. It had to be avoided. Putin had no good choices.

Vince Dhimos

The major changes that happened will be known to the insiders and to the Israelis, who may have been told not to attack Syria again. We can only hope. It needed to stop and this shootdown was the perfect catalyst.


lol shut up dork

It’s like the 205th attack on Syria

Weak weak weak

AM Hants

Has Russia closed down the Eastern Med?

TRUE? Unconfirmed Report ”Russian Navy Has Closed The Eastern Mediterranean” (MAP)… https://www.fort-russ.com/2018/09/true-unconfirmed-report-russian-navy-has-closed-the-eastern-mediterranean-map/

USS Liberty, gets taken out by Israel, in order to blame Egypt, US Government, including President, say nought.

Russia, Israel take out their plane, plus crewe, to blame Syria, plus France, Russia calmly responds.

Putin believes it is necessary to start development of weapons of the future

More: http://tass.com/defense/1022362

U.S. Military Admits Its “Helpless” Against a Hypersonic Missile Strike by China or Russia… https://www.yahoo.com/news/u-military-admits-helpless-against-154600758.html


Only Russian bases?


should also american ones? tell toputin, he is able to do this. :))

John Mason

In a war you plan and make allowances for all possible contingencies, too late shutting the gate after the horse has bolted. Russia in Syria should have expected attacks from the west and prepared itself accordingly.

Ray Douglas

Surely the Syrian Air Defense personal knew the Russian plane was on route to land in Latakia. Surely the Russians knew it was on it way also. Can not the airport be converted that all planes take off and land from Syrian air space, that is, over Syrian land.


I have this theory about drugs and cultures. In western cultures people tend to be reserved, so alcohol is the most popular drug because it removes inhibitions. In the Arab world cannabis is the most popular drug because it calms down the natural volatility of Arabs. Some Syrian just pushed the fire button without thinking.

Brother Ma

Syrians proved to Putin they did not shoot plane down. Also i really do not believe Syrians use aa without Russian advisers at the time. So i really believe plane was shot down by FUKUS ships ,planes or commandos on the ground. Putin knows this but mum is the word!


You can believe it alright. Russia operates their own anti-aircraft and SAA operates theirs.

Brother Ma

Syrians did not shoot down the plane and proved it to Putin. It was shot down by FUKUS.


Well, France did it. They want to trigger military response from Russia as a pretext to WW3. I don’t believe that Il 20 was shot down by syrian S200. I ratgher believe that IL20 was shot down by french missile from the vessel and then Israelis came with fake news about Syrian S200. It was all planned by Washington and Israel and we all narrowly missed WW3 because of calm Russian response. But anyway. Putin is a liar.

Brother Ma

I agree with you. Why would france be so stupid to be the hitman? I understand our govs stupidly following yankees but why should we start the war for the Yankees! Let the Yankees start the war if they really want it and then we can follow like the fools we really are!

Is Macron so usless and so servile to risk getting his frigate melted and his country cooked to please the yankees!!

Very weak or stupid man !!

Ray Douglas

How do you know this. Where did this information come from?

Brother Ma

Both rt. Com and sputnik and dimpenews.com memtioned it at one time.

Tudor Miron

That statements of Borisov is not about response to that downing of IL-20. At arms show conducted by Kalashnikov corporation he was asked by journo and that was his answer in connection to that show.


you know always everything better then the russian government.


Something clearly failed in the Russian equipment and or proceedures. The anti friendly fire equipment either malfunctioned or was jammed. Or else missiles were fired when there was a risk of a friendly fire accident that was beyond the design parameters of the security equipment.

The Jews were probably testing what would happen under the circumstances. The Syrian equipment should be upgraded to extend the range of effectiveness over the sea. Either upgrading existing S-200 and Buk systems. Or acquiring later model S series and Buk systems with the efficacy necessary to take down IAF manned aircraft at the ranges involved.

