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MARCH 2025

Russian Defense Firm Delivers Upgraded Radar Surveillance Aircraft To Aerospace Force

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Russian Defense Firm Delivers Upgraded Radar Surveillance Aircraft To Aerospace Force

A-50 aircraft. IMAGE: Marina Lystseva/TASS

The news agency TASS reports (source):

The Taganrog-based Beriev Aircraft Company has delivered the upgraded A-50U long-range radar surveillance aircraft to Russia’s Aerospace Force, the company said in a statement obtained by TASS on Monday.

“On December 6, the Beriev Aircraft Company delivered another A-50U serially modernized long-range radar surveillance plane (side number ‘red’ 45) to the Aerospace Force of Russia. After passing all the necessary trials, the plane was transferred to an Aerospace Force crew and made a successful flight from Taganrog to the place of its permanent basing,” the statement says.

The A-50U new modification features improved radar characteristics while the radar itself is considerably lighter due to the changeover to the new components base. The conditions of the crew’s work have also been improved considerably,” the company said.

The Beriev Aircraft Company is modernizing A-50 long-range radar surveillance planes together with the Vega radio engineering group. Now work is underway at the Beriev Aircraft Company for modernizing other A-50 aviation platforms.

The A-50 is designated to detect, track and determine the affiliation of air, large ground and naval targets, provide data on them to command posts, guide fighter jets towards air targets and frontline aircraft towards ground and sea targets.

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and the US ………… just pumping out the sitting duck versions of F-35 …….. yeah.


Let them eat it. You and I will drink You and I Jhon. we will drink ale. I am Your russian brother. I drink with You.


That Russian Firm Delivers with a heavy heart. This is a weapon of war and we should not take it with a light heart.


Russians need to recognize who their primary enemy is. It isn’t NATO. It’s Jews. The same goes for the US. Our enemy isn’t Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, etc.. It’s Jews. Judaism needs to be done away with to create a Jew free world where it will be much easier for nations to get along.


Jews have been instrumental in bringing massive suffering to the Russian people on at least two occasions in recent history. The horrors of the Jewish Bolshevik revolution and it’s aftermath, and the collapse of the Soviet Union. You’d have to blind and ignorant not to see Jew neocons directing the current anti Russian campaign in the NATO countries.

“the fact that of the seven oligarchs who controlled 50% of Russia’s economy during the 1990s, six were Jewish: Berezovsky, Vladimir Guzinsky, Alexander Smolensky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Mikhail Friedman and Valery Malkin. That fact is incontestable”

– The richer they come … –



abramowich, with his oilcompany that he sold for 13billionbucks to gazprom or maybe rosneft (rosneft took over khordorkovsky’s and berezovsky sued abramowich in london for money when his own were squandered on Petrus wine and bodyguards and then he committed suicide when he got nothing out of the lawsuit and abramowich is now an israeli citizen – good riddance)


sick bad really bad


yes, the jews stole the white house/congress right under the noses of the white supremacist homeboys running the show and making the world an unsafe place – so what to do? consider israel an experiment of some 100 years that now is proven to be a failed experiment and any and all countries that at one stage recognized israel should now call back such recognition, de-recognizing israel, and close its embassies in tel aviv for good. after all, the original recognitions were given on the understanding that the new country would respect the Palestinians and not encroach on their rights and so on. and what have we got, a state which consistently over the last 100 years have murdered, stolen and caused havoc to en entire region and is engaged in crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and moreover, keep a couple of millions of Palestinians locked up in a concentration camp under the worst conditions similar to those of Ravensbruck and similar places.

Discontinue israel now – join BDS now – make financial payments to israel illegal now!


peoples enemy everywhere in the world is capitalism and imperialism and the strangle for hegemonies .

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