Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu inspects the Hmeymim airbase in Syria, June 2016. Vadim Savitsky/TASS
Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu officially stated that Israel bears full responsibility for the downning of Russian IL-20 plane off Syrian coast because its actions had led to this situation.
“The blame for the downing of the Russian plane and the deaths of its crew members lies squarely on the Israeli side,” Shoigu said during a convesation with Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman on the phone. “The actions of the Israeli military were not in keeping with the spirit of the Russian-Israeli partnership, so we reserve the right to respond.”
Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry revealed that Israeli warplanes used the IL-20 to hide from Syrian air defense fire during the September 17 strike on targets in the war-torn country. MORE HERE
On September 4, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) stated that over the last 1.5 years Israel has carried out around 200 airstrikes on Syria using 800 munitions. The scale of the strikes shows Israel’s long-standing intention to remain a powerbroker in the ongoing Syrian conflict. It’s interesting to note that in most of the cases, the IDF strikes led to a further escalation of the war thus making situation more complicated.
The situation is developing.
Damn right Israhell it bears responsibility, what you should now do my Russian brothers is strike 1 or 2 ballistic missiles at some Israeli base or just next time when you see them on screen F-16 you just might launch a missile or two from that S-400s and down 1 or 2 F-16s.
The Israeli actions are criminal. It’s like a criminal shooting at police while holding a hostage in front of himself. The Israeli plan was to flee while leaving the hostage behind to draw fire. From a tactical viewpoint the Israeli plan worked exactly as it was designed to. That the Pentagon immediately chimed in with support shows that the attack was planned and pre-orchestrated. Collusion in the murder of the innocent airmen who were tasked only with providing radar surveillance.
More than just ‘Israel’. All Jews worldwide are responsible for this.
Indeed; RIP UN/ICC/International Laws.
With respect, Jews in a great many countries have spoken out against the treatment of the Palestinians and condemned the war. The problem is zionists and many of them are not jews
The interesting ( and yet less known ) fact about Israel is that it isn’t a judaic nation, but a ragtag of fake jews who have used the Shoah as a shield to advance their criminal plan.
They are khazars and we know that they hate russians. So why russians take it without reacting? Maybe Putin is a khazar himself? We know that Shoigu is a jew, I don’t know if he is a real jew, a fake jew, or some other combination.
Probably because the majority nationality in Israel is Russian. Had no idea Shoigu was jewish, will have to see about that.
Shoigu is not Jewish. He is a Buddist. It took some looking but I finally did dig it up. He is a Tuvan Buddist, after his father. Before the 2015 Russian Syrian intervention, he also made the cross before going to war.
Humm so it is a fake news. I see that he is partly mongolian, so it looked strange that he was a jew.
Moreover I have seen he making the cross sign at every V-Day parade, so I thought he was a jewish converted to orthodox christiandom.
Yes, I’ve seen him cross himself also. It is a Russian tradition to do so before going into battle…or so I’ve gathered. Buddhists are tolerant of other religions.
He is christened, but by what is known publicly not religious at all, just donated money for buddhist temple and makes a sign of the cross at one parade a year. Speculations on his jewishness are based on his mother’s patronimic Jacovlevna and that’s it. Where did you read he’s a buddhist?
Agreed. This was a classic “bait and switch” by the Israelis and for that they will pay.
There are 6 million fake “Jews” humiliating Russia like they do with stupid cowardly self-destructive Arabs, instead of blaming the Zionists Russia should grow a pair and take some action. Whining like little pussies makes Russia look worse than Arabs who are just take the beating quietly. Why did Russia intervene in Syria when it knew that it is a cowardly third world loser.
Syria is a good country with good people and a good leader. Worth every penny to fight for.
I know, but not with allies like treacherous cowardly Russians. Putin gave Nutter Yahoo the green light to attack Syrian and Iranian targets from get go in 2015. Now the Zionists are emboldened and killing Slavs. 14 dead and a IL-20 down and no reaction. If the Zionists use the “super sophisticated” ELINT aircraft as cover, that means that Russian AWACS capability is ZERO. The F-16 crawled up to the IL-20 unnoticed and ghosted it. Russia is inept to laughable level. If an F-16 from 1980’s can not be detected, imagine what a US F-35 or F-22 can do to Russia?
How can you assume they didnt notice the F16s – this is just guessing. They must have been detected otherwise Syrian air defences wouldnt have fired on that location.
The radar footprint o the IL20 is much bigger than that of an F16, so the primitive S200 system picked up the bigger plane.
Not the radar. They have friend or foe transponders on so they’re unlikely to get locked by them. I believe the missile picked them up in confusion where the tagged f16 in too close proximity to the bigger plane.
And the ZioNazi swamp rats knew that that sort of confusion could happen and took advantage of it at Russia’s cost.
Tis time to install S400’s ALL over Syria now.
Absolutely, but …….. will Russia dare to do so, because Syria would not hesitate to use them against the ZioNazi planes, as well as against the FUKUS planes. And guess who would be blamed for that.
