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Russian Combat Drones Continue To Strike Targets In Ukraine (Videos)

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Russian Combat Drones Continue To Strike Targets In Ukraine (Videos)

The Russian Forpost unmanned aerial vehicle at an air base in Syria (Photo: geo-politica.info)

Russian combat drones continue to target Ukrainian forces in support of the ongoing special military operation in Ukraine.

On March 18, the Russian Ministry of Defense released two videos showing recent pinpoint strikes which were carried out with Forpost-R combat drones. The strikes targeted positions, ammunition depots and a communication center of Ukrainian forces.

The Forpost-R is a modernized variant of the original Forpost drone, which is a licensed copy of the Israeli IAI Searcher. This version made from Russian components and has a domestic software.

The drone has a takeoff weight of 500 kg, a range of 400 kilometers and an endurance of 18 hours at an altitude of up to 6,000 meters.

In one of the videos released by the Russian MoD, the Forpost-R appears to be armed with two KAB-20 guided bombs. The light glide bomb is available in two versions, the Kab-20L, which is only guided by a satellite-aided INS [inertial navigation system], and the Kab-20S, which is also equipped with a semi-active laser seeker.

Russia has already lost two Forpost drones over Ukraine. The wreckage of one of the lost drones included Israeli-made components, which indicates that it was from the older versions.

The Forpost-R is not the only type of Russian combat drones taking part in the ongoing special military operation in Ukraine. The Russian MoD released several videos showing pinpoint strikes on Ukrainian forces by Kronshtadt Orion combat drones in the last few weeks.

The experience gained from the special military operation in Ukraine will likely help Russia to further develop its drone capabilities.


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Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Condolences to the fallen Azovisis and Ciaisis operators. May they rest in pieces…


Ukkropbots, videos of captured AZOV fighters in Mariupol are beginning to surface where they praise Chechnya. I thought we were winning bros? And why are the brave azov fighters converting to chechen ideology within minutes of their capture, does anyone know?

Muhammad your Prophet

How many children has Putin the terrorist cockroach murdered today? Do they keep a record of that in Moscow? Or do they just let the children die where they fall? The need to write that, Scooby, so that the international court can get a better picture of all the war crimes.

George W. Bush

Probably less than I have.

Barack Hussein Obama

Hold my opium laced beer…

Bill Clinton

Negative. The record is mine

Tony Blair

Jolly well isn’t


What international court? The corupt one in Hague? Russians are fighting by the book. No legitimate court would take a case against Putin.

Muhammad your Prophet

Sooner or later they’re going to start with one monster. Who else better than a terrorist cockroach like Putin who’s deliberately targeting children’s shelters?

Hunter Biden your Pimp

You mean UkroISIS terrorists not just using civilians as human shield but deliberately targeting their own people and deliberately killing their own civilians for dirty propaganda purposes (just like Maidan snipers)?

MaidanISIS Ukroaches terrorists are not just war criminals, they are the most vile, evil, sick degenerate monsters in history along with their demonic masters from Washington. And you dirty shemale whore sucking their dicks for a few cents and Zelensky banana… disgusting pile of shite, that’s you.

Last edited 3 years ago by Hunter Biden your Pimp
Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

People are not in short supply and have only a small value as labor. If a few hundred thousand big and small die, they are quickly forgotten when the next soap opera comes on TV.


Muhammad and his goat buggering descendants.


Since when do you khazarians call yourselves Muhammad?

Arch Bungle

If they haven’t started with Blair and Bush what makes you think think they’ll start with Putin.

Uncle Sam said any attempt to try Americans in the Hague will result in the Court being liquidated.

Russia can simply provide the same guarantee …

Muhammad your Prophet

Going after Israel for defending itself against Hamas terrorist cockroaches was already turning the international court into a joke. Now at least it has a real excuse to go after a true mass murderer.


You can keep saying the same crap, its highly likely what you are paid for… but if your masters really believe its going to work, they are dilusional.

