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MARCH 2025

Russian Convoy Broke Through US Barricade In Eastern Syria, Set Up A Checkpoint

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Russian Convoy Broke Through US Barricade In Eastern Syria, Set Up A Checkpoint

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On September 29th, Russian troops broke through a US blockade and entered eastern Syria, erecting a checkpoint along a road in Hasaka.

The Russian military convoy, despite the opposition of the Americans, managed to break through into the eastern part of northern Syria.

Earlier, in this direction, Russian troops experienced very serious pressure from the Americans, however, Russian servicemen managed to break through to this area.

The key event is the fact that a Russian military checkpoint was deployed in this direction, completely blocking the movement of Americans from Iraq.

The photographs presented show that the Russian military successfully reached the city of Derik, and began the construction of a checkpoint there, deploying additional defensive means and armored vehicles.

Russian Convoy Broke Through US Barricade In Eastern Syria, Set Up A Checkpoint

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Russian Convoy Broke Through US Barricade In Eastern Syria, Set Up A Checkpoint

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Despite the absence of official comments, experts believe that the Russian military intends to take full control of the northeastern part of Syria, blocking any access for the Americans here and at the same time blocking the paths of smuggling Syrian oil into neighboring Turkey.

According to Syrian media reports, local residents tried to create obstacles to the Russian military, however, given the fact that Russia operates in Syria with the official consent and under invitation of Damascus, the activities were carried on as normal.

The Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) also operate in the region of Hasaka in Deir Ezzor.

On September 29th, Syrian state outlet SANA reported that 2 SDF members were killed by unknown militants, following an attack on their positions in Hasaka.

On September 28th, 6 SDF members were killed in separate attacks on the axes of their movements in the vicinity of Ain Issa town and near Tal al-Samen town in the eastern countryside of Raqqa.

Russian Convoy Broke Through US Barricade In Eastern Syria, Set Up A Checkpoint

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That is a great move,it could help to cut the Americans off from their logistics coming from Iraq,but the Russians should beef up their armour at those checkpoints,i wouldn’t put it past the Americans telling their SDF collaborators to attack the Russians.

Lone Ranger

Mi-24 and Ka-52 combat helos all day every day. With drone and Su-35 support. Beat that Uncle Sam…


Thats the way to go.


In which case, Putin will call Erdogan and say: “Hey send here a bunch of head choppers. There are horny kurds that want to be ******”.

Now it is clear what is Russia’s strategy in the ME and even in the Caucasus. And people say that Putin has been outsmarted by Erdogan.

Jim Allen

That will be the day. That Erdogan is smarter than Putin. Or, Russian MoD.

Bill Wilson

I don’t see how that can happen since Derik is a village northeast of Hasakah that’s well away from any major roads. It sits at a crossroad where several small rural roads convene so the US probably let the Russians in to monitor the traffic on those since the SAA has several bases nearby.


Won’t be long before they start shooting at each other.

Lone Ranger

U.S. politicans are retarded. U.S. generals while evil and brazen know the limitations of their capebilities. The question they have to adk l…is it worth that oil to die for? Russia doesnt care about the oil, SAA and Russia wants to secure the region to stop the free movement of terrorists, the U.S. are like fuckin pirates they only care about resources, people are only collateral damage for them..


Yeah but if USA troops care only about resources and (“we took the oil”) ignoring their long flanks / supply lines, they can be cut off. It is a non-sustainable situation for USA forces in NE Syria imo and especially militants attacking their convoys in Iraq.

Fog of War

This isn’t about oil as much as you think.

Steve Standley

This is THE trigger for war between Russia and the United States. If Putin is doing this, he’s crossed the Rubicon. He’s ready to fight. He’s had enough of the thievery and lawlessness of the US.

AM Hants

Needed to get the rest of the nation under control till they could handle the larger problem. Now that has been done, ready for the finale. Watch out for Western Hysteria.

Concrete Mike

Perfect time to strike AM, were all too busy analyzing 2 idiots talking about nothing last night.

Harry Smith

The comment of the day! Americans are too busy now to give any orders to their puppets, so every really independent state can push its agenda in the next couple of months.

AM Hants

Seriously wish them luck and speed, with the final clean up.

Ralph London

Off-topic, but very N.B. Make sure you download all of it AM (about planned cv): https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/planned/

AM Hants

Thanks Ralph, happy to sign up for more info from them.

Ralph London

By the way, a short while ago, I thought you would soon reach 30 000…then it seems you have ALREADY reached that, as AMHants, is that correct?

AM Hants

I never take any notice of comments or upvotes. Stopped using AMHants as upset some MOD, who put me on the naughty list and had a carpet ban. Managed to sort it out, but, believe a couple of sites stuck with the ban. Think comments were over 50,000 at the time. Owing to very obsessive at the time and seriously p*ssed off with what politicians were Doing, in our names. Not forgetting 2 May 2014, Odessa Trade Union Massacre, which was the main reason I became vocal. To give that poor, heavily pregnant, cleaner, who was taped, strangled then burnt alive, just for turning up for her cleaning shift, a voice.