What’s more, I am seriously doubting whether Russia has the guts and the willpower to stand up against the ZioNazi garbage dump and its fascist master across the Pond. Putin has now found an excuse for what happened: “Looks accidental, like a chain of tragic circumstances”. https://www.rt.com/news/438728-putin-israel-syria-plane/
The longer a decisive, firm response from Russia remains open, the bolder the ZioNazi swamp rats get, the worse the eventual confrontation.
Fortunes in war ebb and flow but reckless haste in war is a great gamble.
True, but how long & to what extent does one hold off being “reckless”? Has this “unrecklessness” not gone far enough? What will the ZioNazi swamp come up with next, attack Russia in Syria, invade Syria, …..?
… a thousands cuts.
That is quite possible and the result will be a nuclear war if Russia is attacked by FUKUS. A nuclear war that Russians have been prepared mentally and physically for.
Nuclear shelters have and are being refurbished for all in the Russian Federation, not just the rich and powerful, whereas the ordinary civilians of US Coalition states are totally unprepared for any type of war involving themselves at home.
The Americans don’t have the guts to take on the Russians with a nuclear war because they will be toast just like the Russians, if not more so.
Putin does not want to take that chance, understandably, but doing nothing and making up excuses for the ZioNazis is not a solution either, as this incident demonstrates.
So dying six months latter is not winning.
There will be few winners in WW3. Even those who survive in expensive deep bunkers will emerge to a world where all their money and gold etc is worth little or nothing .
Those that do survive without deep bunkers should and probably would hunt down the venal elite’s and send them to their gods.
Don’t worry about the F35’s, they will not fly, or if they do, they can be outmanoeuvered by a 1950s Spitfire.
He’s a troll. Don’t waste your time engaging him. Most likely a pimpled teenager in Israel taking a break from squeezing his zits out.
there were never 6 million jews in Germany ;just under 510,000 but they have murdered 5,100,000 Palestinians.
Over 2 million of those Jews were Polish. The rest of the 6 million came from the occupied countries of Europe. Russian Jews were not brought to the death camps, they were shot on sight, along with all other Russian citizens.
The Juice will have to pay for this!
For this attack Israel have done how much home work that how to design this attack on Syria that Syrian ADM Systems shot down the Russian surveillance airplane. Russia have lost their own IL-20 with 14 officers for giving corridor to Israeli jets to attack on Syrian nation…
hope so , cause in the eyes of OSN and west Israhell is untouchable land , I´m sayin it eventhou my mother and grandma is 100%jewish, but this hit and run ( cowardless act ) needs to be punished
Israel’s pilots must knew that il 20 is vulnerable to s200 and don’t have jamming electronics (why OMFG ???). So Russia has a leaker and/or Israel has spies. Russia – losers anyway. Fly to conflict zone with unprotected aircraft – act of idiots. P.S> don’t forget Russia next time assure “partners” , that this time you do not nothing but NEXT time you will retaliate. Bullshit. Weak leadership.
Indeed; The Jewish Wahabhist planned to set up Russia and Balme Arab; Robert Kennedy murdered and, an arab blamed; USS Liberty 34 American murdered and Egypt was to be blamed.
Surprise attack in warfare is often a success in the short term. Pearl Harbor and Operation Barbarossa in WW2. Odessa Raid in WW1. The ending is not always what the aggressor imagined.
1,5 millions of russians are double passport holders. So yes, Russia has jew spies embedded.
Israel have fuelled this war. If Putin is not tough then it will give chance to US and NATO to become tough in this war game. The Israeli advise and friendship will lead Russia to lose Syrian war.
Putin should be tough with US, NATO and with their stooges Israel, ISIS, Al-Qaeda etc. No negotiation on any matter. Russia could call back their all diplomats from US, NATO, UN, Geneva and Israel. Enough is enough. No more excuses.
US and NATO have invaded many countries and still invading to butcher children and their parents, encroach their lands and establish states, military bases and weapons depots there. They don’t wanna let the world to develop and live prosper. This is completely a demon strategy.
The shooting down of the Russian IL-20 airplane and martyring their crews directly or indirectly by Israel is not a less grief for Russian nation. This is really a hard time for the families whose loved ones lost their lives in this incidence. They are truly martyred because they were protecting Syrian nation from demons (i.e. US, NATO and their stooges Israel, ISIS etc.)
I condemn this coward and demonic attack of US, NATO and of Israel on Russian IL-20 and on sovereign country Syria. These officers martyred heroically. I am in full solidarity with Russian and Syrian brothers in this hard time. I pray to God to forgive their all sins and lead their souls to heaven and give comfort to their loved ones. God free Syria and Palestine and the rest of the world from all these demons and war criminals. Ameen.
Murdering innocents are what they usually do.
Oh yes cuz the blind unproffesionalisam and idiocy of the SAA is totaly not to blame for this…
Man, what has syriAn defense to do with psycho jewish agression?
well they shot the plane down retard no the IAF they IAF is not stupid to shoot down a Russian plane.