Brother Ma

FUkUS shot the plane down. Syrians have proven to Putin they did not shoot down the surveillance plane. Putin knows this but for whatever reason ,mum is the word.


Do you have a link?

Brother Ma

Here is one. I will tey and find another later. https://dimpenews.com/2018/09/21/new-data-russian-ilyushin-il-20-was-shot-down-by-the-missile-of-an-israeli-warplane-f16/

Brother Ma




Might be a CIA site:



Syria AD got BUKs!?!


Syria has a fleet of Mig-29s that have the potential to be an effective deterrent to the IAF. That’s an option that needs to be considered.


What automated control systems? What’s that?




has legs, but can not move. what is this?

(superfast russian AT)

Gary Sellars

You idiot. Its just a piece of artwork, nothing more than a mockup for a little visual effect.

Funny that tabloids and so-called “professional industry experts” seemed to think this thing was some kind of weapon project. It just goes to show how stoopid they actually are.


Even better would be to make a mock-up of a Star Destroyer like in Star Wars :) Nikki Haley’s head might explode :D


no, thios was propagated as weapon :P


LA yesterday.



Poor communication certainly played a role in this, but it was not necessarily an equipment failure but human one.

Concrete Mike

Hey look who comes out of hiding.

It was a human one indeed. A deliberate trap some would say.


Buk Mk lll http://www.arms-expo.ru/upload/medialibrary/3a7/3a77dee682aaac7fe1fe27e4bf130076.jpg


130 km makes this system capable of covering the entire Syrian seaboard all of the way to Cypres:

“”Rosoboronexport” for the first time offered foreign customers the latest Viking anti-aircraft missile system ( Buk-M3 type air defense missile system ), whose firing range was increased 1.5 times compared to its predecessor, deputy general director Sergey Ladygin said on Wednesday. “This is great news for us and our foreign partners.The Viking complex, while preserving the best qualities of the famous line of Buk anti-aircraft missile systems, represents a new word in the development of medium-range air defense systems,” S. Ladygin said. press office.

The report also notes that the Viking missile system received a number of unique features that had not previously been available in any air defense complex.

“For example, he had the opportunity to integrate launchers from the anti-aircraft missile system Antei-2500 , which will provide the possibility of hitting targets at a range of up to 130 kilometers and will greatly enhance the efficiency of the entire air defense group in the fight against enemy manned aircraft,” the message says. .”

– “Rosoboronexport” for the first time offered foreign customers the latest Viking ” –



I hope putin realizes he looks like a clown right now…


he has dozens of billions in dollars. nothing else is important for him.


Is that real money, or your Jew money?


HIS jew money. put-in is jew.


It is time to put S300 to Syria and make no fly zone for Israel above Syria and Lebanon. It is Putin’s personal fault that S300 were not deployed yet, because he didn’t want to “provoke” western “partners”. Putin’s big mistake which costs 15 lifes of Russian crew and delayed IDLIB operation by months.

The Farney Fontenoy

If Russia would upgrade the SAA with the S300 that would save the RuAF a lot of money & lives, but then a goy like Putin must obey his master.


putin is master. he is jew. medvedev is jew. all oligarchs are lews. the minister of finance is jew. the chief of russian national bank is jew.

any question?


You are Jew?


no. i am neutral to jews, enemy to IL

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Could it be that the IAF jammed or ECM´ed the signal and somehow made the Il-20 invisible but at the same time “exposing” the Il-20 as the F-16´s?

And would the Syrian/Russian IFF not prevent a friendly fire situation?

Vince Dhimos

I expect this incident to lead to major changes in Russian policy, namely, a warning to Israel to stop attacking Syrian soil period. So far the Russians have followed this absurd procedure of tacitly allowing Israel to attack suspected Iranian assets. This undermines Syria’s sovereign right to invite assistance from the countries of its choice.

Dušan Mirić

When Su-25 was downed over Idlib I read on this pages “Russia will improve protection of Su-25″… Post Mortem is too late

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