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MARCH 2025

Russian Defence Ministry Transfers Sapphire Rescue Ship To Ukraine Gratuitously

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Russian Defence Ministry Transfers Sapphire Rescue Ship To Ukraine Gratuitously

Ukrainian rescue vessel “Sapphire” in Sevastopol.

The Ministry of Defense of Russia informed that on April 8, the Russian side transferred the rescue vessel Sapphire to Ukraine free of charge and without any conditions. The Ukrainian authorities confirmed this.

General Mikhail Mizintsev, the head of the National Defense Management Center of Russia, said that the rescue ship Sapphire had been passed over to Ukraine free of charge and without any conditions in the transfer area (RR-2) coordinated with the International Maritime Rescue Service in advance.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Infrastructure reported in the media that the Saphir had come under Ukrainian control. Kiev reported an agreement on the return of the ship in March.

The Russian military took control of the emergency rescue vessel Sapphire of the Ukrainian Navy near Odessa in early March and transferred it to Sevastopol. 19 Ukrainian civilian sailors from the rescue vessel Sapphire were captured while trying to take the Ukrainian military from the island of Zmeiny. According to the Kiev authorities, they were sent to Ukraine in exchange to 11 civilian sailors who were reportedly rescued from a ship that sank near Odessa.


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Gratuitously? It was stolen to begin with. Russia is an utter joke


nazi alabama hillbily traumatized


Please don’t insult the good people of Alabama by comparing them to Ukrainian Nazis!

And BTW – among the Americans, Alabamans certainly aren’t among the worst. They’re mostly good hard working Christians. The neoCON types that plan all the wars live more in places like New York, DC, California, and such. Alabama’s more working class.


Not to mention Alabama is occupied by Yankees since 1865.


The guy is obviously not very aware of how much support Russia actually has among Americans, particularly those who are more resistant to western propaganda, aka the people who have their own communities, often in more rural areas.

But I guess we can’t fault him too much because it’s not like Americans really know anything about Russians either.


Like Josh says it is inaccurate to equate the Nazis of Ukraine with Alabama. For the most part Alabamans are conservative working people. If you want to compare the Nazis to someone try San Francisco or New York city.

Pamfil Military Academy

It’s very easy to know who’s who on this matter in US: just point the racist hotspots and you will have the nazi movement there for sure. Also I don’t know why so indifference of the black peoples in US, because after Ukraine anglo-zionist agenda is almost obvious that the new US great whore of globalist politically driven white racism will go in full force. Or the blacks are only interested in fucking white whores while they can.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

I am an Ohio hillbilly who stands with Russia, dont compare us all with the murderous scum of Azov, thanks


I’m an Arkansas hillbilly myself, born and raised. But no one here would know it because I fully support Russia. Although I generally keep my opinions to myself in public, I was surprised to find just how many here support Russia. The other day the missile they were showing on TV was being related to Russia and I said that was a lie. Not 1 person thought differently. So maybe people will realize we are not all asleep. This was at a local sport bar.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zman

The lying shithead corporat media creates false narratives, especially about what Americans think.


You don’t understand the use of the word gratuitous in this context. The Russians have returned vessel – just as Ukrainian AUF/Asov are about to lose Mauripol port and littoral waters access. The Russians are giving a ship to a collapsing state with increasingly no accessible or workable ports! That is why is the word used is gratuitous – as Russia is being formally correct over vessel ownership but also mocking Ukraine at same time.

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens

I would give them all ships back, but only after Nikolaev and Odessa are liberated aswell. Oh. And they can have sea mines too, to use in swimming pool.


you’re talking complete nonsense yourself. He was captured because this vessel was trying to withdraw the Ukrainian military from the island of Zmeiny, if they had not tried to do this, then this vessel would not have been captured. Russia could not have returned this vessel at all, but made a gesture of goodwill.

Last edited 2 years ago by Andrey
Deplorable Commissar

How many more times is Russian goodwill going to result in dead Russians ?