You are the retard. Israel planes attacked using the Russian plane as cover deliberately.
SAA has to defend themselves. Israeli planes able to fly in Syria with permission of the really stupid and useless russians or Putin.
Caused by Israeli actions.
Well the Russians deserve it. They reap what they sowed.
Can be repeated and who cares when they can arm Turkey and Saudis but not their allies
errr the SAA can use its med and short range systems for that not its old 1960’s era S-200’s with not F or F ID system and risk shooting down a Russian plane. Also you moron Turkey and Saudi arabia are paying Russia to give them the S-400 systems Syria expects to get a 1 billion dollar system for free? Fuck off thats not gonna happen.
In Syria it’s a Russian war not Syrian war retard . Assaa can tell the Americans ok build the pipeline line to EU and no russia bases .
Russian would out of ME in no time with It’s to fall and Russia surrounded and easy meat for Nato.
Now russia because of Syria able to control power in ME with Iran and possibly Turkey.
Russia is safe and you retard talk about 1billion free to Syria.
Do you honestly think this is about a pipe line? xD
Absolutely as clear as day
You tell me if you know better and why should Russia help Syria
Danny jewboy you are a douchebag. Syria has always paid Russia for it’s military hardware. Sometimes they may have got gear at cost price. While IsraHell gets freebies from Uncle Samuel
not really most of the new ish gear they get from Russia is free too. And again i dont understand why are you ppl so butthurt about turkey and saudis get S400’s when they pay for them.
I hate to say it but this is spot-on. Even more absurd is the shot down aircraft was reconnaissance and must have had Israeli F16s on radar beforehand.
All along they have been trusting Israelis to NOT shoot at their forces while they engage Syrian and Iranian repeatedly in the absence of the best available anti-aircraft. IF they had supplied Syrians with better gear, IF they had responded more forcefully when they had the initiative.
Small bites on the haunches are becoming more frequent and bigger. The dogs, emboldened, circling closer and moving in. They have very good idea of Russian capabilities and resolve – the easy way was never going to work.
The IsraHellis used the Russian Plane as Shield…on purpose…they’ll pay…
So far Russia has not made them pay for any of their attacks on Syria and Russian forces; in fact, they got the green light from Russia.
So, how do you see “payment” taking place? By Russia wagging its finger and saying “do not do this again, you naughty boy”? Or will Russia have the courage to take down an Israhelli F16 or 2 and risk the US getting involved?
In view of recent history thus far, my bet is on option 1.
Russia has clearly a different approach than most of us would like to see… Russia is fighting a War of turning its Cheek all the time…. is it a good way? Time will tell…It prevents a Nuclear WWIII that’s for sure….if it’s up to me IsraHell will Burn….
I agree with your last sentence, but you have not answered my question as to how Russia will make Israhell pay.
It isn’t necessarely Russia that will make IsraHell pay…. Globally IsraHell is more & more recognised as a source of Evil… and it will get worse…that is my personal opinion…The Destruction of IsraHell can come from many different Directions..this Illegal & Criminal Entity should come to an End…
russia to blame…why ….they allowed the fucking jews to bomb syria without consequences for a long period of time…..it was bound to happen sooner than later, that russian forces will suffer too.Now it happened.Russia responds” we reserve the right to respond”………now seriously who can take russia serious?? were they serious about al-tanf? no were they serious about idlib? no wer they serious to the deir e zoor attack by nato that killed donzens of russians?no
russia backed down tooooo many times in syria…nobody takes them serious any more…and thats why the israelis decided to ante up….with success i might add……russia could have blown those 4 f-16 out of the sky if they wanted to.did they?obviously not.so all this right to respond is a load of bs.its like somebody breaking your nose in the supermarket, looking right in your eyes..and u say “i reserve the right to respond” then u go away….who would take u serious afterwards…nobody..just like russia in syria now…and i aint even talking about the various fucking jew slave jihai gropus in idlib….they now got a pass by russia..lololol…..those are the most sickest fucking psychos on earth…child beheadings…cutting out of soldiers saa hearts and eating them….and those fucks got not only a pass by russia but their own fucking jihadi paradise country.well isnt that sweet of putin.may i remind everybody what putin kept saying for the last 4 weeks prior to this sic k agreement about syrias land..putin”all terrorists will be destroyed in idlib” he said it over and over again….welll fucking gee…lets just give them their own piece of land, jihadi paradise.
ps….its all on orders by them satanic fucking jews.
I suspect Putin will not look kindly on Israel this morning. While he was basking in the light having negotiated a ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ card for Sultan Erdogan yesterday evening, the israelis took advantage and now, Putin has to explain to Russians why it is that 14 Russian service personnel will not be returning to their homes and communities. Putin has now been caught, out in the open and with no cover and for that, I suspect the Israelis will pay dearly. Meanwhile, over in Idlib, Erdogan is the one who has the real problem: remember, all those Jihadi fighters are supposed to disarm and give up their weapons on or by (latest) 15 October next. What do those Fuxxers think is going to happen when they (al-Nusra & their camp followers) fail to disarm? Putin will be enraged this morning and so he should but that being the case, if I were the Turks, I’d duck!
