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MARCH 2025

Russian Civic Society Forces Military Bureaucracy To React Promptly

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Russian Civic Society Forces Military Bureaucracy To React Promptly

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A few days ago, pro-Russian telegram channels were blown up by the news about problems with importing so-called dual-use items from China to Russia. First of all, the subject is quadcopters, body armor, radios, helmets, first-aid kits, and other items of equipment that are purchased by Russians for troops taking part in the war in Ukraine. Obviously, despite the restructuring of the Russian economy into a war industry, improving the military supply is a difficult and time-consuming process. Since the beginning of the conflict, Russia has had difficulty providing a range of military items, partially covering this demand through purchases from China, Iran, and even, as some media reports claim, from North Korea.

Not expecting fierce resistance from Ukraine with the full support of the United States and other NATO members, Putin had to face the bitter truth that the massive implementation of new weapons and equipment in the Russian army was often a show-off. Behind the numerous exhibitions and colorful presentations was a lack of equipment for the largest army in Europe in the items essential on the modern battlefield. Not surprisingly, this could not but affect the course of combat operations, when Russia faced sensitive defeats on the Kharkov and Kherson fronts.

Nevertheless, by late fall the situation began to change. The appointment of a new commander Surovikin, the announced mobilization in Russia, and regular strikes against Ukraine’s energy infrastructure led to a stabilization of the front and demonstrated the Kremlin’s serious preparations for the winter military campaign. Under these conditions, the unexpectedly publicized information about the Russian customs ban on the import of dual-use goods from China demonstrates first of all the extreme bureaucratization of the supervisory bodies, as well as the attempts of the pro-American lobby in the Russian authorities to influence the supply of the Russian army. The incompetence of some Russian officials is evidenced even by such a small fact as the non-serviceable contact phone number of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, which one must use to call if there are problems with the transportation of Chinese cargo.

The emergence of this situation may also be a result of the willingness of government agencies to establish a centralized army supply in a short period of time, while ignoring the activities of volunteer organizations, which have been actively helping the Russian military since the beginning of the war. At the same time, Ukraine actively uses arms and humanitarian aid deliveries from abroad, not preventing but on the contrary encouraging these actions from its foreign allies in every possible way.

The unresolved problems of supplying the army may play a key role for Moscow in further confrontation with Kiev, which is especially critical in light of the upcoming combat operations during the winter period.


The Federal Customs Service of Russia immediately reacted to the public demand and released the following statement on November 27:

Currently, the Federal Customs Service of Russia, together with the Ministry of Defense of Russia, has taken additional measures aimed at accelerating the import into the Russian Federation and timely custom clearance formalities of goods intended to support the combat and daily activities of military units of the Russian Federation.

Coordination of supplies of goods for the needs of a Special military operation in Ukraine is carried out by the Russian Defense Ministry. When organizing and carrying out such deliveries, it is necessary to contact the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Please note that the import of dual-use goods not intended for the needs of the Special military operation, carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of export control.

The current situation reflects the contradictions in the Russian administrative executive staff which is the heritage of an inefficient, and often corrupt, peacetime bureaucratic system.


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NATO terrorists

This article was written by a NaziLover. Shame on SF

Florian Geyer

I am thinking the same thing. The author was speaking in typical US/UK ‘ doublespeak ‘.

Slava Rossiya.

jens holm

Something is wrong with Your not updated Win95.

You even are able to blame US/UK for 1917.

You dont think at all. You only are stupid routine reflexes in this too.


No, it’s just the truth. The SMO has exposed previously hidden corruption and inefficiencies of the Russian Army. Which Russia is now in the painful process of fixing. But this is a good thing. After the needed reforms and rearmaments, the Russian Army will be more formidable than ever before. They will also be more prepared for any potential larger-scale war with the West.


No they are right in that there was a lot of corruption and inefficiencies through the Civil and military leadership in Russia. The Military leadership is seeing a reshuffe and reorganization. The civil leadership and structure appears to be next. The support for the war is still high in that Russians understand the West wants their destruction. The supporters will be the loudest voices in the change to fix the inefficiencies and corrupt leaders. There will always be corruption, but the goal is to have corruption that plays into the nation’s power without harming the ability to defend and protect security and economic potential.


hahaha idiotic russians can’t even equip 300.000 people and talk about having a 20 millions army resource… with what? pitches and forks? idiots

Mini Tactical Hypersonic Nuke locked on Kiev

The RF can and should make large unofficial purchases from China, Turkey and Iran. Under the table, but solid.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mini Tactical Hypersonic Nuke locked on Kiev

Strange that a pro-Russian propaganda site that even eliminates the comments of anyone who dares to say something against it, even in a polite and constructive way, writes an article criticizing Russia itself. Even “the heritage of an inefficient, and often corrupt”. What’s wrong with you guys?

NATO terrorists

SF has never been pro Putin. They have shown it since the beginning of this war. Seems SF hates Putin as the leader of #Russia..

jens holm

I partly agree. This is no pro Putin site.


So the paintball, sorry I mean “ballistic plate body armor ” from wish.com is getting held up at customs? Oh noes.


Strange article. I am astonished. Is it a PR-event delivered by some Western Intelligence-club? Should we really believe such stuff?



Sorry to say, but the news is true. Heavy problems the ru soldiers have (for example) with their body armour. And that’s only one of many problems. Here listen yourself to what they say.