In this case, there was no death

Pamfil Military Academy

You’re right. I always told that for this action of denazification of CIAOps Ukraine Jirinovsky would be a better leader than Putin. Just only for that. Also the good will of Putin to let ukrainians to make a coup and reject the CIA and MI6 nazi Ops out of Ukraine resulted in hundreds of dead russian soldiers, if not thousands, scores of innocent civilians murdered by banderiputas azovite vermin, , and no success at all.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

No thanks.


They know they gone need the helpof this rescue ship the moment Ukraine dtove them in the see, thats why.




Thats the only thing Russians are good in, the learned it in afghanistan, all ofcthem are taken there by the taliban and they can not get enough of it now.

Clown of Kiev

Dipshit you are an utter joke. Not very funny tho, black comedy.

Muhammad your Prophet

Ukranian forces are doing this gratuitously to Russian forces. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=291779773135108&id=100069092624537&m_entstream_source=timeline&anchor_composer=false


Wowee! That pretty much wraps up the Joint Forces Opertion. Donbas back under Kiev authority, separtists eliminated. Next stop Sevastopol!


I can’t wait to see your face when you entire life would be stolen by russian hackers :-) We already have some pictures of your ugly face :-)


What did he post? Can’t access link.


It is a weird group these Ukrainian Nazis. In German national socialism the number one enemy was and always is the Jew. Yet not just Zelensky, but the entire ruling class in Ukraine is Jewish. Poroshenko, Kholomoisky etc.

How do square that circle? I am curious.

Gorgeous George

Nazism and Zionism is not that distant from each other.


thegrayzone com/2022/03/04/nazis-ukrai

article about jew backed nazis

Dick Von D'Astard

I’d suggest that both the Jewish oligarchs and the Nazi’s are linked by a couple of common denominators. The ideology of the ruling foreign policy class within DC, (Straussians) the CIA/MI6 (western intelligence leadership) and Nazi-Nato ‘Gladio’ units.


Well said… Gladio is rarely mentioned anywhere but this operation is a very important piece to the issues we all see today!

Deplorable Commissar

” Yet not just Zelensky, but the entire ruling class in Ukraine is Jewish. Poroshenko, Kholomoisky etc. ”

Welcome to the world wide theater of Zion. How many Khazars are in prominent Russian positions ?

Bonus points: Look up ” Putin’s ” rabbi.

Pamfil Military Academy

It’s easy with russian ‘jews’ but how about the chinese ones explanation, boy ?

Servet Koseoglu

“In German national socialism the number one enemy was and always is the Jew.” Was it?


The onus is on the Jewish elites in the Ukraine to square the circle. The degree of cynicism necessary for them to foster the Banderpite element in Ukraine as a means to inculcating the population with a kooky Ukrainian “identity” so that the population can be used in the US hybrid war against Russia is some sick stuff.


These are just bozos, they are as “national socialists” as ISIS are “muslims”.

Pamfil Military Academy

You suggest ISIS is not muslim. The problem is Isis is ‘very’ muslim.


In one interview of Azov fighters in Mariupol area several weeks ago I heard a group of them say that when they are done in the east they are going back to Kiev and square things away there. I presume that to mean they intend to cleans the government of undesirables, in their eyes.


They won’t make it back… Which a good thing. Russia needs to flatten the Kiev regime, then flatten western Ukraine as well, making a desert of misery between Poland and the country formerly known as Ukraine. They had their shot at statehood… It failed.


German Nazis were puritanical racial supremacists, the top Jews were also that way inclined, they didnt care about the millions of eastern European Jews killed as they seen them as fake Jews. The Jews were the bankers for the Christians originally (well still are), Jewish leadership is just using the tools it has available to it, money and power makes friends of the like minded

Pamfil Military Academy

Yes, and no. There are peoples called ‘jews’ which are FAKE hebrew peoples, khazarian ashkenazi talmudians, and the REAL hebrew peoples, called ‘mozaics’, sephardic, thoraics, blood descendants from Abraham. If you ever get the chance to read Talmud, a non canonic hebrew text of the jew (not hebrews) you will be horrified what it is wrote about Jesus Christ and christians in general. Hence the deep visceral hate of the so-called jews towards christian world in general.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

Where is the difference between brainlessly repeating and abusing a vacuous slogan and putting forward a well thought out and analysed argument. Neither Putin, nor southfront, nor any of the headless, uncritical chickens waffling war criminals and child abusers here have ever been able, nor will they be able, to provide a conclusive definition of the term Nazi, certainly not in the sense that can justify unscrupulous genocide and war of aggression. The only thing they will is proving they are the nazi and Ukraine the victim

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan

Watch me! Johan = Nazi.