Erdogan has reason to be all smiles: a show of force by the Dark Throne has put the kibosh on the liberation of Idlib. Meanwhile, Russia’s “huge armada” is just floating around, with nobody paying it any attention. This has now immediately become the new normal, and a starting point for further envelope-pushing and brinkmanship. Whatever Erdogan had to promise Putin isn’t really enforceable as long as he has the US Navy backing him up, now is it.
Indeed cause, a co terrorists just shot down a Russian plane;Remember both Erdagoon/Satanyahu are fake “friends”
Russia knows full well that USA is bankrucpt which is why USA is now using Unstable/ poorly educated/poorly read WAHABHIST TERRORISTS for their wars eg Yemen
I think Putin has a solid pact with Erdogan. Think about it. Syria is small and drained of all its economic and human resources. Cannot defend itself for the foreseeable future. Russia cannot stay there en masse to defend them. Erdogan wants to build the new Ottoman Empire. But empires today can have the form of federations or even security organizations ( like SCO ).
Maybe Putin is thinking to unite the islamic nations under Turkey. This way he can be sure that there will be someone to stop the folly of the Eretz Israel plan.
If this is the case, Erdogan has an interest in cleaning up the salafites in Syria.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7e3f46db2348aa55d8831365ee728a58a0c4f34275c687549df8bdb1034d3108.jpg Hier Is The Point
Rcaist/reckless renegaeds who share Wahabhist ideals/
Well said, could not have put it better. Russia is cowardly and licking Erdogan’s boots as well getting humiliated by Zionist “partners” now. Young Russian lives mean nothing on the alter of Zionist devils. Russia needs to act. People don’t realize that occupied Palestine is a narrow sliver of land and barely 65 kms wide from occupied Golan to Mediterranean and the whole airspace can be shut by a few SAMS as the downing of an F-16I previously showed when the Zionists had to shut down Ben Gurion airport as the Iranian upgraded S-200 (Sayyed 2) were flying. Russia needs to act or hand over the S-400 to SAA and Hezbollah.
Whatever Russia does, RUSSIA NEEDS TO DO IT FAST. Russia can sneak a few nukes into Palastine! I hope Russians Dont fall asleep at the wheel. Shoot first Negotiations after.
SAA needs to carry out night raids/shelling o Israhell!!
The Russians complain that they were warned only a minute before, wtf? You have lastest technological radar, did you not see them flying over the Lebanon? Did you think about a cruise along the coast? Dear Russia it is time to take action and send some F-16 and F-35 at the bottom of the sea…
Nothing is going to happen. Russians show they do not have any cojones.
I think they will have to arm Syria/Hezbollah to the teeth!!
Semites have an avarage IQ of 95 right? You shit skins have bin fooling us for hundreds of years… White IQ is 107 avarage? whatever… What if You Lied about that to? Did You lie about it 95IQ semite?
Thanks for that data Al.
Semites=94-95iq Whites 103-105 Asians 107 Jews are Racists… Jews Owned every single Slave Ship…Kikes ow the Blacks bigtime…
Jews are think as shit inbreeds.
Yeah R.I.P. the plane crew, but serves Russia right: if you don’t stand up for your allies’ lives, only your own, you’ll lose both Syrian and Russian lives. About time that Russia felt it.
I agree.
IsraHell…Burn…just Burn….
Now even France is firing cruise missiles. Syria has become the playground for an international circle jerk.
Howe come Russia could not intrecept? Or did France give the information to Israhell?
Perhaps Russia/Syria knew that this attack was to assess defenses and so regrettably held back. The Axis of Evil wants to know were those S-300s are installed and they are in Syria and integrated into the defense system. Russia and Assad himself have said so.
Israel intercepts Syrian Missiles with Russian planes
Russia is weak
You are Nothing….go get your $hekels boy…Satanyahoo is waiting for you….
If Russia is weak why did Nato not try to retake Crimea – they were complaining enough that it was invaded. They wont because they cant.
Don’t feed the troll that only look for reaction. These were their poorest recruit they have not even worth attention.
Honey, are you ok? Is it not time for the pill? Russia has been pounding the israhelli’s mercenaries for 2,5 years and they were hiding in their holes with occasional shots here and there to show that they are still in the game! Israhelli’s dreams for greater israhell have been shattered to pieces! I understand your frustration and your mental sickness.
“Russia has been pounding the israhelli’s mercenaries for 2,5 years ….” Can you expand on that please? As far as I know Russia has allowed Israhell to do the pounding with impunity.
Well, if you’ve missed the train, you have missed the train. I don’t have time to waste for you. As far as you know…. you know nothing! WHERE DID YOU GET THAT FROM? Since September 2015 Russia and allies have successfuly cleared the israheli’s mercs from the land of Syria. The dreams of greater israhell have been turned into a nightmare. Impunity for israhel? What impunity? They have been punished daily for the last 2,5 years. Sorry to burst your bubble.No, I am kidding. I am not sorry at all!