Now just use AM Hants, but, banned by Gateway Pundit and Breit Bart, for some reason, haha.

Ralph London

‘banned by Gateway Pundit’ – dare I say I beat you to it? Or have you been banned by GP b4?

AM Hants

2nd ban. AMHants and think I stopped using that at least a couple of years ago, when I was still obsessive, owing to the carpet ban. AM Hants got banned by them about a month ago, owing to an article on Covid. Which was strange, as the article was not buying the hoax and neither was my comment, but, there was nothing there that was rude or insulting.

AM Hants

Excuse typo errors, auto correct and sent comment before checking.

Not as obsessive with sites as used to be, but, still spend too much time on them.

Jim Allen

I think there was more than just that to get pulled together for this.


I think the Americans will back off,their bluff has been called,but if they want to make a fight of it give them one.


Agreed. It’s enough for USA to be in NE Syria to destabilise, gather intelligence but if risk of major confrontation then it is not important enough to stay, so they will clear off.

Al Tanf in the South on the main road between Syria and Irag is another matter though, where USA will stay as long as possible to block the land link up between Iran-Iraq-Sysria – Lebanon.


nah see comment below just opportunistic move while USA is busy with elections, Corona and rebellion zones in their cities.


The fact that they have become more aggressive, is obvious. After all, the american empire is dying. Trump will win in November and the revolts will start.

It is the best time for Russia and China to assert their force. And yes, China will invade Taiwan for real this time.

Антон С

The situation is not so dramatic for sure.


Not so fast guys. Belarus, Ukraine, Armenia, Chinese influence in far eastern oblasts. Mother Russia runs deep but that’s several fronts too many.

Traiano Welcome

Small chips.

Jim Allen

Russia has no fronts open except Syria. There’s always been Russian troops in Belarus. The situation there is down to CIA destabilization for now. Let the West bang it’s head against Belarus for awhile. Take out the paid agitators. Ukraine’s going nowhere in the Donbass region. The West is very cautious around Russian interests. The Armenia thing is to draw Russia’s attention, but yawn, Putin didn’t bite… again. Shouldn’t be long before Turkey gets bitch slapped again either. Russia’s tired of Western idiocy, it shows on Putin’s face. Iraq joining, Iran, Syria, and what appears to be Lebanon, (Hezbollah is in) the military Alliance, and with Russia, caused a lot of organisation work. Iraqi militia’s started pouring out of the woodwork, like 100.000 fighters, I read somewhere. There’s also trade, Russia’s been busy, at least part of the Iranian oil tankers are flying Russian Federation flags, their biggest tanker, those sailing to Venezuela with condensate, and fuel. Venezuela’s got to have the condensate to get their oil to flow, apparently. China, and India are buying from both Iran, and Venezuela. Russia set up the money thing, bypassing US sanctions so payment can be made. Making the Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal exasperated. US Government is checkmate. If US, and whatever NATO countries that can be forced to join an attack (Turkey, UK, France, maybe don’t really see Germany in this but I’ve been surprised before) US military, and it’s pet “enemies” have been defeated once in Syria already. Starting to get hit in Iraq, this will increase. US military is not prepared to go to war, the propaganda talks big, but most aren’t aware, US Navy has been doing the deferred maintenance for the last 10 years. 8 years under Obummer, another two under Trump. The other services are in about the same shape, equipment is aging, no new replacements for the retired ships, no new hardware that works. Ford is sailing around, it’s doubtful it’s systems are up, given the number of issues. Air power is relying on F-16 mainly, and US warplanes are not so strongly built, as upgradable, as Russian warplanes, and don’t perform. US is late in it’s upgrade programs for F-16, F/A-18, and whatever F-14, and F-15 are around. Iran may sell US theirs? Russia started it’s upgrade programs way back, US, and Germany bought some 42 MiG-29 between them to deny Russia buying them Moldova, and Montenegro if I recall put their MiG-29 up for sale as they couldn’t afford to maintain them. Should be seeing some new Tu-160 pretty soon, There were several uncompleted planes left when USSR went broke, work was to begin completing these, (with upgrades) and new construction using a redesigned airframe too. It’s been a few years, since that was to begin. These babies are expensive, and labor intensive to build. That’s why there were so few. The 16 Russia has came from Ukraine as partial payment on the gas bill, or actually the repayment of the money Putin loaned to Pooroshenko puppet to pay the bill, and get the gas turned back on. Pooroshenko stole it instead, Putin sued, won, so Ukraine was forced to repay. Before Putin could get back to buy the other 16 US heard about the deal, forced Pooroshenko puppet to scrap them for pennies on the dollar. A fraction of what Russia would’ve paid for them. As broke as Ukraine was it did seem rather stupid. US wasn’t impressed with them….until later. One of the treaty’s US Government broke removed the restrictions on Tu-22M that limited it to tactical bomber status. The inflight refueling equipment was reinstalled, and what other limitations removed, returning it to strategic bomber status. There’s quite a few of these, cheaper to build, and not so strong as Tu-160, there’s 60ish of these. There’s about 70 Tu-95 Bears. Not quite the load capacity of B-52, it’s performance matches, the fastest turboprop powered aircraft, just under 1.0 Mach, like the B-52. More economical, and can use shorter runways, even rough runways. Like a C-130 can. These are expected to be in service another 40 years. US “stealth bombers”, like the fighters aren’t stealthy, at all. They’re not fast either. These planes are aging, and not nearly as well as the Russian bombers. Russia doesn’t need carriers, it’s not attempting to take over the world. Russia’s Navy is smaller, but newer, it has a fair number of cruisers, one big cruiser, like a US 8″ heavy cruiser. Several like US 6″ light cruisers, a number of destroyers about the size of US destroyers in WWII. Large numbers of Corvettes, new, disproportionately armed for their size, running from 1,000 to 2,000 tons. Fast, maneuverable, and armed. US military considers these frigates due to their firepower. Perfect to defend Russia’s coasts, they can run upriver, and in the shallow water’s of the oceans in Russia’s back yard. US Navy’s big carriers, are slow targets in the Black Sea, Persian Gulf, Mediterranean Sea, through the Straits of Hormuz, and Bosphorus Straights, Suez Canal (if they’re able to use it) are all shallow, and small. Russia’s submarine fleet is bigger than US, newer, very quiet, (get quieter every upgrade) the newer nuke boats are quiet given all the machinery running in main engineering. The D/E boats are all but silent, the West has problems tracking these. US military technology is aging, electronics, weapons, air defense, etc.. Germany proved a big military doesn’t guarantee anything in WWII. Germany whupped Poland in days, and the Polish military was bigger, and better equipped than Wehrmacht. Which was 90% horse drawn in 1939. Swept Europe, the British figured out it couldn’t beat the Germans,, got US into the war. US military found out it couldn’t beat the Germans, either. So they talked Russia into doing it. Do the math, German military was 17 million, the allies were twice, or more that size. Without Russia. Add Russia’s numbers, and it still took years to shove the Germans back inside their borders. The West is run by arrogant sociopaths, and lunatics, that know they ought not attempt war against any one of the country’s it’s provoking, and they’re all allies. US is depending on it’s nukes, and that’s a bad bet. Russia has more, and far superior defenses. Superior offensive capabilities there’s no analog for Russian hypersonic weapons, it has Directed Energy Weapons in service as well. (lasers) China, too.