Putin is a hero, a lightbringer in a world of darkness. He will save us from people you and your masters, as he is doing now.


Hamas is the only democratically-elected government in the Middle East. (Good job there’s an edit button)

Last edited 3 years ago by squeeth
Arch Bungle

Cry harder Jew.

First, we’re going to wipe out all the jewish nazis in Ukieland.

Then we’re going to wipe out all the fake hebrews in Palestine.

Tick Tock, motherfucker.

Ghost of Zelensky

Mickey Mouse “courts” first they need to trial Bill Clinton, Madelaine Albright, Joe Biden, Tony Blair, George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Obama and every other US/UK war criminal, plus Porky, Turchinov, Zelensky and all other ukro war criminal for 8 years of genocide against people of Donbass.

Horváth Zsolt

mass murderer the mianstream media but NOT Putin..


Good Lord no they pick up the dead children … the point of the siege is to starve the Azov Battalion not leave them delicious children. Obviously you weren’t raised on a farm … you never get rid of rats if you leave carcasses all over the place.

Hunter Biden your Pimp

“Think of the children!” routine, how pathetic you little cocksucking bitch can be…

How many children your Azovite boyfriends killed today for CNN cameras? Huh bitch? Not just using them as human shield and hiding behind civilians, they are deliberately killing children for dirty propaganda, just like they did in Maidan back in 2014. when their snipers killed both protesters and police officers.

MaidanISIS Ukroaches, the most vile, despicable, degenerates, they are worse than nazis, they are worse than cockroaches, they are demons from hell, just like their masters from Washington. And you are just their little shemale whore paid to spam garbage 24/7 from stinky CIA dungeon.

Last edited 3 years ago by Hunter Biden your Pimp

Russia will simply nuke the International court.


A lot less than Poroshenk and Zelensky the last eight years in Donbass for sure…

Arch Bungle

Oh the children! The Children!

Who cares?

Children die every day in Yemen and nobody gives a shit.

You think anyone cares about Ukie spawn?

Johnny Foreigner

More overwrought, hysterical and meaningless drivel from Scooby Perez.


The ICC is increasingly standing accused of racism. Take a look at the list of accused and prosecuted cases in last two decades, and where the accused come from. It is way disproportionate, many tin-pot African warlords, that end up easily caught by Europeans for cash rewards. So basically list of black Africans being held and prosecuted by white west Europeans, in the EU. That makes ICC look a lot like a new Neo-colonial instrument of western-EU power over Africa. That is not a credible look in southern hemisphere, and developing world.

Last edited 3 years ago by BabylonGardens
The Objective

🤕 ouch

Adolf Hitler

NEIN NEIN NEIN Ihr ferflixte schweinehunde 😠🤬

Joe Biden

Money well spent 😉

Yamil Perez

Oh no, my precious koshernazi baby killers. My precious Azov boys. I think Im fainting…😱

Madeline Albright

I killed 500,000 Iraqi children and proud of it.

Benjamin Netanjahu

Thats a lazy month in Palestine.

Corrupt shithole of russiapisstan



Those drones are easily detected and shot down by Ukrainian air defences. Also, good luck with making more. You have been cut off from the international market of critical military components. And it’s right to do so. Any country that traitorously threatens and attacks it’s friendly neighbors, carving up and annexing chunks of their territory, creating economic and psychological hardship for tens of millions of people, deserves the same fate. But Russia has demonstrated more. They aren’t just a bully and a thief, greedy for the land of their neighbors. They’re actually a genocidal thief. They would kill people to annex more land and they would displace millions of people to annex more land. Five millon people displaced in Ukraine, both internally and externally in three weeks. The worst humanitarian catastrophe on the territory of Europe since Nazi Germany. Only the Nazis were capable of such evils in terms of humanitarian devastation. The world is watching. Europe has become more peaceful less warlike. They have little tolerance for nuclear armed bullies. Countries needs to isolate Russia and Russia needs to feel like a failure on the diplomatic front. Because they’re are a disaster in terms of diplomacy. And that means that the Russian leadership is incapable to pursue the best interests of the Russian people. Putin is acting like a Tzar and he is treating Russian people like dumb peasants. I just hope that the Russian people refuse to be deceived by this corrupt autocrat


Im talking BS again. Sovvy… 🍺🍸🍷🥃🍶🍾💉💉💉

Heinrich Himmler

Ja ja… Für die Faterland. Gutes kind.