I apologise for my comment, I missed the word “mercenaries” and thought you were referring to pounding Israhell itself. My mistake.
I beg your pardon.
Well said.
Thank you.
You will not be surprised 1691.
No, not at all. Thank you,
No, not at all. Thank you.
and israel unmolested as well the nato had and from the looks of it have a free ride to bomb at will syria. Half done jobs is worst than doing nothing at all. my personal opinion.
None has the right to decide for the future of a country beside its own people. Russia went there to allegedly help, in reality to stop a pipe line and protect her bases, as well test her armies and weapons in war conditions, or if that was not on the table I dont think russia will have ever turn to help syria and I see that base on their actions and reactions as well the alliances they have done.
The history is known now so figure it out.
We are adults. We know that justice is not just and it comes at its own time. I am not giving up and giving in. Interesting times.
Russia is to blame. They have known that US + ISIS + Israel + EU + Turkey + Saudi are fucktards. They didn’t react to their provocations however thousands of western orchestrated provocations took place not only in Syria, but in all the world, including killing rusisian diplomats, Skripal hoax, alleged medling in US elections etc. And what Russia actually did ? Keep talking, talking and talking and keep their army sitting, instead of focusing on west military advisors and western MIC and propaganda channels. Russia should struck Israel 1000x times in the past. As well as helped Iran strike Saudis in Yemen. I don’t know, what Putin really wants. If he wants to postpone WW3, good luck with that. Meantime, the West is so brainwashed now, that may be 99% ordinary people wants preventive nuclear strike on Russia because they think that Russia is “weak” wannabe superpower with paper army and GDP of Italy and can be crushed easily. If West was afraid of Russian army, they would never staged provocations in such scale. Weak policy is stupid policy. In Georgia Russian used power and it worked well. So why they don’t want to strike Israhell is one big mystery for me.
Wrong. Completely wrong. Russia let Israel carry out not less than 200 strikes inside Syria over 1,5 years wagging their little Russian tail up and down for Israel. Now Russia paid price.
S-300 could have avoided a lot of good Russian and Syrian men and women´s death.
The French also fired 6 missiles destroying a research facility at Latakia and the Russians failed to detect their launch, let alone intercept them. This will only embolden NATO and Zionists. Friendship with Russia is a kiss of death. Sadat in 1973 kicked out the Russians to keep the successful crossing of the Suez secret, poor Hafiz al Assad took Russian advice and lost the Golan. Syria should kick the Russians out and develop asymmetrical war capabilities like Hezbollah. Why have the Zionist not attacked Lebanin since 2006, because they know that Hezbollah will attack Tel-Aviv, Ashdod, Haifa and all Zionist urban hovels in a Jew York minute.
ummm Russia did detect their launch…
And moments tater the Russian plane was hit. Cover up ?
how can a curuise missile shoot down a aircraft?
Your right, especially a recon aircraft. Still something smells strange.
nothing is strange i am supprised the idiot SAA has not shot down by mistake more Russian aircraft…they are not very good
The missiles the French fired were not necessarily all cruse missiles, intuition tells me this blame the Israeli’s story, is a cover for a big French provocation, trying to give a rational for the FUKUS to toss in their 800 plus cruse missiles that thy are ready to use. Putin knows eating a bit of humble pie is better than massive damage to Syria.
……ummm no Russia said themselvs that they registered Cruise missile launches not AA missile launches.
Russia has their Area denial Jammers which can burn deep into Israhell. .out to Cyprus. There is no excuse US,Israhell or other Evil missiles get thru the Jamming.
The past years attacks with 100 Cruise missiles in one event proves the Russian Jammers were never turned on, Or the system is total BS Iran had tested some of their own mobile jammers… Even Hezbollah got some experience with them and Iranian built mobile counter fire battery radar.
Clearly….the technology to stop Israhell and the other Evil is present,…. And not being used on a scale which effects the war.
The problem was that to introduce S300’s without mass training of Syrian crews would have been exploited by Israel and the US as a reason for mass a bombing campaign at a stage of the conflict when much of Syria was still littered with Jihado terror pockets.
Idlib is the main pocket left and in my opinion it will gradually descend further into the chaos of rival warlord gangs as we see in Libya. Let them kill eachother for a while, and a few Turks as well.
My own opinion has been that a hasty liberation of Idlib would be a waste of Syrian lives.
Yr probably right. Syria was spaghetti of 100 different militant groups.
This is a warning to us all who wish to live in freedom Tommy.
Still have doubts. Something wrong in all this. Remember its all Financial decisions from behind, bankers wars for usury and debt loans.
Leading from behind is the Modus Operandi of venal money lenders.
