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MARCH 2025

Russian Defence Ministry Revealed Data On Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine

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Russian Defence Ministry Revealed Data On Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine

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On May 2nd, the Russian Ministry of Defence commented on the influx of foreign fighters in Ukraine:

” We note that since the beginning of May, the influx of foreign mercenaries to Ukraine willing to participate in hostilities against the Russian Armed Forces has almost ceased.

According to the available data, today the total number of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine has almost halved — from 6.6 to 3.5 thousand people. At the same time, the number of mercenaries in the combat units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard in the Donbas has decreased by orders of magnitude.

Hundreds of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine were destroyed by Russian high-precision long-range weapons shortly after arriving at the places where they were undergoing additional training and coordination of tactical units.

But most of the mercenaries were destroyed in the combat zone due to the low level of training and lack of real combat experience.

Separately, we draw attention to the fact that the commanders of the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard of Ukraine, which included mercenaries, in an effort to reduce the losses of their servicemen, do not spare foreigners. Captured mercenaries are interrogated and they testify that they are sacrificed in the first place. Due to the concealment of losses by the Kiev regime and the absence of remains, relatives of mercenaries in the countries of residence simply do not know about their deaths.

Faced with a real combat situation and heavy losses among the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard and foreigners, a significant number of mercenaries prefer to leave the territory of Ukraine as soon as possible, but the Kiev regime in every way prevents them from leaving abroad.

Let me remind you that in accordance with international humanitarian law, mercenaries are not combatants, and the best that awaits them is criminal responsibility.

The Kiev regime’s urgent attempts to guarantee legal protection to mercenaries, including them in the list of military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine or the National Guard, or issuing them fresh passports of Ukrainian citizens, will not save any of them.


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Meet the most lethal “nuclear” weapon in the U.$. arsenal.


America’s version of the “Russian Dead Hand”!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Hunter Biden

“crackhead-milf-and-incest-porn” I like crackhead milfs while my daddy Joe prefers little kids. But we both love incest 👍

John Tosh

Nobody likes fighting on the losing side. Ukraine is losing. The money offered $1000 a day does not seem that good anymore if you are captured by Russia or killed.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

It is not certain that Ukraine will lose when they now have Africans on their side.

The Africans have talked to a witch doctor and got a magic chicken leg that they wear around their necks.

This means that no bullets can damage them and make them invisible to opponents.

Those Africans are there for the $1000 a day offered.

Pillow Talk

Zelensky will stiff them, just like he does with the Brits. He’s an equal opportunity stiffer and sniffer.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pillow Talk
Two for one sale at the Tripoli slave market

I’m not so sure that they weren’t outright sold to Zelensky by that other freedom-loving liberated democracy and shining light on the hill, Libya.

Pillow Talk

Victory has a thousand fathers and Ukraine’s orphan rump is soon to be sold into western sex slavery for US/UK/EU deviants like Hunter Biden.

Edgar Zetar

The freemens of the West ready to die to save face in Ukraine and to protect the institutions of a failed a corrupt Goverment… The maze was created to put an end of corrupt mens, to establish a new order were the radical liberals could not corrupt mens and society.


Treat them like the criminals they are.

Muhammad your Prophet

The foreign data reveals that Russia has just defaulted on its debt. Vladimir Putin can only pay the Wagner freaks with toilet paper. That’s why he hasn’t paid his own Russian soldiers in last two months. The foreign mercenaries he brought from Syria will soon receive a shipment of toilet paper as payment for their services.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
hunter bidé lab pork !

and you got covaids in the anus and got to be f up !!!


Why do you lie. Russia even after the west literally stealing 26 billion in foreign reserves (not the 300 B which was originally told by the west) Russia is rolling around in cash. It’s still getting a billion a day not in euros though but in rubbles which is the best currency in the world at the moment and has settled so no Dutch effect against exports. It is the west which is the one suffering. Your just a thick troll.. Ukraine is losing badly, men dying & surrendering to Russia who treat them with dignity not like Ukcop.

Muhammad your Prophet

He missed the latest payment. The debt default has already been triggered. It means that Russia is now on a collision course of self destruction. https://www.wsj.com/articles/russias-missed-bond-payment-triggers-default-insurance-11654099766


if “Clueless Dipshit” was a religion, you would be allah

John Tosh

Actually the Western countries just destroyed the “Default Process” No other country will ever respect it. This is an artificial default one openly caused not because the payer cannot pay but because the receiver refuses to accept the money. You fools running around thinking your words matter. It only matters when money is not available to be spent or made. Russia has so much the world needs. If Russia decides to sell Petroleum, gas, wheat, guns, fighter planes in “Toilet Paper” that toilet paper becomes valuable because it can buy those things.