Videos: Russian soldiers in Ukraine complain about body armour and else.


Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater
Buford T Justice

Bull shit video . Projection is what this is . Josh Brooks AMERICAN WRITER AND AUTHOR Josh Brooks spent eight years on active duty in the United States Marine Corp

jens holm

We in west dont care half a tourist camel about it. The excuses and explanations are just as the rest mainly total fakes.

Their infections are a part of the country. They cant even understand, that proletars has nothing to share if they produce nothing.

jens holm

You cant make camels fly even they want to.


@Freidimensional to read something about the actual politics , you must always be careful. And yes , every time you read something about Russian “defeats” , you must be aware , the PR-war can be involved. On the other side , it is also helpful to read the opinions of the other side , to better understand the whole conflict. I hope this is the intention of SF , when they post such articles.

jens holm

This has nothing to do with us in west. The problems are well described from long time before 1930 and are not corrrected.

But we in west has worked with the problems for such a big country. As long as it makes no structures for doing things as well as educate people for it, it will remain as it is.

You can find tons of papersabout it here as well as Youtubes. Its dusty old stuff.

jens holm

Your believe says everything is fine and no devellopments are needed. Fine with me, but do it in Your own country.



Last edited 2 years ago by War

As I’ve said many many times, China needs to kick up support by many notches. If Russia fails, CHINA IS next.

Gerry Bell

It’s good that they can at least publicly acknowledge the problem. It’s a sign of not just honesty but greater confidence in their political system.

Moshe Dyan

Bourla Gates and Fauci are responsible for the depopulation happening all over the world at this very moment. Time for trials for crimes against humanity. Truth must be spread to the whole world.


Putin is the guy that played the game on hard mode.

Take over a country that: – is 100% corrupt (done on purpose by the former leaders) – has a constutution and important laws written by those corrupt together with enemy agends – an ecomomy which is in shambles after beeing cut of the former warshow pact nations who it was interconnected with – has lost the cold war mostly cause the political class was sure they will be able to steal more in a capitalist russia and get away with it – has a national bank which follows the fed in any way or form and will do anything to help the dollar instead of it’s own currency

For that he succeded so well that the west thought it needs to drag them down the same path once again. And well leaders who had better starting conditions did not fare better when the west descided to target their countries.

jens holm

It was USSR whis cut europe all the way to west of DDR.

It was Stalin which denied help by Marshall planes as well.

And true. Most of the USSR productions were old ineffective of the worst kind. None should save that. It should be replaced.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Absolutelly false as any German soldies facing Soviet artillery and tanks could tell you if he survived.


Sure if you cut all contracts between former warsaw pact countries in order to force them to only buy western stuff it is cause everything is obsolete and outdated…

If this would have been the case then those contracts would have run it’s course and not been prolonged or people would have gradualy switched to western products. But the truth was that east german companys where told by the united german government that they are no longer alloud to sell to their old customers in russia, ukraine, poland, and so on. The entirety non sowjet former east block nations where put through shock therapy to force them to privatise everything while western capital would have priviledged access and biding rights.

The game was riged by the winner of the cold war and while you may deny it here in reality you are cheering them on their brilliance in private.

Player Unknown

Is Putin new Brezhnev ,who let USSR rot alive … or new last Czar , who destroyed Russia ?

USA is the worst human farm

Or Stalin, who brought famine and destruction but built first class weapons?

Or Gorbacev who pushed towards failure….?

Or Woodrow Wilson who destroyed the spirit of USA?



“Is Putin new Brezhnev ,who let USSR rot alive … or new last Czar , who destroyed Russia ?”

LOL welcome on the propaganda front

jens holm

I see no sign ofcreatingany changeto the better. None.


The same is true for the Chinese armed forces I fear. For all armed forces that have not fought real combat, especially against an equal competitor, for a long time. This is relevant because NATO is of course already preparing destabilization operations, insurgencies, against China – and everyone else who does not succumb to the globalist elites will, including transhumanization like transgender and other things to come. They are Demonic.

As to inefficient peace-time bureaucracies: the same is true for every European armed force. Even the British (luckily, they are now broke and will remain so for the foreseeable future). To the Americans: a better world will only result once the Dollar dominance (reserve currency status and Petro-Dollar) is broken.


“For all armed forces that have not fought real combat”

but the Russians did


Yes, in Syria etc. But these were comparably small engagements. Remember the US is pouring 800 billion Dollars a year into their military and they just ran out of ammunition for Ukraine.

This is a huge conflict. Millions of artillery rounds have been fired. It’s the first time drones have been used on a large scale.

Jean de Peyrelongue

I did not understood anything. rumors and not facts.

USA is the worst human farm

Fog of war…

jens holm

Its a too biased version. It is allowed to read a lot more about it somewhere else.


“Not surprisingly, this could not but affect the course of combat operations, when Russia faced sensitive defeats on the Kharkov and Kherson fronts.”

“defeat” is not really the right description , it is widely discussed in different channels. The supply problems must be solved , that’s correct. Nobody is perfect.

jens holm

So many things in Rustica are one string only. No toools are made to compensate for that infected centralisme.

Its not related to any american lobby at all but is simple stupidisme. You delagate the big and complicated rgigs into organs, which trust each other – but also are controlled.

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