Actually the faster idlib liberated the faster it all ends unless they can sanctions complete blockade on it like in other pocket. But they can’t and waiting would only strengthened the group inside with better intel, coordination, and weapons. Think the drone strike is just some desperate improvised sabotage ? No they’re gathering intel for their backers outside of the Russian installation. I think they know Turkey wouldn’t be able to hold their side of the deal and the militants provocation would spring SAA advance anyway. The idea is wasting all diplomatic cards erdogan allowed to keep. Then they have no choice to acknowledge the need to cleanse idlib from militants.
The problem is that NATO are desperate to get openly involved in the Syrian conflict. Partly due to all their large domestic problems at home.
Turkeys involvement in Idlib will require massive amounts of cash to bribe the circa 60,000 terrorists in the Warlord gangs for their loyalty. Turkey will find it hard to sustain that expenditure .
Syria has mobile BUK M2E. …which rumor …shot down the IAF F16i. This system upgraded could get IAF at very high elevation and distance. Give this to Hezbollah. …Israhells Vultures go down in flames over the Lebanon.
Syria has not placed the Mobile BUK M2E near Daraa province in the past. IAF jets would be shot down. This stinks of collusion where Assads military are chained to 11:59 point defence. Israel’s jets are reachable over Lebanon by BUK M2E if it’s near Lebanon border/mountains. Which is perfect hiding place. Again…Syria military do not deploy this unit to where it can reach IAF WTF? !
I would think these systems are already on the way to Syria now Brad :)
Yeah well what you going to do about it? More sucking up to the partners? Russian fools, Lavrov with Kerry allowed the US to put 200 boots on the ground in Syria, now there are thousands and the French, UK are there also.
Putin is a major FU. Either way no skin of my nose whether Russia gets whacked or not or if Syria gets destroyed but what is disappointing is that there was hope, faith in Russia now there is nothing but doubt.
You are absolutely right with that. Putin is the biggest scumbag I know, I have been telling that for over 4 years (since Ukraine when he cowardly abandoned Donbass people). Russian people should realise who that scumbag truly is. There is a say which goes: Tell me who are your friends and I will tell you who you are”. People too often forget on so simple realities as that they are scared to see the reality different from their own conviction.
Putin closest friends are corrupt politicians (Medvedev, Lavrov, Peskov,…) as wel as oligarchs. All oligarchs without exception are criminals because in USSR they did not have a pot to piss but after the collapse of the USSR, they overnight become multibillionaires. With empty pockets, they become owners of multi-billion US$ companies. That can be achieved only by using organised crime as their enforcers, and most of them already had a criminal record in the USSR.
That is who Putin is, he left Dresden with a handkerchief in his pocket and returned to KGB in St Petersburg to join Mafia and later Berezowsky a criminal from the same town St Petersburg introduced him to Yeltsin as a trusted “brother in arms” (criminal) who will be able to Protect Yeltsin, his extended family and friends oligarchs against prosecution for committed crimes against nation, and Putin did it and is doing it so far.
In every national criminal law and in some cases even in the constitution is written that whoever helps, hides, offers shelter and in any way assists criminals to avoid justice is criminal itself. In Russia, they have the same law and Putin as a lawyer should know that and yet thanks to his authoritarian rule (dictatorship) no one dares to challenge him and bring him to the justice for protecting and shielding top Russian criminals.
People should understand that Putin is not a Russia and even less is Russia Putin. Putin belongs in worst Siberian gulag locked for a life together with all of those who profited from Yeltsin’s and his rule.
I do not think President Vladimir Putin is anything but, a statesman and Leader who knows the RISKS; If he were a pea brain like Satanyahu.Erdagoon/$chumpinstein, WW3 would have started already!
Trolls change their colours as a chameleon. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/81fb8d9fbeb7b28135da1f2a17a2a9b85301e61fa24039fbe3da0c049d84e6fc.jpg
Your choice of corruption examples (except Medvedev) is strange, there are a lot of much better and proven cases, like Ul’ukaev’s. And common russians mostly don’t have illusions about privatization elite and it’s relations with Putin, there is just no viable competitors to him and Russia is actually quite fragile and uncohesive, making power struggle very risky for territorial integrity.
The ultimate test of nerves and red lines of the Russian Bear before the upcoming Armagedon..Any other response not including the nuclear threat is doomed to fail.
Israeli talking heads are playing the victim card as usual and blaming the Syrians for being childish and unprofessional.
A big gamble for the IDF that allowed the pilot to get away by using the IL-20 as a shield. I don’t believe the IDF will be able to use that tactic any more.
They are recognized officially as hostile. No more unless the Russian president intervene on the updated policy of the men in the ground. Last time i believe the president cave in to the general where they threatened exactly to down any hostile unit regardless which affiliate they have which lead into laughable effect of 100+ cruise missile salvos. Now they order restraint to belligerents that repeatedly test their AD installation with drone. This is the result. Were too naive to consider they don’t play dirty.
The Russians are not naive. They do have a valid grievance on the one minute warning issued by the IDF.
This is why you should leave military policy to the leader on the ground especially when there’s so much confusion in political matter. This is the folly of Hitler, now repeated by Putin. Stop adding political sanction towards the safety of your men or just extract them to safety altogether.