You morons need to go back to Macroeconomics… you are using terms you do not even understand how it works. Comes from filling up all those IMF and World Bank offices with Pretty faces, and good looking CIA agents, instead of smart people who do not always look good!

Muhammad your Prophet

The macroeconomics here is that Vladimir Putin is an international thief and a mass murderer. You can do the numbers by yourself if you weren’t a braindead Putin robot.

Yawn, it's sleepy time

When he finally gets up to the civilian death count America’s responsible for in the past 50 years, you be sure to let us know. Don’t take too long now though. I may be retiring in a few decades.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yawn, it's sleepy time
A laugh a day keeps the docs away

Your stories are great after dinner reading, I have to admit.

One of these days you’ll figure out that the US is attacking Russia with a blunt spoon.

Last edited 2 years ago by A laugh a day keeps the docs away

The ordinary people of the West are suffering. The scum of the West, at the top, they are enjoying their thefts and their profits from the weapons the people’s taxes are being drained into. The people are being put into debt for more weapons, which the scum profit from even more. The high prices beng paid for fuels are exacerbated by purchases of Russian fuels through middle men who make vast profits. Buying Russian fuels directly from gaz prom, with long term contracts with some flexibility would mean MUCH lower prices and stability. Thats just no good for the profiteering scum.


26 billion? That’s what, two days of increased oil profits from western sanction oil rallies?

Meanwhile, Indian purchases are up ten times from last year, and they just turn around and sell refined products or the crude itself to Europe for a tidy profit.

What dopes that Druzilla von der Loon and her entourage are.


You know who makes Muhhhh Muuuuhh mama?? Perhaps you are a cow-girl? Muuuuuhhhhh Muuuuuuuhhhh :D


I rally must have a word with your ward orderlies.


Muhammad, I realize you are a paid poster but your lies are so obvious that your only reason for posting is to upset SF loyal posters. Your boss in the White House uses worthless government bonds and worthless $$$$ which are “backed-up ” by a PROMISE whereas Russia with its RUBLE is backed by Gold and materials like oil-grain- metals etc. Even your bosses economists and financial conglomerates acknowledge this hence they are (privately ) investing in Russian currency .


Take a day off you kike troll, relax. Maybe pop round to the rabbi’s house for a glass of baby’s blood and some foreskin nibbles!

Last edited 2 years ago by Machi
Muhammed fake prophet

Fake information from a fake Muslim who was rejected by his religion and culture.


An artificial US engineered default is no default. Where do you come up with all the bullshit you post? From that silly b1tch Zelensky just fired or second hand, from the Daily Piglet Beast?.

hunter bidé lab pork !

send the Davos freaks with a lot of monkey digital parazitic covaids in the anus !!!


I’m surprised there are 3500 mercs left but not shocked. The AFU has almost nobody left that knows how to use the weapon systems coming in from the west.


Russia fight against NATO ISIS

All fascists in Ukraine must die

Soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, listen and understand, we are in Ukraine only to destroy fascists and Nazis, hard-core war criminals and their criminal leadership. There are no complaints about you as an ordinary soldier. Take as an example how your own soldiers rebuffed the Nazis near Kharkov (in Pecheneg). The Nazis / Banderites are a very pee-loving creature. They’re just a bunch. Unite the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and take everything into your own hands. You have guns and you are bigger. You are not meat and not the material to go under the gun of the Nazis into the fire. Let them go under your gun. You have no chance, the weapons of Europe will not give you an advantage. For example, the Coalition self-propelled guns are hitting 80 km, and you are only dreaming about it. This vaunted himars has ALREADY worked near Kharkov and near Slavyansk (super victories did not bring). And separately, I would like to close the topic with “rapes”. The fool who lied about it was fired, this pervert who spread fakes (Denisova). So don’t be ashamed, even if you are bots, just keep quiet about these fakes, and you will pass for smart.


I do hope Russia are not going to allow one bushel of Ukrainian wheat to leave Ukraine. Make the west suffer , and sell Russian wheat to the rest of the world.

Snow White and the Dopey Ukrops

Those dopey ukrops mined the harbor and can’t get their own grain out now. That’s public knowledge from the International Maritime Organization already.

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