Henry S. Truman

Hey Im the biggest nuclear bully ever.

General Curtis Lemay

Na nah, paps, not so fast…


Now Russia seems to turn to devastation tactics, as the invasion not only has been slowed down, but is grinding to a halt right now.

Medinski was very upset when cutting the rail connections from Russia to Ukraine was mentioned by Ukrainian militaries, as lots of supplies are rolling in there. Very desperate times for Russia it seems.

If both sides are coming to terms soon we will see. One thing for sure, Russian military got the reputation of the Soviet Army in Finland these days. 🤷

Josif Vissaniorivich Dsugasvili Stalin

It was about time to solve the Ukrainian problem.


He tried and he failed.

Josif Vissaniorivich Dsugasvili Stalin

Yeah I was a noob. But better late then never.

The Objective

You cant cut something you don’t control Einstein.


True, if Russia can’t even get the supposedly occupied areas of their invasion under control, they can’t keep the rails safe either. 🤷

The Objective

Sure thats why 98% of Ukrop military assets are toast.


Interesting that they are still kicking ass then with that little equipment. 🤷


“Also, good luck with making more.”

At least Russia can build drones … Ukraine has to suck NATO dick for their drones.

The USA gives NOTHING away. No matter who wins this war Ukraine is going to be someone’s bitch.


BangeraShiteater: https://cdn.osxdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/animoji-poop-from-iphone-as-gif.gif

Last edited 3 years ago by 🍌🍌🍌

Sanctions are the same as tariff barriers that the Russians don’t have to bother with because the Seppoes have done it for them.

Last edited 3 years ago by squeeth
Arch Bungle

Ok, Baghdad Bob …

Arch Bungle

If you could fight as much as you talk Russia would have been defeated by now.

Pity your words are just farts in the wind …

President Vladimir Putin

Ah my boys are having fun. Precious 💗💕

Last edited 3 years ago by President Vladimir Putin

They love being punching bags, especially the recruits. 🤷

President Vladimir Putin

I ate Kiev chicken for dinner. It was delicious.


I ate Biden’s diapers for dinner. It was delicious.



Hunter Biden

Did someone see my laptop? If so call 555-crackerboy

Boris Johnson

Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦

Boris Johnson

F… Wrong video.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A Forpost a day keeps the ukrotrash away 🤗


EU/NATO using drones to keep the Jew pervert puppet Zelensky supplied with cocaine and anal lube, shipment of white flags from France due any day now!

Corrupt shithole of russiapisstan

Why do you bootlicking Russian schizos love to watch your evil corrupt government commit war crimes in against innocent children some of which are also Russian?


war criminals are those that keep children as shields and don’t give a fuck about their own civilians.

The Truth shall set you Free 🆓

Why do you bootlicking CIAisis schizos love to watch your evil corrupt government commit war crimes in against innocent children some of which are also Russian?

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Everyone must be treated equally. Children become like their parents when they grow up.

sod off

buttlicking degenerate go slurp your dinner from Joes diapers instead of farting here all day long with 1000 moronic gay names

Corrupt shithole of russiapisstan

Keep seething

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Look how strong we are! Even our shitty drones can hit something! CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡


Camera resolution is terrible even Redmi Note 4 is better.


hey, hello bot bitches, how are you tonight? I just mined 1000000 of satoshis, I’m happy


Drones are great in modern conflicts. Attack and grind but also for reconnaissance and spy on troops movement. Cost effective.

Карина Андреевна

Another Russian Fashist fedaration bullshit

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