This precedence Israel created has multiple consequences and it would develop in the much different situation then it will now.
First of all, I am very happy with this event even though saddened by the loss of life of brave Russian military who fallen victims of an imbecile. I am happy to see that Imbecile Putin finally will be exposed for what he really is.
Thanks to him Russia so far reserved rights to do something in more than 100 cases and except quietly flatulating nothing except horrible stench coming out. This time Russians again reserve the rights to fart and nothing more. Imbecile Putin will not dare to do anything against beloved Israel.
Putin will say; “Beloved Netanyahu, dearest friend and partner, this time you surpassed yourself and for that, I will reserve rights to react on your move. I will stop all exports of snowmobiles, Food for Caribous, and for one day I will not lick your arse”.
Hope that someone in Russia will react appropriately to this situation and blame Putin for that. If that imbecile would supply Syria with 6 battalions of S-300, 60 units Pantsir S1, a large number of Yakhont supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles this would never happen. As it is the blame goes squarely on imbecile’s shoulders.
It is very clear to me that this arrogant prick, chief thief, pro-western neoliberal, oligarch and the top corrupt criminal does not give damn about Russian lives let alone Syrians. His main goal was to protect his personal interests and interests of his selected friends’ oligarchs and corrupt politicians such as Medvedev, Lavrov, Peskov and many other.
We will see if there within military wi be enough to power to force that idiot to supply weapons to Syria and puts an effective end on any of these illegal atrocities committed by the West and terrorist butchers Israelis against the Syrian nation.
President Putin is no imbecile. He has brought Russia back from the abyss of the 90’s US Debt Slavery, modernised business, banking and military organisations . All this with a budget that is a small fraction of US spending but with a nuclear DEFENCE deterrent that the US Coalition truly fears.
There are few if any in Russia(or anywhere in the world) who could have achieved this.
“Business” in Russia is still quite savage. Top banks are losing licences only after their owners moved all liquidity abroad thanks to central bank tip offs. Putin’s merit in persuading his friends not to steal all the money from high oil prices in 00s doesn’t even make him a decent person, just not short-sighted bloodsucker. IMF slavery is still there and costed Russia $200+ billion, not counting all the benefits we didn’t get because we can’t even use our own fucking currency to fund state-wide development. Yeah, thanks, Putin. He can’t even keep his own church-wed wife and make even a single cross-sign on filmed church service, but sure he saved Russia.
The style of your language is more American than Russian.
What, you know many russians to compare? I can post a fresh photo of my passport, you know.
I actually do know some Russians and have spent a little time in Russia.
I have already have copy of your passport by the way
Nice to hear that. Never had a soviet passport, but the joke is appreciated.
Jewboy too clever for own good. Russian response SADF to at last get S400 and Pantsir S2. You IsraHelli scumbags will at last pay with a kilo of flesh closest to your arsehole, Lod International Airport.
Shoigu. My choice as Putin’s heir. And for a long while too.
Yes I agree but he is 63 already. My choice as Putin’s heir. And for a long while too.
At the next Russian election – he will be what 67/8?. Nothing these days for a leader. And Putin’s 2 terms will be finished. Please NOT!!! Medvedev again.
What the f*** the Russians were doing with their monster AA’s and jets. They could have shot down 1 or 2 Israeli jets when they were retreating. It would have been a legit action when their jet was down.
But no, the Russians are too defensive and defensive people always lose.
You are at war and you are pulling your forces out during the war and expecting you would win? WTF?
Russian military in Syria is under direct Putin’s control and nothing can be done if he does not allow. That was since the very beginning as he had to make sure that Israeli jets will never be shot down with Russian modern technology.
Last time after a massive US, UK and France airstrike Russian military reacted saying that they will deliver S-300 to Syria and next time target and destroy firing platforms regardless whose they might be.
Soon after that High Russian Command statement, Netanyahu flew to Moscow and somehow again forced Putin to block any military deliveries to Syria and promised not to track and target Israelis jets regardless if in Syria or not. Now Russia is not tracking even less targeting Israeli jets even if they are attacking close to Russian bases.
In my opinion, Putin will smoothen that to keep Israel and the USA happy until they finally decide to deal with Russian military and imbecile Putin. When that happens I hope Russian people will hang that imbecile on the lampost on Red Square.
When you are at war, you must aggressively push your military and diplomacy, otherwise, you’ll lose. Yes, you are correct. These are the clear sign of weakness, and I do agree that the USA will take this as their advantage.
Think about it. At this moment, can Russia attack US proxy forces? They could if they had shown aggressiveness in the battlefield.
F**k Putin.
You might well consider that the Russian bases are small and VERY exposed as well as being at the end of a fragile supply line.
FUKUS and Friends are just waiting for an excuse to attack the Russian bases and that would enable another surge of Wahabi Terrorism in Syria if Russia was unable to take action.
Yes unfortunately, supply lines are a headache.
At this point some blame has to fall on Putin. The jews have been doing this treachery for a long time while Putin did nothing. He should’ve put a stop to it before it got to this point.