Lone Ranger

Wehehe. Balls of steel Comrades. Good job. CIA trolls and hasbarats will cry and rage ?. Ukropnazis too…



Lone Ranger



Finally! USA invaders gtfo, and take your lapdogs and mercenaries back with you!


Thank You, Russian heroes! the Russian military intends to take full control of the northeastern part of Syria, blocking any access for the Americans here and at the same time blocking the paths of smuggling Syrian oil into neighboring Turkey


Gerasimov I think


This man is a genius. He is the driving force behind a completely new military doctrine.

Harry Smith

It is not a one man operation, I think. Russia has a lot of analysts and General Stuff to plan it.

Jim Allen

That’s why all Russia’s allies are aligned with Russia leading. Russia has the best intelligence services in the world, currently, an unsurpassed General Staff, and the world class radars, and electronics to monitor movement around the world. It justmakes sense, Russia knows how best to delegate forces, after all Russia was taught how to fight by Prussian Generals. Then surpassed their teachers.

Антон С

Chief of rus. forces in Syria now is general-lieutenant Chayko. Previous, general Surovikin, became the head of the Airspace Gorces. General Serdyukov, the head of the Airborne Forces, was before him.


Антон С

Your welcome.)

Fog of War

Broke through, as in, rammed through a barricade ? Or did they just weasel their way around the slower moving ‘merikans ? Wording is everything.


they just been clever and did their job that’s all and point is now that they did their job better than the yankee boys


The only weasels bozo are the ones whom try to overturn others governments,what the fk are you just another blodd thirsty coward,you know the russians are trained to save lifes,unlike gayto/cias

Bill Wilson

Well, whoop de doo. Derik is a rural village NE of Hasakah that’s well away from any major roads. There are several SAA bases nearby so the US most likely told the Russians that it was OK with them to set up a checkpoint in that village.


Thy don’t need a green light from the US to do ANYTHING in Syria.


oh wow you live there with you little familly kids and cute dog ?


step by step drip by drip the US rats will be squeezed out of Syria and ErDoggy will have to watch out to keep his head on his body because i think that man is playing a real Russian Roulette with Putin’s patience and friendship

Traiano Welcome

What kind of idiots barricade a road against off-road vehicles …

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