Zelensky is the bag man. No democratically elected pres, no Nato goodies.


Last edited 2 years ago by Will

Russia keeps making more and more of those strange gestures of “good will”. Not sure why they bother, really. So far they gained nothing from this strategy. Ofc, normally those gestures could undermine ukrainian narrative of alltogether evil russians, and cause some frictions. Or undermine the western attitude towards Russia, atleast in specific countries. But with complete media blockade it’s simply not worth to bother. Russia should just sieze whatever land it wants from them and then call an unilateral ceasefire.


Agree. What’s the point of this nonsense? Half-measures again and again. The main problem with Russian politics. Probably still calling NATO demons “our partners”. Or dirty mass murdering terrorist false flag attacks in Bucha and Kramatorsk “provocations”. FFS!


The states that make up the vassal NATO countries are Russiain economic partners. The US hegemony is collapsing, and the future is Russian integration with Europe and Asia, with Europe slipping the Anglo-American shackles imposed since 1945.


If so as you say, Russians are going to have to hold their noses to have any cooperative “partnership” with the disgusting Europeans anytime soon. It is hard to imagine that Russia could actually turn their back on Europe for any significant period of time when they are right next door with relevant economies, cultures and histories. I hope that they drive a hard bargain and continue to develop relations with Africa and Latin America and elsewhere. The dependability of Europeans is iffy, and they exhibit a surprising level of stupidity.

Last edited 2 years ago by Snagger
Pamfil Military Academy

The greatest mistake possible for the russians. As long as Germany and England will be in Europe there will be no real friendship with Russia. Germany and England are the quintessence of the anglo-saxon world, so the R1b eternal enemy of the russian slav world R1a. Sorry, but the blood is thicker than water forever.

Lesco Brandon

Trying to maintain an economic partnership with Europe is getting Russians killed. It is not worth it! The same countries Russia is trying to trade with are sending weapons to the Nazis. Enough already! Take them all out!



Lesco Brandon

I agree completely and I’ve posted as such. No matter what Russia does MSM will portray it as Russia being evil.


ukrops – Torture and kill Russian POWs Russians – Feed Ukrop POWs (including the nazis) and send them on their way

Random Jogger

Too bad the Lithuanian nazi director didn’t have such a chance 🤣

Deplorable Commissar

Which party is naively foolish in that equation ?

Deplorable Commissar

The staged show continues I see. I hope the Ukies promptly load that ship with explosives and ram some Russian vessel as thanks . Russia is either naively blind or this is all theater.


Russia very stupid!!


This is a head scratcher, there has to be more to this story, middle of armed conflict and you’re returning a ship, during the conflict? The sailors in an exchange I fully understand, the ship, at this time I do not.

Lesco Brandon

None of this makes any bloody sense.


Invaders, war criminals and child abusers stool a rescue ship and gave it after a while, FREE OF CHARGE, back and are proud to do so. Imagine scoundrel steel’s an ambulance and after a month the return it FREE FROM CHARGE and They are proud about it? Russians ow disconnected from the world can you be.


I think they did it just to make you look like an asshole… again.


You can not insult me, people can only be insulted by their peers. The verbal frustration from a low immoral being like you is nothing more then distant bussing of a fly.


why?.. after this war Ukraine will have no sea access

Lesco Brandon

Why?! Why is Russia making these “friendly” gestures towards the Nazis while the Nazis are committing genocide against Russians?! Stop it already Putin. Take the kid gloves off and bomb these assholes back to the middle ages.


HAHA Will come in useful in the Lvov seaport naval unit! HEHEHEHEHE #nazifilth

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