It’s actually ALL the blame, since Putin’s policy of appeasement, accommodating Israeli and US interests by giving them free reign over Syria’s skies, his so-called “balancing act” to the point of using the Russian military as buffer to protect Israel from Iranian encroachment in Syria has backfired horribly. He called the intentional downing by Israeli jets of the Russian plane an “accident” because otherwise he would have to admit his policy has failed, and called his own Ministry of Defense liars for holding Israel responsible. Seriously, I doubt that even world-class Jew ass-lickers like Lindsay Graham or Marco Rubio would have shown such disgusting servility to their Jew masters as little Vlad Pukin’.
If Netanyahu again sits beside Putin at the victory parade in Moscow as an guest of honor, it would be an insult to the Russian people.
Putin is a zionist Shill. i guess he is mad that they caught the israeli jet. They will blame arabs . As usal. Russia is completly under zionist control
The Russians have already blamed Israel or did you not read the article?
I notice that all the ZioistJew trolls and their lovers are out in force here today Zman.
Whenever there is a Israeli shitstorm, they come out of the woodwork. Fine, it just gives me more of their trolls to block. I’m through wasting my time on a bunch of sick assholes that sell themselves for a sheckel. Let them try to spin this trainwreck all they want. Shoigu made it plain what the RF military think about it.
I quite agree. I have a list of blocked zio-kike trolls as well Zman :)
We seem to overlook the fact that earlier in the day Turkey and Russia decided to try to solve the Idlib issue be negotiation rather than force. What the hell is France doing off their coast firing missiles into Syria?
Macaroon is getting himself some Nutsack.
Maybe, but we also seem to have overlooked Israeli – Turkish relations in the last week -> https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-turkey-said-in-talks-to-repair-relations-return-envoys/
That is the crux of it Frankly. FUKUSand Friends are desperate for war as they are overconfident and bankrupt but in the real world FUKUS would be well advised ‘To be careful what they wish for ‘ :)
Israhell got Uncle Shlomo to attack Iraq 1st Gulf War. Things were going to slowly for Israhells Terrorist Government. 911 kicks off the Fake War on Terror… Israhell becomes intoxicated by all the carnage. America with Jesus in Kevlar revells in war. Trump hands out $Billions in cash and weapons The debt will go up 1 Trillion a year now.
Public won’t wake up unless Carriers go down with 5000.
Hard to sink one when they sight in port afraid to come out and play! All this talk of strength, and where are the carriers. Hiding!
This what happens when you make deals with Israel. Now the Israelis will feign innocence..the Syrians are responsible, no matter that this hiding behind large aircraft is their MO. It is a miracle that Syria has not shot down a civilian airliner as yet, which is just what the Israelis would like to see. It is much better that they cause a shoot down of a Russian aircraft, at least it is a military craft. Mr. Putin, do you now see that Russians are but dogs to be used and abused by the Israelis…no matter that you have kept them safe from retaliation. Now you are between a rock and a hard place. How is this going to play at home? Russian credibility is now on the line. First Turkey and now Israel. Russia does not have a tail to twist when it comes to Israel, as they did with Turkey. Along with the western threat to attack even Russians next, I believe we are out of time. I hope all those Russian ships coming to Syria were loaded to the hilt with missiles. I can’t wait to see how Erdo calls this…it will be the Syrians fault, no doubt. Russia has shown great restraint and wise planning to get this far, this long, without causing major escalation. Now we will see if the Russian’s indeed used the time they gained wisely. I do not envy Putin to have to navigate waters that are filled with backstabbers and deceitful ‘partners’. He had to know this day would come, no? Then there is the chickenshit French. Wonder what Nutsack promised them to be accomplices? They need for their ships to disappeared. Now the US navy is there in near full strength, what a coincidence. I fear this is ‘game on’.
Putin calls it a “tragic chain of circumstances” but does not blame Israel. Shoigu rightfully places responsibility where it lies which is with Israel and I don’t say that because I am a Jew-Hater, I say that because the responsibility lies with Israel. Oh Vladimir Vladimirovich you have done many good things for Russia but if you fail to defend her now and defend the Zionist murderers then maybe it is you who should step aside.
Terrible choice of words. Or you know what, maybe the choice of words doesn’t matter much except for the slap in the face of the pilots’ families. If your reaction is going to consist of words, then champagne glasses are going to be filled in Tel Aviv and Washington that they got away with it again. Putin must be getting advice that this means it’s open season on all Russian pilots now; or what price is he prepared to offer Israel to please stop whacking Russian boys?
What price are you and we prepared to pay? Im not sure we are the best crowd to lead anybody into any war.
What are those “many good things” and why should they matter if Russia is still enslaved by thiefs and IMF satraps?
Shoigu is a honest man while the president of Russia gives off zionist smell…
Yet that “honest man” served two decades in Putin’s team and hasn’t complained. Also, there is no need check for any smell – cooperatation with Israel is default condition for RF, why state the obvious?